Rowland Hill (1848-1930)
Rowland Hill (1848-1930) of the company Rowland Hill and of Rowland Hill and Sons
1848 Born in Coventry
1881 Living at 1 Hearsall Terrace, Coventry: Rowland Hill (age 33 born Coventry), a Watchmaker employing 50 men. with his wife Amy Jane Hill (age 27 born Coventry) and their two children Percy Rowland Hill (age 4 born Coventry) and Evelyn Amy Hill (age 1 born Coventry), also his sister Emily Hill (age 35 born Coventry). Three servants.[1]
1891 Rowland Hill 43, watch manufacturer, employer, lived in Coventry with Amy J Hill 36, Evelyn A Hill 11[2]
1898 Chairman of Beeston Motor Co
1901 Rowland Hill 53, mechanical engineer, iron and brass founder, employer, lived in Coventry with Amy J Hill 47, Percy R Hill 24, mechanical engineer, works manager, employer, Evelyn A Hill 21[3]