The Engineer 1857 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1857 Jul-Dec: Index
View the 1857 Jul-Dec Volumes
- A Very Fast Story, 128
- Aberavon Gas Works, 468
- Academy of Sciences, 170
- Accidents at Collieries (Note Book), 232
- Accident on the Great Northern Railway, 242
Accident on the Great Northern Railway, the (Letters)—
- By J. H., 266
- " Loco," 286
- Midland Servant, 266
- Accident at the Launch of the " Leviathan," 324, 359
- Accident on the London and North-Western Railway, 270
- Accident at Millwall, 366
- Accident on the North London Railway, Frightful, 453
- Accident on the Trent Valley Railway, 266
- Accidents in Mines, Ste., Lecture on, 325
Accidents, Railway (Letters)—
- By A. M., 24
- E. Brown, 60
- A Driver, 98
- Hallen and Kingston, 79
- J. A. D., 363
- W. Lukyn, 79
- A Practical Engineer, 60
- C. M. Read, 24
- Veritas, 24
- W. J. S., 24
- Acknowledgment of Authorities, by J. A. D., 119
- Mordax, 81
- Acoustic Experiments, on, M. Lissajous, 38
- Adcock's Boilers, 375
- Adventures of a Calculating Phenomenon, 207
Aerial Chariots (Letters)—
- By A. Alexander, 24
- Anglo Beige, 61
- Lord Carlingford, 6, 24, 42, 60, 99, 211
- J. A. D., 24
- A. H. Patterson, 7
- Joseph Wilcock, 61
- A Working Man, 7, 24, 43
- Aerial Navigation, (Letters)—
- By Algebra Neglected, 153
- H. C. Hurry, 25
- J. A. D., 99
- Old Crank, 79, 191
- Would-be-Engineer, 99
Aerial Screw Steamer (Letters)—
- By Anti-Parachute, 267
- Inventor, 153, 248, 325, 363, 418
- R. H. T., 191
- Wave Lines," by Inventor, 287
- Aeronautics (Note Book), 64
- Aerostation Realised, by Cluny of Badenoch, 43
- Agricultural Engines, J. and R. Blackburn's, 229, 330
- Agricultural Engines, Hall and Charlton's, 478
Agricultural Engines (Letters)—
- By implement Maker, 476
- John Gray and Co., 438
- John Pinchbeck, 438
- J. H. Simpson, 229
- Agricultural Machinery, by Implement Maker, 438
- Agricultural Society, Chester Meeting, 472
- Agricultural Society, Letters to the, on Guideway Steam Agriculture, 56
- Agricultural Society, Prize Engines of the, by John Gray and Co., 343
- Agricultural Society's Prizes, the Royal, by Implement Maker, 229
- Agricultural Society's Show at Salisbury, 45, 56, 64
- Agricultural Treat, an, 474
- Agricultural Society and the Trials of the Engines, by B. C. E., 401
- Agriculture, Guideway Steam, by P. A. Halkett, 99
- Agriculture, Mr. Mechi on, 397
- Agriculture, Steam, 38
- Air against Inclined Surfaces, Resistance of, by Algebra Neglected, 249
- Air Door for Furnaces, Lee Stevens, 433
- Air Pumps, by J. A. D., 173
- Air and Water Discharge for Steam Pipes, M. Callan's, 247
- Alloy of Chromium (Chemical), 424
- Amalgamating Machine, Goulding's, 305
- American Atlantic Steam Ships, 110
- American Churns, by J. Adams, 27
- American Coal Fields, 39
- American Goods Engine and Tender, 329
- American Railway Commission, by Colburn and Holley, 324
- American Railways, Coal Burning on, 317
- American Steam Ploughing, 67
- Anchor Smith's Improvements in, 84
Animal Heat, the Cause of (Letters)—
- By J. A. D., 381
- W. Steevenson, 267, 287, 205 343, Answer to W. Steevenson, 305
- J. B. Cooper, 305
- W. Steevenson, 381
- Animal Heat, S:c., by W. E. Williams, 419
- Cause of, by W. E. Williams, 287
- Annual General Meeting, Institution of Civil Engineers, 473
- Another Railway Accident—Looseness of Management, 305
- Apparatus for Saturating Gas with Hydro-Carbons, &c. (Chemical), :49
- Application of Sewage to Land, 193
- Application of Water Glass as a Substitute for Soap (Chemical), 424
- Approaching Parliamentary Campaign, 440
- Army, Engineers for the, 261
- Art Instruction and the Working Classes, 252, 270
- Art Treasures Exhibition, 270
- Art Treasures Exhibition, the (Note Book), DS Artesian Wells in the African Deserts, 430
- Artesian Wells at Grenelle, Paris, 392
- Arthur's Brickmaking Machine, 320
- Artificial Flower Leaves of Collodion, 349
- Ashby's Water Wheels, 474
- Ashton Colliery Explosion (Note Book), 119
- Ashton-under-Lyne, Colliery Explosion at, 95
- Association of Mechanics' Institutions, 207
- Association for the Prevention of Boiler Explosions, 164. 319
- Atkin and Miller's Machine for Folding Lace, etc., 122
- Atlantic Cable (Note Book), 137
- Atlantic Cable, 195
Atlantic Cable (Letters) :—
- By Awle, 475
- Lord Carlingford, 285, 380
- Pr Great Eastern, T. E., 341
- H. Dempster, 248
- J. A. D., 248
- T. E., 307
- E. Eastwood, 228
- W. L. Gilpin, 229
- I. W. Hopkins, 267, 342, 43D James Jones, 228
- C. Schiele, 190
- " Seizer," 228
- J. M., 248
- J. K. P., 173
- " One who has Crossed the Atlantic," 285
- W. Petrie, 211, 228
- W. A. Rastrick, 189
- B. L. S., 267
- Telegraph Cable, 55, 74, 100
- By W. M'Adam, 152
- J. Piercy, 153
- Pilkington, 153
- Telegraph, the (Note Book), 173
- By A. S., 190
- J. H. Simpson, 190
- Telegraph, 121, 130, 148, Trial of Apparatus for Laying' down the, ma Company's Bill (Parliamentary Intelligence)
- h7
- Submarine Telegraph, by "Electric," 98
- R. S. Newall and Co., 98
- Atmosphere of the Houses of Parliament (Parliamentary Intelligence), 131
- Attempted Launch of the Great Eastern (Note Book), 345
- Aubenas' Apparatus used in the Manufacture of Silk 361
- Austin's Improvements in Joining Pipes, 77, 135
- Australian Mail Contract (Note Book), 101
- Mails (Parliamentary Intelligence), 131
- Postal Service (Parliamentary Intelligence), 149
- Railways, 174
- Screw Steam Ship, the, 149
- Wines, 61
- Austria, the Manufacture of Steel in, 368
- Axles, C. Cammell's, 454
- Bache's Lamps for Artificial Lighting, 4
- Balloon Ascent in Lake Erie, 30
- Banbury Water Company, 154
- Banks', J., Life Preserver, 285
- Barlow's Hot Air Blast Furnace, 281
- Permanent Ways, 188
- Barlow and Samuel's Cast-iron Railway Sleepers, 285
- Barnes' Machinery for Hulling Rice, 420
- Barrens' Apparatus for Lubricating, 26
- Bauwin's Mode of Distilling Fatty Matter, etc., 216
- Beattie v. The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company (Law Proceedings), 3, 20, 21, 22, 23
- Beaufume's Gas Flame Furnace, 291
- Berger and Matill's Machinery for Brushing Carpets, 284
- Bessemer's American Patent, 82
- Improvements in Iron, 4, 174
- Betts' Portable Globe, 474
- Bewley v. Hancock (Law Proceedings), 76
- " Big Ben," 454
- " Big Ben" cracked, 320
- Bishop's Windlasses, 413
- Blackburn's Agricultural Engines, 230
- Blast, the Fan, by C. Wye Williams, 323
- Blast Furnace, Barlow's Hot Air, 281
- Pipe Controversy—Great Northern Railway Accident, by " H. F.," 286
- Invention of the, by Aliquis, 190, 228
- By Richard Burch, 60
- J, Dewrance, 78, 134, 228, 248, 324
- " Dial," 42, 60, 98. 151,190
- H. G., 173
- W. Gowland, 304, 324
- J. W. Hackworth, 117, 172, 210, 286
- Geo. Hill, 286
- F. Hurst, 248. 267
- John Rowland, 228, 286
- S. Smiles, 172, 227
- Thomas Snowdon, 324
- Boardman Boiler, the, by A. L. Holley, 323
- Boiler, the Dimpfel (American), Coal Burning, by A. L. Holley, 341
- Explosion at Bradford, the, 235
- The Rymney Ironworks, 94
- Near Skipton, 430
- Explosions, by J. Coupe, 249
- Edwin Moore, 249
- " Telegraph," 267
- " Vulgar Sense," 153
- Henry Adcocks. 375
- Bougleux' Improvements in Steam, 136
- Caters' Steam, 171
- Morrison's Improvements in, 188
- Taylor and Rolfe's Improvements in, 303
- Boilers. Coverings for, by Z., 327
- Bolt, Screwing, and Nut Tapping Machine, Schiele's, 80
- Boomerang, the, by C. E. Conder, 287
- Boring for Water, by S. C., 231
- Bougleux' Improvements in the Boilers, 136
- Boulogne Life Boat and Humane Society, 433
- Brakes. Fay's Carriage, 92
- Ed Finch's Improvements in Railway., 382
- J. E. M'Connell's Railway, 268
- Branch Railways for Agriculture, 10
- Railways (Note Book), 346
- Brazilian Railways, 240
- Bread. Nevins and Yates' Mode of Preparing, 326
- Breech-Loading Rifled Cannon, by A. Gearing, 209
- Loading Fire-Arms, Harrison's, 133
- Brewing, Dirck's Worts and 'Washes for, 4
- Brick Making Machine, Arthur's, 390
- Manufactory near Farnham, 436
- Bridge at Cologne, the Rhine, 394
- in St. James' Park, 83
- Bridles and Bits, Monnier's Improvements in, 44
- Bright and De Bergue's Apparatus for Laying Telegraph Cables, 458
- Bright's Apparatus for Submarine Telegraphs, 67.c., 382
British Association at Dublin, 157
- Association, 38
- Association for the Advancement of Science, 165, 170, 185, 203, 223
- India, 111, 130, 148,178, 197, 206. 245, 272, 282, 300, 318, 348, 358, 376, 393, 414, 452.469
- Broadley's Improvements in Weaving, 19
- Brook and Another v. Aston, 377
- Brown and Adin's Jacquard Machines, 77
- Brown's Improvements in Capstans, k68
- Mode of Constructing Lower Masts, 41
- Brunel, 312
- Burgess and Key's Reaping Machines, 118, 210, 2E6
- Burning Gas Coke, by Henry Hughes, 421
- J. A H., 403, C., 459
- Bursting of the Rivington Water Pipes, 280
Cable, the Atlantic, 194
- By A. S., 190
- " Awle," 475
- B. L. S., 267
- Lord Carlingford, 285, 380
- G. H. Dempster, 248
- E. Eastwood, 228
- W. L. Gilpin, 229
- J. A, D., 248
- James Jones. 228
- I. W. Hopkins, 267, 341, 439
- J. K. P., 173
- J. M., 248
- One who has Crossed the Atlantic, 285
- W. Petrie, 211, 228
- W. A. Rastrick, 189
- C. Schiele, 190
- " Selzer," 228
- J. H. Simpson, 190
- Cables, Machinery for Laying Submarine, 280
