Stanley Tools

Stanley Tools of the USA
Stanley Tools Ltd, of Hellaby Industrial Estate, Hellaby Lane, Rotherham (1977)
.... of Main Street, Hackenthorpe, Sheffield(1982)
1843 Stanley's Bolt Manufactory was founded by Frederick Trent Stanley in New Britain, Connecticut, USA
1853 Frederick Trent Stanley incorporated Stanley Works, a bolt and door hardware manufacturing company
1857 The Stanley Rule and Level Company was founded by Frederick's cousin Henry Stanley in New Britain, Connecticut, USA
1867 Leonard Bailey patented his design of woodworking hand planes
1869 Stanley purchased Bailey's patents and machinery
Many other acquisitions took place
1880 Stanley was sole agent for Victor hand planes
1884 Stanley Works acquired Leonard Bailey's business, discontinuing their brand of planes
1920 Merger of Stanley Works with The Stanley Rule and Level Company creating Stanley Tools.
Stanley Works is now a worldwide business.
1966 Stanley Works listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Stanley Tools Ltd was a subsidiary of Stanley Works of USA
1982 The name of Stanley Tools Ltd was changed to The Stanley Works Ltd
2010 The Stanley Works combined with Black & Decker to form Stanley Black & Decker