The Engineer 1865/09/01
Main Subjects
- An American Patent - Davis Embree, p129
- Cannon Street Railway Bridge and Station p137
- Editorial, p.135
- Why the Atlantic Cable was not Laid
- Screw Propellers
- River Weirs
- Improvements in Steam Engines (Illustrated) - George Haseltine p130
- Improvements in the Construction of Ordnance (Illustrated) - Arthur Gearing p134
- Improved Mode of Heating Steam Boilers - A. Monro of Glasgow p 131
- Letters to the Editor, p.131
- John G. Winton of Gladstone St, London
- Edward L. Garbett of Mornington Rd, London NW
- N. P. Burgh
- J. Dixon C.E. of Darlington
- Manchester Boiler Association p138
- News from New South Wales p137
- Patents p139
- Scottish Shipbuilders Association - John Harrison on Cleaning Iron Ships Afloat, p.133
- The Industries of the Black Country (cont.) p128
- Thomas Dunn and Co - New company formed, p138
- Visits to the Provinces, p 127
- Birkenhead Chain Cable and Anchor Testing Works - Description of the Works
- Wrought Iron Permanent Way and Spring Chairs - W. Bridges Adams p130