- Cable, per Great Eastern, the Atlantic, by T. E., 341
- Cadiat's Mode of Purifying Minerals, &c., 212
- Calcutta Lighted with Gas, 197
- Cambridge's Chain Harrows, 417
- Portable Railway, 66
- Machine for Winnowing Corn, 468
- Cammell's Axles for Railway Carriages, &c., 454
- Canadian Steam Cultivators, Romaine's, by Romaine and Turner, 401
- Canal, the Suez, 45, 283, 420
- Canals, Steam on, 66
- Cannon, Eastman's Breech-loading, 112
- Wilkens' Improved, 178
- Cap for Scent Bottles, W arson and William's Improved, 19
- Capstans, Brown's Improvements In, 268
- Cardiff New Docks, 55
- Carpets, Berger and Matile's Machinery for Brushing, 284
- Carriage Steps, Davies's. 261
- Cassels and Morton's Improvements in Iron, 322
- Cast Iron Beams, Table of the safe Load for, 272
- Cast Steel as Gun Metal, 396
- Casting Metals, Jackson, Gaudet, and Co.'s Improvements in, 212
- Cater's Steam Boilers, 171
- Cause of Animal Heat, &c., by W. Steevenson, 267, 287
- Conservation of Force, by W. Steevenson, 305
- W. E Williams, 287, 324
- Cause of Elasticity, by J. A. D., 863
- Cause of the Potato and other Vegetable Blights, by W. Steevenson, 173
- Cause of Vegetable Blights, lac., by " Implement Maker," 229
- by W. Steevenson. 229
- Centrifugal Pump, by C. Schiele and Co., 383
- Chadwick and Frost's Apparatus for Measuring Water, &c.. 420
- Chaff-Cutting Machine, Smith's. 360
- Chain Harrows, Cambridge's, 417
- Chains, Dangerfield's Improvements in, 189
- Chairs, Ramsbottom's Wrought Iron Railway, 395
- Charging Furnaces, C. Wye Williams' Apparatus for, 84
Chariot, the Aerial (Letters)—
- By A. Alexander, 24
- Anglo-Belge, 61
- Lord Carlingford, 6, 24, 42, 60, 211
- Cluny of Badenoch, 43
- J. A. D., 24
- A. H. Patterson, 7
- Joseph Wilcock, 61
- A Working Man, 7, 24, 43
- Chelsea Bridge (Note Book), 63
- Chelsea New Bridge Bill (Parliamentary Intelligence), 57, 118
- Alloy of Chromium, 424
- Apparatus for Saturating Gas with Liquid Hydro-Carbons, &c., 349
- Application of Water Glass as a Substitute for Soap, 424
- Artificial Flower Leaves of Collodion, 349
- Chemical Changes which Pig Iron undergoes during
- its Conversion, 481
- Composition of Natural Water, 368
- Compressed Peat, 444
- Conversion of Pig Iron into Steel, 424
- Conversion of Carbonate of Manganese, 444
- Coloured Copper Foil, 424
- Dye Root similar to Madder, 424
- Influence of the Labour of the Treadmill, 11
- Madder Colours, and the Conversion of Madder Violet into Madder Red, 349
- Preparation of Copper Powder, 424
- Preparation of Paper impervious to Water, 349
- Preparation of Oil, 444
- Production of Steel, 444
- Separation of Tin from its Alloys with Lead, 424
- Wood Gas as a Lighting Material, 368
- Chester Meeting, Royal Agricultural Society, 472
- Chevreul's Laws of Colour, 57
- Children's Toys, Nani's Improvement in, 114
- Chinese Bridges, 478
- Churn, American, by J. Adams, 27
- City of Glasgow Bank, 468
- " Civil Service Gazette" and the Royal Mint, 328
- Civil Service Moralities, 193
- Clark's (Edwin) Floating Docks, 147
- Clark's (Edwin) Machine for Raising Ships, &c., 174
- Clark's portable Metallic Spring Mattress, 379
- Cleaning Grain, Jacques Richard's Apparatus for, 474
- Cleansing Casks, Pott's Machine for. 227
- Cleansing Fabrics, Crawford's Improvements in, 59
- Cleansing Textile Substances, Dartois' Machine for, 19
- Clifton Suspension Bridge, 18, 477
- Coal and Iron, 264
- Coal Burning Engines, Dewrance's (by One who has Whistled on an Engine), 479
- Coal Burning on American Railways, 317
- Coal Exports, 439
- Coal Fields, American, 39
- Coal Mines, Explosions in, by Cob Coal, 191
- Coal Mines, Reports of Inspectors on, 194
- Coal Pit Accident at Manchester, the, 266
- Coal Pits, Supplying Fresh Air to, &c., by W. S. M., 151
- Coal Statistics, 474
- Coaling Stations for Indian Transports (Parliamentary Intelligence), 131
- Coals of the Hartley District in Marine Boilers, on the Use of, 235
- Coggeshall Agricultural Society, Mr. Mechi at the, by P. A. Halkett, 419
- Coal and Coke, Economy of, by 1L, 457
- Cole's Mode of Working Square Sails, 319
- Collar, Farberry's Patent, 9
- Collecting the Excrement of Towns, Rogers' Mode of, 375
- Collection of Agricultural Statistics, 136
- Colliers' Meeting, 264
- Colliery Conviction, 322
- Colliery Explosion, 208
- Colliery Explosion at Ashton-under-Lyne, 96, 117
- Colliery Owners, &c., Importance of Working Mines with good Safety Lamps, 244
- Colliery Proprietors, Information against, 47
- Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, 60
- Colonial Book Postage, 60
- Colonial Produce, Colonisation and (Note Book), 165
- Colour of Thin Plates, &c. (Letter, by J. A. D.), 6
- Coloured Copper Foil (Chemical), 424
- Coming Winter in the Manufacturing Districts, 384
- Commercial Intercourse with South Africa,363
- Common Roads, Steam Locomotion on, by A. H. Patterson, 153
- Communication with India (Note Book), 137
- Communication with India (Parliamentary Intelligence), 149
- Communication between London and Dublin (Parliamentary Intelligence), 95, 149
- Comparative Heating Properties of Coal and Cake (Society of Arts), 415
- Comparative Heating Qualities of Coal and Coke, Discussion on, at the Society of Arts, 431
- Comparative Tests, Wire v. Hemp Ropes,121
- Comparison of the American and Indian Railway System, 241, 262
- Competition Railway, 112
- Composition of Natural Water (Chemical), 368
- Compressed Peat (Chemical), 444
- Congress of Engineers, a, 279
- Connecting the Feed Pipes of Locomotives, Fenton's, 264
- Conservancy of the Thames (Note Book), 269
- Conservation of Force, Cause of Animal Heat, Ike., by W. Steevenson, 305
- Construction of Similar Triangles, by Charles Hoare, 81
- Consumption Detector, 439
- Consumption of Smoke, by " A Smoker," 249
- Continentale, L'Angleterre, 320
- Controlling the Movements of Ordinary Clocks, by Galvanic Currents, 216
- Convenient Gunpowder, 473
- Conversion of Carbonate of Manganese into Binoxide, 444
- Conversion of Pig Iron into Iron, Steel, &c. (Chemical), 424
- Conversion of Wood by Machinery (Inst. C. E.), by W. Molesworth, 385
- Discussion on, at the Inst. C. E., 434
- Conveyance of Mails to Kingstown (Parliamentary Intelligence), 75
- Conveyance of Mails by Rail (Parliamentary Intelligence) 76
- Copper in the Sea, 286
- Copyright in Pictures, 473
- Cort Testimonial, 271
- By R. W. Marks, 191
- Testimonial Fund, the, 177
- Cost of Railway Neglect, the, 96
- Cottam's Stable Fittings, 466
- Cotton Supplies and Machine Labour (Note Book), 102
- Cotton Supply. the (Note Book), 120
- The Deficiency in the. 3
- Cotton Supply Fallacies (Note Book), 270
- Coupled Engines. by an Engineer, 27
- By S. G. M., 45
- Coupling Apparatus for Railway Carriages. by J. A. D., 479
- Covering in Boilers, by Z., 327
- Cowper's Apparatus for Making Drains, 226
- Cracked, " Big Ben," 320
- Craddock's Steam Engine and Boiler, 475
- Crandall's Apparatus for Measuring Distances, 302
- Instrument for Measuring Distances by Theodolite. 325
- Crawford's Improvements in Cleansing Fabrics, &c., 59
- Crescet Amor Nummi, 453
- Crisis, the Money, 367
- Crosland's Locomotive Engines. 234
- Crowded Dwellings Prevention Bill (Parliamentary Intelligence), 113
- Crystal Palace, &c., 481
- West-End Terminus, 3
- Cummine and Hunter's Electro-Magnetic Engines, 303
- Cunningham's Improvements in Sails, 264
- Curiosity, A., 343
- Curious Fact in Natural History, 343
- " Curse of Slavery," the (Note Book), 176
- Cutting Tools, J. W. Wilson's Improvements in, 344
- Dangerfield's Improvements in Chains, 189
- Dartois' Machine for Cleansing Textile Substances, 19
- Davies' Carriage Steps, 261
- Davies' Self-Inking Stamp, 261
- Day and Hulks' Knobs and Handles, 129
- De Bussy's Method of Reducing Zinc Ores, 209
- Death of James Platt, Esq., M.P., 177
- Deep Water Soundings, 118
- Deficiency in the Cotton Supply, 3
- Department of Science and Art: New Regulations, 422
- Schools, 481
- South Kensington, 244
- Designs, Lathe. by Wm. Hartley, 476
- Designs for Public Offices, 41
- Dewrance's Fire Box, by J. Dewrance, 456
- Dewrance's Fire Box, by One who has Whistled, &c., 479
- Dibbling Apparatus, Maissiat's, 265
- Newington’s Improved, 5
- Dimpfel (American), Coal Burning Boiler, by A. L Holley, 341
- Dircks' Worts and Washes for Brewing, 4
- Disc Engine, Smith's, 234
- Discussion on Various Papers—on Machinery for Laying Submarine Cables, 242
- Discussion, Topics ,or, by G. W , 313
- Dispatch in Oiling Carriage Wheels, 110
- Distilling Apparatus, Lemettais and Boniere's, 440
- Distilling Fatty Matter, Bauwin's Mode of, 216
- Dogs of War, the, 420
- Doings in Newgate 121
- Dolby's Machinery for Printing in Colours. 364
- Doulton's, Henry, Kilns for Stoneware, 433
- Drainage of London, The Referees' Report on the, By James Sutcliffe, 379
- Young Cocker, 379
- Drainage of the Thames Marshes (Note Book), 214
- Drains, Cooper's Apparatus for Making, 226
- Draughts, W. Petrie's Method of Creating, 288
- Drawing Egg Ovals (Letter), by J. Jewsbury, 327
Drawing Ellipses,
- By A. C., 327
- J. Burdett, 251
- Camille Cranquoy, 289, 345, 383
- J. E. Collins, 365
- Eccentric, 307
- J. H., 327
- J. K. O., 365
- T. Ludlam, 3F6
- A. S. Lukin, C.E., 345
