The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Index
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Appold’s Centrifugal Pump, 279
Armstrong’s Gun Carriage, Sir W. G., 398
Armstrong’s Water-pressure Engine, Sir W. G., 380
Ashcroft’s Baling Press, 28
Bailey’s Fusible Plugs, 122
Ball’s Sheep Shears. 14
Balstrode’s Snatch-block Sling, 410
Bass and Co.’s, Boiler Explosion at Messrs., 264
Bowden’s Bellows, 158
Brown’s Armour Plates, 44
Brown and Wilson’s Steam Traveller, 436
Clark’s Combustion Pump, 7
Chalmers’ Shield for Embrasures, 6
China’s Fluid Valve, 104
“Dalston” Lamp, The, 104
Elder’s Steam Steering Gear;395
Elder’s Works, The Late'Mr. David, 256
Ericsson’s Engines, 415
Ericsson’s Monitor of 1854, 338
Ericsson’s Screw Propeller Engine, 283, 286
Fenby’s Lock, 391
Gamble’s Salinometer, 353
Gedge’s Combustibles, 53
Gray’s Steam Rivetter, 144
Gresham’s Injector, 45
Griffiths’ Oil Gas Retorts, 356
Hart’s Affixing Labels, 32
Harvey and Co.’s Ore-separating Machinery, 459
Hick’s Testing Friction of Leather Collars, 394
Holiday’s Blocking Tires, 88
Howard’s Agricultural Engines, 64
Johnson’s Ordnance, 14
Juckes’ Furnace, 432
Juckes’ and Swinburne’s Furnaces, 122
King and Howell’s Expansion Gear, 48
Krupp’s, Breech-loading Ordnance, 25
Lambton Mineral Oil Works, 454
Lancaster’s Cartridges, 65
Lenoir Gas Engine Diagrams, 357
Lindsay’s Locks for Fire-arms, 32
Martin’s Railway Signalling, 272
Mason’s Cotton Press, 268
Maudslay and Field’s Three-cylinder Engine, 107
Maudslay. Spns, and Field’s Engines of the Lord
Warden, Frontispiece
Muesler Safety Lai|^), The, 356
. Porter’s Permanent Way, 25
Ramsbottom’s Bolt-head Machinery, 123
Ramsbottom’s Rolling Machinery, 44
Ramsbottom’s Straightening Copper Stays, 84
Ramsbottom’s Tire-inakirfg Machinery, 468
Ramsbottom’s Tube Ctitter, 123
Ramsbottom’s Valve-facing Machine, 85
Ramsbottom and Co.’s Water-pressure Engine, 324
Richmond and Chandler’s Chaff-cutting Feed Motion.
410 '
Ridley’s Concrete Mixer, 357
Rigg’s Propeller, 93
Scott’s Gun Carriage, Captain, 398
Simon’s Washing Ores, 238
Stevens’ Gun Carriage, 140
Stevens’ Steam Loading Apparatus, 140
Symonds’ T a in-screw Frigate, 265
Taptee Viaduct, The, 105
Thouvenot’s Goods Engine, 68
Todd’s Planing Machine, 414
Walker’s Ships, 65
Webb’s Curvilinear Shaping Machine, 108
Webb’s Ferule Rolling Machine, 176
Welsh’s Filling Barometer Tubes, 137
Whitton’s Presses, 53
Wood’s Revolvers, 14
Worssam’s Sawing Machinery, 84
Armour Plates, 65
Armour Plates Brown’s, 44
Armour Plating, 87
Armstrong’s Hydraulic Machinery, Sir W. G., 249, 234
Arsenal Gun Carriage, The, 398
Atlantic Cable, The, 45
Atlantic Cable, Receiving Apparatus of the, 447
Atlantic Cable, Transmitting Apparatus of the, 433
Ballast Engine of the Winans Yacht, The, 180
Barometer Tubes, Welsh’s, Filling, 137
Bellows, Bowden’s, 158
Boiler, A Collapsed, 141
Boiler Explosion at Messrs. Bass and Co.’s, 264
Bolt-head Machinery, Ramsbottom’s, 123
Bow, The Plough Coulter, 333
Boxes on the Brecon and Merthyr Railway, Sand, 338
Boxes on the North London Railway, Sand, 282
Bridge at Prague, 302
Bridge, The Runcorn, 472
Bridges of Small Span, Railway, 339
Britain, Transverse Section of the Great, 177
Cable, The Atlantic, 45
Carriage, Sir W. G. Armstrong’s Gun, 398
Carriage, The Arsenal Gun, 398
Carriages, Effect of Shot on Gun, 465
Carriage, Captain Scott’s Gun, 230, 398
Carriage, Stevens’ Gun, 140
Cartridges, Lancaster’s, 65
Cycloscope, The, 415
Chaff-cutter Feed Motion, Richmond and Chandler’s,
Chimney Cap, The Trisyphon, 213
Cigar Ship. Ballast Engine of the, 180
Combustibles, Gedge’s, 53
Compass Deviation, Preventing, 469
Compressors, Gun Carriage, 196
Concrete Mixer, Ridley’s, 357
Derrylea Peat Works, 231
Diagrams, Lenoir Gas Engine, 357
Dictator, The, 320, 321
Doe Park Reservoir Embankment, 303
