Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,994 pages of information and 246,457 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

From Graces Guide
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1866 Jan-Jun: Index

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Academy of Arts and Sciences, American, 470

Accident, Fearful Foundry, 403

Accident to a Goods Train, 480

Accident, Railway, 332

Accident on the Vale of Neath Railway, 312

Accident, The Welwyn, 438

Accidents in Factories, 317

Act, Telegraph Amendment, 314

Admiralty, Captain Coles and the, 71, log

Admiralty, Mr. Seely and the, 439

Aeronautical Society of Great Britain, The, 42, 133, 154, 285, 406, 466

Agricultural Impfement Trade in Canada, 470

Agricultural Show, 432

Agricultural Society, The Royal, 408, 424

Ahmedabad Railway Station, 448

Albert Medal, The, 238

Albert Medal of the Society of Arts, 446

Algonquin and Winooski, The, 52

Allen Engine Diagrams, 185

Alloys, Manganese, 199

America, Oui* Commercial Relations with, 30

American Navy, The, 7, 20

American Ordnance, 53, 65

Anchor, Patent, Trotman’s, 236, 310

Anchors for the Navy, New, 66

Ansell’s Indicator, 15, 26, 46, 87, 106, 285

Antiquitj0Sj Engineering, 453

t^wectural Physiology.'Principles of, 318

t^iteoture of Bridges, 315

a akThe Constance, Octavia, and, 199

Arn-i^«r’ 9Q Resistance of Ships’, 463

Armour-plate Fastenings, 310

Armour-plates, 65, 87

Armour Plates, Brown’s, 44

Armour Plates, Testing, 102

Artillery, Fren ch Naval, 106

Armstrong Gun in the Navy, 271

Armstrong’s Water Pressure Machinery, Sir W. G., 233, 249, 379

Ash croft’s Baling Press, 28

Assessors, Scientific, 299

Association of Engineering Managers and Draughtsmen, 403

Association of Engine and Machine Makers, 289

Association of Foremen Engineers, London, 32, 102, 141, 277, 336. 412

Association of Gas Managers, British, 378, 396, 411 Association, Manchester Boiler, 132, 248, 328, 430 Association, Manchester Patent Law Reform, 238 Association, Staffordshire Coal and Ironmasters, 272 Association, United States Iron Manufacturers. 4 Association for Preventing Boiler Explosions, 217

Astronomical Society. The Royal, 67

Atlantic Cable, The, 45, 79, 399, 473, 480

Atlantic Cable, Insurance on the, 130

Atlantic Cable, Receiving Apparatus of the, 447

Atlantic Cable, Transmitting Apparatus for the, 433 Atlantic Telegraph, The, 174, 181, 183

Atlantic Telegraph Route, The Great North , 146 Atlantic Telegraph Scheme, The New, 100 Auckland, First Locomotive in, 482

Bailey’s Fusible Plugs, 123

Ball’s Sheep Shears, 14

Bath and West of Engand Show, 409

Bath, and West of England Society, 419

Beams, Effects of Sudden Loads on, 232

Belgium, 363

Bellerophon, The, 80, 284

Bellerophon and Lord Warden Targets, 227

Bellerophon in Stokes Bay, The, 217

Bellerophon, Trial of the, 206, 219

Bellerophon’s Funnels, 254

Bellows, Bowden’s, 158

Berlin, New Parliament House for, 112

Bessemer Cast Steel, 'the Strength of, 300

Bessemer Process, Notes on the, 474

Bessemer Process, Spectrum Analysis in the, 206

Bessemer Rails, Price of, 49

Bessemer Steel Tires, 91

Bill, the Engineering Operatives, Reform, 244

Bill, Government Waterworks, 307

Bill, Railway Passengers Communication, 309

Bill, The Waterworks. 470

Bills, Extraordinary Clauses in Railway, 143

Bills, Notes on Private, 91, 111, 128, 165, 183, 202, 218, 236

Bills, Railway, 327

Blowing Off, 381

Board of Trade, Lloyd’s Register, v. the, 361

Board of Trade, The New President of the, 466

Boiler Association, Manchester, 132

Boiler, A Collapsed, 141

Boiler, The Collapsed, 179

Boiler Inspection in Calcutta, 128

Boiler Insurance Company, The Midland Steam, 191

Boiler Insurance Company, The National, 72

Boilers, Corrosion of Locomotive, 341

I Boilers at Home, Cornish, 199

Boilers of the Houses of Parliament, 284

| Boilers, Incrustation in Marine, 354, 372

I Boilers, Marine, 362

Boilers by Unequal Expansion, Destruction of, 65

Bolts, Holding Down, 67

Bombay Builder, The, 147

Book of Reference, Gas Engineer’s, 154

Boulton and Watt’s First Marine Engine, 87

Bovill v. Goodier, 282, 308, 416

Bovill v. the Millers of Great Britain, 64

Bovill’s Patent, 341

Bowden’s Bellows, 158

Bow, The Plough Coulter, 316, 333

Breakwater for Torbay, Proposed, 88

Brean Down Harbour, The, 80

Brecon and Merthyr Railway, Sandboxes on the, 33

Bridge of Boats, 154

Bridge Building Expeditions, 67

Bridge at Prague, 802

Bridge, Purchase of Southwark, 448

Bridge on Fire, Railway, 386

Bridge, The Runcorn, 473

Bridge Susquehanna Railway, 233

Bridge, The Sutton, 340

Bridge at Sutton, Fall of a, 317

Bridges, Architecture of, 315

Bridges and Loads Suddenly Applied, Railway, 340

Bridges of Small Span. On Railway, 339

Brown and Wilson’s Travellers, 435

Brown’s Armour Plates, 44

Brussels, Musee de 1’Industrie at, 276

Building in Paris, 252

Cable, The Atlantic, 45, 399, 473, 480

Cable, Insurance on the Atlantic, 130

Cables, On the Forces Concerned in Laying and

Lifting Deep-sea, 209

Cables, Relative Strength of, 15

Cables, Submersion of Telegraph, 215

Cables, Telegraph, 26, 45, 66

Cadiz, Geography at, 480

Calcutta, Boiler Inspection in, 128

Callao, Guns at, 437

Callao, The Spanish Fleet at, 446

Cammell and Co., C., 470

Canada, Agricultural Implement Trade in, 470

Canal, The Cavour, 318

Canal, The Niagara Ship, 253

Canal, The Suez, 298

Carolina, Engineering Works of South, 448

Carriage, Competition Gun, 154

Carriage, Compressor’s Gun, 196

Carriages, Competitive Gun, 89,233, 260, 361, 397

Carriages, Effects of Shot on Gun, 465

Carriages, Gun, 243, 438

Carriages for the Navy, Gun, 383

Cartridges, Lancaster’s, 65

Cathedral, Restoration of St. David’s, 428

Cattle Plague and Mechanical Inventors, The, 120

Cement, Portland, 239, 267

Cenis Railway, The Mont, 71

Centrifugal Fans, 110

Centrifugal Fans and Pumps, 182, 279

Centrifugal Pumps, 142, 161, 304, 417

Chaff Cutter, Richmond and Chandler’s, 410

Chain Cable Proving, 346

Chain Cable and Anchors, Testing, 435

Chalmers’ Shield, 6

Chattanooga, Machinery of the, 136

Chicago, Artesian Wells of, 206

Chimney Cap, The Trisyphon, 213

Ching’s Fluid Valves, 104

Chronograph, The, 368

Cigar Ship. The, 135, 147,153, 171

Civil Engineers of France, Society of :

