Saitaro Oi
Saitaro Oi (1857-1924)
1885 Elected IEE.
1891 Ministry of Communications, Engineering Bureau, Tokio, Japan
1926 Obituary [1]
SAITARO OI, a member of the second class of the Imperial Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure, died on the 31st December, 1924 at Tokio, after a short illness.
He was born in November, 1857, at Yatnada, Miye Province, Japan, and graduated in May, 1882, after taking the electrical engineering course in the Imperial Japanese College of Engineering.
He then obtained an appointment as an engineer in the Imperial Japanese Telegraph and Telephone Department, and later became head of the Department, a position which he held until his retirement in 1913.
He joined the Institution as a Foreign Member in 1885 and was elected a Member in 1911.
He was also a member of the Japanese Institution of Electrical Engineering and served for two years (1917-19) as president.