Taylor Brothers

of India Screw Works, 26 Button Lane, Sheffield
Brothers Jonathan Wainwright Taylor and John Taylor set up business in Sheffield
1841 April. Advertisement. 'Press Screw, Vice, and General Machine Makers'[1]
1841 October. Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned JOHN TAYLOR and JONATHAN WAINWRIGHT TAYLOR, of Sheffield, in the County of York, Engineers and Machinists was this Day Dissolved by mutual consent...'[2]
1845 Mr. M. Smith of 26 Button Lane offers a 40-hp steam engine for sale.[3]
Presumably became Joseph and John Taylor
1847 The premises at 26 Button Lane to be let 'now occupied by an Iron Foundry and Engine Shops' Apply to Matthew Smith whose new place of work is Silvester Works, Silvester Street.[4]
1855 of Adelaide Works. Edge Tools. See Taylor Brothers (Saws)