President’s Address, 61

Calculating Girders, by M. Contamin, 86, 124, 173

Civil Engineers of Ireland, Institution of :

President’s Address, 148, 166, 184

Clark's Combustion Pupip, 7

Clerkenwell Boiler Explosion, 199

Clocks, Electro-Magnetic, 272

Coal Abroad, 325

Coal in America, 141

Coal Areas, Superficial. 349

Coal for Atlantic Steamers, 322

Coal Beds, Exhaustion of our, 314

Coal Bunkers, Steamship, 91

Coal in China. 359

Coal Company, The Preserved, 136

Coal in Denmark, 208

Coalfield, The Leinster, 297

Coalfield in Yorkshire, 368

Coalfields, Brazilian, 140

Coal in France 79

Coal and Gas, 390

Coal in Greece, 80

Coal Mines. Rating of, 132

Coal Tip, Hydraulic, 125

Coal Supply. Our, 346, 439

Coal Trade, Welsh and Birkenhead, 104

Coal Trade, Metropolitan, 31

Coinage for Jersey, New, ‘406

Coles and the Admiralty, Captain, 71, 109

Coles, Captain, 244

Collieries, Employment of Girls at, 210

Colliery Proprietors, Action against, 224

Collisions on the Tyne and Wear, 371

Combustibles, Gedge’s, 53

Combustion of Gas, Dr. Letheby on, 447

Combustion of Fuel, Necessity for the Direct Utilisation of the Force evolved in the, 147

Commission on the British Coalfields, 466

Commission, The Railway, 71

Commission, The Rivers, 345

Communication in Trains, 309

Companies, More and More, 47

Compass, Deviation of the, 368

Compass Deviation, Attempts to Prevent, 469

Compass Equipment of Merchant Ships, Government

Control over the, 70, 87

Compasses of Iron Ships, The, 127

Compression, Heating Air by, 106

Conciliation between Masters and Men, 309

Concrete Mixer, Ridley’s, 357

Constance, Octavia, and Arethusa, The, 199

Constructive Details, Government Interference with, 201

Copper Mines in Canada, 272

Copper Mining at the Cape, 228

Copper Trade, The, 421

Coroners, Scientific Aid to, 206

Craigellachie Viaduct, The, 99

Creusot Works, The, 446

Crewe Works, The, 84, 107, 122, 176

Crewe Works, The Duke of Edinburgh at, 446

Crossness Pumping Station, The, 465

Cupola Vessels, a Contribution to the History of, 338

Cupolas, Hoists for, 176

Curves, Ranging Railway, 446

Curves by Theodolite and Chain, Ranging, 403, 416

Cycloscope, The, 415

Cylinders, Steam, 206

“Dalston” Hydro-carbon Lamp, The, 104

Dangerous Goods, Carriage of, 439

Dauglish, Death of Dr., 56


Burton, H. M., 203

Brande, W. T., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c,, 129

Bright, Hugh Meyler, 52

Daglish, C.E., Esq., 31

Dauglish, Dr., 56

Debenham, C. E., John, 72

Dinnen, John, 31

England, Henry, 72

J Gravatt, W., O.E., F.R.S., &c., 421

Grose, S., 470

Holt, Margaret, 203

Lockett, Alice, 72

Nicholson, John, 421

Peel, Joseph, J. P., D.L., 457

Rennie, Mr. George, 252

Scott, C. A.,C.E„ 166

Tate, George, C.E., 166

Truss, T., C.E., 129

Williams, C. Wye, 252

Denmark, Coal in, 208

Design for a Twin Screw Frigate, 265

Dictator, The, 320

Dock, Hydraulic Lift, Graving, 179

Doe Park and Grimwith Reservoirs, 303

Drainage of London, Main, 9, 33

Drainage of the Metropolis, Main, 219

Drilling Machine, American Rock, 283

Dublin Exhibition, The, 161

Eclipse of the Sun, 32

Education in England, Scientific, 70

Elder, Memoir of the late Mr. David, 256

Eider, Mr. Napier’s Memoir of Mr. D.» 403

Elder’s Steering Gear, 395

Electrical Apparatus, New, 328

Electricity, Great Prize in Voltaic, 368

Electricity, Inventions in, 344

Electricity, Novelties in. 435

Electricity, A Splendid Discovery in, 338

Electio-Magnetic Machine. New. 417

Electro-Telegraphy and Electrical Science 29

Embankment. The Thames, 9, 235, 285 290

Emery. Substitute for, 285 ’

E . ploy^s, The Railway, 67

Engine for Bombay, Steam, 276

Engine, Boulton and Watt’s First Marine, 87

Engine, Chasing a Railway, 2

Engine, Ericsson’s, 283

Engine, The Lenoir Gas, 357

Engine and Machine Makers, 289

Engine, Maudslay and Field’s Throe-Cylinder, 7

Engine, Something Like an, 434

Engine, Steam Fire. 199

Engine, Trial of a Steam Fire, 91

Engineering, American Naval, 402

Engineering, Experimental Researches in, 409

Engineering Facts and Figures, 345

Engineering and Geology, 400

Engineering, Modern Marine, 129, 409

Engineering, The Picturesque in, 432

Engineering Qualifications, 13, 15

Engineering, Recent Novelties in Marine, 79

Engineering Trades in France, Progress of, 15

Engineers’ Book of Reference, Gas, 154

Engineers for India, 326

Engineers, Meeting of, 154

Engineers, Naval, 136, 220

Engineers, Paris Society of Civil, 4

Engineers, The Royal, 321

Engineers, Royal Naval, 24, 161,174, 480

Engines, Aveling and Porter’s Traction, 212

Engines, Best Point of Cut-off in Marine, 2S5

Engines. Bogie, 47, 66

Engine Diagrams, Allen’s, 185

Engines, Desirable Point of Cut off in Steam, 273

Engines, Ericsson’s, 415, 435, 453

Engines, Exports of Steam, 161

Engines, High Speed Marine, 374, 403, 416

Engines, Howard’s Agricultural, 64

Engines, Locomotive. 403

Engines of the Lord Warden, 474

Engines, Marine, 416

Engines on North London Railway, 24

Engines on the North London Railway, Standard, 163

Engines, Portab'e, 305, 437

Engines, Portable Steam. 323

Engines, Ramsbottom’s Water-pressure, 323

Engines, Value of Steam, 289

England, The Future of New, 446

Ericsson’s Engine, 283

Erie, Current in Lake, 417

Eruption, The Santorin, 246

Europe and America, Intercourse between, 233

Examples of Modern Mining Machinery :

