The Engineer 1858 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1858 Jan-Jun: Index
View the 1858 Jan-Jun Volumes
- Abolition of Turnpikes and Tolls in Ireland, 299
- Accident at 1-1Plitax, the late, 40
- Activity in the Navy, it+8
- Adelaide (S. Australia) Harbour, 213
- Water Works. 156
- Admiral. Trial Trip of the, .157
- Admiralty 0)81 ltiliorti. 129
- Admiralty Reports tin British Coal, 31
- steam (;oald, 2
- Aerial Ariiili.ry and Fire-hallo, 40
- Agrietillur41 Fs•a)% 483
- Agricultural Society, Biqa), 300
- Agricultural Society's Prizes, 408
- Agricultural Statistics, 145
- Bill, 210
- Agriculture in France.2(11
- Scotland and Ireland, 10G
- Air Fog Signals, 144
- Algiers. Ix!
- Alleged Infringement of a Patent, 473
- American Horse shoe Machinery, 472
- American Railway Accident, 425
- Anchor Controversy. the, 371
- Anglo-American Trade—Important Case, 376
- Annual Meeting of Woolwich Dockyard and Arsenal Labourers, 477
- Annular Edirne of the Sun, March 15, 1858, 203
- Another American Telegraph, 198
- Another Atlantic Telegraph Scheme, 376
- Another Line of Steamers, 241
- Another Submarine Telegraph, 317
- Area of the United Kingdom, 40
- Arts, Manufactures. ants Commerce, 473
- Assaying Coals by the Blow Pipe. 456
- Associated Foremen Engineers. 240
- Association for the Prevention of Boiler Explosion!, 119, 169, 279, 409
- Atlantic Telegraph, 128, 173, 274, 295, 352, 386, 113
- Atlantic Telegraph Cable, 94,482
- Australian Exploration, 223, 272
- Australian Clipper Ships, 473
- Australian Mails, 314
- Amor-Allan \I 01 service. 299, 357, 183
- An trait to R tilw.i)s, 20, 19
- Nted 111 NitV1g4L1011 Cumpauy, 328
- Av the, 256
- Loss of the, 367
- Banbury Water Work*, 421
- Barometers tor Fi‘tilmf Vii au*, 19
- Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, 127
- Bell fur Westminster, 459
- Bickford and Another, v. Samuda, 473
- Black Diamond, the, 259. 376
- Blast Furnaces on the Tyne, 421
- Utilisation of the Gases in, 367
- Bleaching and Dyeing Works, 191, 461
- Blow Pipe, Assaying Coal by the, 456
- Boiler Accident, 311
- Explosion, 465
- Botanic Garden at Adelaide, 3C2
- Boulevard de Sebastopol (Paris), 346
- Bow and Barking Railway, 273
- Britannia Works Recreation Society, 290
- British and Australian Royal Mail Company, 457
- British India (see also Vol. 1V ), 3, 22, 55
- British Museum, 106
- Brotherton Memorial Fund, the, 215
- Building English Steamers in the United States, 291
- Bundle of Indian Statistics, 41
- Burmese Bridge, 299
- Clippers, 200
- Musical Instruments, 263
- Caird's Agricultural Statistics, 296
- Caoutchouc Carriage Wheels, 477
- Capacity of the Human Body for Enduring Heat, 46
- Cape colony, 381
- Cape of Good Hope, 21
- Cape Postal Contract, 261
- Cape Town Railway, 91, 163
- Captain Grant's Cooking Apparatus, 460
- Captain Westmacott's Portcullis Chain and Barrier, 407
- Carmarthen and Cardigan Railway Bridge across the Tows,. 257 •
- Carriage Building, &c., 116
- Cause of Fires in Cotton 255
- Cement or Artificial Stone Rifle Shot, 326
- Ceylon, 472
- Ceylon Railway, 260, 290
- Channel Islands Telegraph Company, 460
- Chatham Dockyard, 220
- Chelsea Bridge, New, 220
- Alkaline Silicate as a Substitute for Borax, 12
- Arabian Guano, 250
- Arsenic In Paperhangings, 213, 357
- Beer Brewing, the Chemistry of, 301, 412
- Boiler Inerustation, consisting of Lime and Protoxide of Iron Soap, 12
- Bronze .g Zinc Castings, 277
- Carbon and Silicum, Amount of, in Pig Iron, 185
- Charcoal Paper for Filtering, and for the Preservation of Food, 466
- Chemistry of Cochineal. 466
- Farmyard Manure, 203
- Gunpowder, 119
- Composition of the Iron Ores of the Rosedale, &c,, Districts, and the Chemistry of Iron Smelting, 68
- Composition of Sewage, &c., 323, 339, 357
- Destruction of Organic Substances at Low Temperatures, 357
- Destruction of Pile4 by Spring Water, 259
- Disinfect ants and Deodorisers, 2221
- Dyeing Siik, Sic.. with Murexide, 251
- Estimation of Silver in Areentiferona Galena, 12
- Growth of Cryptogamic Plants tr. Water, 251
- Influence of Sulphur and Phosphorus on the Characters of Malleable Iron, 19
- Kid Leather, Preparing, 357
- Means of Preventing the Injnrioua Influence of BisulOdd.. of Carbon Vulcani4ed Caoutchouc Works, 466
- New Metals in the Magnetic! Iron Ore of Sweden, 466
- New Method of Maki-g Bread, 40
- Organic Acid in Manure, 466
- Preparation of Bronze Powders, 19
- Preservation of Railway Weepers, 268
- Production of Black Osifie of Manganese, 185
- Products of the Action of Heat upon Sugar and Starch, 466
- Products f,f the Distillation of Coal Tar. 357
- Put ideal inn of sugar and Saccharine Substances, 1S5
- of Water, 222
- of water for the Use of Towns. 156
- Uie of Cobalt Compounds in Makirg Porcelain. 465
- Utili.Atinn of the Manure Constituents of Urine, 277
- Volatile Oils fr.'m Repin, 466
- Zinc C4ctin"c in Imitation of Bronze 12
- Chins n t a Manufacturinsi Country, 40
- Chiswick Horticultural Exhibition, 460
- City Sewers Commission. 457
- Civil Service EAlmatea, 376
- Civil Engineering, Principles and Practice of, by Henry Convt eare, F.G.S , 438, 455, 471
- Cliff Bridge and Spi Company, 200
- Clifton Suspension Bridge. 12
- Coa1, Admiralty Reports on British. 31
- Coal Burning on the Hudson River Railway, 460
- Coal in Canada. 4 .1
- Coal in South Australia, 405
- Coal under London, 19
- Coal Produce, 18
- Coal Retort the Admiralty, 129
