Standard Manufacturing Co

Standard Manufacturing Co of Rowditch, Derby.
1877 Company started
1885 The Standard Manufacturing Co offered sewing machines, perambulators, washing and wringing machines, tree pruners, fruit gatherers, etc. Products named in an article included the 'Excellentia' universal treadle, The Derby Machine, The Derwent Machine, and the patent winder. "Washing and wringing machines were the staple trade of the company." Would exhibit the Derby Wringer at the 1885 Inventions Exhibition[1]
1938 Pole Saw, fruit pickers, rotary hoes, leaf-lifters.
1950 Long-handled Tree Pruners from 3 feet to 14 feet, Long-handled Pole Saws, Cord-operated Pruning Heads, Secateurs 8 inch type, "Myticuttah” Shrub Pruner and Lopping Shear, Tubular Alloy Pruner and Fruit Gatherer.
1984 'Manufacturers of high-quality tree pruning equipment since 1877.'[2]