Ore Separating Machine, by Harvey and Co., 450

Exhibition, The Anglo-French, 199

Exhibition, The Dublin, 161

Exhibition, The Engineering, 390

Exhibition, The Intercolonial, 482

Exhibition, Melbourne Intercolonial, 285

Exhibition, The Paris Contract, 351

Exhibition of 1867, The Paris, 42, 49, 99, 238, 271, 319

Exhibition, The Paris :

Radial Sectional Elevation, 253

Details of Intermediate Galleries, 359, 451

Details of Trough Girders, 376

Exhibition, A Postponement of the Paris, 383

Exhibition, The Stockholm, 20

Exhibition and Working Men. The Paris, 194

Expanding Steam. Graphic Method of Finding the

Mean Pressure of, 261

Expansion in Engines, Economical Rates of, 248

Explosion, Another Colliery, 78

Explosion at a Blast Furnace, 56

Explosion, Boiler, 243

Explosion in Clerkenwell. Boiler, 199

Explosion, The Gethin Colliery, 19

Explosion, The Wheal Uny, 428

Explosions, Association for Preventing Boiler, 217

Explosive Materials for Mining and Quarrying, 173,


Exports of Iron, 388

Exports of Machinery, 341

Exports of Steam Engines, 161

Fall of the Manchester Railway Station, 112 130

Fan, The Rotating, 208

Fan, Schiele s New, 196

Fans, Centrifugal, 110

Fans and Pumps, Centrifugal, 182, 279

Faraday, Dr., 206

Fenby’s Lock, 391

File Company, The Birmingham Patent, 212

Filings, Iron and Steel, 383

Fire Brigade, The Metropolitan, 51, 285

Fire Engines, Relative Cost of Steam and Manual. 311

Fira Engines, Steam, 132,199

Fire Machinery, Ramsbottom’s, 468

Fire at St. Katharine’s Docks, 4

Fires and Fire Engines, 389

Fish Joint, A Russian, 280

Flue Collapse, Another, 283

Foreign and Colonial Jottings, 7, 80, 102, 238

Foreign Science, 4, 22, 82, 198, 284,393, 412 464

Fortifying British Ports, Expenses of, 448 ’

Forts, Iron, 12

Frames in Shipbuilding, A Proposed Method of Bevel

ling Iron, 31

Frames, Twisting Ships’, 46, 65, 87

France, Progress of Engineering Trades in. 15

France, Spirits in, 102

Fraser Gun, The, 203

Friction of Leather Collars, Mr. Hick’s Experiments

Oil, ol/o

Frigate, How to Plate a, 148

Frigate. Twin Screw, 265

Fuel, Estimation of the Evaporative Power of. 316

Fuel. Evaporative Power of, 358

Furnace at Meux’s Brewery, Juckes*, 432

Furnaces, Juckes’and Swiubourne’s ’122

Fuse, The New, 140

Gale’s Protected Gunpowder, 446

Gamble’s Salinometer, 353

Gas Companies, The London, 382

Gas Measuring, 344

Gasholder Explode ? Can a, 4

Gasworks Question, The, 299

Ganges Canal. The, 282, 805, 333

Gear, King, Smith and Howell’s Reversing, 47

Gedge s Combustibles, 53

Geological Tables, 272

Geology and Engineering, 400

Geometrician, The Young, 237

Girders in France, Lattice, 297

Girders, Rolled v. Plate, 285

Girders, Weight of, 315

Glasgow, University of, 316

Glass, The Constructive Strength of. 27

Gorton Foundry, The, 341

Gorton Foundry, The Strike at the, 317

Government Interference with Constructive Details,

Grain, Decorticating, 88

Granite Works, Aberdeen, 246

Grate, Ventilating, 141

Gresham’s Injectors, 45

Griffith’s Oil Gas Retorts, 356

Grose. Death of Mr. S., 470

Gun Carriages, Competitive, 89

Gun Carriage Compressors, 196

Gun, The Eraser, 203

Gun, The Mackay, 299

Gun in the Navy, Armstrong. 271

Gun, The 7-in. Palliser, 304

Gun, The 600-pounder, 248

Ml“otaur, Competitive 230

Gunpowder, Gale’s Protected 471 ’ 9

Guns, Armstrong, 408

Guns, The Construction of 374

Gun’s Endurance. Test of, 358

Guns, Krupp’s Breech-loading, 25

Guns by Machinery, Working, 140

Guns, 7m., 323 b’

Guns, True Story of the, 439

Guns v. Turrets, 455

Guns, The Woolwich, 471

Guns at Woolwich, New System of Manufacturing,

Guns, Working Heavy, 201

Guns, Working Heavy Naval, 227

Hall of Science and Art, The Central, 320

Harbour Works, The Capetown, 446

Harbour Works Natal, 450

Hart’s Affixing Labels, 32

Hatches, Engine Room. 50.Ml, 2/ *

Haulage, Underground, 298 -

Heating Air by Compression 10

Helicon and Salamis Bows, 2.7

Herbert Hospital at Woolwich 89

Hick’s Experiments on uncuou in

Mr., 393 1O1

Highway, Steam on the, Ibi

Hoist, A Rteam, 208

Hol born Valley Viaduct, The, oil

Holiday’s Blocking Tires 88

Hong-Kong Mint, The, 320

Horticultural Exhibition, International, 370

Hospital at Woolwich, The Herbert, 89

Howard’s Agricultural Engines, 64

HumbeOr^%n°Shipbuilding on the, 4

Hydraulic Power to Mountain Railways, Application of, 51 , __

Hydraulic Presses, Whition s,

Hydraulic Propellers, 403

Ice and Glaciers, 21

Imports and Exports, 170

Incrustations, Boiler, 67, 92

India, Communication with, 164

India, Engineers for, 326

India, Irrigation Works in, 379

India, Strength of Timber m Western, 160, 371

India, Telegraph to. 308

Indian Railways in 1865, 3, 42

Indian Tramway Company, 246

Indicator, Ansell’s, 15. 26, 46, 87, 106, 28o

Indicator, Richards’, 132 . ___

Inductive Resistance in Materials for the Insulation of Submarine Telegraph Wire, On the Commercial Importance of the Property of, 39, 66

Injectors, Gresham’s, 45

Instruments, On Mathematical. 315

Insulation of Submarine Telegraph Wires, 111

Institution of Civil Engineers :

CraigeHachie Viaduct, by W. H. Mills. 99

Designing Railway Stations, by W. Humber, 138

Dinner at Willis’s Rooms. 336

Election, 52, 102, ISO, 262, 332, 368

Exhibition, Engineering, 390

Hydraulic Lift Graving Dock, by E. Clark, 179

Mauritius Railway, Grand River Viaduct, by W.