- Coal in the United States, 232
- Coal and Lead Mines at Mold. 441
- Coast Defences, 372
- Coat Defences of the United States, 27
- Cockerill Company at Seraing. 21
- Coinage of the la-t Fifteen Years, 483
- Collieries Association, Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Steam Coal, Second Report, 99
- Colliery Explosion. 421
- Frightful, 126
- Commission, City Sewers, 457
- Communication with the Continent, 361
- Constituents of Meteorites. 41
- Consumption of Cotton in the United States, 365
- Consumption of Smoke, 208
- Contracts, 48•4
- Controversy, the Anchor. 371
- Conversazione at South Kensington, 4C0
- Conveyance of Coals to London, 40
- Copper in the Rea, 178
- Con, Henry, and his Descendants, 120
- Cotton Cultivation in Africa. 290, 422
- in India, 198
- Cotton from Tasmania, 444
- Cream-Coloured Island, the, 180
- Cultivation of Cotton, 23
- of the Vine on Railway Slopes, 201
- Customs Duties for 1855-6.7, 235
- Cutting Pliers. 68
- Cuttle Bone, 49
- Dangers of the Deep. 78
- Dawn of Draining, 477
- Dean Letters, 166
- Death of James P. Allaire, 473
- Death of Thomas Fothergill, Esq 44s
- Decimal Coinage, 40
- Dee Drainage, 109
- Departure of Dr. Livingstone, 222
- Derby and the Rails, 408
- Descendants, Henry Cort and his, 120
- Destructive Accidents. 478
- Development of the Army, 228
- Diamond, the Black, 25J, 376
- Dinner and Testimonial to Mr. F. A. Smith, 4:;1
- Directions, Sanitary, 222
- Discoveries in British North America. 181
- Discovery of Large Masses of Metallic Silver at Frieberg, 477
- Discovery of the Liverpool Old Hall, 272
- Distilling Apparatus co.i Board Sailing Vessels, 221
- Distribution of Coal, 4:;6
- Docks at Quebec, 246
- Domestic Railway Progress, 130
- Dr. Livingstone, 208, 364
- Drainage. 41
- Draining London, the Mode of, Proposed by Messrs. Bidder, lIatrksle‘, and Bazalgette, 461
- Dray and Co., Meting of the Creditors of, 127
- Drying Oil, 162
- Eastern Steam Navigation Company, 426
- Eclipse of the Sun, March 15, 1858, 203
- Economy in Farm Machinery, 49
- Effects, the Weather and its, 194
- Effects of Sudden Changes of Temperature, 42
- Electric Telegraph in Australia, 39, 401
- India, 152
- Electric Telegraph and the Indian Campaign, 362
- Electric Telegraphs, 372
- Electro-Magnetism and Steam, 39
- Emigration from Liverpool in 1857, 40
- Encroachments of the Sea, 461
- End of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, 210
- Enfield Factory. 362
- Engine Drivers and Mechanical Knowledge, 3
- England to China in Sixteen Days' Scheme, 436
- English Agricultural Implements in France, 299
- English and American Vessels, 387
- English Mechanical Engineer in Siberia, an, 120
- English and Scotch Threshing Machines, 346
- Essex Agricultural Association, 488
- European, the, 143
- European and American Steam Shipping Company, 129
- Exeter Hall, 20
- Exhibition of Inventions, Society of Arts. 275, 295, 313
- Exhibitors of Steam Ploughs, The Royal Agricultural Societe and the 222
- Export Trade of New South Wales, 3
- Export of Coal, 426
- Extension of British Commerce, 416
- Extension of Sewers at Cheltenham, 162
- of Steam Navigation, 443
- Extraordinary Ship, 86
- Factory Inspectors' Report, 152. 4S8
- Fantasie, New Steam Yacht, 381
- Farm Buildings Extraordinary, 4
- Fatal Accident at the London and South-Western Railway, 400
- Fatal Boiler Explosion, 472
- Filthy State of the Thames, 472
- Fore at Chelmsford, 273
- Fire at, Messrs. Forrest's, 482
- First Eminent English Engineer, 96
- Food for Horses, iturze as, 185
- Foreign and Colonial Railway Progress, 128
- Foreign Jottings. 4u. 106, 134, 141, 175, 201, 232, 297, 340, 362, 376, 418, 436, 439, 461, 471
- Foremen Engineers, 201
- Associated, 210
- Formidable Tunnel,. 96
- Frauds in the Coal Trade, 178
- Free Playgrounds for (tie People, 443
- French Agricultural Exhibition, 143
- French Knowledge of the English, 412
- French Naval Movements, 257
- French Postal System, 4J French Railways, 10i
- Frescoes for the Royal Palace, 231
- From Galway to New York, 439
- Furnace Tor Steam Boilers, Smoke Consuming, 12
- Furze as Food for Horses, 185
- Ganges Steam Navigation Company, 466
- Gas Companies and the Public, 2.8
- Gas Regulators. 449
- General Iron Screw Collier Company, 201, 257
- Extraneous Fossils of the Red Crag, by S. V. Wood, Esq., 907
- Fifeshire Coast, Section of a Part of, by Rev. S. Brown, 4 15
- Fo rill Fern from Worcestershire. 425
- Foss 1 Fruit found in the Upper Wea'drn Deposit in the Isle of Purbeek. by Professor Philips. M.A., 407
- Fossil Plants from Madeirs, by C. Sunbury, Esq., 423
- Geology of the Gold Fields of Victoria, 340
- Glacial Phenomena of Canada,&c., during the Drift Period, by Professor Ramsay. 437
- Kelloway's Rock of the Yorkshire Coast, by J. Leekeuby, Esq., 349
- By J. Morris. Esq , 349
- Lamination and Cleava,ze occasioned by the Mutual Friction of the Particles of Rocks while in Irregular Motion, by G. Pooleit &Tope. Eaq., 437
- Lower Carboniferous C 'al easui es of British America, by J. W. Dawson, Esq., 425
- Occurrence of Graphularia Wetherellii in Nodules from the Loudon Clay and Crag. by N. T.Wetherell, Esq., 407
- Outline Drawings and Photographs of the Skull of Zygontaturus 2'rit bus, tdatleay, from Australia, by Professor Owen, 349
- Pleistocene ,es-bed of the Sussex Coast, &c., by J. Prestwich, E-q., 437
- Protrusion of saurian Rock in the North of Ayrshire, bs J. C Mo re, Esq, 349
