R. and J. Reeves and Son

of Bratton Iron Works, Westbury, Wiltshire, Agricultural Engineers
1808 Thomas Pepler Reeves was a blacksmith. Later his sons Robert Reeves and John Reeves joined the business.
1830 Company formed
1851 Thomas, John and Robert Reeves exhibited at the Great Exhibition
1855 Dissolution of the Partnership between Thomas Reeves, Robert Reeves, and John Reeves, carrying on business as Agricultural Implement Manufacturers and Iron Founders, at Bratton, in the parish of Westbury, in the county of Wilts, under the style and firm of Messrs. Thomas, Robert, and John Reeves, so far as regards the said Thomas Reeves[1]
1862 Robert and John Reeves exhibited a Liquid manure drill.
Thomas and Henry, the sons of Robert took over the business. Another son, William Robert Reeves, was also a partner, but became a Bacon Curer at Trowbridge.
1871 R. J. Reeves and Sons (sic), Agricultural Implement Makers and Iron Founders, Bratton Iron Works, Westbury.[2]
1899 Exhibited a stacking machine or elevator.
1921 R. & J. REEVES & SON Ltd, Bratton Iron Works, WESTBURY, Wilts. Agricultural Engineers, Iron Founders & Implement Agents. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED for PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CORN DRILLS, ENGINES & BARN MACHINERY, &c., &c. Repairs a Speciality[3]
1953 Employing 37 persons.[4]