The Engineer 1862 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1862 Jan-Jun: Index
View the 1862 Jan-Jun Volumes
- Accident, Railway, near Kelso, 288
- Accidents, Railway, 235, 303
- and the Law, 125,232
- to Workmen, 131
- Achilles, The, 92
- Adamas, New Material, 208
- Adams' Revolving Fire-anus, 135
- Address of J. Hawkshaw, Esq., President of the Inst. C.F., 41
- Admiralty, and Iron-cased Ships, 78
- Programme for 1b62-3, 139
- Agricultural Locomotives, 123, 126, 167, 185, 199, 213, 241, 277
- Machinery, Priest and Woolnough's, 120
- Algerian Hallways, 2
- Allotropic State, 29
- Alsop and Chauncey's Gun Stocks, 80
- Amalgams, Experiments on Some, 42
- America, British Notes from, 267
- Bronze Guns in, 208
- Cost of Building Locomotives in, 5
- In the Exhibition, :03, 212
- Railway Incline Planes in, 40
- Steam Engines on Common Wads in, 19S
- American Axminster Loom in the Exhibition, 356
- Central, Inter-oceanic Canal, 154
- Ericsson Battery, 185
- Iron Bridger, 9
- Iron Clad Vessels, 11
- Plated Vessels, 208
- Navy, 71
- Ordnance Matters, 322
- American States, Population of, Steam Fire Engines, 137
- Steamers, 27
- Amos and Francis' Machinery for Dressing Slates, 151
- Armour Plated Ships, New, •'201
- Plates, Manufacture of, 193
- c. Ordnance, 162
- Armstrong 10-in Cannon, M Gun, 131, 156. 199, 201, 213, 317
- Ordnance, 365
- Armstrong's Marine Boilers, 57
- The, 17, 263, 356
- Arsenic, "lest for.103
- Artesian, Brighton, 180
- Artillery; Now System of, 310
- Prospects, Our, 122
- Association of Foremen Engineers, 232
- London-Drawing, 25d for the Prevention of Steam Boiler Explosions. 27, 58, 71, 151. 193, 262. 333, 377
- Auriferous Rocks of Victoria 053
- Aurora's Feathering Screw Propellor, ]S4
- Australian, Direct, Steam Service, :in Austrian, Northern, Railway. 310
- Australian Steaming, Difficulties of, 352
- Austrian Railways, 1
- Locomotive in the Exhibition, 277
- Aveling Rawlinson's Locomotives, 28
- Baines' Girders, 212
- Bank Note Printing, 363
- Banks, Lea, 55
- Banquet in a Sewer, 282
- Barclay's D Cranes, 198
- Barker's Signalling, 8
- Barnett's Steam Soda Water Apparatus, 353
- Barometer and Weather Indicator, Major Walter's, 91
- Batteries, Forts, and Iron Ships, Humphry's, 88
- Marino, 209
- Battery, American. Ericsson, 185
- Ericsson, Iron, 72
- Stevens'. 50
- Beams and Girders, Hood's, 150
- Bearings, Frictionless, Parkinson's, 120 13eattie's Fire Extinguisher, 154
- Belgian Enterprise, Belgian 2
- Benches, Vices and Screw, Roberts', 28
- Bessemer Metal, 110, 218, 302
- Process. 215, 274
- in India, :353
- Beyer, Peacock, and Co.'s Locomotive in the Exhibition, 285
- Tools in the Exhibition, 267
- Bilge Pumps, 253, 286
- Blackfriars Bridge, Now, 90, 94, 109, 250
- Blackpool, Pier at, 114
- Black Prince off the Wight, 237
- Blakely Rifled Cannon v. 8-in. Columbiads,
- Blast Machinery, Suckow and Habel’s, 236, 255, 289
- Blasts at Holyhead. Large, 15
- Boatbuilding by Machinery, 870
- Boiler Assurance Company, 57
- Boiler Explosion, Locomotive, Captain Tyler's Report, 43
- Priestfield, 278
- Explosions, 44, 50, 51, 79, 107, 123, 132, 255, 28.5, 311, 316
- Association for the Prevention of, 27, 58, 71, 151, 193, 24$2. 333, 377
- Explosion, Terrible, 236, 280
- Locomotive Making, 289
- Boilers, Galloway and Wilson's, 168
- Corrosion in Locomotive, 315
- High Pressure Marino, 319
- Marine, Armstrong's, 57
- Steam, 96
- under Police Supervision, 97
- Steel, 2.32
- Surface Condensers, Rowan and Horton's, 240
- Water Tube, 75, 96. 153
- Wear and Strength of, 237
- Bone, Regeneration of, 21
- Boring Mills, Upright, 307
- Rocks, 230
- Borneo, Coal in
- Brakes, Railway, Creamer's, 321
- Bray's Traction Engines. 1S3
- Brazil Railways, 2
- Bread from Germinating Wheat. 101
- Breweries of London, 233, 247
- Brick Floors and Wooden Ones, 190
- Machinery, Platt and Richardson's, 57
- and Tile Machinery, Effertz's, 254
- Bridge, Now Blackfriars, 90, 94, 109, 250
- Bridge. Carlisle-street, Dublin, 133
- Eastern Counties Railway, 2S1
- Foundations, 62
- Railway over the Ebro, Spain, 59
- at Pimlico, 380
- Saltash, Centre Pier, 161
- Suspension at Lambeth, 367
- over the Niagara River, 60
- Westminster, 326
- Tramway, 2232, 234
- Bridgnorth Waterworks, 331
- Bridges, Glasgow, 29
- Iron, American, 9
- Durability of, 277
- Now, over the Thames, 155
- Bronze Guns in America, 20S Brown's Apparatus for Distilling Salt Water, 184
- Building Stones. 181
- Buildings. Trench Heights of, 274
- Burrell's Traction Engine with Boydell’s Endless Railway. 284
- Bursting of a Sluice near Lynn, 288
- Byer Moor Explosion, 51
- Cable, the Electric and International Telegraph Company's, 207
- Caird and Co., Messrs.. Model Engines in the Exhibition, 242
- Calico Printing and Dyeing. Improvements and Progress in since 1851, 101, 117. 133
- Caloric Phenomena, 223. 283
- Calvert's Air or Steam Engines, 337
- Cameron's Fluid Meters, 71
- Canadian Railways, 1, 164. 321
- Canal, Central American Inter-Oceanic, 154
- Locks, 137
- Suez. 131
- Canals in India, Gigantic, 282
- Cannon, Armstrong, 10In., 286
- Rifled, 26, 84
- Wrought Iron, 225
- Cape Colony, 365
- of Good Hope Railways, 1
- Carburetting Gas, 3
- Carey and Pierce's, Reburning Animal Charcoal, 191
- Carving, Wood, for the Exhibition, 131
- Castings. Open Sand, 125
- Centrifugal Machines, Thomas', 44
- Pumps, 369, 380
- Chains and Chain Cables, Howell's. 2S4
- Chaplin's Combined Winding Engine, Boiler and Cooking Apparatus. 313, 316
- Charcoal. Animal, Reburning, Carey and Pierce’s, 1! 4
- Reburning, Animal, Cowan’s Apparatus, WI Charing Cross Railway, 246
- Chase's Feed Water Apparatus, 221
- Chatham Dockyard, 4
- Important Now Works at, 124
- Child's Mode of Dressing Millstones, 220
- Chili Railways, 2
- Chimneys for Wood Burning Locomotives, 4
- Civil Engineering, and the President, 61
- Coal. by Robt. C. Patterson, 298
- Methods of Illuminating Lighthouses, by Geo. B. Jerraud, C. E., 121
- On Building Stones, by J. B. Walton, V.P., 1S1
- Retaining Walls, by Walter Rutt, 207
- Single and Continuous Straight Girders, by Mr. F. Campin, 221
- Steam Boiler Explosions, by Mr. C. B. king, M.E., 811
- The Supply of Power for Acting Prime Movers, by Mr. A. F. Yarrow, 148
- Various Methods of Applying Steam Power, by A. Chapman. 365