- Remarkable Fossil Specimen belonging to the Genus Neuropteris, &I., by C J. F. Bunbury, Esq., 65
- Rock Basins in the Granite of Dartmoor, by G. W. Ormerod. Esq.. 349
- Sedimentary and other External Relations of the Paleozoic Fossils of the State of New York, by J. J. Bushy, Esq.. 437
- Some Peculiarities in the Microscopical Structure of Crystals. h, H. C. Sorby, Esq., 19
- Structure of Sti,maria Ficoidee, by E. W. Bi oney. Esq., 425
- Succession of Rocks in the Northern Highlands, &c., by Sir R I. Murchison, 256
- nlasirow Agricultural Society's Meeting, 45s Going Back to the Year One with a Vengeance, 185
- Gold in the Ile Bourbon, 108
- Gold Mines of Bambouk. the, 272
- Government and the Barracks Competition, 273
- Government Emigration, 473
- Government School of Mines. 473
- Graveyards in the Crimea. 161
- Great British American Railway Scheme, 437
- Great Indian Submarine Telegraph Company, 457
- Great Telegraph Work in Australia, 162
- Guerin's Railway Brake, 109
- Gunboats at Hasler, 366
- Hailstorms, 473
- Harbours of Refuge, 147
- Haslar. Gunboats at. 366
- Heating and Ventilation, 19
- Heavy Goods Engine for the Pasha of Egypt, 337
- Henderson Fund, 318
- Herne Bay Gas Company, 351
- High and Low Pressure Steam, Mr. Macnaught's Lecture on the Comparative Merits of, 457
- Highland Society's Show at Aberdeen, 232
- Hint to Potters, 181
- Hobart Town Water Works, 407
- Holyhead, 190
- Holyhead, the late Mr. Rendel. 434
- How Corn is Preserved in Russia, 41
- Ice Making Machine, 465
- Iceland Spar. 478
- Imports and Exports of Metals and Minerals at the Port of London. Is, 3R, 64, 88, 106
- Improvements in Electric Telegraphic Communications, 440
- Liverpool and Birkenhead, 175
- The Safety Valve, 127
- The Severn Navigation, 127
- Type, 410
- Incrustation of Steam Boilers, 45
- Incrustation in Steam Boiler., 268
- India, British (pee also Vol. IV.), 3, 22, 55
- Indian Railroads, 461
- Revenues, 129
- River Steam Narization and Trade, 107
- Industry in the Harem, I.
- Ink of the Anchients, 149
- Address by the President, 85
- Electrical Qualifications requisite in Long Submarine Telegraph Cable., by Mr. A. Varley, , 313
- Method of Dressing Tin in Cornwall, by J. Henderson, 128
- Iron Viaducts Erected across the Tidal Estuaries of the Rivers Kent and Leven, by J. Brunlees, Esq., 319
- Discussion on, 117
- Public Works in the Bengal Presidency, by Major-General Tremenheere, 404
- Discussion on, 403
- Railway Brakes, by M. Guerin, 93
- Railway Stations, Construction and Arrangement of, by R. J. Hood, 365
- River Lea Navigation. with Remarks on Canals generally, by Mr. Despard, 329
- Shearing, Punching, and Riveting Machinery employed in the Manufacture of Boilers, &c., by Mr. T. Sawyer, 128
- Southampton Docks, by Mr. Giles, 420
- Submerging Telegraph Cables, by J. A. Longridge, 173, 258
- Further Observations on, by Professor Airy, 381
- Telegraph Cables, Practical Operations connected with, by Mr. Webb, 211, 276
- Theory and Practice of Hydraulic Mortar, as made on the New Works of the London Dock Company, by Mr. Robertson, 329
- Horizontal Pumping Engine, by E. A. Cooper. 319
- Hydraulic Shearing Press, by Chas. Little, 349
- Lemielles' Ventilating Machines for Mines, by Samuel Lloyd. jun., 319
- Moulding and Casting, New System of, by Mr. Jobson, 111
- Proposal to hold a Meeting at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 274
- Institution of Engineers of Scotland, 314
- Intercolonial Mail., 291
- Interoceanic Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific, 412
- Iron, 31
- Iron Church, an, 475
- Iron for Heavy Ordnance, 299
- Iron, Coal. and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Towns, 16, 36, 63, 87, 101, 124, 112, 160.178, 198, 217. 237. 255, 273, 291, 3u5, 327, 315, 363, 3s1, 398, 417, 434, 453, 470, 486
- Iron-plated Ships, 384
- Iron Trade in Belgium, the, 120
- Ivory Photographs, :)9
- Katesgrove Iron Works, 390
- Kensington Gore Estate, 472
- Keynsham. 96
- King of Siam's Presents, 310
- Lady Franklin, 472
- Land Question In the United States, 38
- Large Cast Steel Cylinder, 93
- Late Earthquake at Naples, the, 127
- Late Explosion at Vincennes, 1
- Late Mr. H ugh Miller, 436
- Launch, 401
- Launch of a New Frigate, 470
- Belts v. Clifford, 211
- Elliott and Other. v. Morris, 211, 457
- Higgs v. Goodwin. 207, 443
- Marilee and Others v. Nimmo, 279
- Philips v. Melen, 120
- Thomas v. Foxwell. 412, 421
- Lea, the Present State and Requisite Improvements of the River, 108, 173, 286, 3:4, 395, 130, 4a9, 472
LETTERS TO EDITOR-Including those communications which have appeared under the head of Notices to Correspondents
- Accelerating the Speed of Ships, by T. Morris, 9
- Aerated Water, by Fidelis, 283
- Aerial Chariot again, by Carlingford, 476
- Aerial Screw Steamer, by Inventor, 150
- Air Bubbles in Ice, by J. A. D., 117
- By Sigma. 75
- Air Chambers in Organs, by W. Sweetland, 463
- Alum iii Bread. See also Bread and Alum Anchor Controverts). 3b7
- By G. Cotsell, 461
- John Trotman, 476
- Arrangement of Specifications, by M. Henry, 461
- Atlantic Cable, Skimming Vessels, by F. W. Hopkins, 133
- Barker's Mill Improved, by J. A. D., 47
- Best Colony for Engines, by a Victim, 233
- Black Top Firing, by Apprentice, 427
- Blackburn's Farmer's Locomotive, by J. Blackburn, 209
- Blast Engines, by H. C. Coulthard, 135, 153
- By J. W. Hackworth, 153, 229, 265
- R. Howson, 191
