Rownson, Drew and Co

of various locations in London.
1821 Joseph Rownson and Henry Drew formed Rownson, Drew and Co.
1877 They established the Clydesdale Iron Foundry Co.
1878 Exhibited forges, blowing engines, railway and mining signals, &c.[1]
1892 Dissolution of the Partnership between Thomas Drew, Lewis Harry Drew, and Tom Drew Bear, carrying on the business of Wholesale Ironmongers, Iron Merchants, Engineers, Bridge, Girder, and Roof Contractors, at 225, Upper Thames-street and 113, Queen Victoria-street,. both in the city of London, and at Princes Wharf, Commercial-road, Lambeth, in the county of Surrey, under the name, style, or firm of Rownson, Drew, and Co., and also carrying on the business as Manufacturers of Stoves, Ranges, Fenders, Fire Irons, &c., and Importers and Makers of Marble Chimney Pieces, at 113, Queen Victoria-street and 225, Upper Thames-street aforesaid, under the name, style, or firm of George Wright and Sons. The business of the said firms, other than that of Engineers, Bridge, Girder, and Roof Contractors, which will be carried on by the said Tom Drew Bear, will continue to be carried on by the said Thomas Drew and Lewis Harry Drew, under the name, style, or firm of Rownson, Drew, and Co., and George Wright and Sons[2]
Established Drew Bear Ransome and Perks
1907 Incorporated Rownson, Drew and Clydesdale Ltd.