- M. R, 169, 307
- T. K. P., 365
- Dray's Improvements in Ploughs, 196
- Dreadful Boiler Explosion at Huddersfield. 424
- Dressing 'threads, sc., Hacking's Machinery for, 26
- Dryden and Miles' Cylinder Printing Press, 77
- Drying Agricultural Produce, Sinclair's Improvements in, 12
- Duke of Argyll on the Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, 95
- Dutch Exploring Expedition, 481
- Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, the Duke of Argyll on the, 95
- Dye it oi similar to Madder (Chemical), 424
- Dyer' Improvements in Windlasses and Capstans, 246
- Dyson's Method for Tilting Iron, &c., 288
- Earl of Durham's Collieries, 402
- Early Locomotives, by J. T. G., 211
- Earth's Central Heat, Pressure the Cause of, by W. Steevenson, 419
- East India Railway Company, 354
- East India Railways. 110
- Eastern, the Great, 2(5
- Eaton's India-rubber Springs, 66
- Economical Working of Boilers, by a First Subscriber, 327
- By C. Wye Williams, 479
- Economiser, Green's Patent Fuel, 41
- Economising Heat in Locomotives, Molineaux's Mode of, 402
- Economy of Coke and Coal, by M„ 457
- Educational Centralisation, (Note B, ok). 102
- Manufactures, (Note Book,) 155, 23'2
- Edwards and Beecher's Machinery for Washing Minerals, 379
- Elasticity, the Cause of. by J. A. D., 363
- Electric Conductivity of Commercial Copper, &c. (Chemical), 11
- Electric Guns, 433
- Telegraph in Australia, 47, 354
- &o., Henley's, 44
- Dighton's, 171
- Telegraphing by Steam, 377, 384
- Electrical Conductors, Rankin and Thompson's Mode of Laying, 186
- Electro- Magnetic Engines, &c., Cumine and Hunter's, 303
- Embankment of the Thames (Metropolitan Board of Works), 149
- Embankments, Forming Railway, by A. R. W., 27
- Emery Paper, 36
- Emery's Improved Harrows, 59
- Emigration of Discharged Government Artisans, 135
- Employment of Capital, 459
Energy and Momentum (Letter,) by J. B., 6, 78
- Momentum, and Heat,
- by J. A. D., 24i
- By A. H. Patterson, 24
Engine (Steam) and Boiler, Craddock's, 475
- Thomas Moy, by H. L., 363
- by T. Moy, 380
- G. Remington and Co.'s Patent Draught, 171
- Reporting, 316
- and Tender, American Goods, 329
Engineers for the Army, 261
- a Congress of, 279
- Institution of Birmingham Mechanical, 111
- the Manchester Meeting of Mechanical, 2
Engines, Agricultural, by John Gray and Co., 438
- By "Implement Maker," 438, 476
- John Pinchbeck, 438
- J. H. Simpson, 229
- Coupled, by " Enquirer," 27
- S. G. M., 45
- Expansive Condensing, by Wigan,[419
- Ogden and Hibbert's improvements in Colliery and Locomotive. 62
- Rotary (Letter), by H. C., 61, 134
- Salle, 135
- Joseph Willcock, 117
- England, the Industrial Population of, 320
- English and American Patent Office (Note Book), 82; Railways; what they have Cost, and what they may Earn, and how, 2.3, 301;
- Engstrom's Improved Projectiles for Rifled Cannon, 170
- Entertainment by Marchioness of Londonderry, &c., 474
- Eruption of a Volcano, 395
- Etching, &c., Gilbert's Machines for, 58
- Euphrates and Tigris (Now Book), 138
- Examinations of the Society of Arts (Note Book), 403
- Examples of the Screw Propeller, and other Modes of Propulsion in Natural History, J. A. D., 248
- Expansion, Steam and its, by It D., 304
- of Steam, on Heat and, by J. B., 380
- Expansive Condensing Engines, by Wigan, 419
- Expedition up the Nile2 the Late, 3
- Experimental Marine Engine Boiler. 416
- Experiments with Goulding's Amalgamating Machine, 279
- The Great Gun, 322
- In Gunnery. 2
- Web a 36-inch Mortar, by Robert Mallet, 476
- Explosion of the Boiler of a Steam Threshing Machine, 184
- At Bradford, the Boiler, 235
- Gawn Colliery, 209
- Huddersfield, Dreadful Boiler, 424
- The Late Boiler, 4
- Explosions, Boiler, by J. Coupe, 249
- E. Moore, 249
- Telegraph, 267
- " Vulgar Sense," 153
- In Mines (Note Book), 155
- Cob Coal, 191
- Export of Coal, 249
- Coals from the United Kingdom, 72
- Exporters Hints to, 244
- Extended Use of Oscillating Engines, by " Progress," 305
- Extension of Gas Lighting, 396
- Extension of Railways in New South Wales, 90
- Extension of the Submarine Telegraph to Malta, 415
- Extent of the Houses of Parliament. 26
- Extraordinary Coloured Meteors, 132
- Powers of Mental Arithmetic, 110
- Fairbairn and Marsden's Machinery for Heckling Flax, 451
- Failure of Naylor, Vickers, and Co., the, 859
- of Springs, by " Ignoramus," 289
- J. B., 289
- Falling Bodies, Momentum of, by J. A. D. 419
- Fan Blast, by A. B. Ex., 421
- H. P. H., 289. 403
- C Schiele and Co., 155, 30T, 421
- C. WY() Williams, 323
- Farcot’s Improvements in Steam Hammers, 357
- Farm Roads on Strong Soils, by J. B. Denton, 253, 273
- Fatal Accident, 298
- Accident to Mr. Dykes, 397
- Boiler Explosion at Chester. 43
- Boiler Explosion at Durham, 263
- Fay's Carriage Brake, 92
- Fearful Colliery Explosion, 298
- Colliery Explosion near Barnsley, 283
- Feeding Boiler, henry Martin's Apparatus for, 322. Steam Boilers, Sykes' Apparel us for, 247
- Fenton's Mode of Connecting Feed Pipes of Locomotives, 264
- Ferry Boats, Heather's, 115
- Finch's Improvements in Railway Brakes, 382
- Fire-Arms, &c., Genhart's Improvements in, 58
- Fire-Box, Dewrance's, by John Dewrance. 456
- Mr. Yarrow's, by One who has Whistled on an Engine 20 Years Ago, 43T Mr. Yarrow's, by Thomas Yarrow, 437
- Fixing Work for Polishing, by R. 11. Thomas, 189
- Flax Cultivation in Ireland. 158
- Floating Docks, Edwin Clark's, 147
- Floating Hamm. as, 430
- Fluid Meters. Newton, 97
- Flushing Machines, Salter's Self-acting, 281
- Fluted Screw, by H. A Miler, 2 9
- Flying Chariot under Flying Colours, by a Working Man, 43
- Folding Lace, &c., Atkin and Miller's Machinery for, 122
- For mini/ Railway Embankments, by A. R. W., 27
- Forsyth's Locomotive and other Engines, 154
- Fowler's Apparatus for giving Motion to Ploughs, 132
- France and the Suez Omni, 403
- Fraud upon Farmer. (Note Book), 252
- Free Libraries and Institutions (Parliamentary Intelligence), 75
- Free Libraries and Museums, 321
- French Inventions, 244
- Iron Works, 5.4
- Treatment of Scientific Men, 36
- Friction, the Indemnity of Rubbing and Rolling, by J. A. D.. 419
- Frightful Accident on the North London Railway,
- Functions of the Science and Art Department,
- Furnace., Healy's Improved, 5
- Siemens' Improved, 40
- Galvanic Currents, Controlling the Movements of Ordinary Clocks by, 216
- Galvanising, 28
- Garaud's Mode of Transmitting Motion, 8to., 216
- Gas, Cost of, by F. W. F., 231
- Flame Furnace, Beaufume's, 291
- Gauntlett's Improved Thermometric Apparatus, 5
- Geelong and Melbourne Railway, 110
- Generating Steam, W. Muir's Apparatus for, 281
- Pruvost's Apparatus for, 395
- By Charles Wye Williams, 304
- Genhart's Improvements in Fire-arms, 58
- Geological Society. the, 355, 482
- " George." the Royal, Locomotive Engine, 171
- George Stephenson, by S Smiles (Review), 91, 173
- (from the Times), 224
- Gibson's Self. Acting Railway Brake, by (lost. C. E.), 396
- Signalling Apparatus, 93
- Gilbert's Machines for Etching, Ste., 58
- Gimson's Apparatus for Preventing Boiler Explosions, 402
- Girard's Improvements in Hydraulic Turbines, 37
- Glasgow Harbour, 215
- Glass Covered Thoroughfares (Note Book), 481
- Globe. Betts' Portable, 474
- Gnoll College, Vale of Neath, 240
- Gossage's Improvements in the Manufacture of Soda, &c., 243
- Sulphuric Acid, 1110
- Government Contracts and Dockyard Authorities, 170
- In and the, 139
- School of Mines, 321
- Goulding's Amalgamating Machine, 303
- Experiments wish, 279
- Gravitation (Letters) :—
- By Engineer's Assistant, 63
- Gyroscope, 45
- J. A. D., fi3
- The Gyroscope, by Gyroscope, 135
- Gray's, Dr. Train Communicating Apparatus, by Ver Ras, 325
- Great Eastern, the, 2n5
- (Note Book), 231, 328, 404
- Launching of the, by J. Sutcliffe, 61
- Steamship, 36, 32i1
- Great Northern Railway Accident. The Blast Pipe Controversy (Letters' : —
- By H. F., 286
- Great Northern Hallway Accident, 212
- By .1. H., 266
- A Midland Servant, 266
- The Late, 251
- Great Steam Plough Trial at Stirling, 338
- Great Trial of Harvesting Machines in America, 2
- Great Western of Canada, 477
- Great Western Railway, Widows' and Orphans' Fund, 164
- Green's Patent Fuel Economiser, 41
- Greenhalgh v. Linn (Law Proceedings), 423
- Grievances of Railway Shareholders ( Note Book), 45
- Griffiths' Improvements in Vessels, b6
- Grinding Cements, Porter's Improvements in, 8
- Grinding Lenses by Prism, 345
- Grubbing v. Ploughing (Note Book). 120
- Guerin's Railway Brake, 316
- Guideway Steam Agriculture, 462
- By P. A. Halkett, 99
- Gunboats for Indian Rivers. 4)41
- Gun Barrels, Ornamental, by E. T., 213
- Gun Metal. Cast steel as, 396
- Gun, Monster Wrought Iron, by J. and W. Clay, 476
- Gunnery, Experiments in, 2
- Gunpowder as a Motive Agent, by W. T. P., 479
- Gyroscope (Letters) :—
- By Edmund Hunt, 439
- Mechanical Engineer. 403
- Gyroscope, 135
- Hacking'a Machinery for Dressing Yarns. &c., 20
- Haddan’s Improvements in Smelting, 147
- Half time Rural Schools, 291
- Hall and Charlton's Agricultural Engines, 478
- Hammers, Farcot's Improvements in Steam, 357
- Harnessing Niagara, 94
- Harbour of Refuge at the Cape, 5
- at Yarmouth (Parliamentary Intelligence), 57
- Harbours of Refuge, 6