- Clay's Cultivators, 8
- Clothing of the Police. 4
- Clyde, Steam Shipbuilding on. 10
- C. and M. E. Society, 298
- in Borneo, 351
- Burning Locomotives, 284
- Exports of, 10, 138
- for the French Navy, 376
- Use of in Furnaces without Smoke, 309, 323
- and Iron Mining, 262
- and Timber, Tasmanian, $39
- Mines. 378
- Receipts. 57
- in Scotland, Now Discovery, 38
- South Wales, Discovery of a Nine-feet House and Steam, 40
- Trade, 84. 165,
- Liverpool, 285
- Treatment of, for the Blast Furnace and Cupola, 252
- Coking, Slack Coal, 123
- Coles. Capt. Cupola Ship. 232
- Collieries, Single Shaft, 335
- in the United Kingdom, 215
- Colquhoun and Thomson's Firebars, 88
- Colt, Col. Death of, 76
- Columbiads, History of, 367
- Communication between England and Ireland, 51
- Companies formed in 1861. Now. 21
- Company. London India Rubber, 134
- Railway Wagon, London, 232
- The South of Ireland Direct, 95
- Steam Boiler Assurance, 59
- Victoria London Mining, 59
- Compensation Cos°. 28
- Concussion Shells and Naval Warfare, 379
- Condensers, Surface, 186
- Condensing Apparatus, Stothert’s, 327
- Connecting Rods, Length of, 136
- Conselt Ironworks. the Government. 31
- Contract, Postal Service. between Franco and the Isle of Martinique, 4;4..168
- Construction, Steam Engine, 169, 185, 255
- Conversazione, Institution Civil Engineers, 335
- Society of Engineers, 362
- Copper Works in the Exhibition, 364
- Coquimbo Railway, 370
- Corrosion of Cast iron Tubbing in Coal Pits, 121
- Corrosions in Locomotive Boilers, 315
- Cost of the Iron Frigate Resistance, 284
- Cotton Mill at Coventry, 368
- Counterweighting Portable Engines, 10
- Cowan's Apparatus for Reburning Animal Charcoal, 104
- Crane, 50.ton. Belfast, 248. 289
- Cranes, Raising, Lowering, or Moving Heavy Bodies, 198
- Creamer's Railway Brakes, 321
- Crystal Palace for the Parisians, 29
- Cultivators. Clay's. Cupola Ships, 317, 331, 341
- Cutting Shives. Tools for, Price's, 135
- Cylinder, Groan from, &SO
- Cylinders, Single and Compound Engines, 354
- Wrought Iron, for Ordnance, Renders, 29
- Danish Steamer Hekla, 380
- Davis and Evans' Steam Engines, 316
- Andrews, jun., 69
- Colt, Colonel, 76
- Haley, Jos, 75
- De Bergue’s Railway Chairs, 864
- Defence, the. 156.:83
- Delta of the Danube, Description of, 161
- Deluge. Marsh Land, 316
- Middle Level. 335, 353, 3S5
- in Norfolk. 315
- Demerara Railways, 1
- Denmark Railways, 2
- Deodorising Sewers, 104
- Discovery of Ancient Remains, 17
- Distilling Salt Water, Brown's Apparatus, 184
- Diving Bells, 156
- Dock Gales, Sheerness, 137
- Docks. Mersey, 165
- Dockyard. Chatham, 4
- in the Mersey. 3
- Dockyards, Royal, 250
- Dover Mail Packets, 7
- Drainage in Ireland, 84
- Main, 103
- of the Metropolis, 367
- and Water Supply. 13
- Draining Machine (Appold), Easton, Amos, and Sons', 302
- Drawing Beer from Casks, Mott's Apparatus, 251
- Drill, Marine Slotting, Sharp, Stewart, and Co.'s. 275
- Drilling Hoeing Land. Priest and Woolnough's, 120
- Machine. Shank's. 105
- Machines, Shank's, 57
- and Tapping Mains, Somerville's, 221
- Dublin, Doings in, 326
- Dues. Light, 29
- Durability of Iron Bridges, 277
- Structures, 169, 155
- Dyeing and Calico Printing, Improvements and Progress in, since 1551, 101
- East Gloucestershire Railway, 40
- Eastern Counties Railway, 12
- Bridge, 281
- Easton, Amos, and Sons' (Appold) Draining Machine, 302
- Economy. Steam Engine. 77
- Effertz's Brick and Tile Machinery, 254
- Egypt., Railways, 2
- Electricity, Atmospheric, Observations on. 162
- Embankment. Thames, 21. 160. 335. 368. 260
- of the Throw. South Side, 18.95
- Employers and Employees, 109
- Enamelling Iron, 140
- Enclosure of Lands from Sea, 55
- Engine Beam Hartley Colliery, 73. 00, 107, 123, 136, 153, 169, 185, 209
- Drivers' Short Time Movement, 11, 302
- Locomotive, Austrian. in the Exhibition, 277
- Steam, Archaeology, 63
- Construction, 169, 185, 255
- Economy, 77
- Fire, Merryweather and Son's, 378
- Improvement, 109
- Traction, Burrell's, with Boydell's Endless Rail, way, 284
- Winding, Chaplin's Combined Boiler and Cooking Apparatus, 316, 313
- Engines, Air, Calvert's, 337
- Carding, Williams and Parkinson's, 22
- Compound, 329
- Diagonal, Method of Supporting, J. McNaught's, 121
- Expansive and Rotary. 286, 317
- Fire, 330, 369
- Hot Air, Shaw's, 137
- Wilcox's, 287
- Locomotive. 199
- Aveling and Rawlinson's, 28
- in the Exhibition. 349
- Marine and Boilers. Macnab's, 340
- in the Exhibition, 271
- Use of Steam Expansively, 106, 12.3, 132
- Model in the Exhibition, Messrs. Caird and Co.. 24'
- r 10, 31
- Pumping, 207
- Rotary, 201, 277, 340.366
- Single Cylinder and Compound. 354
- Steam on Common Reads in America, 198
- Davis and Evans', 316
- Expansive, 106. 123, 132, 167
- Fire, 194, 251, 238
- American, 137
- Merry weather's, 282
- Humphrey's, 209, 225, 241
- Kinsey's. 181
- for the Navy, 138
- Prussian, 323
- Pumping, Leo's, 312
- of Our Ships of War, 139
- Speed of, 223
- Spencer's, 108
- Traction, 2.5, 29, 77, 107, 119, 130
- Bray's, 183
- Lie and Taplin's, 32
- and Self-propelling Farm in the Exhibition, 357.369
- Engineering. Civil, and the President, 61
- English, in India, 299
- Railway, 170
- of War, Mechanical, 331
- Engineers and Engineering. 185
- Royal Naval, 10, 31, 77, 87, 153.183, 203. 214, 220, 270, 319, 335, :342, 355, :362. 364. 367, 380, 385
- England and Ireland, Communication between, 51
- Ericsson Iron Battery. 72
- Evans' Apparatus for Generating Gas, 313
- Examinations at South Kensington. Science, 20
- Excavating Apparatus, Kennard's, 73
- Exhibition, America in the. 203. 212 , International, '25. 58.78. s4. 92, 131, 160, 201, 207, 225 231, 255. 271, 317.361
- List- of Jurors, 300, 310
- Plan of, 262
- Machinery Departments 32
- Permanent in Paris, 335
- Expansion of Steam, 277
- Expansive Steam Engines, 106, 123. 132, 167
- Experiments on Puddled Steel, Homogeneous Iron, and Steel Iron, made at her Majesty's Arsenal, Woolwich, by Mr. W. H. Barlow, F.R.S., 17
- Explosion Boiler Locomotive, Tylor's Report, 43
- Priestfield, 278
- Terrible, 236, 280
- at Rhodes, 44
- Explosions, Boiler, 44, 50, 51, 70, 107, 123, 132, 255, 2$5, 311, 316
- Causes, Effects, and Military Applications of, 249
- Export Trade, the Year's. 282
- Exports of Coal, 10, 84, 138
- to France, 95