Ridley, 99

Permanent Way, Maintenance of, R. P. Williams, 233

President’s Address, 21, 40

Rolling Stock, Maintenance of, T. A. Rochussen, 316

Water Supply of Paris, by G. R. Burnell, 353

Institution of Engineers in Scotland. 161

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 54 :

Corrosion of Locomotive Boilers, by W. Kirtley, 341 Improved Chronometric Governor, by C. W.

Siemens, 87

New Lock and Key, J. B. Fenby, 341

New Rule. 112

Patent Screw Propeller, by A. J. Rigg, jun., 93

Wrought Iron Turntable, by W. Baines, 87

Institute of Naval Architects :

Bellerophon and Lord Warden Targets, by E. J.

Reed, 227

Expansion in Steam Engines, Economical Rates of, W. J. M. Rankine, 218

Frigate, Twin Screw, by Captain Symonds, 265

Helicon and Salamis, The Bows of the, by Rev. J.

Woolley, 227

Norway, Shipbuilding in, by A. Dekke, 228

Ordnance, Carrying Heavy, by Captain Scott, 230

Propellers, Apparent Negative Slip with Screw, E.

J. Reed, 228

Rudder, A Balanced, W. J. M. Rankine. 245

Ships, The Security of Iron, by W. Fairbairn. 239

Turret Ships, The American System of, J. Bourne, 228

Twin Screw System, Present and Future of the, by Captain Symonds, 227

Ventilating Steamships, by M. Baker, 228

Working Large Naval Guns, J. C. Wilson, 227

Inventions, Origin of some Mechanical, 26

Inventors. The Cattle Plague and Mechanical, 120

Ireland Fishery, Piers and Harbours, 371

Ireland, Postal Communication with, 403

Ireland, Railway Reform in, 403

Iron, British v. Swedish, 456

Iron into Cast Steel, Conversion of Cast, 228

Iron-clad Ships, 209

Iron-clad Ships in Action, 471

Iron-clads, Our, 210

Iron-clads, Cleaning, 455

Iron-clads, The First Cost of our, 322

Iron with Copper Coating, 291

Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, <fcc.. 19. 37, 57, 77, 97,117, 133,150, 169, 189, 207, 225, 243, 259, 277, 295, 313, 331, 349, 369, 387, 407, 425, 443, 461, 481

Insurance Company, The National Boiler, 72

Iron, Imports and Exports of, 91

Iron-making Machinery in South Staffordshire, 2

Iron-making in the States, 267

Iron Manufacture, 78

Iron, New Method of Rolling, 27

Ironsand, Titanic, 106

Iron, Scotch Pig, 7

Iron Shipbuilding on the Humber, 4

Iron and Wagon Company (Limited), The North-Eastern, 332

Iron v. Wood, 448

Irrigation Works in India, 379

Japan, Coal and Timber in, 203

Jersey City, The way Steel is Made in, 82

Johnson’s Ordnance, 14

Juckes’ Furnace, 432

Juckes and Swinburne’s Furnaces, 122

Kensington, Intended Central Hall at South, 176

Kew Observatory, The, 137, 159

Kilns, Brick, 212

King, Smith, and Howell’s Reversing Gear 47

Kirkless Coal Experiments, 428

Krupp’s Brceeh-loading Guns, 25

Labels, Hart’s Affixing, 32

Labour Test, 185

Lambton Oil Works, 454

Lamp, The “ Dalston,” 104

Lamp, The Muesler Safety, 356

Lancaster’s Cartridges, 65

Landslips, 475

Launch at Millwall,

Launch of the Steamship Surat, 213 Law Intelligence :—

Penn v. Jack, Penn v. Birby, Penn r. Fernie 3*8

Bovill v. Goodier, 308, 416 ‘ ’

Law Courts, Ventilation of the London, 220

Leading Articles:—

Accident, The Welwyn, 438

Admiralty, Captain Coles and the, 71,109

Admiralty. Mr. Seely, M.P., and the, 439

America. Our Commercial Relations with 30

Anchor, Trotman’s Patent, 236, 310

Architecture of Bridges. 315

Armstrong Gun in the Navy. 271

Association of Engine and Machine Makers 280

Association for Preventing Boiler Explosions, &o.,

Atlantic Cable, The, 181, 399 473

B^‘n?weg[ra,:VO?tei’lhe Great North, 14C

Bath and West of England Society, 420

Bellerophon Funnels, The. 254

Bellerophon in Stokes Bay, The, 217

Bessemer Process, Notes on the, 474

Bessemer Rails, Price of, 49

Leading Articles:

Bill, Railway Passengers’and Guards’ Communication, 309

Bill. The Government Waterworks, 307

Board of Trade, Lloyd’s Register r., 361

Board of Trade Storm Signals, 372

Blowing off, 381 *

Boiler Inspection in Calcutta, 128

Boilers. Marine, 363

Bovill v. Goodier, 308

Bow The Plough Coulter, 333

Bridge, The Runcorn, 473

Bridges, Architecture of. 315

Broadside v. Turret Ships, 11

Cable The Atlantic, 399, 473

Calcutta, Boiler Inspection in, 128

Callao, Rifled Guns at. 437

Canal, The Niagara Ship, 253

Carriages, Competitive Gun, 89, 361, 393

Carriage of Dangerous Goods, 439

Carriages, Gun, 438

Cenis Railway, The Mont, 71

Cigar Ship, The, 135, 153, 171

Coal Trade, Metropolitan, 31

Coal Abroad, 325

Coles and the Admiralty, Captain, 71, 109

Commission, The Railway. 71

Commission, the Rivers’, 345

Compass-equipment of Merchant Ships, Government

Control over, 70

Compass of Iron Ships, 127

Competitive Gun Carriages, 89, 361, 398

Conductors, Ou Lightning, 261

Continental Ratos of Workmen’s Wages, 2S7

Counter-weighting Machinery, 127

Depolarisation of Iron Ships, 219

Disasters, Marine, 71

Doe Park and Grimwith Reservoirs. The, 303

Drainage of the Metropolis, Main, 219

Dwellings, Labourers, Proposed Legislation, 133

Education in England, Scientific, 70

Electricity, Invention in, 344

Embankment, The Thames, 235, 290

Engineering Qualifications. 13

Engineering, Recent Novelties in Marine, <9

Engineers for India, 326

Engines of the Lord Warden, 4,4

Engines on the North-London Railway, 163

Engines, Portable, 437

Engines, Value of Steam, 2S9

Exhibition of 1867, The Paris. 49

Explosive Materials for Mining and Quarrying, 173, 191

Fans, Centrifugal, 110, 182, 279

Fire Brigade. Metropolitan, 51

Forts, Iron, 12

Franco. Lattice Girders in, 297

Fuel. Ou the Economic Necessity for the Direct Utilisation of the Force Evolved iu the Combustion of, 140

