Robert Hodge
Robert Hodge, M.I.E.E. (1881-1946).
1946 Obituary.[1]
ROBERT HODGE was born on the 3rd July, 1881, and died on the 27th May, 1946. He received his early education at Manchester Grammar School, and his engineering education at the Municipal College of Technology, Manchester. He joined the British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. in 1903, and after gaining general experience at Trafford Park, was attached to the Company's Newcastle office as an engineer salesman. From 1910 to 1917 he was attached to the London office in a similar capacity, and then returned to Manchester, where he became in turn an assistant in the Superintendent's Dept. and an engineer-salesman in the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. In 1922 he was appointed Manager of the Bristol office of that Company.
During his 24 years of service at Bristol he made many friends, and he became a popular figure in engineering and other circles in the South-Western area. He was a prominent member of the Bristol Electric Club and of the Royal Empire Society. In recent years he became keenly interested in educational matters, and was on the Council of the Clifton High School for Girls.
He joined The Institution as a Student in 1904 and was elected an Associate Member in 1909 and a Member in 1933. He served as Hon. Treasurer of the Western Centre from 1925 to 1934, as Vice-Chairman 1932-34, and as Chairman 1934-35.
1946 Obituary. [2]
THE LATE MR. ROBERT HODGE.- We regret to record the death, which occurred recently, of Mr. Robert Hodge, M.I.E.E., manager for many years of the Bristol office of the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd. Mr. Hodge was born in 1881, and was educated at the Manchester Grammar School. He joined the British Westinghouse Company, Ltd., in 1903, and after general experience at Trafford Park was attached to the company's Newcastle office. From 1914 to 1918 he was at the company's London office, and after an interval at the Trafford Park works was appointed manager of Metropolitan-Vickers Bristol office in 1922.
He was a full member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and was chairman of the Western Centre in 1931.
1946 Obituary [3]