Professor Samuel John Truscott (1870- )
1922 A.R.S.M., Prof. of Min., Royal School of Mines, since 1919; b. 1870; s. of John Truscott. Ed. Southampton. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. Career: 1889-92—Gold and Tin Min. in the F.M.S.; 1892—visited Aschio Copper Mines, Japan; 1893—Lisbon-Berlyn Min. Co., Lydenburg, Transvaal; 1894-97—Witwatersrand Goldfields; 1898—Ural Goldfields; 1899-i900— Exploration Work in Borneo; 900-I—Gold Min. in the Celebes; 1902—Exploration in W. Af.; 1902-8—Gold Min. in Sumatra; 1909-13—Cons. Engr. in London; 1913-19—Asst.-Prof. of Min. at the R.S.M. Publ.: "Witwatersrand Goldfields," "Ore Deposits" (Translation), "Ore Dressing" (in Press)—Macmillan and Co. Address: 32, Netherhall Gardens, London, N.W.3.