Richard Robert Menneer
Richard Robert Menneer (1856-1904)
1905 Obituary [1]
RICHARD ROBERT MENNEER, born on the 28th January, 1856, studied at Coopers Hill, and having completed the engineering course there, received an appointment in the Indian Public Works Department in 1878.
Proceeding to India, he was employed chiefly on irrigation-works, holding successively since 1888 the executive engineership of the Ghar and Fuleli canals, of irrigation in Sind, and of the Western Nara canals.
In 1901 he was placed in charge of the Nasik and Poona irrigation divisions, and shortly before his death was appointed acting Chairman of the Bombay Port Trust, but died in Bombay on the 24th April, 1904, before he could take up the appointment.
Mr. Menneer was elected an Associate Member of the Institution on the 2nd May, 1883.