- E. F. Jones, 153, 194. 217
- Not a Hackworth. 247
- One of your Readers, 191, 247
- Pig Iron, 114.212
- Blast Furnace', by W. B., 409
- Bogie Locomotives, by S. W. Wilkinson, 75
- Boilers, by Richard Bach, 29
- By P. K. Hunter, 75
- Boydell's Traction Engine, by C. F. T. Y., 263, 281
- By F. H. !Lemming, 299
- Implement Maker, 2R1. 229
- Bread and Alum, by Henry Pratt. 335.371, 406, 421
- By Desmond D. Fitzgerald, 389, 407
- See also Alum and Bread Bubbles, by One of your Readers, 373
- Bubbles In Gauge Glasses, by One of your Readers, 445
- Can a Stern Screw be Worked by Head Resistance? by Thos. Morris, 29
- Capt. John Perry, by Hyde Clark, 476
- Case Hardening, by Subscriber. 9
- Centrifugal Sugar Machinery, by Froom and Gregory, 479
- Chambers' Railway Brake, by A Subscriber, 409
- Chemistry of Gunpowder, by D. G. Fitzgerald, 150, 207
- Chemistry of Pigment, by D. G. Fitzgerald, 27
- Circular Steam Cultivation. by C. Burcham, 424
- Circular Valve, by W. A. Bulme, 337
- Civil Service Superannuation*, by Fairplay, 442
- Coal Burning Engines, by One who has Whistled on an Engine, &c., 43
- By T. Yarrow, 29
- Combustion of Fuel, and the Advantages of High-Pressure Steam, by J. W. Clare, C.E., 230
- Communicating Motion, by Ignoramus, 319
- By A. and J. Rigg, 33/
- Communication between England and France, by Commodore, 334
- By Joseph Jewsbury, 334
- Communication between Guard and Engine-driver, by High-Pressure Gas, 319
- Composition of Rotary Motion, by John RiRby, 26
- Gyroscope, Silver's Governor, by Edmund Hunt, 45
- Compound Engine, by Practical, 43
- Condensation. See also Surface Condensation By T. Craddock, 405
- C. Schiele. 409
- Jas. Sutcliffe, 409
- Condensation, Re-inventing, by W. Clork, 445
- Condensation Bubbles in Gauge Glasses, by E. Reynolds, 390
- Condensing and Re-evaporatiiv.r within the Cylinder. by Omnibus, 460
- Cone and the Screw---" Wait a little longer," by Thos. Morris, 75
- Conical Swimming Apparatus, by J. A. D.. 97
- Construction of Vessels, by Old Crank, 442
- Cork Floats, by J. E. Brant and Co., 319
- Craddock's Inventions. by T. Craddock, 442
- Curious Hydrostatic Experiment, by H. Dircks, 9
- By J. A. D., 97
- Curious Mechanical Paradox, by J. A. D.. 171
- Dewrance's Coal Burning Engines, by J. Dewrance, 9, 47
- Double Furnace Doors, by Henry Dircks, 233
- Drawing Spirals, by M. W., 117
- By T. D. K., l).3
- Economy of Steam by Old Crank, 247
- Electro Agricultural Question, by Constant Reader, 479
- Endless Band Saws, by E. Scott, 337
- Equalising, &c., Apparatus for Laying Submarine Cables, by Adamson, 281
- Estcourt's Razor Strop, by Fidelis, 283
- Expansion, by J. D., 373
- By C. Schiele and Co., 460
- Expansion Gear, by Constant Reader, 373
- By Pastime, 355
- Subscriber, 427
- Henry Heycock, 463
- Expansive Engines, by G. L. Fuller, 135
- Extension and Permanent Set of Iron, by C. E. Browning', 352
- Extension and Permanent Set of Wrought Iron when Strained Tensibly, by C. E. Browning?, 317
- Fire on Board Steam Ships, by G. H., 9.
- Fires on Board Steamers, by One of the Illiterate, 75
- By Red Tape, Floating in Ice, by A. W. P. S., 117
- Floating of Metals, by Old Crank, 9
- Flour Manufacture. by One who will Communicate, &c., 352
- Formula for Railway Working, by C. P. C., 29
- Forsyth's Slide Valve Arrangement, by sr. Forsyth, 229
- From London to Rome in Three Hours, by livpliKa, 261
- Furze as Food for Horses, by W. Wafer. 2.9
- Gas Apparatus. by Eve lasting Reader, 29
- Getting up Steam in Locomotives, by Anti-Smoker. 229
- Gun Cotton. by J. Norton, 153
- Gyroscope, by John Rigby, A.B.. 94
- Silver's Governor, by Edmund Hunt, 115
- Hardeninz Steel, by Regular Subscriber, 319
- Heat, by Omnibus, 135
- High and Low Pressure Steam, by Analysis, 5, 132, 206
- By Thomas Baldwin, 262
- T. Craddock, 6, 44.71, 95,114, 132, 151, 166,189, 2u7, 226, 215, 298, 317
- Robt. Davies, 26
- Expansion, 26, 225
- Ferret, 5
- G. L. Fuller, 95
- H.. 73
- W. Hopkinson, 27, 244
- W. Hughes, 6, 73, 133, 241, 316. 388
- E. Ingham. 73, 1b9, 262
- B. V. J. Knight, jun., 227
- N. E., 245
- W. Henry Nash, 281
- Omnibua„ 5, 44, 72, 114, 131, 151, 169, 169, 226, 241, 281
- Practical, 5, 169, 244
- James Ramsbottoin, 44
- Stoker, 207
- Jain-s Sutcliffe, 44, 227, 351
- F. W. Turner, 5, 131, 2-15
- High. Pressure Condensing Engines, by One of your Readers, 39i By John Pinchbeck, 260
- Hope's Valve Motion, by D. Graham-Hope, 301
- Hydraulic Telegraph, by D. Mackay. 407
- India-rubber Valve- for Steam Engines, by C. Mackintosh and Co.. 117
- Innovation., by S. B.. 265
- Instructions in the Use of Agricultural Engines. by A Farmer in Ireland, 151
- Is an Engineer an Appraiser ? by W. S.. 4T Launching the Leviathan, by Constant Reader, 7
- By T. Gilmour, 27
- H. G., 7
- T. E. Merritt, 27
- Wm. Turnbull, 6
- W. P., 7
- Launching Vessels Broadside, by E. C., 260
- Letting Contracts. by E. C.. 476
- Levity of Ice—Gyro4eope—by A. W. P. S., 209
- Br Sigma, 135, 171
- Liver Engine, by John Dewrance, 73, 117
- By One who has whistled on an Engine, &c., 97
- Liver's Fire-hot, by J. Rowland, 43
- Locomotive Valves, by Richard Roberts, 301
- Loss of the Ava, by incognito, 265
- Machine for Washifi4 Wheat. by T. H. F.. 191
- Measuring Heights and Distances, &c., by J. A. 1)., 171
- Metropolitan Drainage, by Thos. Lane, 476
- Mine Ventilation, by Caloric, 113
- By Omnibu4, 135
- Nasmyth's Absolute Safety Valves, by John Davies, 301