- Factories and Factory Workers, 149
- Fairbairn, William, :15
- Fall of Towers and Spires, 257
- Falling Bodies as affected by the Earth's Rotation, 96
- Fathers of Modern Science, 358
- Fearnley's Steam Hammers, 365
- Feed Pipe, Connection for Locomotives, 202
- Water Apparatus, Chase's, 221
- File Cutting by Machinery, 203
- Fire, Messrs. Lambert's Tube Works, Walsall, 226
- Fire-arms and Projectiles, Woollcombe's, 17
- Revolving, Adam's, 135
- Bars, Colquhoun and Thomson's, 8S Engine Establishment, London, 49, 51
- Extinguisher, &attic's, 154
- File Factory at Manchester, 208
- Fire at a French Shipyard, 31. Precautions, against in the Exhibition, 274
- Proof Floors, 19
- Fires, London, in 1861, Report, 290.314
- Flax Scutching Machinery. Improvements 20
- Fletcher and Fuller's Planing Machines. SS
- Flow of Water and Governors, 186
- Flyers and Spindles, Mason's, 72
- Food, Preservation of. 8c4
- Foreign and Colonial Jottings, 12, 15, 30, 153, 16S, 259, 261, 282.298. 380
- Fortress in Plymouth Sound, 330
- Fowler's Steam Ploughs, 103
- Foundations of London, 49
- Fountains, Rise of Jots of Water from, 59
- in Trafalgar-square, 356
- Franco. Exports to, 05
- Population of, 53
- Railways, 1
- French Matters, 156
- Passenger Locomotive, 12
- Railway Receipts, 53
- Friction of Railway Carriages, 130
- Air in Mines, 268
- frictional Gearing, 109
- Frictionless Bearings for Gas Motors, Parkinson's, 120
- Frigates, Iron-cased, 302, 310
- Fuel, Peat. 32S Furnace. Regenerative Gas. 85
- Furnaces, 93
- Regenerative, Siemen’s, 375
- Gale and Kennedy's Taps and Valves, 105
- Galloway and Wilson's Boilers, 163
- Galway Line, 71
- Steamships, 200
- Gas, Carburetting, 3
- in the East. 203
- and Gas making, 211
- Generating, Evans', 313
- in Sweden, 232
- Tests of, 121
- Works at Chertsey, 130
- Gasometers and Tanks, Gyro's, 212
- Gasworks of London, 177, 191. 205, 219
- German Veneer Cutting Machine, 48
- States Railways, 1
- Giffard's Injector, 252, 367
- Girders, Brine's. 212
- Continuous Straight, 221, 2:9, 2;3
- Glasgow Bridges, 29
- Decadency of, 35
- Manufactures, '21
- Water Supply, 29
- Godwin's Pumps. 236
- Gold, Australian, 137
- Governors, 253
- Flow of Water, 186
- Marino, 353, :363, 330
- Shaw's, 326. 357
- Great Britain and Ireland Railways, I
- Eastern, 147, 370
- and Mr. Towle, 4S, 361
- Greaves' Apparatus for Preventing Waste of Water, 250
- Green and Glover's Vice Boxes, 251
- Greenwood's Sawing Machinery, 237
- Griffiths on Iron, 29. 46
- the 305, 307, 365
- 63-pounder, 232
- Armstrong. 131, 156, 199, 201, 213
- Barrels. Steel, 368
- Boats, the, 7
- of the Future, 211
- Stocks, Alsop and Chauncey's, Whitworth, 340
- Bronze, in America, 208
- Rifled, Cast Iron Service, 2.35
- Rodman, 10
- Gye's Gasometers and Tanks, 212
- Hammer, Steam, Naval Ram, 311, 337
- Steam. 354
- in the Exhibition, 318
- Fearnley's, 365
- Hobson's, 105
- Naylor's, 329
- Norman's, :356
- Single and Double Action, 300
- Hancock's Implements for Pulverising and Ploughing Hand Stocks and Screw Dies. Russell's, 327
- Harbours and Docks, 13
- of Refuge. 282
- Hardening and Tempering Tools and Metals, 42
- Hartley Colliery Engine Beam, 73, 90, 107, 123, 136, 153, 169. 135. 209
- Disaster, 63, 103
- Hartmann's Locomotive in the Exhibition, 293, 331
- Absorption and Radiation of, 147
- Theory of. On the Use of Mechanical Hypotheses in Science, by Prof. W. J. M. Rankine, 70
- Helixometer. Laing’s. 45
- High-pressure Marine Boilers, 319
- Hobson's Steam Hammers, 105
- Hoisting Apparel, Lister and Myers, 864
- Holland Railways. 2. 3
- Holyhead. Large Blasts at, 15
- Hoods' Beams and Girders. 150
- Hop Trade. 185
- Hornsby's Thrashing Machines, 124
- Howell's Chains and Chain Cables, 234
- Humphry's Iron Ships, Batteries, and Forts, SS
- Humphrey'. Steam Engines. 209, 225, 241.
- Hungary. Opportunities for Enterprise in, 10
- Hyde Park. Road across. 72, 95
- Hydraulic Machinery in the Exhibition, 333
- Presses. 186
- Thompson and Stather's, 326
- Ice, Artificial, 260
- Illuminating Lighthouses, Method of, 121
- Impact, Force of. 49. 75
- India, Bessemer Process in, 353
- Canals in, 262
- English Engineering in, 209
- Iron Ships as Transports to, 325
- Locomotive in, 273
- Progress of. 35
- Steam on the Rivers of, 136
- Indian Railways. 1, 275
- Injector, Giffard's. 252, 367
- Institution of Civil Engineers, 49
- Address of J. Hawkshaw, Esq., President, 41
- Conversazione, 335
- Description of the Centro Pier of the Bridge across the river Tamar, at Saltash, by Mr. R. P. Brereton, M.I.C.E., 161
- Description of the Delta of the Danube, and of the Works Recently Executed at the Sulina Mouth, by Mr. C. A. Hartley, A.I.C.E., 161
- Description of Works at the Ports of Swansea, Silloth, and Blyth, by Mr. J. Abernethy, M.I.C.E., 192
- Electrical Tests of the Malta and Alexandria Submarine Telegraph Cable, by Mr. C. W. Siemens, M.I.C.E.. 32,5
- Lock Ken Viaduct, Portpatrick Railway, by E. L. J. Blyth, 161
- Malta and Alexandria Submarine Telegraph Cable, by Mr. H. C. Forde, M.I.C.E., 325
- On the Form and Materials for Iron-plated Ships, and the Points Requiring Attention in their Construction. by Mr. Jos. d'A. Samuda, 69
- Railway Accidents, by Capt. Galton, R E., 235
- Railway Accidents, their Causes and Moans of Prevention, by Mr. J. Brunlees, M.I.C.E., 235
- Reclaiming Laud from Seas and Estuaries, by Mr. J. H. Minor, 300
- Reclaiming Laud from Seas and Estuaries, by Mr. J. Oldham. M.I.C.E., 300
- Sea Dykes of Sleswig and Holstein, and Reclamation of Laud from Sea, by Mr. J. Paton, M.I.C.E., 299
- Sextant, by which Larger Angles could be Measured than with the Instruments now in Use, explained by Mr. F. C. Webb, A.I.C.E., 326
- Manufacture of Peat Fuel, by C. Hodgson, Esq., 328
- On the 50-ton Crane Recently Erected at Belfast, by Mr. G. H. Strype, 248, 2S9
- Description of a Gorman Veneer Cutting Machine, 43
- Mechanical and Economical Advantages and Disadvantages of Surface Condensation, by Mr. J. F. Spencer, 147
- Remarks on some Experiments made by Messrs. Isherwood, Stimers, and Long, Chief Engineers in the U.S. Navy, on the Liquefaction of Steam in the Cylinder of an Engine Working Expansively, by Prof. W. J. M. Rankine, 132
- Roof Lamp for Railway Carriages, by Alex. Allan, 25
- Springs, Railway Buffer, by Mr. Alex. Allan, 25
