Spillers and Bakers

1889 Spiller and Co. (Cardiff) Ltd merged with William Baker and Sons of Bristol to form Spillers and Bakers.
1890s a separate business was formed as Spillers Nephews for the manufacture of biscuits and cake
1896 Purchased the Phoenix Mills of Messrs. Davidson in Newcastle upon Tyne.
1900 a grain office was opened in London.
1907 Shapes, a coloured biscuit for dogs, was introduced.
Took control of Nicholas Nagle and Co of Manchester.
1913 Incorporated Victoria Foods, and certain grain businesses under the title of Spillers Grain Co.
By 1914 the company was producing 18 varieties of dog biscuits at factories in Cardiff, Bristol, London, Newcastle and Birkenhead.
1916 Head office moved to London
1919 Changed name to Spillers Milling and Associated Industries, which embodied several associated companies.