Stanley Moncoeur Hills (1887- )
1922 A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 45, Lytton Road, Leytonstone, E.11, and 37 Strand, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Greenlyad, Westcent, London." T. N.: Regent 3661. b. 1887; s. of Henry Hills, B.Sc., B.A. (Tutor); m. Nora Violet Wood, d. of E. Wood, gentleman, of Leytonstone. Ed. Leyton County High School for Boys, Northampton Institute Day Engineering College (London). Awarded Bronze Medal and Vicker's Gold Medal by Junior Institution of Engineers; Bronze Medallist in Electro-metallurgy City and Guilds of London Institute. Apprentice, British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Manchester. Career: Assistant Demonstrator, Northampton Institute; Assistant Engineer, Rolling Stock Department, Mersey Railway; Chief Draughtsman, General Acoustic Co., New York; Sales Engineer, Ferranti, Ltd.; Sales Manager, Record Electrical Co., Ltd.; Superintendent, Heating and Cooking Department, West Ham Electric Supply; Chief of Engineering Department and Director, Greenlys, Ltd. Past Chairman, Students' Section, I.E.E.; Past Member of Council, Junior Institution of Engineers; Past President, Northampton Institute Past Students' Association; Present Member Informal Meetings' Committee, I.E.E. Publications: Papers read before Junior Institution of Engineers; " Dielectrics and Dielectric Testing "; " Electrical Heating and Cooking Apparatus "; " Aluminium—its Uses in the Electrical Industry."