- New Measurement of the Leviathan. by K. R. U., 209
- New Theory of Resktance, by M. C., 97
- By Old Craiik, 97
- Newe.ilitir Boiler Exneriments, by C., 293
- By J. W. Clark. 209
- C. \Vye Williams, 130. 149, 169, 187, 20;, 223, 243
- Newcastle Collieries Association Premium, by John Clay, 153
- Newcastle Collieries Association Award, by J. Lec Stevens, 115
- Packing, by Subscriber, &c., 29
- Patent Law, by Ignoramus, 135
- By Y. W. G., 171
- Patent Law—Double Furnace Doors, by Ed. Reynolds, 301
- Patent Right, by a Constant Subscriber, 283
- Perforated Furnace Doors, by John Clay, 319
- Photography, by W. 11. Colley, 421
- Planing Iron. by Engineer's Assistant, 205
- By H. G., 229
- J. E. G., 153
- Preparation of Flour and Bread, by P. 309
- Prevention of Smoky Chimneys, by Prore, 9
- Propelling Vessels, by James Muir, 26
- Puddled Steel, by Forgeman, 171
- Purity of the Mersey. by a Liverpool Mao, 153
- Putrid. to Prevent Water becoming, by Fidelis. 283
- Railway Accidents, by J. W. Clare, C.E., 406, 412, 476
- By Commercial Traveller, 406
- Observer, 406
- Railway Guard, 424, 461
- Yentas, 406
- Railway Brakes, by A. Chambers, 442
- Railway Bridge, Dover to Calais, by H. B., 388
- Railway Bridge between England and France, by H. B.. 299
- Railway Guard and Passenger Signals, by J. Norton, 95
- Raising Water, by Cadogan Williams, 355
- Reduction of Pressure, by Constant Reader, 153
- Regulating Air Door for Furnaces, by J. Lee Stevens, 9
- Re patenting Old Inventions, by H. F., 301
- Reports on the Use of Steam Coal in the Hartley Districts, by Consumer, &c., 131
- Revolving Conical Bow and Self-acting Screw, by T. Morris, 477
- Revolving Slide Valves, by Edward Reynolds, 319
- River Water, by An Engineer, &c., 976
- Rotary Engine, by J. Davies, 475
- Roy al Agricultural Society. the, by One of your Readers, 7, 73, 114
- By True Blue. 91
- Royal Agricultural Society and Steam Culture, by J. A. Williams. 334
- Royal Agricultural Society's " Conditions," by Implement Maker, 441, 461
- Royal Agricultural Society and Steam Engines, by W. Bateley, 45
- Scratches on Looking glasses, to Remove Slight, by Fidelis, 283
- Screw Propulsion. by Robert Walker, 217
- Self-moving Machinery, by J. A. D., 115
- Setting Boilers, by C. Wye Williams, 117
- Setting Valves, by Awl 171
- Shipwrecks. safety Floats, by J. B., 442
- Signals on Railway Trains. by J. W. Clare, C.E., 283
- Silver's Governor, by E. Hunt. 169
- Silver's Fly Wheel Governor, by Thos. Silver, 95, 150
- Simple Aerated Water, by Domestic Economy, *.:47
- Smoke Nuisance, by Charles Grear, 352
- Solid and Molten Iron, by J. K. P., 117
- Solid and Molten Iron, by J. A. D., 135
- Old Crank. 117, 135
- Sound, by J. A. D., 47
- Solution of the Problem of the Screw Propeller, by Lord Carlingford, 45
- South Australian Patent Law, by W. H. Ritchie. 299
- Specifications of Patents, by J. W. Clare. C.F.., 352
- Steep Gradients, by A. H. Patterson, 243
- Steam Jacket, by 1. B., 313
- By T. Craddock, 335
- Omnibus, 335
- Steam by Charles Burcham, 352
- Stone-cutting Machinery, by a Young Quarryman, 265
- Stopping Railway Trains, by Loco, 461
- Street Tramways, by J. Palmer, 265
- Suggestions for Railway Security, by J. W. Clare, C.E., 299
- Surface Condensation, by J. F. Spencer, 370, 391
- Surface and Jet Condensers, by Omnibus, 370, 424
- By James, Sutcliffe. 405
- Taking Steam from Boilers, by T. Claridge, 171
- Tempering Cast Steel, by North Country Subscriber, 153
- Tempering Springs, by One more used to the File than the Pen, 29
- Theory of Heat as a Motive Agent. by J. B., 69, WS
- To the Inventive—London Smoke, by J. B. Neil, 135
- Tunnel between England and France, by An Amateur, 263
- By H. B., 280
- Valve Gear for Locomotives by D. Graham Hope, 247
- By G. T. Humphries, 209
- Valve Motion, by " Progress," 265
- Ventilation of Sewers, by J. W. Clare, 389, 407
- Ventilation of Sewers v. Slow but Certain Poison, by J. Pierce, 442
- Wave Line, by Thomas Moy, 95
- Wave Line System, by Engineer's Assistant, 7
- Wood Packing—Working Expansively, by D. V., 75
- Leviathan. 12, 173, 198, 22'4 27?, 314
- Leviathan's Anchors, the, 2g7
- Leviathan Measured with Pins, 174
- Life Boat for Russia, 474
- Lighthouses and Beacons. 328
- Lighthouses for Russia, 452
- Lighting in Newcastle, 274
- Lighting Railway Carriages with Ga', 74
- Lightning Conductors, 4;8
- Lincolnshire Bobs, 91
- Lisbon, 272
- Literature. See Reviews. Liverpool and Birkenhead, Improvements in, 175
- Burch's screw, by Mr. Mondel, 385
- Liverpool Polytechnic Society, 173
- New Wire Gauge. Cocker's, 293
- Ordinary Meeting. 175
- Screw Propulsion. hy Mr. P. Browne. 385
- Ventilation, of ships, by Mr. Scott, 385
- Watson’s syphon Ventilator. 293
- Lord C. Paget and the Royal Navy, 297
- Loss of the Ava. 367
- Lost Steamers, 299
- Lucknow, 461
- Machines a Vapeur Marines, Traite Elementaire des, 2
- Macnaught's Lecture on High and Low Pressure Steam, 437
- Main Drainage of London, 418
- Majolica Ware, 8
- Mallet's Mortars and Shells, 1
- Marvellous Belfry, 443
- Consumption of Coals and Rate of Evaporation from Steam Boilers, by John Graham, Esq., 205
- Experiments to determine the Strength of some Alloys of Nickel and Iron, ikc.. 211
- Hardness of Metals and ' Mr. Johnson, 330
- Master Attendant of Calcutta, .290
- Masters RA Men, 390
- and Workmen. 143, 362
- Mechanical Knowledge, Engine Drivers and, 3
- Memorial to Mr. Pellatt, 473
- Merino Sheep in Algeria, 161
