Robert Askew Abraham (c1891- )
Managing Director of Robert Abraham Ltd., (artificial stone, roofing, slate Mfs.), 43 Bankhall St., Liverpool 20.
1914-18 in H.M. Forces, 4 years in France, Capt. R.F.A.; mentioned in Dispatches.
1939 Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Man. Dir., Robert Abraham Ltd., (artificial stone, roofing, slate Mfs.), 43 Bankhall St., Liverpool 20. Private Address: 43 Moor Lane, Crosby, Liverpool 23. Age 48. Career: Before the war, Asst. Engr. on the Alwen Water Supply to Birkenhead; 1914-18 in H.M. Forces, 4 years in France, Capt. R.F.A.; mentioned in Dispatches; after the war, founded the above firm, works in Hawes, Yorkshire, Liverpool and London; inventor and patentee of various processes and machinery for manufacture of artificial stone specialities, and other mechanical apparatus.