Strode Engineering Works

of Strode Engineering Works, Herne, Kent.
Major Charles Henry Beeston Prescott-Westcar was a landowner who used the estate workshops to produce the Westcar and Heron cars
1922-25 Produced the Westcar light car. Produced around 100 of these cars
1923 'After successfully accomplishing 10,024 miles in thirty-four days, under the aegis and eagle eye of the Royal Automobile Club's official observers, the 12-h.p. Westcar held a reception in High Holborn one day last week to congratulate its constructor Major Prescott-Westcar on its excellent performance. Alas his modesty prevented his presence, but Messrs. J. Coffield and W. C. Wark deputised for him efficiently and well, sharing the glory and the "cakes and ale." Fitted with a 69 mm. by 100 mm. four cylinder Dorman engine, a Meadows four-speed gear-box. Zenith carburetter, Marles steering, a Triplex glass screen, Rapson 760 by 90 mm. tyres, a thermostat, a petrol register, and a C.A.V. lighting and starting set, it will be noted that this 12-h.p. Westcar combines the best assembled talents in the motor world. Consequently the R.A.C. test revealed an excellent certificate of fact, showing no repairs or adjustments worth troubling about, a petrol-consumption at the rate of 37.19 miles per gallon, oil at 2808 miles per gallon, and a tyre-wear, without puncture or mishap, of 6.5 oz. per tyre loss in weight for this "two years in thirty-four days" run. Over the flying half-mile, the Westcar travelled after the road test at 43.96 miles per hour without any alteration or adjustment, so gave its turn of speed under severe conditions. It is constructed, or, rather; assembled, at the Strode Engineering Works, near Herne Bay.'[1]
1924 July. Sale of Engineer's Plant and Machinery of the Strode Engineering Works.[2]
1925 February. 'Shop-soiled slightly used Cars and Sundries, The Strode Garage, Herne. The Strode Engineering Works have a few 1923, 1924 and 1925 models of 12 H.P. WESTCAR CARS for Disposal at Reduced and most Attractive Prices, including Free Licence and Insurance to Dec. 31st, 1925.'[3]
1925 October. 'The Heron is a new car made by the Strode Engineering Works of Herne, Kent, makers of the Westcar. The four-seater model. 11 h.p. is £19O.'[4]
See Also
Sources of Information
- A-Z of Cars of the 1920s by Nick Baldwin. 1994. ISBN 1 870979 53 2