Robert Edward Hart
Robert Edward Hart (1878-1946)
1939 M.I.Mech.E., M.A., F.R.Num.Soc. Managing Director, Thomas Hart Ltd., Lambeth Ropeworks, Blackburn. Private Address: Brooklands, Blackburn. Age: 60. Ed.: Horris Hill; Rugby; Pembroke Coll., Cambridge. Life Member of I.Mech.E. Author of "Cotton Ropes for Power Transmission."
1947 Obituary [1]
"ROBERT EDWARD HART was the managing director of Messrs. Thomas Hart, Ltd., rope manufacturers, of Blackburn, for thirty-seven years and had been associated with that firm throughout his professional career.
He was born in 1878 and educated at Rugby School and at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.A. with honours in mechanical engineering in 1899. He then entered his father's firm (which had been in the possession of his family for 150 years), and was engaged on extensive travel, which embraced the five Continents, until he assumed office as managing director in 1908. Mr. Hart displayed a keen interest in the welfare of his native town, to which his benefactions were on a most generous scale, including a gift of £35,000 towards the purchase of a public park. His death occurred at Blackburn on 21st September 1946, in his sixty-ninth year. He had been a Member of the Institution since 1916."