Robert Millar Russell
Robert Millar Russell (1874-1912)
1913 Obituary [1]
ROBERT MILLAR RUSSELL was born in Glasgow on 10th May 1874.
His general education was obtained at the John Street Public and Hutcheson Town Grammar Schools, Glasgow, and then in 1891 he commenced an apprenticeship of five years, of which one year was spent in the works of Messrs. James Laidlaw, Glasgow, and four years at the London Road Iron Works, Glasgow. During this period he also attended classes at the Andersonian College.
On the completion of his apprenticeship he worked for nearly four years as a pattern-maker and fitter with Messrs. Dubs and Co., Messrs. James Bennie and Sons, the Steel Company of Scotland, and the Mirrlees, Watson and Yaryan Co., of Glasgow.
In December 1899 he went to India and became foreman pattern-maker at Messrs. Burn and Co.'s Works, Howrah.
Five years later he was promoted to be assistant engine-shop manager, and subsequently acted as manager when the latter was on leave.
In December 1911 he left Messrs. Burn and Co. to commence business on his own account, and was developing the enterprise at the time of his death, which took place at Calcutta, on 7th December 1912, at the age of thirty-eight.
He became an Associate Member of this Institution in 1907.