- Metals, 144
- Meteoric Discoveries, 39
- Alteration in the Local Management Act, 32
- Main Drainage and Sir B. Hall's References, 32
- Sanitary State of Camberwell. 32
- Metropolitan Improvements, 170
- Middle of the Eighteenth Century, the, 126 4
- Mines, Government School of, 7.3
- Mint Coinage, 300
- The Royal, 277
- Mismanagement at Woolwich Arsenal. 465
- Mode of Draining London proposed by Messrs. Bidder, Hawksley, and Bazalgette, 461
- Montreal, the Victoria Bridge at, 2
- More Things in Heaven and Earth than are Dreamt of in our Philosophy, 50
- Mortars rod Shells, Mallet's, 1
- Motive Powers, 23
- Murder of an Engineer in Turkey, 68
- My First Voyage, 368
- Nature of Putrefactive Poisons, by Desmond Fitz-Gerald, 433
- Naval Appointments, 152
- Navigation of the Danube, 190, 297
- Navy, the, 251, 335, 353, 367
- New Men-of-War, 228
- Lord Clarence Paget and the Royal, 297
New Agricultural Steam Engines, 240
- Dock at Newport, 208
- Engine for the Pacing of Egypt, 169
- Exploring Expedition, 128
- French Railway Signal, M Graving Dock, 89
- Houser of Parliament, 40
- Indian Patent Law, 471
- Lighthouses, 386
- Line of Steam Ships between Galway and America, 443
- Mediterranean Steamer, 41
- Mortar, 443
- Opera House, Covent Garden, 3C8
- Portable Threshing Machine, 354
- Route to China, 257, 316
- Screw Corvette, 145
- Screw Steamer Northam, 472
- Screw Steamer, The Tasmanian, 477
- Swiss Railway, 200
- Type, Extraordinary Case, 208
- Variety of Cotton. 461
- Newcastle Prize tor Smoke Prevention, 220
- Niger Expedition, 41, 67
- Norfolk Agricultural Society. 488
- North of Europe Steam Navigation Company, 257
- Accidents in Mines, 48
- Alum in Bread, Use of, 303
- Application of Town Sewage, 391, 409, 479
- Art Pupil Teacherships, 31
- Art Treasures Palace, 393
- Artistic Copyright, 211, 339
- Associated Foremen Engineers, 2.1g Atlantic Telegraph, 230, 373
- Bardsley Mine Explosion, 171
- Carbonic Drawing, 98
- Chelsea Bridge Tolls, '248.480
- Chemical Arts and Manufactures, 172
- Chemical Science, Application or, to the Arts, 191
- Civil Service Examinations., 285
- Superannnations, 428, 416
- Combustion of Coal, 118. 136. 153
- Contemplated New Patent Offices, 218
- Debates on the Navy Estimates, 321
- Decay of Gutta Percha, 417
- Dignity of Labour, 371
- Disposition of Town Sewage, 445,463
- Disposition and Utilisation of Excremental Substances, 210
- Dockyard Operations, 374
- Drawing and Writing, 410
- Early Closing Tribute to Mr. Lilwall, 192
- East Indian Railways, 320
- Economy of Fuel, 219
- Education Commission, 193
- Education. its Progress and Obstacles, 155
- Electro-Magnetism as a Motive Power, 49
- English and French Railways, 75
- Examinations of the Societs. of Arts, 267
- Exhibition of Inventions, 280
- Father Thames and his Progeny, 135
- Friendly Societies, 155
- Gas and Water Monopolies. 9
- Government and the Schoolmaster, 30, 77
- Government School of Mines, 480
- Great Exhibition Commissioners and the Government, 481
- Gun-boats at Haslar, 337
- Hard Times, 29
- Heating Powers of Coal and Coke, 77
- High and Low Pressure Steam, 319, 445, 463
- Hoskins. Mr., and the British Museum Library„ 302
- House Accommodation, its Social Bearing, 136
- Improved Homes for the Working Mar,, 155
- Kensington Museum, 48
- Labour and Recreation—Crystal Palace, 338
- Lancashire Rood-making, 118
- Late Fire in Bloomsbury, the, 284
- Leviathan, the, 30, 48, 117
- Life Assurance, 118
- Lime for Deodorising Sewage, 464
- London Blockaded. 2z9
- Tramways. 191
- Working Men's College, 303
- Macadamised Roads vereuR Pavements, 11
- Management of Coal Trains, 77
- Manchester Chamber of Commerce. 138
- Cotton Supply Association, 321
- School of Arts, 248
- Warehouse Architecture, 267
- Means of Communication between the Guard and Driver of Railway Trains, 301
- Metropolitan Drainage, 266. 355
- Main Drainage, 184
- Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, 427
- Middle Class Education. 11
- National Medallions, 464
- New Notion for Patentees. 137
- Newcastle Colliers' Association—Award of Premium, 97
- Nuneaton Railway Accident, 391
- Opening of the Chelsea Bridge. '66
- Operation of the Public Health Act, 172
- Our Pottery and its shortcomings, 230
- Past and the Future, the, 9
- Patent Law Reform. 302
- Patents and Specifications, 410
- People's Colleges, 429
- Preparation of Coke for Metallurgic Purposes, 301
- Prevention of Boiler Explosions, 137, 151
- Progress of Art Education, 211
- of Patenting, 171
- Proposed Exhibition of 1861. 210. 322
- Foot-bridge at Richmond, 98
- Indian Tel 909
- Metropolitan Railway, 209
- Tunnel between England and France, 76
- Provincial Galleries of Art, 392
- Public Playgrounds, 231
- Conveyances, 117
- Public Health Act (1S40) Amendment Bill, 76
- Railway Accidents, 265, 2S3
- Competition, 211
- Revival, A. and an Innovation. 247
- Rewards to Promoters of New Enterprises, 154
- Safety in Prep +ration, 320
- Science and Art of Dread-making, 230
- smoke Nuisance. 338
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, 374
- State of the Thames, 480
- Suez Canal, 428
- Thames Purification, 47
- Unsatisfactory Eclipse, the, 231
- Ventilation of Sewers, 338, 355. 373, 392
- Notes from the Northern and Eastern Counties, 17, 37, 64, 87, 105, 125, 143, 161, 179, 198. 217, 238, 256, 274, 291, 309. 327. 315, 364, 382, 900, 917, 435, 453, 471, 987
- Notices - See Reriews.