- COM and Iron Mining of South Yorkshire, by Mr. P. Jeffcock, 262
- Construction of Lighting Apparatus for Lighthouses, by Mr. A. Masson°. 262
- Feed Pipe 'Connection for Locomotive Engines, by Mr. A. Allan, 262
- Regenerative Gas Furnace, by Mr. C. W. Siemens, 65
- Regenerative Gas Furnace as applied to Glass Houses, Puddling, Boating. etc., by C. W. Siemens, 375
- Institution of Naval Architects, 181
- Instruments used in Connection with the Ventilation of Mines, 270
- in the Exhibition, 212
- Optical. in the Exhibition, 284
- Ireland, Drainage in. 84
- Iron Armour v. Ordnance, 259
- Cued Frigates. 302, 319
- the Admiralty and, 73
- Mr. Samuda on, 95
- Cast, Durability of, in Sea Water, 136
- Coal. and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 23, 39. 53. 66, 83. 99. 115. 129, 145, 159. 176. 1S9. 204, 217, 231, 246. 260, 230, 293, 307, 322, 336, 348, 362, 374. 386
- and Timber. Tasmanian, 339
- Enamelling, 140
- in the Exhibition, 311
- Galvanised, for Armour Plated Ships, 193
- Griffith's on. 29, 46
- Malleable Cast, 131
- Plated Fleet, 232
- Plated Ship Question. 93
- Ships, 220
- Construction of, 69
- of War, 2,59
- Vessels. American, 20S Plates, 206
- on their Trial, 225
- Properties of, and its Resistance to Projectiles at High Velocities, 350
- Roofs, 30
- Ship* as Transports to India, 325
- of War. 155
- Steamships, 94
- and Steel in the Exhibition, 272
- Machine for Testing, 368
- Manufacture, 14
- Street Paving, 263
- Structures, Durability of, 169, 135
- Ironstone, Blackband, 30
- Iron Targets. 310
- Trade in Cleveland, 200
- Scotch, 35
- Walls of Old England. 377
- Welsh, and the Coal Trades, Si
- Italy, Railways, 2, 19
- James' Packed Elongated Shot and Shell, 315
- Japanese Ambassadors at Messrs. Penns'. 316
- Jots of Water from Fountains. Rise of. 59
- Johnson and Hockin's Mode of Securing Nuts, 151
- Johnston's Pillars for Coal Minos, 105
- Jointing Elliptic Arches, 30
- Kennard's Excavating Apparatus, 73
- Kimberley's Machine for Morticing, Tenoning, and Sawing, 313
- Kinsey's Steam Engines, 131
- Krupp's Cast Steel, 340, 354
- in the Exhibition, 266, 305
- Stool Works, 151
- Laing's Helixometer, 45
- Lambeth Suspension Bridge, 367
- Lamp, Roof, for Railway Carriages. 25
- Land, Reclamation of, from the Sea, 256, 209
- Landing Stages, Liverpool, 207
- Lane's Permanent Way, 120
- Beattie v. the London and North-Western Railway Company, 121
- Betts v. Menzies and Another, 352
- Bidder v. Richards, 51
- Crossley v. Dixon, 75, 134
- Ford v. the London and South-Western Railway Company, 122
- Hills v. Evans, 68, 74
- Hills the Liverpool United Gaslight Company, 103, 121, 234, 257
- Horsfall and Others v. Lynall Thomas, 122, 287
- Wheatstone v. Wilde, 122
- Law's Machinery for Raising and Docking Vassals, 329
- Admiralty and Iron-cased Ships. 78
- Programme for 1862-3, 139
- Armstrong Gun, 131, 109, 213, 317
- Bessemer Metal, 140, 213
- Boiler Explosions, 50, 79, 255
- Breweries of London, 233, 247
- Bridge Foundations, 02
- Centrifugal Pumps. 369
- Civil Engineering and the President, 61
- Drainage and Water Supply, 13
- Durability of Iron Structures, 169
- Electric Telegraphs, 14
- Engineers and Engineering, 185
- Exhibition, the Great, 78, 225, 255, 271, 317
- Fathers of Modern Science, 358
- Fire Engines, 369
- Foundations of London, 49
- Gas and Gas Making, '1A1
- Gasworks of London. 177, 191, 205, 219
- Gun of the Future, 241
- Harbours and Docks, 13
- Hartley Colliery Disaster, 63
- Hydraulic Machinery in the Exhibition, 338
- Institution of Civil Engineers, 49
- Iron-Plated Ship Question, 93
- Pintos, on their Trial, 225
- Ships of War, 155
- Steamships, 04
- and Steel in the Exhibition, 272
- Manufacture, 14
- Limos and Mortars, 50, 94
- Locomotive Boiler Making, 289
- Engines. 199
- in the Exhibition, 264, 349
- Power, 79
- London Fire Engine Establishment, 49
- Marino Engines in the Exhibition. 271
- Mechanical Engineering of War, 331
- Miscellaneous, 14
- Naval Engineers, the, 77
- Now Blackfriars Bridge, 94, 109
- Now Bridges over the Thames, 155
- Ordnance of the Day, 269
- in the Exhibition, 303
- Paper Making Machinery in the Exhibition, 332
- Patent Laws, 139, 331
- Office Library, 110
- Physical Theories, Now, 78
- Practice, Entering on, 34
- Preservation of Timber, 64
- Progress of Engineering Practice and Opinion, 33
- Railway Accidents, 303
- and the Law, 125
- Engineering, 170
- Resistance, 1*5
- Wheels and Tyros in the Exhibition, 341
- Railways. 13
- of the World. 1
- Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 379
- South of Ireland Direct Telegraph Company, 00
- Steam Engine Construction, 169, 255
- Economy, 77
- Improvement, 109
- Engines of our Ships of War, 139
- Hammers in the Exhibition, 318
- Regenerator, 125
- Ships, 13
- Sugar Machinery in the Exhibition, 266
- Testing Submarine Telegraphs, 63
- Tests and Testing, 155
- Tools, Engineers, in the Exhibition, 273
- Traction and Self-Propelling Farm Engines in the Exhibition, 357
- Wood Working Machinery in the Exhibition, 261
- Leather Cloth, Manufacture of, 263
- Leo and Taplin's Traction Engines, 32
- Leo's Steam Pumping Engines, 312
- Length of Connecting Rods, 136
- Armstrong Gun, Artilleryist. 201
- 10-inch Cannon, T. A. Blakely, 286
- Armstrong's 10-inch Gun, J. Jones, 305
- Agricultural Locomotives, T. Aveling, 167
- R. Romaine, 185
- Austrian Locomotive at the Exhibition, F. K., 277
- Northern Railway, K., 340
- Bessemer Process, W. S. P., 215
- Bilge Injections, A Sea-Going Engineer, 2S6
- Pumps, A Sea-Going Engineer, 253
- Boiler Explosions, R. Howson, 123
- Chas. Tapp, 107
- F. H. Wenham, 107
- Boilers, M. M. J., 96
- Bridgenorth Waterworks, R. H., 331
- Cast Iron Engine 13eam, C. Jordan, 303
- Steel for Guns, W. S. P., 253
- Centrifugal Pumps and Steam Hammers, W. E. C., 380
- Coking Slack Coal, P. H , 123
- Compound Engines, Single Cylinder, 329
- Concussion Shells and Naval Warfare, J. Norton, 379
- Corrosion in Locomotive Boilers, J. Player, 315
- Counterweighting Portable Engines, Portable, 10
- Cupola Ships. Bombardier, 317
- J. Leonard, 331
- Cupolas and Fortifications v. Macintosh's System of Warfare, Nauticus, 341
- Useful Effect, 331
- Cutting Joints, W. H. Martin, 93
- Deluge in Norfolk, J. Macintosh, 315
- Employers and Employees, An Employee, 109
