Rangeley and Diggles
of Stone, Staffs
1822 Notice of Bankruptcy - John Rangeley and Edward Holt Diggles, Stone, Ironfounders [1]. See Rangeley and Diggles.
1823 'STONE, STAFFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by HENSHAW and SMITH (by order of the Assignees of Messrs. Rangeley and Diggles, late of Stone, brass and iron -founders, bankrupts) on Monday and Tuesday, the 21st and 22d days of April, 1823; all the Stock in Trade, Materials and Machinery, &c. &c.; consisting of steam engines, turning and boring lathes, with rods and tools, gantries, fluting engine frame and tools, moulding boxes, taps and dies, tools for making taps, dies, and screws, patent roller, pumps, fire and garden engines, castings of various descriptions, brass, iron, and wood models, steam boiler, blowing machine, smiths' bellows, anvils, vices, bar and scrap iron, hammers, and a great variety of other tools, &c. Descriptive catalogues of which may be had in due time at .the Place of Sale; the Auctioneers, Stafford; the Hotel, .Wolverhampton; George Inn, Lichfield; Roe Buck, Newcastle; the Crown, and Bell and Bear Inns, Stone; Aris's Gazette Office, Birmingham; and at the Office of Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle.' [2]
1828 Notice of dividend - J. Rangeley and E. H. Diggles [3]