- Hardman and Dugdale's Patent, by Davies and Hunt, 327
- Harpoon Guns, Mitchell's, 265
- Harris's Improvements in Horse Shoes, 416
- Harrison's Breech-loading Fire-arms, 133
- Harrows, Emery's Improved, S9
- Harvest, 120
- Harvesting (Note Book), 156
- Machines, Great Trial of, in America. 2
- Haupt's American Railway Maxims, 37
- Health of London, 90
- Healy's Furnaces, &c., 6
- Heat, Animal, &c., by W. Steevenson, 343, 381
- the Cause of Animal, by J A. D., 391
- By W . E. Williams, 824, 419
- Energy, Momentum, and, by J. A. D , 24
- and Expansion of team, by J. II., 380
- By G. H. Strype. 421
- as a Motive Agent, on the Theory of, by J. B., 457
- Heather's Ferry Boats, 115
- Heating Fluids, Walker's Apparatus for, 226
- and Ventilating, Swain's App 'rattle for, 96
- Heckling Flax, Fairbairn and Marsden's Machinery for, 451
- Hedgely's Improvements in Spirit Lamps, 96
- Heiller's Machinery for Winding, Twisting, &c., 132
- Heinke's Apparatus for Illuminating objects under Water, 19
- Henley's Electric Telegraph, &c., 44
- Her Majesty's Steamer " Himalaya" Ashore, 197
- Herschel's Discoveries, 340
- Heywood's Machinery used in Weaving, 100
- High and Low Pressure Steam, by A. B., 343
- By A. B. Ex., 362, 419, 466
- " Analysis," 302, 381
- Thomas Baldwin, 421
- T. Craddock, 418
- R. Davies, 369
- Expositor, 418
- Josiah Gimson, 362
- H. H., 421
- W. Hughes, 381, 439
- W. K Hurst, 381
- Ed. Ingham, 456
- Robert Lakin, 381, 324
- M. A. W., 439
- A Minor, 362
- Omnibus, 439
- J. Ramsbottom, 418
- Jas. Sutcliffe, 343, 362, 417
- preferable, &c., Whether is, by J. A. I)., 343
- High Pressure Steam, J. A. 1)., 477
- High Pressure Steam and Boiler Explosions, by T. Craddock, 477
- Higham's Valve Musical Instruments, 129 1-lighten's Electric Telegraphs, 171
- Highways, 473
- Hints on Educational Manufactory (Note Book), 405
- to Exporters, 244
- Hobb's Locks and Latches, 129
- Hoisting Apparatus, Peril/01y and Porter's Steam, 416
- Holland and Suez Canal, 467
- Holyhead Harbour and Breakwater, 222
- Homes of Manchester Princes, &c.. 72
- Homogeneous Metal, by G. W., 421
- Hoosac Tunnel, the, 100
- Horizontal Thrust against Walls, by J. A. D., 6
- Horse Gearing, G. Perrott's Improvements in, 319
- Horse Plough v. Steam Plough (Note Book), 102
- Horse Shoes, Horrid' Improvements in, 416
- Horticultural Society of London, 410
- Horton's Machinery for Regulating Steam, 208
- Hot Water Apparatus, 23
- How a Sun stroke affects a Man, 325
- How to become an Engineer, by Philotimos, 365
- lingo Hippodrome, 196
- Hulling and Cleaning Rice, Barnes' Machinery for, 420
- Hunterian Museum,
- Hyde's Improvements in Vices, 478
- Hydraulic Presses, Mareschal's. 118
- Hydraulic Turbines, Girard's, 37
- Hydrodynamics, Naval, by W. Petrie, 342, 476
- Hydrostatic Screw Propeller, 210
- Identity of Rubbing and Rolling Friction, by J. A. D., 419
- Illegal Use of Patterns, by Albion, 365
- Illuminating objects under Water, Heinke's Apparatus for, 19
- Implement Show the Smithfield Club, 434
- Importance of Working Coal Mines with Good Safety Lamps to Colliery Owners and NI wingers, 2.14
- Improved Communication across the Solent, 240
- Improved Railway Transit, by " Unit," 6
- Improvements in Locomotives, by John Dewrance, 399
- At Seacombe Ferry , 240
- In Street Lamps. 219
- India, British, Ill, 130. 148, 178, 107, 206, 245, 272, 282, 300, 318, 348, 358, 376, 393. 41.1, 452, 469
- Railways in, 95
- Scientific Mission to, 339
- Works In (Parliamentary Intelligence), 95
- Indian Railways (Parliamentary intelligence), 131
- River Navigation, by C. H. II., 249
- Telegraphs (Note Book), 175
- Indicator, Slide Valve, by J. B., 27
- indiscriminate Granting of Patents, &c., by G. W., l$
- Industrial Population of England. 320
- Influence of the Labour of the Treadwheel over Respiration and Pulsation, and its Relation to the Waste of the System, and the Dietary of the Prisoners (Chemical), II
- Information against a Coal Proprietor at Bolton, 222
- Colliery Proprietors, 47
- Account of the Steam Ferry of the Nile, &c., by Mr. Sopwith, 461
- Annual General Meeting, 473
- Conversion of Wood by Machinery, by Mr. Molesworth, 385, 396
- Discussion on the Conversion of Wood by Machinery, 134
- Gibson's Self-Acting Railway Signals, 396
- Institution of Engineers of Scotland, 338
- By B. hunt, 327
- Birmingham Mechanical Engineers, 1 I I Civil Engineers, 320
- Mechanical Engineers, 338
- The Manchester Mechanics, 158
- Institutions, Training, by J. Rockliffe, 9/4
- Instrument for Drawing Ovals, by J. J.. 231
- Interesting Gunpowder Experiments, 19?
Invention of the Blastpipe, by " Aliquis," 190, 22S
- By " An Old Stager," 81
- Richard Burch, 60
- J. Dewrance, 78, 184, 228, 248, 824
- " Dial," 42, 60. 98, 151, 190
- W. Gowland, 304, 324 11. G., 173
- J, W. Hack worth, 117, 172, 210, 286
- George Hill, 286
- F. Hurst, 248, 267
- John Rowland, 228, 286
- S Smiles, 112, 227
- Thomas Snowdon, 324
- For Submerging Submarine Cables, 329
- Inventions, French, 244
- Inventors and the Government, 139
- Imports and Exports of Metals at the Port of London, 18, 36, 51, 72, 90, 109, 12M, 116, 164, 184, 102, 222, 210, 260 278, 298, 316, 336, 354, 37.1, 399, 412, 430, 450, 468, 487
- Irish Engineer at the Defence of Arrah, An, 354
- Turntables and Weighing Cranes, 136
- Iron, Bessemer's Improvements in, 4, 174
- Cassel's and Morton's Improvements in, 322
- Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Towns, 16, 34, 61, 70, 88, 108, 127, 144, 163, 183, 200. 220. 239, 259. 277. 296, 314, 334, 362, 372, 390, 410, 428, 449. 466, 486
- Oakes' Improvements in, 268, Foundries, by Slag. 345
- Improvements, Kelly v. Bessemer, 74
- Works, North of India, 112
- Ireland, Flax Cultivation in. 168
- Is India-rubber Shot Proof ? 62
- Isthmus of Sues Canal (Parliamentary Intelligence), 30
- Jackson, 1:Mufti, and Co.'s Improvements in Casting Metals, 212
- Jacquard Machines. Brown and Adin's, 77
- Jessop's Machines for Washing and Mangling, 5
- Joining, &c., Pipes, Austin's Method of, 77, 135
- Joy's Steam Engines, 360
- Keeping Liquids under Certain Conditions, by W. C. Hare, 261
- Kelly Y. Bessemer. Iron Improvements, 74
- Kensington ()ore Estate (Parliamentary Intelligence),113
- Keys and Locks (Review), 397, 470
- Kling for Stoneware, &c., Henry Doulton's, 433
- Knobs and Handles, Day and Hinck's improvements in, 129
- Knoderer's Improvements in Tanning, 299
- L’Angleterre Continentals, 320
- La Croix's Mode of Reefing Top Sails, 247
- Labour for our Tropical Colonies, 28
- Lamps, Hedgely's Improved Spirit, 62
- Lamps, Safety, by J. A. D , 99
- Land and Life, by W. Bridges, 113
- Large Sale of Land in Now Zealand, 401
- Lark's Limo Kilns, 92
- Beattie r. The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company (Queen's Bench), 3, 21, 22, 23
- Bewley v. Hancock, 75
- Brook and Another v. Aston, 377
- Greenhalgh v. Dinn, 423
- In re C. J. Mare, Proposal to Supersede, 339
- Charles James Mare, Proposal to Creditors to Annul the Bankruptcy of, 20
- In re Russell, 377, 397, 445
- Leo v. Greig and Parson, 391
- Newell v. Webster, 39
- Price's Candle Company v. Bauwen's Candle Company, 20
- Seed v. Higgins and others, 20
- Thomas v. Foxwell, 445
- Thomas v. Judkins, 445
- Williamson v. King, 187
- Late Boiler Explosion at Huddersfield, 441
- Late Expedition up the Nile, the, 3
- Lathe Contest, the, 29
- Lathe Designs, by Wm. Hartley, 476
- Lathe for Jewellers, Stephen's, 114
- Launch of the " Delhi," 99
- Launch of the first Iron Vessel made In the Isle of Man, 197
- Launching Large 'Vessels, by Mansfield, 475
Launching the " Leviathan " (Letters)
- By Civil Engineer, 417
- J. B. M., 363
- H. Briefly, 363
- George Hart, 379
- H. H., 363
- J. IL, 475
- J. Lloyd, M.D., 362, 380, 401
- J. T., 401
- Launching the "Great Eastern," be James Sutcliffe, 61
- Lawe's Improvements in Tilling Land. 357
- Laws of Colour. M. Chovreul, on, :)7
- Laying Electrical Conductors, Rankine and Thompson's Mode of, 180
- Laying Permanent Ways, Do Bergue’s Apparatus for, 208
- Laying Submarine Telegraph Cables, Professor W. Thompson's Method of, 185
- Laying Telegraph Cables, Bright and Do Bergue’s, 458
- Lecture on Accidents in Mines. &c., 325
- Lee's Portable Printing Press, 122
- Lee v. Greig and Parson (Law Proceedings), 397
- Lemetals and Boniere's Distilling Apparatus, 410
- Lessening the Rocking of Vessels, by J. A. U., 25
- Letter Box, Pillar, by G. H. Smyth, C.E., 437
- Letter to the Agricultural Society, on Guide-way Steam Agriculture. 50
- Leviathan (Note II). 400
- By " 1).," 459
- Accident at the Launch of the, 359
- Launching the, by H. Briefly, 363
- By " Civil Engineer," 417
- George Hart, 379
- H. H., 363
- J. B. 51 , 363
- J. H., 475
- J. T., 401
- J. Lloyd, M. D., 362, 380, 401
- Renewed Attempt to Launch the, 385
- Levick and James' Mode of Utilising the Waste Gases of Blast Furnaces, 80
- Lewsey 's Sugar Cane N1 ills, 12
- Life and Lund, by W. Bridges, 113
- Life-Preserver, J. Banks., 285
- Life- Preserving Flout, Simmonds', 84
- Lighting, Bache's Lamps for Artificial, 4
- Lightning," the, 177
- Lilliputian Engines, 448
- Lime Kilns, Larks, 92
- Lines, Wave, by Thomas Moy, 305, 401
- Lissajous' Acoustic Experiments, 38