Funnels, The Bellerophon, 254

Gas Companies, The London, 382

Gas. Measuring, 344

Geology and Engineering, 400

Government Interference with Constructive Details, 201

Girders in France, Lattice, 297

Girders, Rolled v. Plate, 235

Gun Carriages, 438

Guns, The True Story of the. 439

Guns at Callao, Rifled, 437

Guns v. Turrets, 455

Guns at Woolwich, The New System of Manufacturing, 445

Guns, Working Heavy, 201

Herbert Hospital at Woolwich, 89

Highway, Steam on the, 181

Hydraulic Testing Machines, 400

India, Engineers for, 326

India, Communication with, 164

India, The Telegraph to, 308

Indian Railways in 1865, 3, 42

Inductive Resistance in Materials for the Insulation of Submarine Telegraph Wire, on the Commercial Importance of the Property of Specific, 39

Insulation of Submarine Telegraphs, 111

Iron, British v. Swedish, 456

Ironclads, Cleaning the Bottoms of Cruising, 455

Iron, Imports and Exports of, 91

Land-slips, 475

Legislation, Labourers’ Dwellings Proposed, 183

Legislation in Regard to the Construction, &c., of

Steam Ships. Modern. 145

Lightning Conductors, On, 261

Lloyd’s Register v. the Board of Trade, 361

Locomotive, Colossal, 69

Locomotives, Heavy Goods, 11

London Gas Companies, 382

London, Loss of the, 90

London Traffic, 327

Lord Warden, Engines of the, 474

Manchester Railway Station, Fall of the, 112

Marine Engine Shafts, 382

Masters and Men, Councils of Conciliation between, 309

Metropolitan Fire Brigade, 51

Metropolitan Railway, 31

Miantouomoh, The, 457

Mills, Rolling, 29 •

Millstones, Ventilation of, 164

Monitors, 419

Mythoi me Viaduct, The, 69

Navy, Armstrong Gun in the, 271

Niagara Ship Canal, The, 253

Northumberland, The, 253, 287

Notes on the Bessemer Process, 474

Novelties in Marine Engineering, Recent, 79

Oil Coal, 456

Ordnance, 269

Pallas, The, 307

Patent Laws, Last Debate on the, 270

Patent Office Inquiry, Final Report on the, 59

Patents, New Journal of the Commissioners of, 290

Paris Exhibition of 1867, The, 49

Peat, Compressed. 227

Permanent Way, 371

Pile-cutting Machinery, 343

Plough Coulter Bow, The, 333

Pressure Liquid, 12

Private Bills, 91 111, 128, 165,183, 202, 219, 237, 271, 327, 363, 420. 476

Professional Qualifications, 218

Propeller, Ruthven’s, Hydraulic, 270

Qualifications, Engineering, 13

Qualifications, Professional, 218

Rail and Wheel. 145

Rails, Price of Bessemer, 49

Railway Engines on the North, 163

Railway, Metropolitan, 31

Railway, The Mont Cenis, 71

Railway, The Venezuela, 288

Railways, Application of Hydraulic Power to the

Working of Mountain, 51

Railway, Economy of Underground, 245

Railways in 1865, Indian, 3, 42

Reservoirs, The Doe Park andGrimwitb, 303

Rivetting Machine, Portable Steam, 109

Road-making in Turkey, 352

Runcorn Bridge, The, 473

Ruthven’s Hydraulic Propeller. 270

Seely, M.P., and the Admiralty, Mr., 439

Shafts, Marine Engines, 382

Shipwreck by Rule, 236

Ships, Broadside and Turret, 11

Ship, The Cigar, 135, 153, 171

Ships, Depolarisation of Iron, 219

Ships, Iron-clad, 209

Ships. Unarmoured, 325

Signals Board of Trade Storm, 372

Smoke, 381

Specffications, Construction of, 182

Steamers, Registered Tonnage of, 254 , 362

Story of the Guns. The True, 439

Street Railways, 99

Leading Articles:

Telegraph to India, The, 308

Telegraphs, Insulation of Submarine. Ill

Telegraphy and Electrical Science, Electro 29

Telegraphy, Rise and Progiess «»t, 119

Testing Guns at Woolwich, 419

Testing Machines. Hydraulic, 400

Thames Embankment, The, 135, 290

Theory and Practice, 427

Tonnage of Steamers, Registered, 254 362

Trade, Metropolitan Coal, 31

Traffic, Goods, 287

Traffic, London, 327

Trains, Comtnunication iu Railway 237

Tramways. 31 ’ “

Tut key. Road-making in, 352

Variable 8ta-0 In the Distribution of tho Static Chargo of Telegraph Conductors, 463 6

Venezuela Railway, 288

Ventilation of Millstones, 164

Viaduct, The Mytholmc, 62

Wages Continental Rates of Workmen’s 287

Watot works Bill, The Government, 307 >

Weighting Machinery, Counter, 127

Welwyn Accident, The, 438

Wheel and Rail, 145

Woolwich, Herbert Hospital at 89

Woolwich. The Now System of Manufacturing Guns at, 44o °

Woolwich, Testing Guns at, 419

W orking Heavy Guns, 201

Legislation in Regard to the Construction, &c., of steamships. Modern, 155. 177

Legislation in Regard to the Construction and Equipment of Steamships, Modern, 145

Legislation in Technical Matters, 79

Legislative Reform in Technical Affidra. 132

Lenoir Gas Engine, 357

liens, The New Stcinheil, 197

Letters to the Editor:—

Air in Pipes, Velocity of, T.C., 127

Ansell’s Indicator, G. F. Ansell, 15, 46, 166

Angells Indicator, Civil Engineer and Colliery Manager, 26, 87

Ansell’s Indicator, N. J., 15, 48, 106

Armour Plates, J. Chalmers, 65

Armour Plates, T. W. Plum, 65, 87

Association of Gas Managers. F. H. Methven, 419

Beams, Effect of Sudden Loads on, W. J. Al. Rankine, 232

Belleropbon, The, C., 284

Boats, Endless Chain (’anal, Sugar, 49

Boats, Endless Chain Canal. B.O.W., 69

Boiler, The Collapsed, W. Shawcross, 179

Boulton and Watt’s First Marino Engine, S. Dart on, 8i

Bovill’s Patent, A Millwright, 341

Bridge, The Sutton, R. J. Hood, 340

Bridges and Ix^ads Suddenly Applied, R. Gill, 340

Britain, The Great, Wilfred, 217

Cable, The Atlantic, An Observer, 45

Cables, Telegraph. J. Macintosh, 26

Cable, Telegraph, T.,

Cables, Telegraph, T. M., 66, 45

Cables, Telegraph, Progress. 45

Cables, Relative Strength of, Amateur, 15

Caissons Sliding, A. C., 145

Castings, Cleaning, C. K., 253

Casts, Taking, Query, 69

Clocks, Electrical, T. Lewis, 361

Clocks. Electrical, A Regular Subscriber, 399

Coal-cutting Machines, Power for Working, A. B., 361

Commercial Importance of the Property of Specific Inductive Resistance, &c., W. Hooper, 66

Compass Equipment of Merchant Ships, H. J. Mudge, 87

Concrete Mixer, J. J. B., 399

Cotton Unginned, Achilles, 419

Crewe Work, R. Allison, 127

Curves by Theodolite and Chain,Ranging, W. J. M. Rankine, 403

Cut-off in Steam Engines. E. E. Allen, 273, 285

Dalston Lamp, The, H. Wilson, 127

Diplomas, Engineering, A. AL, 1C3

Diplomas, Engineering, W. J. AL Rankine, 181

Elder, Mr. Napier’s, Memoir of Mr. D., Vindex, 403

Engineering Qualifications, Contractors’ Engineers, 15

Engineers in Scotland, Institution of, W. J. AL Rankine, 161

Engines, Bogie, W. B. Adams, 66, 47

Ericsson’s Engines, J. Bourne, 453

Ericsson’s Engines, G. H. Phipps. 307. 434

Engines for Marine Purposes, High Speed, J. B , 403

Engines for Marine Purposes, High Speed, J. G.

