Robert Bridges Molesworth
Robert Bridges Molesworth (1863-1897)
1898 Obituary [1]
ROBERT BRIDGES MOLESWORTH, second son of Sir Guilford Molesworth, was born at Clapham on the 31st Hay, 1863. His education commenced at a preparatory school near Rugby, but the delicacy of his constitution unfitting him for school life, he soon left and joined his parents at Simla, where his father held an appointment under the Government of India. Here he was taught by a private tutor for some years, when he returned to England, and after studying at King’s College, London, he matriculated at Cambridge in 1882.
In 1883 he was elected Mathematical Scholar of Christ’s College, Cambridge, and graduated B.A. with honours in 1885, proceeding to M.A. in 1888.
On leaving Cambridge in 1885 he became a pupil of Sir Alexander Rendel, and in that capacity joined the resident staff entrusted early in the following year with the completion of the Milford Docks. There he was engaged until the end of 1888, except for a short visit to Mexico, whither in February of that year he accompanied Mr. W. S. Rendel, who was commissioned to consult with the authorities of the Mexican Railway as to the design of the Fairlie engines used on that line. . . . [more]