- Lister's Improvements in Spinning, 8
- Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 453
- Literary and Scientific Society of Liverpool, 394
- Liverpool Polytechnic Society, 225, 355
- Livingstone Dr. (Note Book), 214
- Locks and Keys (Review), 397, 470
- and Latches, Hobbs' Improvements in, 120
- Morrison and Lillie's Improvements in, 367
Locomotive Blast (See Invention of the Blast Pipe)
- Boiler, the Boardman, by A L. Holley, 823
- Etc , Engines, Crosland's, 234
- Engines, Forsyth's. 151
- Enmities, Thomas Yarrow's Improvements in, 337
- Purposes, Josiah Parke's Apparatus for, 250
- Palace, A, 244
- Locomotives, Early, by J. T. G., 211
- Improvements in, by John Dewrance, 399
- Lois Weedon Husbandry, 215
- London, the Main Drainage of, 94
- and Manchester Traffic, l ltl
- Sunday, the, 139
- Longbottom, Apparatus for Superheating Steam, 41
- Looseness of Management, another Railway Accident, 305
- Loss of the Transit, 177
- (Parliamentary Intelligence), 140
- Lower Masts, Brown's lode of Constructing, 41
- Lowering Submarine Telegraph Cables, Discussion on various Papers on Machinery for, 242
- Lubricating Axles, st c.. Barrens' Improvements in, 26
- Lubricator, Oxley's Self-acting, 93
- Lunatic Asylum, the Colney Hatch, by S. W. Dank's, 60
- Lundhill Colliery Explosion, 25, 38
- M. Daniel Adolphus Lange, 305
- M.P.s in the Recess, (Note Book), 347
- Machinery, Agricultural, by " Implement-Maker," 438
- for Laying Submarine Cables, 280
- Sawing, by J. M' Dowell and Sons, 27
- Madder Colours, and the Conversion of Madder Violet into Madder Red, (Chemical,) 349
- Madras Railway, 410
- Magnet, Powerful, by " A Regular Subscriber," 9
- Main Drainage of London, 94
- (Note Hook,) 101, 176, 309, 384
- Main Drainage of the Metropolis (Board of Works), 283, 339
- Main Drainage Question (Note Book). 81
- Scheme, the (Metropolitan Board of Works), 966 149
- Maissiat's Dibbling Apparatus, 265
- Making a Fabric of Abestos, by II. T. H., 459
- Mal-construction of 1Vindows, by W. Austin, 13t, Management of Coal Trains, 400
- Furnaces, by F. T. L., 459
- Manchester Association for the Prevention of Boiler Explosions. 242
- Manchester Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 2
- Manchester Mon, the, 53
- Mechanics' Institution, the, 158
- Manufacturing and Purifying Gas, H. 8. Smith's Mode of, 302
- Manufacture of Steel in Austria, the, 368
- Manuring Machine, R. and J. Reeves, 151
- Mare, In rc C. J Proposal to Supersede, 339
- Mareschal’s Hydraulic Presses, 118
- Marine Erections, by Thomas 441
- By T. 'Winder, 459
- Marshall's Improvements in Purifying Oils, &o., 37
- Martin's Apparatus for Feeding Boilers, 322
- Railway Signal Apparatus, 360
- Mary Wedlake, &c., 41
- Massey and Hargreave's Mode of Preparing Cotton, 151
- Matthews's Vat used in the Manufacture of Paper, 378
- M'Callan's Air and Water Discharge for Steam Pipes, 24T
- M’Connell's Railway Brakes, 268
- Measuring Distances, &c., Crandall's Apparatus for, 302
- Instrument for, 325
- Measuring Water, Chadwick and Frost's Apparatus for, 420
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 111, 338
- Mechanics' Institutions, the Association of, 207
- Mechi, Mr., on Agriculture. 397
- at the Coggeshall Agricultural Society. by P. A. Halkett, .119
- Mediterranean Electric Telegraph. 336
- Telegraph, the, 170, 240, 247, 354, 356
- Mellin's Improvements In Taps and Valves, 382
- Mercurial Regulator, Smith's Self-acting 84
- Regulator, Smith's, by a Practical Engineer, 119
- Mercury Mines, their Produce and Working. 396
- Metals and Manufactures in the Yorkshire and Lancashire Districts. 17, 35.53, 71. 80
- Embankment of the 'Thames, 149
- Main Drainage Scheme, 95, 149, 283
- Main Drainage of the Metropolis, 339
- New Road for the East End of London, 283
- Vacant Ground in St. Paul's Churchyard, 149
- Metropolitan Central Termini (Note Book), 155
- Dead Moat Market, 47
- Drainage (Note Book), 251
- Drainage, 366
- Drainage (Note Book), 40.1
- Drainage (Parliamentary Intelligence), 75
- Subways, 308
- Tramways, 385
- Milford, 305
- Miller's Mode of Propelling Vessels, 77
- Mineral Statistics, 289
- Mines, Government School of, 321
- Mines (Mercury), their Produce and Working, 396
- Mining for Coal, the Last Blue Book upon it, by Con.. stunt Reader, 191
- Missionary Travels in South Africa, 6tc., by David Livingstone, 423, 443
- Mitchell's Harpoon Guns, 265
- M`Naught's Steam Engines, 96
- Model Garden, the, 156
- Molineaux's Mode of Economising Heat in Locomotives 402
- Momentum. Energy and (Letter by J. B.), 6, 78
- By A. H. Patterson, 24
- J. A. D., 21
- of Falling Bodies, by J. A. D., 419
- Monetary Crisis (Note Book), 383
- Money Crisis, the, 367
- Monnier's Bridles and Bits, 41
- Monstre Blast, 3s Wrought Iron Gun, by J. and W. Clay, •176
- Montreal Ocean Steamship Company, 20
- Monument, the Wellington, 113
- Moors, the, by W , W., 173
- Moors, the (Note Book), 139, 194
- More Centralisation, 475
- Railway Accidents, 488
- Morris' Washing Machines, 183
- Morrison's Improvements in Steam Boilers, 18a Morrison and Lillie's Improvements In Locks, 357
- Mortar, Experiments with the 36 lb., by Robert Mallets 47
- Mortars, the 36 lb.. by Robert Mallet, 231
- and Talkers (Note Book), 479
- Motion, Garaud’s Mode of Transmitting and Stopping, 216
- Motive Power, a Now 67
- Moulding Cast Iron Pipes, Stewart's Improvements in, 196
- Mowing and Reaping, Jas. Thompson's Improvements in, 299
- Moys' Engine, Thomas, by H. L., 363
- Thomas, Steam Engines, by T. Moy, 380
- Muir's Mode of Generating Steam, 281
- Museums, Free Libraries and. 321
- Nails, Newcombe's Machinery for, 227
- Nam's Children's Toys, 114
- National Institution for the Promotion of Social Science, 290
- National Medal Distribution, 290
- Naval Hydrodynamics (Letters)—
- By W. Petrie, 342, 476
- Navigation, the Aerial, by Algebra Neglected, 153
Navigation, Aerial (Letters)—
- By Lord Carlingford, 99
- H. C. Hurry, 25
- J. A. 1) , 99
- Old Crank, 79, 191
- Would-be. Engineer, 99
- Navigation of Indian Rivers (Note Book), 191
- Navigation of the Indian Rivers. 321
- Navigation, Indian River, by G. H. H.. 219
- Naylor. Vickers and Co., Failure of, 359
- Necessary Breadth of Piers, by J. A. D., 439
- Netherton Colliery Explosion. the, 2118
- Nevin's and Yates' Mode of Preparing Bread, 326
- Now Brick Manufactory near Farnham, 435, •1118
- Now Era in Criminal Management (Note Book), 347
- Now Government Offices, 90
- New Instrument for Measuring Velocities, 114
- New Joint Stock Companies, 413
- New Landing Stage. the, 234
- New Life Boat fur Brighton, a, 292
- New Lock, 12
- New Locomotive. 339
- Now Military Works, 439
- New Mining College, 2
- New Mode of Working Steam Engines. by T. Moy, 338
- New Motive Power, 67
- New Mortars, 202
- Now Power for the Propulsion of Vessels, by T. 51., 403
- New Power for Propulsion of Vessels, by M. Morgan, 441
- Now Public Offices (Note Book), 119
- New Public Offices, the (Parliamentary Intelligence), 113
- New Road for the East End of London (Metropolitan Board of Works), 283
- New Safety Railway Brake, 202
- New Screw Propeller, 250
- New Sewers, 374
- Now Shed at Woolwich, 197
- Now Tidal Basin, Chatham (Note Book), 233
- New Theory for Smoke Consumption, 2so New Wave Line System, by Thomas Moy, 861, 401
- Now Westminster Bridge, the, 128
- New Water Still, A., 284
- New York Panic, 454
- Newall v. Webster (Law Proceedings), 39
- Newcastle Colliers' Association Premium (Note Book),U$
- Newcomb's Machinery for Making Nails, 227
- Newgate, Doings in, 121
- Newington's Dibbling Apparatus, 5
- Newton's Fluid Meters, 97
- Newton's Improved Water Meter;319
- Newton's Window Blinds and Shutters, 310
- Niagara. Harnessing, 94
- No Telegraph to Balmoral, 240
- Non-Encouragement of Inventions, the Blast Pipe, &c. , by Daniel Warren, 78
- North of India Iron Works, 112
- Accidents at Collieries, 232
- Accident at Millwall, 306
- Aeronautics. 64
- Application of Sewage to Land, 193
- Art-instruction and the Working Classes;252 270
- Art Treasures Exhibition, 138, 270
- Ashton Colliery Explosion, 119
- Atlantic Cable, 137
- Atlantic Telegraph, 175
- Attempted Launch of the Great Eastern, 343
- Australian Mail Contract, 101
- Bessemer's American Patent, 82
- Branch Railways, 346
- For Agriculture, 10
- Chelsea Bridge, the, 63
- Civil Service Moralities, 193
- Colonisation and Colonial Produce, 65
- Coming Winter in the Manufacturing Districts, 381
- Communication with India. 137
- Conservancy of the Thames, 269
- Cotton Supplies and Machine Labour, 102
- Cotton Supply, the, 120
- Cotton Supply Fallacies, 270
- Curse of Slavery, 177
- Department of Science and Art, 122, 4S1
- Dr. Livingstone, 214
- Drainage of the '1 Names Marshes, 211
- Educational Centralisation, 102
- Educational Manufactures, 155, 232
- Electric Telegraphing by Steam, 384
- Employment of Capital, 459
- English and American Patent Offices, 82
- Euphrates and Tigris. 138
- Examinations of the Society of Arts, 403
- Explosions in Mines, 155
- Fraud upon Farmers, 252
- Functions of the Science and Art Department, 422
- Galvanising, 28 •
- Glass-covered Thoroughfares, 4S0
- Great Eastern, the 231, 328, 904
- Great Northern Railway Accident, the late, 2A.
