Steel Scaffolding Co

of 80/86 Regent Street, London, W1. Telephone: Regent 1157/8/9. Telegraphic Address: "Regent 1157/8/9, London". (1937)
of 18 Union Road, Clapham, London S.W.4
1929 Private company.
1937 British Industries Fair Advert for 'Big Ben' Steel Tubular Scaffolding, as now being used extensively for the Coronation grandstands in London. Simple, one-piece drop-forged fittings, patented throughout the world. Speed, safety strength, simplicity. (Building, General Heating and Cooking Section - Stand Nos. A.439 and A.338) [1]
1937 Constructional engineers. [2]
1961 Tubular scaffolding and constructional engineers. 250 employees. [3]