Reginald Stanley Underhill
Reginald Stanley Underhill (1870- )
1922 M.A. Oxon., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Col.Inst., Ropeway Engr. to the State of Nepal; b. 1870. Ed. Magdalen Coll. Sch., Oxford, and Jesus Coll., Oxford. Training: Millard Eng. Lab., Oxford. Career: 1894-1904— With Willans and Robinson, Ltd., at Thames Ditton, Rugby and Queen's Ferry, as Pupil, Improver, and from 1899 to 1904 Chief Asst. to Gen. Mangr. of Boiler Dept.; 1904-8—Chief Engr. on the Erection of a i6-mile Wire Ropeway (Bullivants') for Capillitas Copper Co. in the Andes, North Argentina; 1909— Erecting a Wire Ropeway (Ropeways, Ltd.) for the Greek Iron Ore Corpn., Greece; 1910-13—Erecting and Surveying for Ropeways in India, for Ropeways, Ltd.; 1913-20—Forest Engr., Indian Forest Service, in India and Burma; 1921 to date—Erecting Wire Ropeways in Nepal, India. Address: c/o Brit. Legation, Nepal, India. Permanent Address: c/o Roy. Col. Inst., Northumberland Avenue, London, W.2.