- Engineers of the Royal Navy, C., 3.12, 355, 367
- Exhibition Building, C. S., 201
- Expansion of Steam, A. C.. 277
- Expansive and Rotary Engines, J. S., 286
- Steam Engines, J. S. F., 123
- J. S., 167
- Falling Bodies, J. H. C., 96
- Harry D., 9d '1'. E. Elwell, 96
- Fixed and Continuous Girders, J. J. Bireket, 229
- F. Campin, 239, 253
- Flow of Water, T. B., 49
- and Governors, L. O., 186
- Force of Impact, W. 1.1, 49
- Fraudulent Use of the Word Patent, Jasper, 369
- Frictional Gearing, J. Robertson, 109
- Furnaces, E. B. Monro, 93
- Giffard’s Injector, V. P., 367
- Governors, J. S., 253
- Groan from the Cylinder, A 40-Horse Engine, 380
- Hartley Engine, S., 136
- T. Sampson, 136
- Beam, G. B., 153
- Founder, 153, 185
- P. J.,123
- W. Kendall 107
- J. Roberts, 107
- S., 149
- Hartmann's Locomotive, G. Hartmann, 331
- Hobson's Hammers, T. W. Cowan. 125
- Humphry's Steam Engine, J. Humphrys, 241
- Engines, F. W. Turner, 225
- Hydraulic Presses, J. Weems, 186
- Press Packing, N., 317
- James's Shot and Shell, J. Norton, 315
- Krupp's Cast Steel, A. Longsdon, :305, 340
- Steel, R. Mushet, 354
- Length of Connecting Rods, Engineer's Pupil, 136
- Locomotive Power, J. S. W., 155
- Mallet's, Mr., Monster Mortar, R. Mallet, 277
- Marine Governors, Miller and Kull', 3S0
- Mild Steel. V. S. P., 354
- Monitor, How to Take, T. M., 255
- and Merrimac, A. Alexander, 253
- Naval Engineers, E. S. A., 81
- R. N., 3S0
- Late R. N., 10
- Naval Steam Ram, E. Leigh, 357
- Naylor's Steam Hammer, W. Naylor, 329
- Nitrogen and Carbonic Oxide, H. K., 354, 369
- Ocean Telegraphy, T. W. 13., 239
- Open Sand Castings, V., 125
- Ordnance, Plug, 213
- Paddles, Screw and Hydraulic Propeller, M , 223
- Patent LAW', J. Norton, 357
- Office, F. A. P., 225
- Tribunals, W. Spence, 96, 107, 123, 287
- Betts v. Menzies, W. Spence. 355
- Pneumatic Process, W. S. P., 223
- Portable Engines, T. Aveling, 123
- W. Butlin, 109
- J. D., 31
- R. Laybourn, 31
- V. P., 31
- Ransoms and Sims, 10
- R. Romaine, 130
- Practical Use of Steam Expansively in Marine En. glues, V. P., 106
- Prizes System, Implement Maker, 315
- Properties of Steel, W. Baker, F C.S., 1S5
- Pumping through Mains, Hydraulics, 125
- Renewal of Provisional Protection, C. 1.) Abel, 107
- Resistance of Ships, W. J. M. Rankin, 95
- Rodman Guns, J. Norton, 10
- Rolling Steel Tyres, W. Owen, 169
- Rotary Engines, D. A., 277
- J. Paton, 317
- V. P., 201, 340. 866
- Samuda, Mr., on Iron-cased Ships, N. Barnaby, 95
- Screw Shaft Packing Glands, N. C., 169
- Sharp's Locomotive in the Exhibition, A. Collet, 2S9
- Shaw's Governors, J. Shaw, 357
- Shells to Explode by Percussion and Water, Zouave, 317
- Single Cylinder and Compound Engines, Ono Cylinder, 854
- Slotting Machines, T. Shanks and Co., 33I
- Soap, Manufacture of, Ed. Smith, 857
- Steam on Common Roads, Chronology, 369
- Cultivation, Jas. Howard, 199
- Culture, lt. Blackburn, 213, 253
- W. C. Homersham, 241, 277
- Engine Construction, A. LI., 185
- Hammer Naval Ram, J. R. u. Grundy, 341
- Hammers, Logic. 340
- R. Morrison, 854
- Single and Double Action, W. Naylor, 366
- Ploughing, R. Romaine, 167
- Regenerator, No Gammon, 136
- Steel in the Exhibition, Robt. Mushet, 315
- Speed of Steam Engines, A. B., 223
- Strength of Locomotive Cranks, Nomo. 3' 3
- Shafts, T. D., 380
- W. C., 357, 880
- W. W. F.. 869
- J. Mackenzie, 369
- Suckow and Habol's Blast, Suckow and Habol, 289
- Blowing Machinery, L. E., 255
- G. Hemstey, 255
- Surface Condensers, J. Louch, 186
- Traction Engines, J. Hopgood, 107
- A. Pullan. 77
- Turbine Water Wheels, the North Iron Foundry Company, 367
- Vibrations of Steam Engines on Wheels, W. S. M., 240
- Water Tube Balers, V. P., 153
- Wheels, Enquirer, 3
- Wind, Direction of, S. S., 93
- Wrought Iron Cannon, Fawcett, Preston, and Co., 225
- Library, Patent Office, 110, 160
- Lifeboat Expenses, 40
- Light Emitted by Metallic Compounds, &c. &c., 222
- Lighting Apparatus for Lighthouses, 262
- Lighthouses, Method of Illuminating, 121
- Limes and Mortars, 50, 94
- Lister and Myers' Hoisting Apparatus, 364
- Course of Elementary Mathematics, by J. R. Young, 170
- Handy Book on the Law of Bankruptcy, by J. W. Smith, Esq., LLD., 200
- Lives of the Engineers, by S. Smiles, 14. 34
- Manual of Civil. Engineering, by W. J. Macquorn Rankine, C.E., LL.D., 200
- Manual of Railway Engineering in Ireland, by C. P. Cotton, 200
- Memoir of the Life of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel, by Richard Beamish, F.R.S., 290
- Metallurgy : the Art of Extracting Metal from their Ores, &c., by Jno. Percy, M.D., 80. 110, 126
- Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, Edited by E. J. Reed, M.I.N.A., 200
- Liverpool Coal Trade, 285
- Lauding Stages, 207
- Projectiles and Iron-Plated Vessels, by Colonel Clay, 256
- Loch Ken Viaduct, 161
- Locks, Canal, 137
Locomotive Building,
- Foreign, 370
- in the Exhibition, Beyer, Peacock, and Co.'s, 2S5
- Hartmann's., 298
- Neilson and Co.'s. 299
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co.'s, 270, 289
- French Passenger, 12
- Hartmann's, in the Exhibition, :331
- in India, 273
- Lady of the Lake, 312
- Metropolitan Railway, 11
- Power, 79
- Statistics, 76
Locomotives, 240
- Agricultural, 123, 136. 167, 185, 199, 213, 241, 277
- in America, Cost of Building, 5
- Chimneys for Wood-burning, 4
- Coal-burner, 284
- in the Exhibition, 264
- Power of, and Railway Resistance, 166, 182
- Yankee, 352
- London Association of Foremen Engineers, 12
- Drawing Association. 259
- Fire Engine Establishment, 51
- and North-Western Railway Workshops at Wolverton, 265, 331
- Looking Glasses, Repairing and Silvering, 88
- Loom, Axminster, in the Exhibition, American, 356
- Lowestoft Harbour, 137
- Lubricators, Thatcher's, 135
- Lush's Mashing Attemperators, 312
- Machinery Department of the Exhibition, 32, 166, 194
- in the Exhibition, Powis, James, and Co.'s, 263
- Russian, in the Exhibition, 235
- Sugar, in the Exhibition, 266
- Macnab's Engines, Marino, and Boilers, 3.10
- M'Naught's Method of Supporting Diagonal Engines, 121
- Mail Subsidies, Ocean, 162
- Mails, Ocean, 261
- the, 162
- Main Drainage, 103
- Mains, Drilling and Tapping, Somerville's, 221
- Malahide Viaduct, 179, 180, 195
- Malleable Cast Iron, 131
- Mallet's Monster Mortar, 277
