Adrien Gaston Saint-Paul de Sincay (1854-1938)
1938 Obituary [1]
M. Adrien Gaston Saint-Paul de Sincay died in Brussels on March 19, 1938.
Born in 1854, at Angleur, Belgium, and educated at Paris University, where he graduated as Doctor of Laws, M. Saint-Paul de Sincay was throughout his life connected with the Societe Anonyme des Mines et Fonderies de Zinc de la Vieille Montagne. He was appointed inspector in 1879, became secretary of the Board of Directors in 1884, succeeded his father as general manager in 1890, and was elected a member of the Board of Directors in 1891.
In addition, M. Saint-Paul de Sincay played a prominent part in the establishment of the International Cartel of Zinc Producers which existed from 1908 to the outbreak of the war, and was President of another International Cartel which lasted from 1928 to 1934. He was also President of the Federation des Usines a Zinc, Plomb, Cuivre, et autres Metaux non-ferreux, a Belgian organization which was formed shortly after the armistice.
M. Saint-Paul de Sincay was elected a member of the Institute of Metals on April 13, 1927.