Samuel Coulson
Samuel Coulson (c1810-1885) of Samuel Coulson and Co
Brother-in-law to George Walker (1816-1881)
1853 Left the partnership of Walker, Coulson and Hall
1855 Patent. '1339. And Samuel Coulson, of Sheffield, Metallurgist, has given the like notice in respect of the invention of "an improvement in the preparation of sulphate of baryta, and in the manufacture of glass when sulphate of baryta is used."'[1]
1866 Bankrupt. '...Samuel Coulson, late of Nether Edge, Sheffield, in the county of York, Manufacturer of Owen's Patent Eliptical Bedstead Steel Springs, late Managing Director of the Sheffield Metal Company (Limited)...'[2]
See also Samuel Coulson: The Story of Electro-Plating in Sheffield