S. Taylor Parry

of 4, 6 and 8 Princess Street, Chester (formerly Crook Street Foundries)
1720 Company established. At the original foundries Parry's smelted iron by natural draught, no other methods being known then.
1780 A Horse Motion was erected and a number of horses were harnessed to poles and walked around a circle of about sixty feet in circumference, transmitting power to a large fan and this was connected to the Cupola for melting the iron more rapidly than by natural draught.
1815 A table engine was made up, the first of its kind in the country, and the old horse works were done away with to be replaced by the steam engine.
1855 'SAMUEL PARRY, ENGINEER, &c., MOST respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has commenced business in the Cross Gun Yard, (next to the Golden Lion Inn,) Foregate-street, Chester, where he intends carrying on the ENGINEERING BUSINESS — and trusts that having obtained during the last twenty years, and whilst with his father, Mr. Robert Taylor Parry, of Crook street Foundry, an experimental and practical knowledge of his business in its several branches — he shall merit a continuation of those favours so liberally bestowed upon his father for so many years — which shall have his best attention, and his charges most moderate. S. P. continues to wait upon his agricultural and other friends as usual.'[1]
1855 John Taylor (of Chester), engineer, millwright, and iron and brass founder, took over the Crook Street Foundry[2]
WILLIAM PARRY, Son of the late Robert Taylor Parry), IRON & BRASS FOUNDER, begs most respectfully to his Friends and the Public generally, that he has commenced BUSINESS is the above Premises, lately carried on by JOHN TAYLOR, and formerly carried on by the late ROBERT TAYLOR PARRY over 40 years.
W. P. respectfully solicits the patronage of his Friends and the Public generally, and begs to assure them, if favoured with their Orders, that nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit a continuance of their support.'[3]
1901 The old foundries were demolished and the business transferred to Princess Works.
1914 Steam, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Millwright, Iron and Brass Founder, Manufacturer and Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Launch Machinery, Agricultural Machinery Engines, Stationary, Portable and Traction, Oil Engines, Gas Engines, Petrol and Electric Motors, Tobacco and Boot Machinery, Saw Mills, Pumping Plants, Milling Plant, Refrigerating Plant, Brewing Plant, Laundry Machinery etc. [4]
1947 'MR. ARTHUR PARRY. The death occurred on Saturday of Mr. Arthur Parry, of 3, Princess-street, Chester. Aged 73 years, he was, up to his retirement some years ago, in partnership with his brother, Mr. S. Taylor Parry, in the firm of engineers of that name, of Princes-street. Chester, formerly of Crook-street Foundry. He was a Freeman of the City and a member of the Grocers' and Ironmongers' Company of the City Guilds, an honour which has been in the family for some hundreds of years. The funeral took place on Wednesday when a service was held at St. Peter's Church conducted by Rev. J. Y. Pattison. The family mourners were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Taylor Parry (brother and sister-in-law), Mr. J Parry, Mr.G. H. Parry, Segt. Geoffrey Parry (sons), Miss E. Parry (daughter).' [5]
Engineer And Inventor
Well-known by old Cestrians, by whom he was so much esteemed, Mr Samuel Taylor Parry, late member of the firm of Messrs. S Taylor Parry and Sons, engineers, of Princess-street, died at the Shrublands Nursing Home, Hoole on 24th February, aged 86.
The old established firm was founded by his grandfather, and he was the last of three generations to conduct the business, which is now to be wound up. In it, Mr Parry had been engaged all his working life.
Educated at Repton School, he was apprenticed at the Hydraulic Engineering Co. after which he took over the foundry from his father. The foundry was the first to construct a steam engine to replace horse-power in the operation of the furnace fans. He was Sanitary Inspector for the City in 1902 under the then Medical Officer of Health, and was consulting engineer in connection with the construction of the South side sewer under the then Chief Surveyor Mr. Isaac Matthew Jones.
At one time Mr Parry was a tutor in applied mechanics at Chester College.
Mr Parry was instrumental in installing the first electric light in Chester Town Hall for a conversazione Of the Chester Natural Science Society, of which he was a prominent member.
For this, the steam generator was situated in the Prineess-st works, the wires being taken over Princess-st. to the Town Hall. This was such a novelty that it was repeated in the Museum, the power being obtained from a road roller parked in the yard at the rear.
Mr. Parry was an inventor and patentee of many pieces of machinery, particularly in relation to the brewing and agricultural industries. ....'[6]