- Grievances of Railway Shareholders, 45
- Grubbing v. Ploughing, 120
- Half-time Rural Schools, 291
- Harvest, 120
- Harvesting, 156
- Hints on Educational Manufactures, 405
- Horse Plough v. Steam Plough, 102
- Indian Telegraph, 175
- Labour for our Tropical Colonies, 28
- Lathe Contest, the, 29
- Leviathan, the. 443, 460
- Lois Weedon Husbandry, 215
- M.P.s in the Recess, 347
- Main Drainage of London, the, 131, 176, 308, 381
- Question, 81
- Management of Coal Trains, 160
- Metropolitan Central Termini, 155
- Dead Meat Market, 47
- Drainage, 251, 3(6, 401
- Tramways, 383
- Subways,3 08
- Mineral Statistics, 289
- Model Garden, the, 156
- Monetary Crisis, 383
- Moors, the, 139.194
- Mortars and Talkers. 479
- National Institution for the Promotion of Social Science, 290
- Medal Distribution, 290
- Navigation of Indian Rivers. 193
- Newcastle Collieries Association Premium, 232
- New Era in Criminal Management, 347
- New Public Offices, 119
- Patent Museum, 63
- Preparation of the Soil for Sewage Manure, 10
- Pressure in the Money Market, 365
- Prize Reaping Machines, Salisbury, 83
- Progress of Art Instruction, 28, 45
- of the Launch, 422
- Promotion of &Isla' Science, 171;
- Proposed New Parks, 403
- Public Parks, 9
- Railway Accidents, 9, 27, 289
- Report for 1856, 231
- Railways for India, 308
- Reports of Inspectors of Coal Mines, 214
- Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Salisbury, 16, 64
- Safe Railway Travelling, 307
- Sanitary State of Towns, 327
- School Endowments, 46
- Schools of Art, National Medals, 156
- Science and Art Department, New Regulations, 412
- Sheepshanks Collection, the, 82
- Shipwrecks, 269
- Smithfield Club Show, 441
- Smoke Abatement, 421
- Society of Arts Examinations, 412
- Steam Blast, the, 207
- Culture, Salisbury, 83
- Ploughing. 63
- Suez Canal, the, 45
- Supply of Cotton, 213
- Tariff Relaxations, 323
- Taxing Literary Institutions, 46
- Tenure of Land, 431
- Traction Engines. &e.. 29
- Ways of the " Leviathan. 480
- Westminster Bridge, 120
- Work for Parliament, 411
- Working Men's Colleges, 213
- Notes from the Northern and Eastern Counties, 17, 35, 54, 71, 90, 109, 121. 145, 1(13. 183, 201, 221, 239, 269, 277, 297, 315, 335, 352, 373, 390 411, 429, 450, 467, 4S6
- Notes by the War, by a Constant Reader, 191
- Notices to Correspondents.—For Letters inserted under this head, see first lake of the subject.
- Novel Application of Terra Cotta, 394
- Contrivance for Detection of Burglary, 325
- Nugget, an Enormous, 240
- Oakes' Improvements in Iron, 26S
- Obtaining Light by Electricity, Way's Improvements in, •151
- Obtaining Patents, by Artisan, 459
- Oscillating Engines, Extended Use of, by "Progress," 305
- Ocean's Maw, 45R
- Official Report of the Judges on the Reaping Machines, 74
- Ogden and Hibbert's Improvements applicable to Colliery and other Engines, 62
- Old Locomotive ,Engines, 3(3
- Old Rochester Bridge. 219
- Omnibus Correspondence. 184
- Premium, the, by A. G. Church, .521
- Tramway?, 371
- Omnibuses of London, the, 399
- Opening of a Dry Dock in the Mauritius, 2S4
- Part of the Line between Cairo and Suez, 123
- The Ulverstone and Lancaster Railway, 233
- Operations at the Mint, 322
- Operative Distress in Derby, 396
- Ophthalmoscope, 74
- Ordnance' Survey, 95, 12R, 177
- Of Ireland, 132
- The (Parliamentary Intelligence), 30
- Organs, Willis' Improvements in, 208
- Original .Locomotive Engine, 317
- Ornamental Gun Barrel', by E. T., 213
- Turning, by " Past Time," 459
- Orthographic Projection, Treatise on, by W. Binns, 177
- Oscillating Engines, by Progress," 305
- Osmium-Iridium in Russian Gold (Chemical), 444
- Outer Rails, Super elevation of, by J. A. I)., 27
- Oxley's Self-Acting Lubricator, 93
- Palace, a Locomotive, 2:4
- Parke's, Josiah, Apparatus for Locomotive Purposes, 250
- Panama Railway, 26
- Paper Duty Drawback on Envelope Cuttings, 329
- Paper Tubes, by S, 45
- Parberry's Patent Collar, by A. Z 9
- Parker's Apparatus for Separating Grain and Seed, 326
- Pascal's Rotary Engines, 246
- Pascal's Tile Making Machinery. 454
- Parson's Improved Permanent Way, 209
- Atlantic Telegraph Company's Bill. 57
- Atmosphere of the Houses of Parliament, 131
- Australian Postal Service, 149
- Australian Railways, 131
- Chelsea New Bridge Bill, 57
- Coaling Station for Indian Transports. 131
- Communication between London and Dublin, 95, 149
- Communication with India, 149
- Conveyance of Mails to Kingstown, 75
- Conveyance of Mails by Rail, 75
- Free Libraries and Literary Institutions, 75
- Harbour of Refuge at Yarmouth, 57
- Indian Railways, 131
- Isthmus of Suez Canal, 30
- Loss of the Transit, 149
- Metropolitan Drainage, 75
- Ordnance Survey. the, 30
- Ports and Harbours, Ireland, 149
- Royal Academy, the, 30
- Royal Commission. 149
- Scientific and Literary Society's Bills, 48
- Smoke Nuisance (Scotland) Abatement Bill, 75
- Toll Bars in the Metropolis, 30
- West India and Australian Mail Contract, 149
- Works in India, 95
- Patent Information, by J. O., 479
- Patent Law, Steam Ploughing, Sec., by G. W., 117
- Patent Museum (Note Book). 63
- Patent Office, the United States, 55, 75
- Patented Pumps, by R. and W. Moore. 27
- Patents, the Indiscriminate Granting of, by G. W. 189
- Patents for Inventions, 1:•56, Report of the Commissioners of. 187
- Patents, Report on. 112
- Pembroke Dockyard, 478
- Pengelly and Porter's Steam Hoisting Apparatus, 416
- Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steam Fleet, 374
- Perilous Balloon Ascent in Lake Erie, 30
- Permanent Ways, Barlow and Woodhouse's, 188
- Captain Tyler's, 268
- Ramie's (Letter by W. Ramie). 23
- De Bergue's Apparatus for Laying, 208
- Parson's, '209
- Pernambuco Railway. 457
- Perrott's, George, Improvements in Horse Gearing, 319
- Petrie's Apparatus for Creating, &c., Draughts, 2$s
- Petrie and M‘Naught's Improved Steam Engines, 115
- Phillip? Stereoscopes, 151
- Philosophy of the Wave Line System of Shipbuilding, by Engineer's Assistant, 361
- Philosophy of the Wave Lino of Shipbuilding, by Thomas riot', 266
- Piers, Necessary Breadth of, by J. A. D.. 439
- Pillar Letter Box, by G. H. Smyth, C.E., 437
- Pimlico Improvements (Parliamentary Intelligence), 113
- Pipe Moulder, Sherrif's, 118
- Plan for Subways and New Streets, 377
- Plates, the Colours of Thin, by J. A. D., 6
- Platt. Death of James, Esq., 177
- Platt's Mules for Spinning, 97
- Plea for Railway Servants, A, 321
- Ploughing Land, Williams' Machinery for, 191
- Ploughs, Dray's Improvements in, 196
- Ploughs, Fowler's Apparatus for giving Motion to, 132
- Point of Space. a, 394
- Polishing. Fixing Work for, by It. II. Thomas, 159
- Polytechnic Institution, the Royal. 375
- Polytechnic Society, The Liverpool. 225, 355
- Poole's. J., Safety Valves, .S5
- Portable Gas Apparatus, by a Subscriber, 315
- Ports and Harbours (Parliamentary intelligence), 149
- Porter's Improvements in Grinding Cements, S
- Position of Sails. by J. A. D., 99
- Potato Blights, S: c., Cause of the, by W. Steevenson, 173
- Power, Source of, by W. S. M., 99
- Powerful Magnet, by A Regular Subscriber, 9
- Power's Scuttle for Ships, 437
- Practical Education (Review), 157
- Preliminary Notice of Researches on the Assimilation of Nitrogen by Plants, 242
- Premium, the Omnibus, by A. G. Church, 324
- Preparing Cotton Wool, Crichton and Foxcroft's Apparatus for, 416
- Cotton, Massey and Hargreave's Method of. 151
- Preparation of the Soil for Sewage Manure (Note Rook), 10
- of Copper Powder (Chemical), 124
- of Drying Oil (Chemical). -144
- of Paper Impervious to Water (Chemical), 349
- Presents to the King of Siam, 240
- Pressure the Cause of the Earth's Central Heat, by W. Steevenson, 419
- in the Money Market, 365
- Prevention of Accidents in Mines, 26
- of Boiler Explosions, the Manchester Association for the, 242
- Preventing Boiler Explosions, Josiah Gimson's Apparatus for, 402
- Boiler Explosions, Scrive's Apparatus for, 122
- Price's Candle Company v. Hauwen's Candle Company (Law Proceedings), 20
- Prices Current of Metals, IS, 36, 54. 72, 90, 109, 128, 146 161, 184, 202, 222, 240, 260, 278, 298, 316, 336, 351, 374. 392, 412, 430, 450, 468, 487
- Principle of the Transformation of Structures, 242
- Printing Apparatus, Lee's Portable, 122
- in Colours, Dolby's Machinery for, 364
- Press, Dryden and Miles', 77
- Prize Engines of the Royal Agricultural Society, by J. Gray and Co., 343
- Reaping Machines, Salisbury, s3
- Works of Schools of Art, the, 292
- Producing Chemical Decomposition, Wright and Fouche's Apparatus for, 378
- Produce of Vine in New South Wales, `c., 57
- Production of Steel, especially Puddled and Cast (Che. mica% 414
- Professor Way and the Royal Agricultural Society, 473
- Progress of the Agricultural Implement Trade, by S. Sidney (Society of Arts), 432
- of Art-Instruction, 28, 45
- of the Great Eastern, 118
- of the Launch, 422
- in the Manufacture of India Rubber, 396
- Prohibition of the Use of Rockets as Private Signals, 36
- Promotion of Social Science (Note Book). 176
- Propellers. Screw, by Lord Carlingford. 287
- Propelling Vessels, Miller's Mode of, 77
- Proposal of Creditors to Annul the Bankruptcy of Charles James Mare (Law Proceedings), 20
- for a New Bridge Across the Floating Harbour, 36
- Proposed Opening of Southwark Bridge, 117
- New Floating College at Folkestone, 29S New Parks (Note Book), 403
