Savoy Hotel
of the Strand, London
1889 Established by a Syndicate Company formed by the late Richard D'Oyly Carte. Incorporated in same year under above title.
1889 The hotel was designed by architect Thomas Edward Collcutt
1914 Hotel and Restaurant Proprietors, Strand, London, W.C. Present Directors: Rupert D'Oyly Carte (Chairman), Stanley C. Boulter (Vice-Chairman), G. Reeves Smith (Managing Director), Hwf a Williams, R. A. Handcock, and A. Gathorne Hardy. Special Features: The distinctive characteristics of a sumptuously appointed hotel in conjunction with those of a perfectly equipped modern restaurant de luxe. Under the same direction are Claridge's Hotel, Brook Street, Grosvenor Square; the Berkeley Hotel, Piccadilly; Simpson's, the well-known English restaurant in the Strand; and the Grand Hotel, Rome. Staff: Upwards of 1,240 persons at the various hotels owned by the Company.