Stornoway Gas Light Co
of Stornoway
1853 Advert: 'WANTED, A PERSON qualified to undertake the Management and Secretaryship of the Stornoway Gas and Water Companies. Applicants must have a practical knowledge of the manufacture of Gas and fitting up of Pipes, &c.
Application to be made, with testimonials, to Mr. L. Mackenzie, Stornoway, within a Month from this date. Salary for both Offices, including Collecting of Accounts, £70, with a Free House, Coal, and Gas.'[1]
1888 'Stornoway Gas Company, whose works urgently require extension, are to convert the concern into a limited liability company for the purpose of raising the necessary capital.'[2]
1919 'Since coming to the island , Lord Leverhulme has acquired three local undertakings — the Stornoway Gasworks, the works of the British Oil and Guano Company (Limited), and the tweed mill belonging to Mr Kenneth Mackenzie , in which concern, however, he holds only a two-thirds interest.'[3]