Robert Osler Herford
Robert Osler Herford (1888-1955), managing director of the Renold and Coventry Chain Co
1955 Obituary [1]
We regret to record the death of Mr. R. O. Herford, O.B.E., which took place at Buenos Aires on January 2nd.
Mr. Herford, who retired from the office of managing director of the Renold and Coventry Chain Company, Ltd., in March, 1953, continued as a member of the board and was on a visit to the company's agents when he died.
He was associated for forty-six years with the company and its predecessors and entered the employment of Hans Renold, Ltd., as an apprentice in 1909, becoming works director ten years later, and general works manager following the merger of Hans Renold, Ltd., The Coventry Chain Company, Ltd., and Brampton Brothers, Ltd., in 1931.
He assumed the post of managing director in 1944 and continued in this position until 1953.