- Malta and Alexandria Submarine Telegraph, 325
- Friction of Air in Mines, by J. Atkinson, Esq., 268
- Pleistocene Deposits on the Stockport and Woodley Railway, by Mr. John Taylor, jun., 3
- Effect of increased Temperature upon the Nature of the Light omitted by the Vapour of certain Metals or Metallic Compounds, by Professor Clifton. 222
- Employment of Galvanised Iron for Armour Plated Ships, by Dr. Calvert, 193
- Experiments on some Amalgams, by J. P. Joule, LL.D., 42
- Notes on Caloric Phenomena, by C. Dyer, Esq., V. P., 223, 283
- Observations on Atmospheric Electricity, by Professor W. Thomson, LL.I). F.R.S., 162
- Oxyhydrogen Light, Experiment with, 222
- Probable Cause of Electrical Storms, by Dr. Joule, 193
- Samples of Bessemer's Steel, Exhibited, 31
- Manchester, New File Factory at, 208
- Mansell's Railway Wheels, 201
- Manufactures, Glasgow, 21
- Markets, Metal and Timber, 24, 40, 54, 68, 84, 10/, 116, 130, 146, 160, 176, 190. 204, 218, 232, 246, 260, 280, 294, 308, 322, 336, 348, 302, 374, 3S6
- Mashing Attemperators, Lush's. 312
- Mason's Flyers and Spindles, 72
- Mechanical Hypotheses in Science, by Professor J. W. Rankine, 70
- Mechanism, Ingenious, 32
- Melado, 104
- Memorial, Prince Consort, 162
- Merryweather and Son's Steam Fire Engines, 282
- Merryweather's, M. and R. M.. Pumps, 195
- and Son's Steam Fire Engine, 376
- Mersey Docks, The, 165
- Dockyard in, 3
- Meters, Fluid, Cameron's, 71
- Metropolitan Railway, Locomotive, 11
- Meyer's Slide Valves, 1f4
- Minerals, Stone, &c., from her Majesty's Forest of Dean, 337
- Mines in Chile, 364
- Friction of Air in, 268
- Sanitary Condition of, 235, 251
- Ventilation of, 269
- Mining, Coal and Iron, 202
- Mill, Sugar, Mirlee's, in the Exhibition, 295
- Millstones, 319
- Mode of Dressing, Child's, 220
- Mirlee's Sugar Mill in the Exhibition, 295
- Miscellanea, 11, 27, 43, 59, 75, 57, 103, 119, 134, 153, 167, 183, 214, 236, 370
- Monitor, How to take, 255
- and the Merrimac, 208, 253
- Morgan, Jay, Edwards and Tilston's. Ropes or Cables, 2.17
- Morpeth Steamer, 378
- Mortar, Action of Sea-water on Lime. 311
- Mortar, Mallet's Monster, 277
- Morticing, Tenoning. and Sawing, Kimberley's, 313
- Motion, Transmitting, Seller's Apparatus, 89
- Mott's Apparatus for Drawing Beer from Casks, 251
- Mules, Self-acting, Pitfield's, 70
- Mushrooms, How to Select, 95
- Naval Gossip, 326, 362, 380
- Ram, Steam Hammer, 341, 357
- Navy, American, 71
- the, 12, 30, 135, 261
- Naylor's Steam Hammers. 329
- Neilson and Co.'s Locomotive in the Exhibition, 299
- Nelson's Punching Washers, for Throttles, 364
- New Brunswick Railways, 1
- New Granada Railway, 2
- South Wales Railways, 1
- Zealand Railways, 1
- Newton's Ventilating Apparatus. 352
- Nitrogen and Carbonic Oxide, 354, 369
- Norman's Steam Hammers, 356
- Notes from British America, 267
- from New South Wales, 7, 58, 74, 120, 248. 333
- the Northern and Eastern Counties, 23, 39, 58, 67, 83,100, 116, 180, 146, 159, 176, 190, 204, 218, 232, 246, 269, 280, 294, 308, 322, 336, 348, 362, 374, 386
- Notices to Correspondents, 13, 33. 49. 61, '77. 93, 109, 125, 139, 155, 169. 1S5, 199, 213, 225, 241, 255, 289, 303, 317, 331. 341, 369, 879
- Norway Railways, 2
- Nova Scotia Railways. 1
- Nuts for Fish Plates, Securing, Johnson and Hockins,' 151
- Obelisks, 163
- Ocean Mail Subsidies, 112
- Mails, 261
- Telegraphy, 239
- Ordnance. 368
- v. Armour Plates, 162
- Armstrong, 305
- of the Day. 289
- in the Exhibition, 803
- Large, 336
- Matters, American, 322
- Working and Discharging below Water Level, Page's Apparatus, 89
- Oil Wells, 380
- Optical Instruments in the Exhibition, 284
- Ostia, Treasures of, 54
- Oxide, Nitrogen and Carbonic, 354, 369
- Oxyhydrogen Light, 222
- Packets. Dover Mail, 7
- Paddle. the Screw, and the Hydraulic Propeller, 149
- Screw, and Hydraulic Propellers. 223
- Page's Apparatus for Working and Discharging Ordnance, below Water Level, 89
- Palmerston, Lord, on Coast Defences. 185
- Paper Making Machinery in the Exhibition, 332
- Manufacture, 368
- for Rooms, Choice of Wall, 190
- Parkinson's Frictionless Bearings for Gas Meters, 120
- Paris, Exhibition, Permanent in, 383
- Patent, Fraudulent Use of the Word, 369
- Law, English, 357
- Reform, 96, 107
- Laws. 139. 179, 206, 274, 331
- Office, 225
- Library, 110,160
- Tribunals. 96, 107, 1•:'3. 2SG
- Bett's v. Menzies, 355
- Patents, Remunerative 31
- the Times (in 1851) on, 236
- Paving, Iron Sheet, 263
- Peat Fuel, 328
- Pew, Wanted, 325
- Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers, 8
- Penrice's Machinery for Tunnelling, 44
- Permanent Way, 118, 120
- Peru Railways, 2
- Petroleum, 214
- Physical Theories, New, 73
- Pier at Blackpool, 124
- Pillars for Coal Mines, Johnston's, 105
- Pistol, Pocket, New, 58
- Pitfield's Self-acting Mules, 76
- Planing Machines, Fletcher and Fuller's, 88
- Platt and Richardson's Brick Machinery, 57
- Pleistocene Deposits on the Stockport and Woodley Railways, 3
- Ploughing and Cultivating Machinery, Steam, Yarrow and Hilditch's, 327
- Steam, 152, 167
- Ploughs, Steam. Fowler's, 103
- Plumbago, Artificial, 64
- Plymouth. 70
- Sound, Fortress in, 330
- Pneumatic Process, 223
- Police, Clothing of, 4
- Pontifex and Wood's Tunning Casks, 250
- Population of the American States, 50
- Franco 53
- Porcelain Works, Worcester, 348
- Portsmouth Navy Yard, 53
- Portugal Railway, 2
- Powis, James, and Co.'s Machinery in the Exhibition, 2
- Practice, Entering on. 26, 34
- Preservation of Food, 364
- Timber, 6t Presses, Hydraulic, 1SG
- Presses, Hydraulic. Thompson and Stather's, 326
- Prevention of Boiler Explosions, 10
- Price's Tools for Cutting Shives, 135
- Priest and Woolnough's Machinery for Drilling and Hoeing land, 120
- Priestfield Boiler Explosion, 27S
- Primo Movers, Supply of Power for Acting, 14S
- Prince Consort Memorial, 162
- Printing, Bank Note, 368
- Prize System, 315
- Prizes, Effect of, on Manufactures, 276, 281, 207
- Progress of Engineering Practice and Opinion, 33
- in the Plato County, 880
- Projectile, Wonderful, 280
- Projectiles, Thomas', 250
- and Fire-arms, Woolcombe's, 17
- and Iron Plated Vessels, 256
- Propeller, Aurora's Feathering Screw, 184
- the Paddle, the Screw, and the Hydraulic, 149, 223
- Provisional Protections, 107
- Prussia, Railway, 1
