The Engineer 1863/01/30
Main Subjects
- Allan's Furnaces, p 64. (Illustrated).
- Chief Constructor of the Royal Navy, p 62.
- Completion of the Fleet Sewer, p 61.
- Editorial, p 69.
- Steam Engine Construction.
- Boat Building by Machinery.
- Holman's Pumps and Valves, p 65.
- Hotchkiss Shell, p 65 - 67, (Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p 67.
- Locomotives on Railways, p 62.
- Loss of the Monitor, p 63.
- Lumley's Rudder, p 64.
- Lloyd's Manufacture of Paper, p 68. (Illustrated).
- Makinson's Locomotive and Stationary Engines, p 64. (Illustrated).
- Manchester Association for the Prevention of Steam Boiler Explosions - Hugh Mason - Vice-President in the Chair, p 62.
- Metropolitan Subterranean Railway, p 62.
- Russian Steam Sledge, 'A Steam Tug for Drawing Heavy Loads Over Ice and Compressed Snow' by M. Routzen, p 61. (Illustrated).
- Polytechnic Institution, p 64.
- Railway Bills, p 63.
- Railways in Victoria, p 62.
- Steam Shipbuilding at Belfast, p 63.
- Telegraph to America via Russia and Siberia, p 63.