Winton, 358

Engines, North-London, T. Hunt, 181

Engines, Portable Steam, A Proprietor of Portable Engines, 323

Engines, Water-pressure, W. P., 109

Exhibition, Alelbourue Intercolonial, J. W. Wright, 285

Fans in Cotton Al ills, Exhaust, Exhaust Fan, 163

Fire-boxes, Steel, J. D. W., 307

Frames, Twisting Ships’, A. Alexander, 46

Frames, Twisting Ships’, Frame, 65

Frames, Twisting Ships’, W. J. Al. Rankine, 87

Franklin Frock, R. H. D.,181

Fuel, Evaporative Power of, W. J. Al. Rankinc. 358

Fuel, Evaporative Value of, C., 343

Gale’s Protected Gunpowder, A. B., 471

Gun’s Endurance, Test of, P. AL Parsons, 358

Guns, 7-inch, Ferrum Ductilis, 323, 374

Guns, 7-inch, W. Palliser, 323

Guns, the Woolwich, J. P., 471

Gutta-percha. Silvering, J. C., 287

Hurd Metal, G. K. G , 1(>9

Hatches, Engine-room, An Old Sailor 273

Hatches, Engine-room, J. H. Ridley, 161

Healing Air by Compression, W. J. AL Rankinc, 106 .

Heating Rods, Heating, 109

Hodgson’s Decks,. E. D. Hodgson, 235

Incrustation in Portable Boilers, Inquirer, 307

India-rubber, Compressing Vulcanised, It. C., 253 Injector, The, Omega. 325

Iron-Making Alachinery in Staffordshire, E. More-wood, 29

Kilns, Hoffman’s, H. Chamberlain, 343

Lifeboats, Vaughan and Deacon, 142

Lifeboats, Steam, G. Watson, 199

Locomotives, Heavy, J. Desbrier, 106

London, Loss of the, A. W., 214

London, Loss of the, G. Watson, 106

Lubricators. T. S., 11

Microscopes, Oxy hydrogen, K. K, K., 109

Alills, Coke-grinding, J. E., 163

Millstones, Ventilating, J. Pinchbeck, 434

Monitors, Al. I. C. IS., 434

Needle Pointing, H. Walker, 87

Netting Machines, C. K. S., 419

Navy, Engineers in the, W. D. A., 69

Old Times, J. R., 250

Ordnance, A Practical Gunner, 284

Ordnance, American, A. Gearing, 65

Pallia r Gun, \V. Palliser, 361

Paraffin, Extracting, AL, 145

Patent Right, H. N. Crellin, jun., 471

Peat, Compressing, Gwynne and Co., 434

Peat, Compressing, C. Hodgson, 358

Peat Fuel, Gwynne and Co., 250

Petroleum from Coal, W. P., 269

Petroleum Lamps, Petro, 307

Pile Cutting Alachinery, E. Elliott, 361

File Cutting Alachinery, T. Quarm, 358

Pile Cutting Machinery, T. D. Ridley, 403

1 ile Driving Machinery, O’. F., 181

Pipes, Bitumenised Paper, W. M. Parker, 69

Presses. Hydraulic Brick, M. F., 109

•Pro er brings Patent, The Bcrew, W.‘Spence, vOo

Propeller, Rigg’s, c., 26, 125, 178

Letters to the Editor •

Propeller, Rigg’s, G. II. 142

Propeller, Rigg’s G. H. Phipps, 106 I rope er, Rigg’s, A. Rigg, jiJ, ’ 1(J.

Propeller, Ruthven’s, GWynne and Co 348 Propeller, Ruthven’s, W. Parfitt

Propellers, Hydranli’c. Gwxnnand Cn Propeller, Hydraulic, W. PaifRL 35^ °” 3°S Propellers, Hydraulic, J. Young, 340, 403 Propellers, Screw, C., 358 453 *

Propulsion, Screw, G. Fowler 431

Power, Production of, J. AV. McGaulev lf>l Puddling Iron, B. 0. W„ f7/lc^auIey>1G1 Puddling Iron, AV. Corbett, 161, 199 214 23° 93^ Pud< hng, Papers ou, A Snb-mauage’,., K>5 ' r E"pers ou’ J* WaPcer, lu6 ^ntldling Practical, B., 178, 250, 323 Puddling, Practical, B. B., 273 oU<J^!-ng’ Praeticah Iron, 199, 250, 310 Puddling, Practical, Metal, 285

umps, Centrifugal, Easton, Amos, and Sons 161 Railways, Street, H. H. West, 142 ’

Rainfall Law of British, W. M. Halbert, 273 Road, Steam on the, Road, 214

Roofs, Paper on Arched, C. Wessely, 201

Rust. Removing, R. 8. K.,307

L°nrS’iPlil’glar*proof» J* Sturgeon, 178

Screw Piles, W. D. R., 343

Screw, The Theory of the. G. Fowler, 358

Sewage, Deodorising, Tano, 181

Ships, Measuring, Mercantile Marine, 361

Ships, Measuring, J. S. Parfit,403 Signalling, Railway, D. D. H., 471 Signals, Railway, A Subscriber, 145 Signals, Railway. F. Wise, 163

Smoke and Dust from Cupolas, Inquirer, 269

Specifications, Construction of, F. AV. Campin, 233 Specifications, Construction of, W. Spence 199 Spreading Machines. W. and Co., 11 Steam with Gas, Raising, H. F., 163

Stirrups. Patent, S. Davies, 269

Tallow, Boiling, J. E., 89

To escope, Magnifying Power of, T. Cargill, 453

Theory and Practice, J. R., 453

Trial Trip, An Engineer, 233

Tubes, Cleming Glass, T. Petitjean, 181

'J ubes, Cold Drawn Steel, Wailes and Robinson, 235 'lubes. Paper Cop, A Subscriber, 269 Tugs on the Mer-ey, Clyde, 106

Turkey, Road Making in, J. H. Hutchinson, 437 Valves, Friction of Slide, C. Sells, *61