- Propulsion in Natural History, Examples of the Screw Propeller and other Modes of, by J. A. D., 248
- Ship and Ship, by J. A. D., 229, 380
- of Vessels, by F. W. Hopkins,267
- Prouvost's Apparatus for Generating Steam, 395
- Public Parks (Note Book), 9
- Works in India (Parliamentary Intelligence), 113
- Puddling Furnaces. Caddick and Co 's, 417
- Pumps, Construction of, by J. A. D., 173
- Patented, by R. W. Moore, 27
- Punjaub Railway, 433
- Purifying Oils, &c., Marshall's Improvements in, 37
- Metals. etc., Cadiat's Method of, 212
- Queen's College, Birmingham, the, 229
- Question, the Sewage. 74
Railway Accidents, 9, 27, 269, 360
- By A. M., 24
- E. Brown, 60
- A Driver, 98
- J .1. D., 363
- Luken, 79
- C. R. Mead, 24
- W. J. s., 21
- Hallen and Kingston, 79
- Practical Engineer, 60
- Veritas, 24
- Railway, Cambridge's Portable, f6
- Collision, 283
- Commission, American, by Colburn and Holley, 324
- Competition, 112
- in Australia, 326
- in Canada, 4(5
- (Enl.:lisli) What they have Cost, what they may Earn, and how, 263, 301
- in India, 95
- for India (Note Book), 308
- in Prussia. 337
- in Spain, 195
- Report for 1856, 231
- Signals, 301
- Sleepers, Barlow and Samuel's Cast-iron, 28.5
- Systems, Comparison of the American and Indian, 241, 262
- Traffic, 112
- Train on Fire, &c., fl Transit, Improved (Letter by Unit), 6
- Travelling. Speed of, by Railway Servant, 2S7
- Raising and Forcing Fluids. Wilson's, 454
- Raising Ships, Edwin Clark's Machinery for, 174
- Ramie's Permanent Way, by NV. Ramie, 32
- Ramsbottom's Wrought-iron Railway Chairs. 39
- Rankine and Thompson's Mode of Laying Electrical Conductors, 1st;
- Ransome's Filtering Slabs, 319
- Rapid Progress of the Export Trade of South Australia, 4'13
- Rating of Mines, the, I2S
- George Stephenson, by S. Smiles, 1, 73, 91
- Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, &c.. by David Livingstone, LLD , 4. 23
- Orthographic Projection, by W. 13inns, Esq C.E., 177
- Practical Education, 157
- Treatise on Fire-Proof Safes. &c., by G. Price, 367, 3:)7
- Useful Metals and their Alloys, by J. Scoffern, 215
- Realised, Aerostation, by Cluny of Badenoch. 43
- Reaping Machines, Official Report of the Judges on, 71
- Reducing Zinc Ores, De Hussy's Method of, 209
- Reefing Topsails, La Croix's Mode of, 247
- Reeve's Manuring Machine, 151
- Referees' Report on the Drainage of London (Letters), By Young Cocker, 379
- James Sutcliffe, 379
- Regulating Air Door, by an Observer, 4;,9
- Regulating the Passage of Fluids, Ross's Apparatus for, 337
- Regulating Steam, Morton's Machinery for, ::08
- Relaying Macadamized Roads, 460
- Remarks on the The(lies of Light, by J. A. D.. 313
- Remington (George) and Co.'s Draught Engine, 171
- Removal of Fresco Paintings, 170
- Renewed Attempt to Launch the " Leviathan," 385
- Report on the Coal Whippers' Act, 117
- of the Commissioners of Patents fur Inventions,1856, 1ST of the Inspectors of Coal Mines, 191
- on Patents, 112
- Reports on Convict Prisons, 130
- of Inspectors of Coal Mines (Note Book), 21.1
- Researches on the Assimilation of Nitrogen by Plants, 212
- Resistance of Air against Inclined Surfaces, by Algebra Neglected, 219
- Restoration of Drowned Persons, 278
- Rhine, the, Bridge at Cologne. 394
- Richard's Apparatus for Cleaning Grain, 47$
- }titled Carillon, Breech Loading, by A. Gearing, 20)
- Rifled Cannon Shot, by Robert Mallet, 231
- River Nene Improvements, 233
- Rivet Making Machine, 307
- Road Locomotives, by " Viator," -103
- Roads, &c., Steam Power on, by A. H. Patterson, Robertson, Orchard, and Co.'s Machinery for Winding Yarns, 250
- Robinson Crusoe's Big Boat, 478
- Rochester Bridge. Old. 249
- Rocking of Vessels, Lessening the, by J. A. D., 25
- Rogers' Mode of Collecting the Excrement of Towns, 373
- Romaine's Canadian Steam Cultivator, by Romaine and Turner, 401
- Romantic Railway Speculation, 36
- Ross's Apparatus for Regulating the Passage of Fluids,337
- Rotary Engines, by 11. C., 61, 13-1
- Pascal's, 246
- By Salle, 134
- Joseph Willcock, 117
- Pumps, David Thompson's, 340
- Royal Academy, the (Parliamentary Intelligence), 30
- Agricultural Society's Prizes, by " Implement Maker," 229
- Show at Salisbury, 46. 56, 61
- Commission (Parliamentary Intelligence), 149
- "Royal George" Locomotive, 171
- Mint, the. and the Civil Service Gazelle, 328
- National Life Boat Institution, 326
- Society, the, 378
- Russell, Law Proceedings, 377, 397
- Russell's Patent. in re, 445
- Stoves and Fire-places, 151
- Russian Gun, 147
- Railways. 173
- Rhymney Iron Works, Boiler Explosion at the, 91
- Safe Railway Travelling (Note Book), 307
- Safes and Safety (Review), 367
- Safety Lamps, b) J. A. D., 99
- Valves. J. Poole's, 285
- Sails, Cunningham's Improvements in, 261
- The Position of. Letter by J. A. D., 99
- Windmills by Veritai, 193
- Sale of Estates of the late Marquis of Anglesea, 403
- Salinometer, Spray's, 150
- Saloon Omnibus Company, 250
- Salter's Self-acting Flushing Machines, 281
- Samuel Lover, &c., 420
- Sanitary Improvements at Worthing, 211
- Questions, 371
- State of Towns (Note Book), 327
- Sawing Machinery. by M'Dowall and Sons, 27
- Machinery, Sparkes', 378
- Machinery, W ()main's, 455
- Machinery, by S. Worssam, 81
- Staves, by John Smith, 63
- Staves. by O. Green, 81
- Schiele's Bolt :screwing Machine, 80
- Schools of Art, the Prize Works of the, 292
- of Art, National Medals (Note Book), 156
- %boo) Endowments. 16
- Science and Art Department, New Regulations, 442
- British Association for the Advancement of, 165170, 185. 203. 223
- Scientific and Literary Society's Bill, 43
- Literature in Australia, 4.5S
- Mission to India, 339
- Scinde Railway, 419
- Scotland, Institution of Engineers of, 333
- Screw Propeller, by Lord Carlingford, 287
- Propeller, Wingate's, 230
- Propulsion. :316
- Steamer, Aerial, by Inventor, 153. 248, 325, 363, 418
- Steamer. Aerial, by Anti-Parachute, 267
- By R. H. T., 191
- Steam Ship, the Australian, 149
- Scrive's Apparatus for Preventing Steam Boiler Explosions, 122
- Scuttle for Ships, George Power's, 437
- Sea Sickness Curable, 96
- Seed v. Higgins and Others (Law Proceedings), 20
- Siege Operations by the Royal Engineers. 184
- Separation of Tin from its Alloys (Chemical), 424
- Separating Grain. &c., from Dust, John Parker's Apparatus for, 326
- Metals, by Constant Subscriber, 441
- Serpentine, the, 139
- Setting Boilers, by II. C. K., 289
- By Reader. 307
- Circular Boilers, by a Reader, 269
- Sewage Question, the, 74
- Sewing Machines, Thomas's, 93
- Shallow Rivers. steam Vessels for, by R. E., 305
- Sheepshanks Collection, the (Note Book), 82
- Sheffield Cutlers' Feast, the. 195
- Sherrif’s Pipe Moulder. 118
- Ship Building., on the Philosophy of the Wave Line of, by T. Moy, 266
- for Russia, 268
- Ships and Ship Propulsion, by J. A. D., 229, 3f.0
- Shipwreck, and LOS3 of 1.000 lives, 280
- Shipwrecks (Note Book), 269
- Siemens' Improved Furnaces, 40
- Regenerative Refrigerator, 39
- Signal Apparatus, Martin's Railway, 360
- Signalling Apparatus, Gibson's, 93
- Signals, Railway, 301
- Silk. Aubena's Apparatus used in the Manufacture of Silk, 361
- Simmonds' Life-preserving Float, 84
- Sinclair's. Improvements in Drying Agricultural Produce, 12
- Singular Discovery in Horticulture, 325
- Sir C. Barry and the New Palace at Westminster, 10
- Sir Charles Fox, 416
- Skimming Vessels, by Old Crank, 305, 342
- Sea-going Vessels, by W. Petrie, 248
- Vessels, by A. Smith, 403
- Slide Valves. Stott's Improved, 129
- Indicator, by J. B., 27
- By J. C., 441
- Smelting Ores, &c., Haddan's Improvements in, 147
- Smithfield Club Implement Show, 434
- Show (Note Book), 441
- Market (Parliamentary Intelligence), 113
- Smith's Improved Anchors. gl
- Chaff-cutting Machine, 360
- Disc Engine, 234
- Mercurial Regulator, 81
- By a Practical Engineer, 119
- Mode of Making and Purifying Gas, 302
- Smoke Abatement, 421
- Consumption of, by a Smoker, 219
- Nuisance (Scotland), Abatement Bill (Parliamentary Intelligence), 75
- Prevention, by S., 307 •
- By J. Lee Stevens, 439
- Comparative Heating Properties of Coal and Coke, 415
- Discussion on the above, 431
- Progress of the Agricultural Implement Trade, 432
- Discussion on the above, 461
- Society of Arts, 36
- Examinations, 442
- The Geological, 355, 489
- The Literary and Philosophical, of Liverpool, 453, 394
- Soda and Potash, Gossage's Improvements in the Manufacture of, 213
- Sourbut's Taps and Valves, 41
- Source of Power, by W. S. M., 99
- South Durham and Lancashire Union Railway, 280
- Kensington Museum, 37, 74
- Wales Institute for Engineers, 305
- Railway Accident, 298
- Sparkes' Sawing Machinery. 378
- Speed of Railway Travelling, by a Railway Servant, 287
- Spherical Air Pump, by A. W. O. Smith, 231
- Spiders v. Telegrams, 436
- Spinning, Lister's Improvements in, Platt's Mules for, 97
- Spray's Salinometer, Spring Mattress, W. T. Clarke's, 379
- Springs, Eaton's India-rubber, 66
- Wilson's Improved Railway, 26
- Stable Fittings, Cottam's, 455
- Stamp, Davies's Self-inking. 261
- Stamps, Vaughan's Straps for Working,
- State Bedsteads for the Egyptian Governments, 217
- Stave Sawing, by C. Green, 81
- John Smith. 63
- Steam Agriculture, 3S
- Blast (Note Rook), 307
- Guideway, 462
- On Canals, 65
- Cultivators, 57.217
- Culture, Salisbury, $3
- Electric Telegraphing by, 377
