Simplifix Couplings

of 3 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, SW1 - Head Office; and 33a Strutton Ground, Westminster, SW1 - Assembly works. Telephone: Abbey 3592 (2 lines). Telegraphic Address: "Joints, Sowest, London"
1937 Compression joints for copper, steel and duralumin tube.[1]
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Brass, Gunmetal, Duralumin and Steel Simplifix Compression Joints for Light and Heavy Gauge Copper Tube. Also Solid Drawn Steel Tube for Pressures up to 5,000 lbs. (2.27 tonnes) per square inch. (Stand No Ca.303).[2]
1939 See Aircraft Industry Suppliers
1967 Patent - Improvements relating to Pressure Switches.
1967 Patent - Improved Fluid Pressure Control Valve.