Samuel John Sarjant (1856-1938)
1915 Retires as Locomotive Superintendent from the Great Indian Peninsula Railway
1922 V.D., M.Inst.C.E., Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Engineer, Penholm, Penmaenmawr, Wales; b. 1856; s. of Rev. S. C. Sarjant, late vicar of Burbage, Buxton. Ed. Private tuition and Central School of Science, Derby. Pupil, Midland Railway, Derby, 1872-8; Drawing Office and Test Room, L. and Y. Railway, 1879-82; Assistant Locomotive Foreman, Newton Heath, 1882-5; Assistant Locomotive Superintendent, Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Lonan!i, 1885-7; Bhusawal, 1887-9; personal Assistant to Locomotive Superintendent, Headquarters, 1889-91; appointed Locomotive Superintendent on Amalgamation of Indian Midland and Great Indian Peninsula systems in July, 1901, with charge of Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Departments of combined railways. Retired March, 1915. Member of Committee appointed to revise general rules and regulations for Indian Railways in 1905; Chairman, Locomotive and Carriage Superintendents' Committee, Indian Railways, 1908-12; Bt. Col. Comdg. 1st Bn. G.W. Railway. Vol. Rifles, 19..... Chief Works: Remodelling, large extensions and electrification of Jhansi and Parel workshops, including provision of erecting shop with 112 pits, new locomotive offices and power houses. Member of the Junior Constitutional Club and Byculla Club, Bombay.