Rudolph Wolf
Rudolph Wolf (c1831-1910), founder of the engineering works at Magdeburg-Buckau - see R. Wolf, R. Wolf and Co and Maschinenfabrik Buckau R. Wolf
1877 Patent. '3073. And to Frank Wirth, of the firm of Wirth and Company, Patent Solicitors, at Frankfort on the Main, in the Empire of Germany, for the invention of " improvements in the means of and apparatus for extinguishing sparks for locomotives, farm-engines, steamers, and the like machines."— A communication from Rudolph Wolf, Manufacturer, and Arminius Rausclienbach, Engineer, persons resident at Buckau, near Magdeburg, in the Empire of Germany.'[1]
1910 Obituary [2]
The founder of the well-known engineering works at Magdeburg-Buokau, Herr Rudolf Wolf, died on the 20th ult. Herr Wolf, whose work in connection with the steam engine and the use of superheated steam will be well known to our readers, had reached the age of seventy-nine years.