Smith Meters

of Rowan Road, Streatham Vale, London, SW16. Telephone: Pollards 2271. Telegraphic Address: "Smithmeta, London"
also of (Head Office): 186 Kennington park Road, London, SE11. Telephone: 'Phone Fair 174. Telegraphic Address: "Smieters, Lamb, London"
1834 William Smith started in business with 25 staff[1]
1843 of 14 Bridgewater gardns, gas meter manufacturer[2]
1845 The Smith dry meter was introduced
1915 Company incorporated as Smith Meters, Ltd
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Electric Fires, Meters and Components (Electric). (Stand Nos. Cb.303 and Cb.202)
Gas Meters and Gas Plant of all descriptions. Brass Fittings for works and district. Hot Brass Stampings. Working models of small and large Meters. Prepayment and ordinary Du-Coin, Radial, Excelall Meters. Works' Plant. (Stand Nos. Ca.913 and Ca.812)
1949 The Smith Meters company had 3000 staff
By 1951 was part of United Gas Industries
1976 Renamed Smith Meters Ltd
1995 Renamed UGI Smith Meters Ltd