Vomitorium, The Smoke, D. O. Edwards, 26, 142, 214, 233

Vomitorium, The Smoke, C. W. Dymond, 125, 178, 274

Warehouses, Iron Fire-proof, W. M. Halbert, 142 Water Pressure Machinery, X , 284

Weston’s Pulleys, F. AV. Campin, 26

Wire Ropes, T. 8., 49

W’ool Washing Machinery, B. and K., 145

Wheel Making Machinery, A Subscriber from Commencement, 307

Letheby, Dr., on Combustion of Gas, 447

Levelling, Principles of, 351

Library, City of Loudon Free Public, 6

Lifeboat Services, 6

Lifeboats, 142

Lifeboats, Steam. 199

Liffey, Tunnel under the, 386

Light, The Electric, 445

Light, New Magnesia, 32

Lighthouse on the Goodwin Sands,’ 40S

Lighthouses, Electric Lights in, 32

Lighting-up of the Capital Dome, 156

Lightning Conductors, On, 26L

Lille. 283

Limited Liability, 84

Lindsay’s Locks for Fire-arms, 32


Atlantic Telegraphy The, W. H. Russell, LL.D., 1S3 Diagrams giving Weight ot Girders, B. Baker, 315 Engineering, Modern Marine, N. P. Burgh. 129, 409 Engineering, Researches in Marine, B. F. Isherwood, 409

Engineer’s Pocket Book, Wcale’s, 129

Fires and Fire Engines, C. E. T. Young, C.E., &c, 389

Geometrician, The Young, P. Byrne, 237

Instruments, Mechanical Drawing, AV. F. Stanley, 315

L’Exposition, Universello de, 1867, 271

Photography, The Amateur’s Manual, R. Kingham, 457

Plans of Drains, &c., J. II. E. Hart, C.E, 409

Self Help, S. Smiles. 428

Table of Reciprocals, AV. II. Oakes, A.S.A., 427

Treatise ou Levelling, F. AV. Simins, F.G.S., 351

Lloyds and the Board of Trade, Correspondence between, 383

Lloyd’s Register v. the Board of Trade, 361

Lock Memorial, The, 61

Lock, Fenby’s. 391

Lock and Key, New, 34

Locks for Fire-arms, Lindsay’s, 32

Locomotive in Auckland, First, 482

Locomotive, A Colossal, 69

Locomotive AVorks, Fire at Longsight, 421

Locomotives, Foreign, 444

Locomotives, Heavy, 106

Locomotives, Heavy Goods, 11

Locomotives ou Highways in France, 363

Locomotives, Scientific American on, 180 London, Loss of the, 90, 106, 158, 214 London and North-AVestern, The, 332 Lord Warden, Engines of the, 474

Machinery, Unprotected, 92

Mahroussee, The, 312

.Mail Company, Royal, 883

Mails, The American, 7

Man by, Mr. Charles, 370

Manchester Railway Station, Fall of the, 112, 130

Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, 82

Maps, Protecting, 56

Marriages :—

Brunton—du Vallon, 219

Punshon—Savage, 203

Marine Disasters, 71

Markets, 20, 38, 58, 78, 98, 118,134,152, 169,190, 208, 226, 244, 260, 278, 296, 314, 332, 350, 370, 388, 408, 426, 443, 4 61, 482

Marseilles Land Company, 160

Mason's Cotton Press, 267

Maudslay and Field’s Three Cylinder Engine, 7

Mauritius Railway Grand River Viaduct, 99

Maury Testimonial, The, 412, 428

Medal, The Albert, 238

Messina, 480

Meter, Premium for a Water, 252

Metrical System, 417

Metropolis, Accidents in the, 249

Miantonomoh, The, 457, 466

Mill Blown Down, 159

Mills in America, Cotton, 470

Mills, Rolling, 29

Millstones at Berlin, Ventilating, 213

Millstones Superseded, 141

Millstones, Ventilation of, 164

Millstones, Ventilating, 434

Mines of Great Britain, Metallic, 383

Mines, Rating of Ironstone, 448

Mining, Relative Systems of, 322

Minotaur, Competitive Gun Slides on H.M.S , o20

Mint, The Hong-Kong, 320 „ _n_.

Miscellanea, 5, 23, 43, 63, 83, 103, 120, 139,157,175, 19a,

211, 229, 247, 263, 281, 301, 319, 337, 355, 375, 392,413, 431, 449,467

Mississippi River, Shortening the, 58

Moniteur de 1’Exposition, 341

Monitor in England, American, 406

Monitors, 419, 434

Monitors Crossing the Atlantic, 430

Muesler Safety Lamp, The, 356

Museums, Local, 58

South Kensington, 15. 22, 56, 66, 82, 99, 134 220’ 233> 249> 272> 296» 317, 335, 35/, 401, 426, 428, 461, 470 ’ ’ ’

Mythoi mo Viaduct, The, 69

Navy, The American, 7, 20

Navy, Assistant Constructors in the United States, 82

Navy Estimates, 143

Navy. The French, 91, 465

Navy, The Royal, 87

Newcastle High Level Bridge, Damage to the, 480

Now South Wales, Public Works in, 220

New South Wales, The Telegraph in, 112

Newsvendors’ Benevolent Society, 197, 368

Newton’s Journal of Arts, 452

Nine Hours’ Movement in the North, 148

Nitro-Glycerine for Blasting. 104

Nitro-Glycerine, Carriage of, 424

Niiro-Glycerine. Experiments with, 406, 421

North London Railway, Sand-boxes on the, 282

North Moor Foundry Company, 261

Northumberland. The, 214, 250, 253, 277, 278, 287

Norway, Shipbuilding in, 228

Notes on the Bessemer Process, 474

Notes and Memoranda, 5, 23. 43, 63, 83, 103, 120, 139, 157, 175, 195, 211, 229. 247, 263, 381, 301, 319, 337, 355, 375,392,413,431,440,467

Notes from New South Wales. 8

Notes from the Northern and Eastern Counties, 20, 38, 58, 78, 98, 118, 134. 152, 169, 19u, 208, 226, 244, 260, 278, 296, 313, 332. 350, 369, 388, 408, 426, 443, 461, 482

