Reginald Walter Brock
Reginald Walter Brock (1874- )
1922 M.A., F.R.S.C., M.Inst.M.M., F.G.S., Dean Coll. of Applied Sc., University of British Columbia; b. 1874; s. of Rev. Thos. Brock. Ed. Toronto University, Queen's University. Training: Sch. of Min., Kingston; Heidelberg University. Career: Geologist, Canadian Geological Survey, 1897-1907; Prof. of Geology, Queen's University and Sch. of Min., 1902-07; Director, Geological Survey of Canada, 1907; Deputy Minister of Mines, 1914; Ex-Vice Pres. A.A.A.S.; General Secretary, International Geological Congress. Publ.: " Physical Basis of Canada," Can. Geological Survey Publications. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa, Vancouver. Address: Vancouver,.B.C.