1893 Registered as the Bechuanaland Railway Co
1899 Name Changed
1903 The 7th OGM of Rhodesian Railways Ltd was held in London. The British South Africa Co held a controlling interest in the company. There were already 1600 miles of line in operation in Rhodesia and a further 400 were under construction[1]
1910 The railway runs from Vryburg to Bulawayo (588 miles), and then N.W through the Wankie district, to the Zambesi at Victoria Falls and has been continued to Kalomo. From Bulawayo a line via Gwelo to Salisbury (301 miles) and another to the Gwanda District (104 miles). Some other smaller branches. Total of 1,393 miles. [2]
1911 the Rhodesian Railways Trust had become practically the sole creditor of the company (apart from some debentures).[3]