- to Correspondents—See Letters to the Editor.
- Novel Application of Horse Power, 228
- Nunquam Dormiunt, 297
- Old Rochester Bridge, 983
- Only Thirty Millions, 287
- Ordnance Survey, 162
- Orlando, the. 439
- Overflow of the Mississippi, 375
- Pacific Railway, a, 12
- Paris, 287
- Parliament, the New Houses of, 40
- English Engineers in Naples, 129
- Patent Law Amendment Bill, 371
- Railway Loans. 129
- Telegraph to India, 129
- Patent Case, Large Damages, 27G Law, New Indian, 471
- Office, the United States, 17.1, 181
- Pepper, Mr., the Polytechnic Institution and, 473
- Persian Pigeon Towers, G8
- Petrified Forest, a, 185
- Photography applied to the Ornamenting of Silk Stuffs, 326
- Pliers, Cutting, 68
- Ploughs, 162
- and Harrows for Africa, 178
- Poisonous Paperhangings, 106
- Polytechnic Institution and Mr. Pepper, 473
- Polytechnic Society, the Liverpool, 173
- Poor Rates on Machinery, 178
- Portable Threshing Machine, 328
- Portcullis, Chain Barrier, 353
- Powers, Motive, 23
- Prebble, Testimonlal to Mr., 212
- Present State and Requisite Improvements of the River Lea, 108, 173, 286, 353, 395, 430. 439, 472
- Prevention, Smoke, 65
- Prices Current of Metals, 18, 38, 61, 87, 106, 126, 141, 162, 180, 200, '217, 238, 256, 274, 293, 310, 328, 316, 361, 382, 400, 418, 436, 472, 488
- Price's Mill Preventive Safes, 272
- Principles and Practice of Civil Engineering, by Henry Conybeare, F.G.S.. 50, 83
- Printing by Water, 40
- Prizes, Royal Agricultural Society's, 408
- Proposed Economic Museum, 472
- Proposed Exhibition in 1861, 203
- Proposed Plan of Dealing with the Metropolitan Sewage, 372
- Prevention of Boiler Explosions, Association for the, 110
- Principles and Practice of Civil Engineering (Lecture IL), by Henry Conybeare, F.G.S., 438, 455, 471
- Prismatic Mirrors for the Sultan. 144
- Public Buildings at Adelaide. 416
- Buildings at Sydney. 282 Health at Sydney, 434
- Tribute to Mr. Lilwall, &c., 49
- Works in Holland, 182
- Purchase of the Soulages Collection for Public Instruction, 12
- Quebec, 403
- Queen v. Macnee, 175
Railway Accidents, 175, 387
- Accommodation for the Mineral Districts of North and South Shropshire, 190
- and Canal Companies, 311
- and Canal Legislation, 970
- Communication between London and Manchester, 297
- in Turkey, 346
- into Sheerness Dockyard, 407
- Matters, 296
- Progress, Foreign and Colonial, 128
- Projects, 95
- Slopes, Cultivation of the Vine on, 201
- surveys in the Mauritius, 443
- Traffic in the United Kingdom, 41
- Travellers, 245
- Travelling in England and America, 1
Railways in Algeria. 109
- in Australia, 95
- in Egypt, 364
- in Spin, 198
- in Victoria, 461
- and Telegraphs in New South Wales, 326
- Recreation Grounds in Towns, 412
- Red Men of the West, 49
- Remarkable Petrifaction in California, 24
- Re-opening of an Old Roman Mine in Wales, 290
- Reports on Steam Coals, the Admiralty, 2
- Result of the Niger Expedition, a, 291
- Results of the Science arid Art Department for 1E57, 472
- Carpenters' and Joiners' Assistant, 12
- Catechism on Chemistry, &c., by Rev. J. W. Neat, M.A . 267
- Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, &c., by Sheridan Muspratt, F. R.S., 78
- Dictionary of Trade Products, &ye., by P. L. Simmonds, F.R.S., 339
- Engineers' and Contractors' Pocket-book for 18s8. 12
- History of Ancient Pottery, by Samuel Birch, F.SA., 19
- Iron Shipbuilding, by John Grantham, &c., 219
- Metallurgy, &c. &c., by S. B. Rogers. 481
- Land. Labour, and Gold, &c., by W. Howitt, 356
- Manual of Technical Analysis, by B. H. Paul, Ph. D., F.C.S., 12
- Memoirs of the Life. &c., of Rear-Admiral Sir Wm. Symonds, &c., by James Al Sharp, 44, 305
- Memorials, Scientific and Literary, of Andrew Crosse, the Electrician, 98
- Nova Scotia Considered as a Field for Eini2ration, by P T. Hamilton. 465
- Principles and Practice of Civil Engineering, by Henry Conybeare, Esq., 50, 83
- Reading Lessons in Social Economy, &e:, by Benj. Templar, 374
- Rudimentary Treatise on Marine Engines, by R. Murray. C.E., 12
- Shells and Shell Guns, by J. A. Dahlgren, 393, 411, 429
- Statistical Book-keeping, by F. C. Erepp, 78
- Tracts upon National Promotion of Art and Science, 322
- Views and Opinions of Brigadier-General John Jacob, by Capt. Lewis Pelly, 447
- Rich Colonial Story, 316
- Rings Round the Earth, :kr., 335
- Rosa Bonherir's Studio, 477
- Royal Agricultural Society, 41, 201, 204, 3R9
- Agricultural Society and the Exhibitors of Steam Plough', 222
- Mint. 277
- National Life Boat Institution. 106
- Navy, New Screw Steamers, 208
- Astronomical Experiment of 1856, on the Peak of Teneriffe, by Prof. Smith, 353
- Coal beneath the South Eastern Parts of En21,nd, on the Conditions which to Determine the Probability of, by R. Godwin Austen. Esq , 36.1
- Drinking Waters of the Metropolis, by Edwin Lancaster, 255
- Geodetic Operations of the Ordnance Survey, by Col. Henry James, 420
- Geological Causes that have influenced the Scenery of Canada, &c., by Prof. Ramsay, F.R.S., 437
- Locks, on some Improvements in, since the Great Exhibition of lE51, by E. 13. 14118°n, 255
- Mineral Candles, &c., manufactured at Belmont and Sherwood, by the Rev. John Barlow, 329
- Molecular Impressions by Light and Electricity, by W. K. Grove, Esq., 164
- Physical Properties of Ice, by Dr. Tindall, 91, 219
