Tangent Tool and Engineering Co

Keynsham engineers.
1921 'ROTARY SHEARING MACHINES. The Tangent Tool Company, Limited, of Keynsham, Somerset, have devoted considerable attention to the design of appliances for cutting sheet metal, and their hand-operated rotary shearsfor dealing with corrugated iron have already been illustrated in our columns. The company has recently applied the rotary shear principle to larger power driven machines, one of which we illustrate in Figs. 1 to 3 above [not included here]. This machine was mentioned in our recent description of the British Industries Fair at Birmingham. The shearing knives arc formed by the sharp circumferential edges of hardened steel discs. One of these discs runs idly, while the other is slowly rotated by means of the gearing shown in Fig. 3. The circumference of both discs are knurled so as to present serrated surfaces which bite the metal and causes the latter to be drawn in between the discs. ....'[1]