- Pulverising and Ploughing, !Hancock's Implements, •2
- Pumps, Bilge, 253, 236
- Centrifugal. 369, 380
- Merryweather's, M. and R. M., 195
- Godwin's, 236
- Punching Washers for Throstles, Nelson's, 364
- Railroad, Sink, 310
- Railway Accidents, 235, 303
- Accident near Kelso, 238
- Bills, 00, 73. 91, 103
- Chairs, De Bergue’s, 364
- Engineering, 170
- Incline Planes, in America, 40
- Matters, 76, 91, 111, 118
- Notes, 151
- Receipts, French, 53
- Resistance, 185
- Travelling, 21, 263
- Railways, 13
- Algeria, 2
- Austria, 1
- Belgium, 2
- Brazil, 2
- Canadian, 1, 154, 321
- Cape of Good Hope, 1
- Chili, 2
- Demerara, 1
- Denmark, 2
- Egypt, 2
- France, 1
- German States, 1
- Great Britain and Ireland, 1
- Holland, 2, India, 1, 275
- Italy, 2, 19
- Now Brunswick, 1
- New Granada, 2
- New South Wales, 1
- Now Zealand, 1
- Norway, 2
- Nova Scotia, 1
- Peru, 2
- Portugal, 2
- Prussia, 1
- Roman States, 2
- Russia, 2
- South Australia, 1
- Spain, 2, 21, 352
- Sweden, 2
- Switzerland. 2
- Turkey, 2
- United States, 2
- Victoria, 1
- West Indies, 2
- Austrian Northern, 340
- Charing-cross, 246
- Coquimbo, 370
- East Gloucestershire, 40
- Eastern Counties, 12
- Railways in Franco, Moro Wanted, 31
- and Passengers, 91
- Resistance to Traction upon, and Gravitation from Friction, by Mr. T. Dixon, C.E., 69, 86, 166, 182
- Raising and Docking Vessels, Law's Machinery, 329
- Vessels, Walker's Hydraulic Stage, 60
- Reclamation of Lands from the Sea, 256, 299
- Regenerative Gas Furnace. 85
- Regenerator, Steam, 125, 136
- Rendel's Wrought Iron Cylinders for Ordnance, 23
- Resistance. Railway, 185
- and Power of Locomotives, 166, 1S2
- of Ships, 95
- to Traction upon Railways from Friction and Gravitation, by Mr. J. Dixon, C.E., 69, 86, 166, 1S2
- Rhodes. Explosion at, 44
- Richmond, Chandler, and Ritchie's Sack Holder, 165
- Rifled Cannon, 26, 84
- Cast Iron Service Guns, 285
- Rifling Cannon, Machine for, Vavasseur’s. 164
- Rio Janeiro, Improvements in, 103
- Road Across Hyde Park, 72, 95
- Roberts' Vices and Screw Benches, 2S Rocks, Boring, 236
- Rodman Guns, 10
- Roman States Railways, 2
- Roofs, Iron, 30
- Ropes or Cables, Morgan, Jay, Edwards, and Tilson's, 237
- Roman and Horton's Boilers and Surface Condensers, 240
- Royal Agricultural Society, 262
- Society's Show, 370
- Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gaseous Matter, by Jno. Tyndall. F.R.S., 147
- Causes. Effects, and Military Applications of Explosions, by F. A. Abel, Esq., F.R.S., 249
- Explanation of the Meteorological Telegraphy and its Basis, now under Trial at the Board of Trade, by Rear-Admiral Fitz Roy, 238
- Iron Walls of Old England, by J. S. Russell, Esq., F.R.S., 377
- Properties of Iron and its Resistance to Projectiles at High Velocities, by W. Fairbairn, Esq., 10.11.S., 350
- Royal Naval Engineers, 10, 31, 77. S7, 153, 183, 203,214, 220, 270, 319, 335, 342, 355, 302, 364, 307, 3S0, 385
- Royal Oak. 88, 12.3
- Russell's Hand Stocks and Screw Dies, 327
- Russia Railways, 2
- Russian Machinery in the Exhibition, 235 Manufacturing Town, 352
- Sack Holder. Richmond, Chandler, and Ritchie's, 165
- Saltash Bridge, Centre Pier, 161
- Sanitary Condition of Mines, 235, 251
- Enterprise, Failure of. 150
- Savory's. W. and P. A., Winding Apparatus, 165
- Sawing Machinery, Greenwood's, 237
- Worssam’s, 378
- Schiele's Turbine Water Wheel, 92
- Science, Modern, Fathers of, 358
- Scotch Iron Trade, 35
- Scotia, the, 168
- Screw Cutting Machines, Seller's, 275
- Dies and Hand Stocks, Russell's, 327
- Screws, Six-bladed, 370
- Sea Dykes of Slesvig and Holstein, 299
- Selby's Surface Condensers, 220
- Seller’s Apparatus for Transmitting Motion, SO
- Screw Cutting Machines, 275
- Sewage. London and Essex Land, 31
- Metropolitan. Utilisation of, 47
- of Towns, 122
- Sewer. Banquet in a, 282
- Fleet, 308
- Gases in Houses Drawn by the Heat of Fires, 104
- Northern Outfall, 327
- Sewers, Deodorising, 104
- Sewering of Towns and Draining of Houses, 196, 209
- Sewing Machines. 197, 214
- Sextant, by which Larger Angles can be Measured than with the Instruments now in Use, 326
- Shafts, Strength of, 369, 380
- Shanks' Drilling Machines, 57
- Machine, 105
- Shannon, Works on the River, 21
- Sharp, Stewart. and Co.'s Locomotive in the Exhibition, 270, 289
- Marine Slotting Drill, 275
- Shaw's Governors, 326, 357
- Hot Air Engines. 137
- Shells to Explode by Percussion in Water, 317
- Ship Cupola. Captain Coles', 232
- Ship, Iron Plated Question, 93
- of War, Built by the Knights of St. John, 170
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde. Steam, 10
- Iron, on the Tay, 124
- Steam, on the Clyde, 160
- Wood for, 39
- Shipping Trade. 21
- Ships, Armour Plated, Now, 201
- Building, 131
- Cupola, 317, 331, 341
- Iron, Batteries,_ and Forts. Humphry's, 88
- Iron Cased, and the Admiralty, 78
- Mr. Samuda on, 95
- Plated, 220
- Construction of, 69
- of War, 259
- as Transports to India. 325
- of War. 155
- Resistance of, 95
- Steam, 13
- for the Hamburgh and American Trade, 368
- Shoeburyness, Experiments at, 254
- Shot and Shell, James' Elongated, 315
- Siemens' Regenerative Furnaces, 375
- Sights for Small Arms and Ordnance, Whitworth and Hulse's. 224
- Signalling, Barker's, 8
- Silvering and Repairing Looking Glasses, 88
- Slates, Dressing. Amos and Francis' Machinery, 151
- Slotting Machines, 331
- Slubbing and Roving Frames, Wild's, 250
- Sluice, Bursting of, near Lynn, 2S8
- Smeatonians, the, 308
- Smoke Nuisance, 8
- Effect of Prizes on Manufactures, by Samuel Sidney, 276, 281, 297
- Improvements and Progress in Dyeing and Calico Printing since 1851, by Dr. F. Crate Calvert, F.R.S., 101, 117, 133
- Recently Executed Deep Wells and Borings, by Geo R. Burnell, C.E., 85, 101
- Sewering of Towns and Draining of Houses, by R. Rawlinson, C.E., F.G.S., 196, 209
- Award of Premiums, 51
- Conversazione, 362
- Enclosure of Lands from the Sea, and the Construction of Sea and Other Banks. by E. Olander, 55
- Marine Governors, by Lewis Olrick, 353, 363
- Peaty Water Containing Copper, Action of on a Boiler. by E. Riley, 85
- Use of Coal in Furnaces, without Smoke, by C. F. T. Young, 309, 323
- Visit of Members to the Southern Outfall of the Main Drainage, 319
- Soap, 357
- Soda Water Apparatus, Steam, Barnett's, 353