Electrical Apparatus, New, 328
Electro-Magnetic Machine, 418
Engine Diagrams, Allen, 185
Engine, Sir W. G. Armstrong’s Water-pressure, 380
Engine for the Colonies, Ten-horse, 306
Engine, Ericsson’s Screw Propeller, 283, 286
Engine, Maudslay and Field’s Three-cylinder, 7
Engine, North London Railway. Standard, 162
Engine, Ramsbottom and Co.’s Water-pressure, 324
Engines, Ericsson’s, 415
Engines, Howard’s Agricultural. 64
Engines of the Lord Warden. Frontispiece
Engines on the North London Railway, 21-
Exhibition, The, Paris:
Radial, Sectional Elevation, 252
Details of Intermediate Galleries, 451, 360
Details of Trough Girders, 376
Ferule Rolling Machine, Webb’s, 176
Frigate, Captain Symonds’ Twin-screw, 265
Furnace, Juckes’, 432
Furnaces, Juckes and Swinbourne’s, 122
Gear, King and Howell’s Expansion, 48
Grain, Decorticating, 88
Grate, for the War Office, Ventilating, 141
Grimwith Reservoir, Section of the Valve Well, 303
G un, The, 600-pounder, 248
Gun Slides, Competitive, 230
Hall of Science and Art, Central, 321
Hatches (Diagram), Engine-room, 273
Hydraulic Machinery, SirW. G. Armstrong’s, 234,249
Hydraulic Tube Company’s Machinery, 197, 200, 216
Ice Moulds, 21
Indian Railways, 3, 42
Injectors, Gresham’s, 45
Instruments, Telegraphic, 81
Kew Magnetographs, The, 159
Kilns, Brick, 212
Labels, Hart’s Affixing, 32
Lamp, The “Dalston,” 104
Lamp, The Muesler Safety, 356
Loading Apparatus, Stevens’ Steam, 140
Lock, Fenby’s Retainer, 391
Locks for Fire-arms, Lindsay’s, 32
Locomotive Thouvenot’s Goods, 68
Magnetographs, The Kew, 159
Medal, The Albert, 239
Millstones, Ventilating, 213
Monitor of 1854, Ericsson’s, 338
Naugatuck, The, 140
Oil Works, The Lambton Mineral, 454
Ore, Separating Machinery, Harvey and Co.’s, 450
Ordnance, Johnson’s, 14
Ordnance, Krupp’s Breech-loading, 25
Peat Works, The Derrylea, 231
Permanent Way, Porter’s, 25
Photographic Apparatus, The Sun Spot, 137
Pile-cutting Machine, 342
Planing Machine, Todd’s, 414
Plugs, Bailey’s Fusible, 122
Precipitating Machinery at Great Consols Mine, 377
Press, Ashcroft’s Baling. 28 I
Press, Mason’s Cotton, 268/
Presses, Whitton’s, 53I
Propeller, Rigg’s, 93“
Puddling Furnace, 101'
Pump, Appold’s Centrifugal, 279
Pump, Clark’s Combustion, 7
Railway Engines on the North London, 24
Rdlways. Indian, 3, 42
Receiving Apparatus of the Atlantic Cable, 447
Retorts, Griffith’s Oil Gas, 356
Revolvers. Wood’s, 14
Rivetter. Gray’s Steam, 144
Ro ling Machinery, Ramsbottom’s, 44
Roof Diagrams. Arched, 174
Salinometer, Gamble’s, 353
Samphire after Collision, The, 155
Sawing Machinery, Worssam’s, 84
Shaping Machine, Webb’s Curvilinear, 108
Shears, Ball’s Sheep, 14
Shield for Em brasures, Chalmers’, 6
Ship, Machinery of the Cigar, 171
Ships, Diagrams of, 155, 835
Ships. Walker’s, 65
Signalling, Martin’s, 272
Sling Bulstrades, Snatch-block Sling, 410
Stays, Ramsbottom’s Straightening Copper, 84
Steering Gear, Elder’s Steam, 395
Switch, Telegraph, 112
Testing Friction of Leather Collars, Hick’s, 394
Tip, Hydraulic, 126
Tires, Holiday’s Blocking, 88
Tire-making Machinery, Ramsbottom’s, 468
Tires, Webb’s Cast Steel, 212
Transmitting Apparatus of the Atlantic Cable, 433
Traveller at Blackfriars Bridge, Steam, 436
Tube-cutter, Ramsbottom’s, 123
Tubes, Cold Drawn Steel, 197, 200, 216
Valve, Ching’s Fluid, 104
Valve Diagrams, Slide, 113, 138
Valve-facing Machine, Ramsbottom’s, 85
Valves, The Friction of Slide, 161
Ventilating Millstones at Berlin, 213
Viaduct, The Taptee, 105
Wagon to Tip on Both Sides, 196
Washing Ores, Simon’s, 238
Water-pressure Engine, Sir W, G. Armstrong’s, 380
Water-pressure Engine. Ramsbottom and Co.’s, 324
Water-pressure Machinery, 284
Webb's Cast Steel Tires, 212
Winans’ Yacht, The Ballast Engine of the, 180
Winans’ Yacht, Machinery of the, 171
See Also
Sources of Information