Sydney Frederick Benson (1890- )
1939 Lecturer in Mech. Eng., The Tech. Coll., Bradford. ACareer: Municipal Coll., Portsmouth, 1911-13; and East London Coll., London Univ., 1913-15 part time; 1905-11, Apprent., Fielding and Platt Ltd., Gloucester; further experience with William Sesson and Co, Gloucester, 1911; 1913-15, Hydrographic Dept., The Admiralty; 1915-17, Aeronautical Inspection Dept., War Office; C. H. J. M. Kennedy, Victoria St., Westminster, 1917-19; Nov., 1919 to present date, Bradford Tech. Coll. Joint Author of "Theory and Practice of Aeroplane Design" (Andrews & Benson), Chapman & Hall.