Shortridge, Howell and Co
of Hartford Steel Works, Wicker, Sheffield
formerly Shortridge, Howell and Jessop
See John Shortridge and Joseph Bennett Howell
1861 Employing 90 men and 30 Women and Boys.[1]
1861 June. Joseph Bennett Howell gives notice concerning the trademark 'Homogenous'.[2]
1864 Partnership change. '...the PARTNERSHIP heretofore subsisting between the undersigned John Shortridge, Joseph Bennett Howell, William Shortridge, and James Shortridge, under the Firm or Style of Short ridge, Howell, and Company, in the Trades or Business of Manufacturing, Rolling, and Refining Steel, and of Iron and Steel Merchants, in and upon certain Works and Premises in Sheffield, in the County of York, called the "Hartford Steel Works," was DISSOLVED and determined on the Fifth day of February instant, so far as relates to the said James Shortridge....'[3]
1866 Legal dispute between the partners. ' an Order of the High Court of Chancery, made on the 11th day of September, 1866, in a cause, "Shortridge against Howell," John Shortridge, of Chipping House, Sheffield, is appointed Receiver and Manager collect, get in, and receive the credits now due, and outstanding other Assets, Property, and Effects belonging to the Partnership Business of Messrs. Shortridge. Howell, and Company, of The Hartford Steel Works, Sheffield...'[4]
1868 Sale of assets. 'HARTFORD STEEL WORKS, WICKER, SHEFFIELD. TO STEEL MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. GEORGE EADON is instructed by Mr. John Shortridge who is retiring from Business, to SELL by AUCTION, (without Reserve), upon the Premises, as above, commencing MONDAY, the 16th March next, Eleven o Clock, and continuing until all Sold, THE WHOLE OF HIS IMMENSE STOCK, Consisting of STEEL of all descriptions; IRON of nearly every variety. very large Stock of very superior Finished FILES, Rails, Pipes, Wire, Sheets, and every description of Property appertaining to the Trade. Catalogues are being prepared, and may be had on application at tho Mart, Haymarket, on and after the 2nd day of March next. HARTFORD STEEL WORKS, Wicker, Sheffield, to be SOLD or LET, in consequence of the Proprietor retiring from Business. The above Works are situate in one of the most eligible situations the Town, and are fitted with all modern Machinery, and ready for immediate occupation. The Offices and Warehouses are first class. In the Works are Steam Boilers and Steam Engines, Forge and Rolling Mill, Smelting Furnaces, &c., four Pairs of Rod Rolls, two Pairs Sheet Rolls, 30-cwt. Steam Hammer, three Tilt Hammers, six Steam Engines, from 8 to 30-horse power; three Steam Boilers, over 100-horse power; Filemkakers' Shops, three Converting Furnaces, "Melting Holes, 'find every such Establishment.'[5]