- Rotary Stability, by B. Powell, M.A., 8cc., 256, 293
- Static Induction, by Prof. Faraday, 219
- Russian NI en-of-War Sunk at Sebastopol, the, 28
- Railways, 444
- Russians on the Amoor River, 19
- in the North Pacific, 418
- Sailing Vessels. Distilling Apparatus on Board, 221
- Salisbury and Yeovil Railway, 193
- Sanitary Directions 222
- Scavenger Beetles, 152
- Science and Art Department for 1857, Results of the 472
- Scientific Witnesses, 279
- Scotch Banks. 131
- Iron Trade, 300
- Scottish Storms, 148
- Sealing-wax in the Tropics, 39
- Seine, the, 290
- Seraing, the Cockerill Company at, 21
- Serious Boiler Explosion, 198
- Sewage, Proposed Plan of Dealing with the Metropolitan, 372
- Matter of Dwelling-houses, on Utilising and Deodorising the, 184, 202
- Sheathing Vessels. 465
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde, 444
- on the Tyne, 4T0
- Shipping Statistics, 290
- United States, 128
- Singular Claim of the Crown, 448
- Sites for New Churches. 68
- Slate Quarry Lighted with Gas, 323
- Snail Arms in the Navy, 413
- Smoke-consuming Furnaces for Steam Boilers, 12
- Prevention, 65
- Smoky Chimney s, 371
- Social Reform, 18
- Bread-making, on some Points in the Chemistry ot, by Dr. W. Odling, 293
- Colour obtained from Coal-tar Products, by Mr. Craco Calvert, 164
- Diseased Beers. 165
- Electro-Magnetism as a Motive Power, by Thomas Allan, 24U Exhibition of Inventions, 275, 295, 313
- Exhibition of the Society. 146
- Iron: its Commerce and Application to Staple Manufactures, by Charles Sander4on, 383, 402, 419
- Paddle-wheel and Screw Propeller from the Earliest Times, by John MacGregor, 312
- Patent Gun, 165
- Progress of the Electric Telegraph, by C. W. Siemens, C.E., 331, 3 t7
- Progress of the English Lighthouse System, by Mr. A. G. Findlay, 185
- Progress and Present State of British Mining, by Mr. J. A. Phillips. 348. 365
- Puddled Steel, with an Account of some of the Uses to which it has been applied, by \V. cla), Puddled Steel. itc., Discussion on, 91
- Puddling of Iron, 165
- Refining of Sugar, 165
- Special Prize of the Society, 146
- Steam Power t Cultivation, Application of, by J. Algernon Clarke, &c., 146
- Sulphurous Acid. 165
- Society of Arts' Conversazlone, 3.54, 299
- Soirée at the Manchester Athenaeum, 439
- South Australian Mining Association, 07
- Kensington Museum, 400
- Spend on American Railways,201
- Statistics of the Royal Navy, 92
- Steam 13oilers, Incrustation in, 268
- Coal, 472
- Coal Collieries Association, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Second Report, 99
- Coals, 362
- Communication between France and America, 204
- Communication between New York and the East, 290
- Corvette for the King of Portugal, 27
- Engine, the Important Patent Case, 109
- Navigation and Trade, the Indian River, 107
- Navy of France, 127
- Yacht for the Emperor of the French, 39
- Steamers tor Turkey, 407
- Steel by Cementation, Application of Blast Furnace nlatit•es in the Production of, 43
- Strike of Workmen on a Railway, 246
- Submarine Telegraph to the Chorine' Idands, 473
- Submarine Telegraph between Tasmania and Australia, Tunnel, 28
- Suggested Origin of the Steam Engine, 357
- Suicide of the Assistant Chemist at the Museum of Practical Geology, 473
- Sunshine and Fire, 19
- Suspension at Nlasoorough, 178
- Swiney Lectures on Geology, the, 473
- Tasmania, the, 63
- Telegraph, the Atlantic, 443
- Telegraphic Communication India, 425
- Terrible Steam Boat Conflagration, 390
- Terrific Land Slip, 235
- Testimonial to Mr. C. T. Prebble, 212
- Teutonia Steamer, 116
- Thames Haven Dock Company, 166
- Timber, 18, 38 61, 88, 106, 126, 144, 162, 1E0, 41s, 200, 217. 238, 256, 274, 29J, 310, 328, 346, 364, 400, 4'.6, 454, 472,488
- To make Paper Impervious to Water, 151
- Toll on Steam Thrashing Machines, 66
- Trains Lighted by Gas, 334
- Traite Elemeontaire dept Machines a Vapetir Marines. 2
- Treat to Work People, 19
- Trial of 13ra‘'s Traction Engine, 368
- Trip of the " Admiral," 4:6
- Tubular Bridge across the Tamar, 437
- Turkey and the Suez Canal, 1:92
- Turkish Steamers on the Tigris, 299
- Tuxford's Steam Horse, 26u
- United Kingdom. Railway Travelling in the, 41
- United States Patent Office, 174, 181
- United States Shipping Statistics, 128
- Urine, Utilisation of the Products is of Decomposing, 239
- Utilisation of the Gases from Blast Furnaces., 367
- Utilisation of the Products of Decomposing Urine, 239
- Utilising and Deodorising the Sewage Matter of Dwelling Houses, 184, 202
- Vale of Clwyd Railway, 422
- Ventilation of American Railway Cars, 478
- Ventilation, Heating and, 19
- of Transport Ships, 407
- Very Grand Series of Schemes, a,40
- Victoria Bridge at Montreal, 2
- or Big Ben the Second, 454
- Station and Pimlico Railway, 488
- Walsall Free Library. 38
- Warm Arguments and Thick Boots, 111
- Water supply of Lisbon, 256
- Supply of M elbow ns., 330
- Works, Banbury, 421
- Weather and its Effects, the 194
- West End of London Railway, 246
- Westminster Bells, 473
- What Dr. Livingstone Proposes to Accomplish,
- Whittle Dean Water Company, 231
- Whitworth's Artillery Experiments, 116
- Women and Watchwork, 281
- Wood Carving, 220
- Workmen's Dwellings, 201
- Wreck Register, 36)
- Yankee 'cuteness, 418
- Zinc, White, injurious to Paintings, 162
See Also
Sources of Information