- Engines, David Joy's Improvements In, 360 11',Naught's, 96
- New Mode of Working, by Thomas Moy, 338
- Petrie and M`Naught's Improvements in. 115
- And Its Expansion, by R. 1)., 304
- Ferry over the Nile, &c. (Paper read before the Inst. C. E., by Mr. Sopwith). 461
- Fire Engines, 961
- Generating, by C. Wye Williams, 301
- High Pressure, by J. A. D., 343. V;
- High and Low Pressure, by A. B., 313
- by Analysis, 362. NO E. A. Ex., 305, 362, 400, 419, 456
- T. Craddock, 1i7, 418
- It. Davies, 362
- Expositor, 417
- G. Q., 400
- Josiah Gimson, 362
- High Pressure, 400
- W. Hughes, 341, 439
- W. E. Hurst, 38t Ed. Ingham. 399, 4S5
- Robert Lakin. 324, 3S1
- M. A. W.. 439
- A Minor, 362
- Omnibus, 439
- J. Ram bottom, 418
- Jas. Sutcliffe, 312, 362, 417
- Locomotion on Common Roads, by A. H. Patterson. 152
- Ploughing (Note Book). 65
- Ploughing, American, 67
- Ploughing, &c., Patent Law, by G. W., 117
- Power on Roads, &c., by A. H. Patterson. 6
- Preferable, &c., whether Is High or Low Pressure, by High Pressure, by Edward Ingham, 399
- Preferable in Point of Economy. whether is High or Low Pressure, 271
- Whether is High or Low Pressure Preferable in point of Economy, by Robert Lakin, 325
- Spade, 473
- On Superheated, by Thos. Frossor, 280
- Steamer. Aerial Screw, by Inventor, 153
- The Aerial screw, by R. T.. 191
- Steamship, the Great Eastern. 36, 321
- Stephen's Jewellers' Lathe, 111
- Stephenson, George (from the 224
- Review. 1, 73, 91
- Stereseopes, Phillip's Improvements in, 154
- Stevens' (Lee) Regulating.; Air Door for Furnaces, 433
- Stewart’s Improvements in Moulding Cast Iron Pipes, 1E46
- Stirling, Great Steam Plough Trial at, 338
- St. James'-park Improvement, 3'40
- Stott's Slide Valves, 129
- Stoves, &c.. Russell's. 151
- Strength of Flat plates, by D. S. O., 327
- Strength of Pistons, by Memo, 315
- Strong Repairing Cement, 413
- Submarine Telegraphs. G. 'I'. Bright's Apparatus for, 382
- between Sardinia and Africa. 212
- to Malta, Extension of the, 415
- Works, Winder's Mode of Constructing, 395
- Subways of the Metropolis, 326
- New Streets. Plan for, 377
- Suez Canal, the, 283, 420
- (Note Book), 45
- Sugar-cane Mills, Lewsey's, 12
- Suggested Inter-Oceanic Canal across the Isthmus of Panama, 102
- Sulphuric Acid, Gossage's Improvements in the Manufacture of, ISO Sunday, the London, 139
- Super-Elevation of Outer Rails, by J. A. D., 27
- Superheated Steam, by Thomas Frosser, 280
- Superheating Steam. Longbottom's Apparatus for, 41
- Supply of Cotton, the (Note Book), 213
- Guano, 40
- Labour In Western Africa, 54
- Supplying Fresh Air to Coal Pits, Stc.. by W. S. M., 151
- Air to Organs, Wells' Machine for, 413
- Survey of the Coasts of the Red Sea, and Contemplated New Slip, 110
- Swain's Improvements in Heating, &c., 96
- Syke's Apparatus for Feeding Boilers, 247
- System, the Wave Line (Letters)—
- By W. G. B., 401
- Thos. Noy, 401
- G. Q., 401
- Table of the Safe Load for Cast-iron Beams, &c., 272
- Taking Steam from Boilers, by J. W., 383
- F. W. Turner, 421
- For Boilers, by W. Hartley, 403
- Tanning, C. C., Knoderer's Improvements in, 299
- Taps and Valves, Thomas Mellin's, a82
- Sour but's, 44
- Tariff Relaxations (Note Book). 328
- Taxing Literary Institutions, 46
- Taylor and Rolfe's Improvements in Boilers, &c., 303
- Telegraph, the Atlantic, 38, 121, 130, 148
- Submarine, by " Electric," 98
- R. S. Newall and Co.. 98
- Cable, the Atlantic, by W. M'Adam, 153
- J. Piercy, 153
- Pilkington, 153
- to Melbourne, 147
- Telegraphic Communication with India, 164, 440
- Errors, 483
- Tenure of Land (Note Book), 480
- Testimonial, the Cort, 271
- By R. W. Marks, 191
- Fund, the Cort, 177
- Timber Market, the, 18, 36. 54, 72. 90, 109, 128, 146, 161, 181, 202, 222, :240, 260, 278, 298, 316, 336, 353, 374, 392, 412, 430, 450, 468, 487
- Theory of Heat as a Motive Agent, by J. B., 457
- Theories of Light, Remarks on the, by J. A. D., 343
- Thermometric Apparatus, Gauntlett's Improved, 5
- Thin Plates, the Colours of, by J. A. D., 6
- Thomas v. Foxwell (Law Proceedings), 445
- Judkins (Law Proceedings), 445
- Thomas' Sewing Machines, 93
- Thompson's, Professor William, Machinery for Laying Submarine Telegraph Cables, 185
- Thompson's Rotary Pumps, 340
- Tile Making Machinery, Charles Placa11's, 454
- Tilling Land, Lake's Implement for, 357
- Tilting Iron and Steel, G. W. Dyson's Method of, 288
- Tin Ore, 177
- Toll Bars in the Metropolis (Parliamentary Intelligence), 30
- Topics for Discussion, by G. W., 343
- Traffic, Railway, 112
- Train Communicating Apparatus, Dr. Gray's, by Veritas, 325
- Training Institutions, by J. Rockliffe, 98
- Transformation of Structures, on the Principle of the, 242
- Transit, Railway, by Unit, 6
- Trial of the Apparatus for Laying down the Atlantic Telegraph, 103
- of the Australasian, 271
- Trials of Steam Engines, &c., the Royal Agricultural Society and, by B. C. E., 400
- Triangles, Construction of similar, by C. Hoare, 81
- Trinidad Railway, 337
- Tubes, Paper, by S., 45
- Turning Ellipses, by an Amateur, 345
- By W. Cartley, 383
- the Tables. 76
- Turntables and Weighing Cranes, Irlam's, 136
- Two Men Killed by the Breaking of Machinery, 396
- Tyler's (Captain), Permanent Way, 268
- Ulverstone and Lancaster Railway, Opening of the, 233 Unemployed Operatives, the, 378
- United States Patent Office, the, 55, 75
- Use of Coals of the Hartley District in Marine Boilers, on the. 235
- Useful Metals and their Alloys, by J. Scoffern, M.B., 215
- Utilising the Waste Gases of Blast Furnaces, Levick and James' Mode of, 80
- Vacant Ground in St. Paul's Church-yard (Metropolitan Board of Works), 149
- Vacant Space St. Paul's Cathedral, 377
- Valve Musical Instruments, Higham's, 129
- Vat used in the Manufacture of Paper, John Matthew's, 378
- Vaughan's Straps for Working Stamps, by W. Middleton, 9
- Vegetable Blights, Cause of, Cholera Morbus, etc., W. Steevenson, 229
- Velocities, New Instrument for Measuring, 114
- Velocity of the Wind, by Manchester, 365
- Ventilating Rooms, by John Cumming, 479
- By G. W. IL, 479
- A Subscriber, 459
- Vessels, Griffiths' Improvements in, 66
- Launching large, by Mansfield, 475
- Propulsion of, by F. W. Hopkins, 267
- for Shallow Rivers, Steam, by R. E. , 305
- Skimming. Old Crank, 305
- Sea-going, by W. Petrie, 248. 342
- Vices, Hyde's Improvements in, 418
- View of the 'Origin of Food, 316
- Walker's Apparatus for Heating Fluids, 226
- Walls, Horizontal Thrust against, by J. A. D., 6
- Warm Bathing. 316
- Washing Machines, Morris's, 133
- Minerals, and Edward Beacher's Apparatus for, 379
- and Mangling, Jessop's Machinery for, 5
- Waste in Woollen Factories, 18
- Water Meter, Newton's, 319
- Wheels, Ashby's Improvements in, 474
- By a Recent Subscriber, 383
- Joseph Wilcock, 421
- Watson and William’s Improved Cap for Scent Bottles, 19
- Wave Lines, Aerial Screw Steamer, by " Inventor," 287
- Economical Working of Boiler, by Richard Bach, 421
- System, by G. Q., 401
- By W. G. B, 401
- The New, by T. Moy, 361, 401
- of Ship-building, by Engineer's Assistant, 361
- By Thomas Moy, 305
- Ways of the " Leviathan," 480
- Ways' Improvements in Obtaining Light by Electricity, Ste, 451
- Weaving. Broadley's Improvements in, 19
- Heywood's Machinery used in, 100
- White's Improvements in, 314
- Weekly Atlantic Steam Line, 195
- Weights and Measures, 12
- Wellington Monument, the, 80, 113
- West India and Australian Mail Contracts (Parliamentary Intelligence), 149
- Westminster Bells, the, 301
- Bridge (Note Book), 120
- Whether is High or Low Pressure Steam preferable in 1 [point of Economy ? 271
- By A B. Ex., 400
- G. Q., 400. See also High and Low Proems Steam. High Pressure, 400
- J. A. D., 343
- Edward Ingham, 399
- R. Lakin, 325
- White's Improvement. in Weaving, 344
- ‘V likens' Improved Cannon, 6tc , 178
- Williams' Steam Machinery for Ploughing Land, 191
- Williams'. C. Wye, Improvements in Charging Furnaces with Fuel, 84
- Williamson v. King (Law Proceedings), 187
- Willis's Improvements in Organs, 208
- Willis's Machinery for Supplying Air to Furnaces, 413
- Wilson's Machinery for Raising Fluids, 454
- Wilson's Springs for Carriages, 26
- Wilson's Wood-Cutting Tools, 344
- Winder's Mode of Constructing Submarine Works. 395
- Winding, Twisting, &c., Heiller's Apparatus for, 132; Yarns, Robertson, Orchar, and Co.'s Machinery for,
- Windlasses, Bishop's Improvements in, 413;etcc.,Dyer's Improvements in, 246
- Windmill Sails, by Veritas, 193
- Window Blinds and Shutters, W. E. Newton's, 34
- Windows, Mal-construction of, by Scintilla, 135
- Wingates Screw Propellers, 230
- Winnowing Corn, etc., by W. C. Cambridge, 458
- Wire v. Hemp Ropes. Comparative Tests, 121
- Woollen Cloth, Zipser and Klein's Machinery for 261
- Wonders of Light, 65
- Wood-cutting Machinery, by Samuel Turner, 47
- Wood Gas as a Lighting Material (Chemical). 36
- Working Men's Colleges (Note Book). 213
- Working Square Sails. J. E. Coles' Mode of, 319
- Works of Defence at Gosport, 118
- in India. 95
- Worssam's Sawing Machinery, 455
- Wreck of the " Clyde," 195
- Wright and Fouche's Apparatus for producing Chemical Decomposition, 378
Yarrow's Fire Box (Letters)—
- By Thomas Yarrow, 437
- One who has Whistled on an Engine Twenty Years ago, 438
- Locomotive Engines, 337
- Zipser and Klein's Machinery for Manufacturing Cloth, 261
See Also
Sources of Information