Rayner Davis
Rayner Davis (1871-1903)
1903 Obituary [1]
Engineer-Lieut. RAYNER DAVIS was born at Wallingford, Berks, on 20th February 1871.
He was educated at the County School, Bedford, and at the Crypt Grammar School, Gloucester.
In 1887 he commenced a four years' apprenticeship with Messrs. Strachan and Henshaw, of Bristol, during which time he worked at the evening classes of the Merchant Venturers' Schools, and obtained many certificates in the various branches of engineering. He obtained a free studentship at University College, Bristol, given by the Bristol County Council; and while studying at the College he gained a Whitworth Exhibition, for which Messrs. Strachan and Henshaw kindly released him from the last year of his apprenticeship.
In 1894 he joined the Royal Navy, serving in H.M.SS. "Benbow," "Revenge," "Diana," "Cressy," and in December 1902 he was appointed to H.M.S. "Coquette," one of the destroyer squadron at Malta.
In August 1903 he was seized with Mediterranean fever, to which he succumbed at the Royal Naval Hospital at Bighi, on 3rd September 1903, in his thirty-third year.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1900.