Standard: Vanguard

Note: This is a sub-section of Standard Motor Co
- Vanguard I. 1948-53. 184,799 made.
- Vanguard II. 1953-55. 81,074 made.
- Vanguard III. 1955-58. 37,194 made.
- Vanguard Sportsman. 1956-58. 901 made.
The Standard Vanguard is designed for use in any part of the world and has actually been exported to some 75 different countries. The 1950 Vanguard is a four-door saloon seating five or six persons and is completely equipped in the modern style.
On the mechanical side the Vanguard is outstanding in that its powerful 2-litre engine has replaceable cylinder liners in direct contact with the water of the cooling system. The chassis and body are rust-proofed by the bonderizing process.
Although the Vanguard is not the sole Standard model in production, there are three other versions of it available in the estate car, the 12 cwt. delivery van and the pick-up truck.
ENGINE. Type: 2-litre. Cylinders: 4. Bore X Stroke: 85 mm. X 92 mm. Compression ratio: 6.7 to 1. Maximum b.h.p.: 68 at 4,000 r.p.m.
PERFORMANCE. Maximum speed: 80 m.p.h. Fuel consumption: 23-24 m.p.g.
DIMENSIONS. Length: 13 ft. 8 ins. Height: 5 ft. 4 ins. Width: 5 ft. 9 ins. Wheelbase: 7 ft. 10 ins. Track: 4 ft. 3 ins. (front); 4 ft. 6 ins. (rear). Weight: 2,716 lbs. Fuel capacity: 15 gallons. Tyre size: 5.75 X 16.
BRAKES. Lockheed Hydraulic.
PRICE. £515 plus £143.16.1 Purchase Tax. Total: £658.16.1. (Vynide upholstery).
See Also