Sir John Wolfe Barry and Partners
Partnership of Sir John Wolfe Barry and others
1867 Wolfe Barry started to practise on his own account as a consulting engineer
1878 Mr. H. M. Brunel became a partner
Mid-1880s The Firm took up dock construction, a branch of the profession with which they were later to be very specially identified.
Harbour Works included:
- Barry Docks and railways connected therewith
- the Lady Windsor Deep Lock and Graving-dock, the new entrance to the Tyne Docks
- the Limekiln Wharf, with improvements at the Limehouse Dock and Regent's Canal
- Grangemouth Dock Extension on the Forth
- Surrey Commercial Docks Extensions
- Middlesborough Dock Extension
- Alexandra Docks at Newport
- Immingham Dock and Graving-dock
- Royal Edward Dock at Avonmouth, in conjunction with Sir Benjamin Baker and A. C. Hurtzig.
1892 Mr. A. J. Barry became a partner
1892 Mr. C. A. Brereton became a partner
1901 Mr G. E. W. Cruttwell became a partner
1901 Mr. K. A. Wolfe Barry became a partner
1913 Mr. A. G. Lyster became a partner