- Somerville's Drilling and Tapping Mains, 221
- Soul h Australia Railways, 1
- Southend Pier, 137
- South of Ireland Direct Company, 95
- Kensington, Science Examination at, 20
- Giffard's injector, by Mr. J. D. Steele, C.E. 252
- Sanitary Condition of Mines, by Mr. F. Fryer, F.G.S., 235, 251
- Selection and Treatment of Coal for the Blast Furnace and Cupola, by Mr. Cox, 252
- Spain, Railway Bridge over the Ebro, 59
- Railways, 2, 21, 352
- Spectrum Analysis, 95
- Speed, Great Railway, 21
- of Steam Engines, 223
- Spencer's Steam Engines, 108
- Spheroidal Condition, 133
- Springs. Buffer, Railway, 25
- Star Life Assurance Society, 151
- Statistics of Human Life, 185
- Locomotive, 76
- Steam on Common Roads, 25, 74, 153
- Cultivation, 302
- Rapid Progress of, 285
- Culture. 123, 136, 167.485, 199, 213, 241, 277
- at the Exhibition, 297
- Expansion of, 277
- Expansively, Use of, 106, 123, 132
- Passages, Transatlantic in 1861, 135
- Pipes in the Exhibition, 354
- Ploughing, 152, 167
- Power, Applying, 365
- Regenerator, 125, 136
- on the Rivers of India, 133
- Steamer, Morpeth, 378
- Saloon, 240
- Steamers, American, 27
- Peninsular and Oriental Company's, S Steaming, Australian Difficulties of, 352
- Steamship Economy, 200, 368
- Scotia, Sailing of, 307
- Trials, 200
- Steamships, Galway, 200
- Iron, 94
- Steel, Cast, for Guns, 253
- Cast, Krupp's, 340, 854
- in the Exhibition, 305
- in the Exhibition, 133, 315
- Gun Barrels, 368
- and Iron, Sc., Experiments Made on, at the Arsenal, Woolwich, by Mr. W. IL Barlow, F. R.S., 17
- Krupp's, Cast, in the Exhibition, 266
- Mild, 354
- Properties of, 185
- Stevens' Battery, 56
- Stone, Artificial, 822
- Storms, Electrical, Probable Cause of, 193
- Stothert’s Condensing Apparatus, 327
- Strength of Shafts, 369, 380
- Suckow and Habel's Blast Machinery, 236, 255, 289
- Suez Canal, 131
- Sugar Machinery in the Exhibition, 266
- Mirlee's, in the Exhibition, 295
- Sulina Mouth, Description of Works at, 161
- Surface Condensation, Mechanical and Economical Advantages and Disadvantages of, 147
- Condensers, 136, 186
- Selby's, 220
- and Boilers, Rowan and Horton's, 240
- Sweden, Railways, 2
- Switzerland, Railways, 2
- Taps and Valves, Gale and Kennedy's, 105
- Targets, Iron, 310
- Tasmanian Timber, Coal, and Iron, 339
- Telegraph, Atlantic, Proposed Now. 207
- cable, Submarine, Malta and Alexandria, 325
- Cables, Submarine, Testing, 63
- to Ireland, Another, 35
- Telegraphs. Electric, 14
- Telegraphy, Meteorological, 238
- Ocean, 239
- Test for Arsenic, 103
- Testing Iron and Steel, Machine for, 36S Submarine Telegraph Cables, 63
- Wire Rope, 257
- Tests of Gas, 121
- and Testing, 155
- Thames Embankment, 21, 160, 260, 335, 36S of, South Side, 18, 95
- Tunnel Hoax, 156
- Thatcher's Lubricators, 135
- Theories, New Physical, 78
- Thomas' Centrifugal Machines, 44
- Projectiles. 250
- Thompson and Stather's Hydraulic Presses, 826
- Thrashing Machines, Hornsby's, 124
- Thrifty Scotch Workman, 59
- Timber Beams, 30
- Coal and Iron, Tasmanian, 339
- Comes from. Where our, 7
- Preservation of, 64
- Tiu Standard. the, 29
- Titania Acid in all Clays and its Frequent Occurrence in Iron Ores, 853
- Tools for Cutting Shives, Price's, 135
- Engineers, in the Exhibition, 273
- in the Exhibition. Beyer, Peacock, and Co.'s, 267
- and Metals, Hardening and Tempering, 42
- Trade, Coal, Liverpool, 285
- the Year's Export, 282
- Traffic Receipts, Railway, 7, 31, 48, 123, 153, 165, 188, 201, 232, 252, 274, 282, 835, 352, 3S5
- Tramway, Westminster Bridge-road, 232. 234
- Transatlantic, Steam Passages in 1861, 135
- Travelling, Railway, 263
- Trial of the 10-in. Armstrong Gun,156
- Tubbing in Coal Pits, Corrosion o Cast Iron, 121
- Tunnel, Mont Cents, 385
- Tunnelling, Penrice’s Machinery, 44
- Twining Casks, Pontifex and Wood's 250
- Tuns, Fermenting, Wood's, 163
- Turbine Water Wheels, Schiele's, 92
- Wheels, 367
- Turkey, Railways, 2
- Type Setter, Another, 53
- United States Railways, 2
- Valves, Slide. Meyer's, 161
- Vavasseur's Machine for Rifling Cannon, 161
- Veneer Cutting Machine, German, 48
- Ventilating Apparatus, Newton's, 352
- Ventilation of Carriages, 179
- Mines, 269
- Vessels, Iron-clad, American, 11
- Plated, American. 208
- Raising, Walker's Hydraulic Stage, 60
- and Docking, Law's Machinery, 329
- Viaduct, Loch Kew, 161
- Malahide, 179, 180, 195
- Vibration of a Steam Engine Mounted on Wheels, 240
- Vice Boxes, Green and Glover's, 251
- Vices and Screw Benches, Roberts', 28
- Victoria, Auriferous Rocks of, 53
- Railways, 1
- Wagon, Railway, Built in Eleven Hours, 208
- Wakefield, Water at, 190
- Walker's Hydraulic Stage for Raising Vessels, 60
- Walls, Retaining, 207
- Walters', Major, World's Barometer and Weather Indicator, 91
- Warrior. Cost of, 154
- Water, Peaty, Containing Copper, Action of on a Boiler, 85
- Preventing Waste of, Greaves' Apparatus, 250
- Salt, Distilling, Brown's Apparatus, 184
- Supply, Drainage and, 13
- Glasgow, 29
- Tube Boilers, 75, 96,153
- at Wakefield, 190
- Works, Bridgenorth, 331
- Wells and Borings, 85
- Well Sinking and Boring, Royal Horticultural Gardens, 104
- Welsh Iron and the Coal Trades, 31
- West Hartlepool, Model. '208
- Indies Railways, 2
- Westminster Bridge, Now, 326
- Road Tramway, 232,284
- Wheel, Turbine Water, Schiele's, 92
- Wheels, Turbine Water, 367
- and Tyres, Railway in the Exhibition, 341
- Whitworth Gun, 340
- and Hulse's Sights for Small Arms and Ordnance. 224
- Wilcox's Hot Air Engines, 287
- Wild's Slubbing and Roving Frames, 250
- Williams and Parkinson's Carding Engines, 221
- Winding Apparatus, Savory's, W. and P. A., 165
- Wire Rope, Testing, 257
- Wood for Shipbuilding, 39
- Working in the Exhibition. 261
- Wood's Fermenting Tuns, 163
- Woolcombe’s Projectiles and Fire-arms, 17
- Worcester Porcelain Works, 348
- Workmen, Accidents to, 131
- Works at Chatham, Important Now, 124
- Consett Iron, the Government, 31
- Copper ii- the Exhibition, 364
- Executed at the 8ulina Mouth, 161
- Krupp's Steel, 154
- Porcelain, Worcester, 348
- at the Ports of Swansea, Silloth and Blyth, 92
- on the River Shannon, 21
- Workshops at Wolverton, London and North-Western, 265, 331
- Worssam's Sawing Machinery, 378
- Wrought Iron Cannon, 225
- Yarrow and Hilditch's Steam Ploughing Machinery,327
See Also
Sources of Information