Rees Roturbo Manufacturing Co

of Wednesfield Road, Wolverhampton. Hydraulic, Electrical and General Engineers.
1906 Company registered to acquire from E. S. G. Rees and Thomas Parker Co, the benefit of certain existing inventions relating to centrifugal turbine and similar pumps, and carry on the business of pump manufacturers, iron workers, founders, smelters, smiths, engineers, ironmasters, etc[1].
1908 Share issue. Directors are: Charles Tertius Mander (Chairman), James Edward Underhill (Solicitor), William Armistead, George Balfour, John Howard Keep, Edmund Scott Gustave Rees.[2]
1909 Assets of Thomas Parker Co (in liquidation) acquired by Rees Roturbo Manufacturing Co Ltd.
1914 'At Wolverhampton two of the clerks on strike were each fined 20s. and costs for wrongfully and without legal authority persistently following Herbert Rutland Meatyard , of Stourbridge with a view to compelling him to abstain from working as a clerk at the Rees Roturbo works'.[3]
1917 Advert for Rotary jets, air pumps, motors and dynamos [4]
1919 Advert for Rotary jets, air pumps, motors and dynamos [5]
1922 Products: turbine pumps, rotary jet condensers D.C. dynamos and motors.
1927 Rees Roturbo turbine-driven boiler feed pump exhibited at the British Industries Fair[6]
c. 1936 Rees Roturbo Manufacturing Co Ltd went out of business. The works were taken over by machinery manufacturer Joshua Bigwood and Son Ltd.