
of Germany.
Established by Ernst Scheiss in 1866.
1870 Started production of machine tools.
n 1925 Schiess AG merged with Defries-Werken to form Schiess-Defries AG, and from 1939 the company again operated under the old name. All five plants were dismantled between 1945 and 1948. In the 1950s, production was resumed in the Lörick district of Düsseldorf. In 1993 the company was taken over by Bremer Vulkan, and in 1996 Bremer Vulkan filed for bankruptcy. Merged with Aschersleben (WEMA). The name was later changed to Schiess GmbH. In 2004, after financial difficulties, Schiess GmbH was taken over by the Chinese machine manufacturer Shenyang Machine Tool Group.
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