Notes from Paris, 73, 186, 220, 254, 290, 310, 313, 401

Nottingham, Explosion of a Locomotive at, 446

Observatory, The Kew, 129

Octavia, and Arethusa, The Constance, 199

Oil Spring, The First, 78

0:1 Works, '1 he Lambton, 454

Ordnance, 269, 284

Ordnance, American, 53, 65

Ordnance, Johnson’s, 44

Ordnance, Naval, 312

Ores, Simon’s Separating, 233

Pallas, The, 282, 307

Paris, Lighting of, 120

Paris, Notes from, 73,129, 186, 220, 254, 29\ 310, 363. 401

Parliament, Boilers of the Houses of, 234

Parliament, A Commercial Party in, 312

Parliament, Decay of the Stonework of the Houses of, 277

Parliament House for Berlin, New, 112

Parliamentary Business, 271, 363, 420, 476

Patent Commissioners’ Journal, 244

Patent Commissioners’ Remuneration, 291

Patent Laws, The. 368

Patent Laws, Debate on the, 270

Patents, New Journal of the Commissioners of, 290

Patent-office, The, 6

Patent-office, Business of the, 386

Patent-office, Confederate States, 414

Patent-office Inquiry, 72

Patent-office, Final Report on the, 5$

Patent-office Regulations, 461

Patent Right, 471

Peit, Compressed, 227

Peat, Compressing, 374, 434

Peat Fuel, 250

Peat Works, The Derrylea, 231

Penelope, H.M.S., 56

Peninsular and Oriental Company, 52

Peru, 466

Permanent Way, 371

Permanent Way, Maintenance of, 233

Permanent Way. Porter’s, 25

Phenomena of the Sea, Meteorological, 421

Phenomenon, Remarkable, 251

Philadelphia Water Supply, 291

Photography, The Amateur’s Manual of, 457

Photo-Relief Printing, Woodbury’s, 88

Piers, New, 272

Pile-cutting Machine, 34.3,403

Pile-cutting Machinery, 374

Pins v. Rivets, 269

Piston Speeds, 304

Planing Machine, Todd’s, 414

Plans of Drains, &c., 409

Plates of Iron in Shipbuilding, Connecting, 402

Plugs, Bailey’s Fusible, 123

Plymouth Iron Company, 406

Pocket-book. Engineers’, 129

Polytechnic Institution, The Royal, 120

Porter’s Permanent Way, 25

Portland Cement, 239, 267

Portsmouth, Defence of, 383

Ports, Naval, 252

Potteries, The Staffordshire, 334

Power, the Production o£ 161

Prague, Bridge at, 30 J

Press, Ashcroft’s Baling, 28

Press, Mason’s Cotton, 267

Presentation, 424

Pressure Liquid, 12

Printing, Woodbury’s Photo-Relief, 88

Projectile, Long-Range, 311

Projects, New, 6

Propeller Bearings Patent, The Screw, 353

Propeller, Rigg’s Screw, 8, 26

Propeller, Rigg’s, 93, 125, 142, 161, 178

Propeller, Ruthven’s, 270, 305

Propeller into the United States, Introduction of the

Screw, 335

Propellers, Hydraulic, 340, 358, 403

Propellers, Negative Slip in Screw, 228

Propellers, Rigg’s, 106

Propellers, Screw, 358, 453

Propalsion, Screw, 434

Puddling Furnaces, Fettling for, 340

Puddling Iron, 161

Puddling, Papers on, 52, 59, 79, 101, 106. 119

Puddling, Practical, 178, 199, 214, 232, 250, 273, 285, 323

Pulleys, Weston’s, 26

Pump, Clark’s Combustion, 7

Pumps, Centrifugal, 142, 161, 304, 407

Pyx, The Trial of the, 64

Qualifications, Engineering, 13,15

Qualifications, Professional, 218

Race, Great Ocean, 15

Racing, Ocean, 232

Radiation and Absorption, 251

Rail and Wheel, 145

Railroads, Street, 327

Rails, Price of Bessemer, 49

Railway Commission, The, 71

Railway Company, The Great Western, 112

Railway, Engines on the North London, 24, 163

Railway Extension, Midland, 62

Railway, Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 82, 238

Railway Matters, 5, 23, 43, 63, 83, 103, 120, 139, 157, 175, 195, 211, 229, 247, 263, 281, 301,319, 337, 355, 375, 392, 413,431, 449, 467

Railway, The Metropolitan, 31

Railway, The Mid-London, 91

Railway, The Mont Cenis, 71, 341

Railway, Rutschuk and Varna, 341

Railway, The St. Gothard, 341

Railway Travelling, Slow. 82

Railway, The Venezuela, 288

Railways, American, 140

Railways, Application of Hydraulic Power to Mountain, 51

Railways, Economy of Underground, 245

Railways, Egyptian, 82

Railways, French, 6

Railways in 1865, Indian, 3, 42

Railways, Street, 99, 142, 158

Railways in Sweden, 7

Bainfall, Law of British, 273

Ramsbottom’s Rolling Machinery, 44

Ramsbottom’s Tire Machinery, 468

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M„ On a Balanced Rudder for Screw Steamers, 245

Rankine. Prof. W. J. M., On Effects of Sudden Loads on Beams, 232

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M., On Finding the Mean Pressure of Expanding Steam, 261

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M , On Ranging Curves, 403

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M., On the Resistance’of Ships’ Armour, 463

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M., On Bevelling Iron Frames in Shipbuilding, 31, 87

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M., On Economical Rates of Expansion in Engines, 248

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M., On the Estimation of the Evaporative Power of Fuel, 316

Rankine, Prof. W. J. M., On Simple Rules for Practical

Calculation of the Efficiency of Steam, 1

Razors, 290

Receipts, Railway, 31

Reed, Testimonial to Mr. E. J., 64

Reform needed at the Patent Office, 435

Rennie, Death of Mr. George, 252

•Repairs, Railway, 299

Report of the Manchester Boiler Association, 248

Report of the Midland Steam Boiler Insurance Company, 191

Reservoirs, The Doe Park and Grimwith, 303

Resistance of Ships’ Armour, Provisional Theory of. 463

Retorts, Griffiths’ Oil Gas, 356

Revolvers, Wood’s, 14

Rewards for Scientific Eminence, Titled, 64

Ridley’s Concrete Mixer, 357

Rifles, Long Range, 401

Rigg’s Duplex Screw Propeller, 8, 26

Rigg’s Propeller, 93, 125,142, 161

Rigg’s Propellers, 106

Rivetter, Gray’s Steam, 143

Rivetting Machine, Portable Steam, 109

Road, Steam on the, 214

Rock Drilling Machine, American, 283

Rolling Machinery, Ramsbottom’s, 44

Rolling Mill, Scale, 92

Rolling Mills, 29

Rolling Stock, Maintenance of. 316

Rolls, Improved Blooming, 322

Roofs, Arched, 174, 193

Royal Institute of Architects

Principles of Architectural Physiology, by Dr.

Edwards, 318

Rudder for Screw Steamers, Balanced, 245

Runcorn Bridge, The, 473

Ruthven’s Propeller, 270, 305

Safes and Locks, 178

Salinometer, Gamble’s, 353

Sait. To be Taken with a Good Deal of, 194

Sand-boxes on the Brecon and Merthyr Railway, 338

Sand-boxes on the North London Railway, 282 Santorin Eruption, The, 246, 341, 403,435 Sawing Wood, Woresam’s, 84

Scotland, its Trade and Operations, 19, 38, 57, 77, 97, 117, 134, 151, 169, 190, 207, 225, 243, 260, 278, 296, 313 332, 350,369, 388, 408, 425, 443, 461, 481

Screw, Theory of the, 374

Seely, Mr., M.P., and the Admiralty, 439

Self-Help, 428

Sewage, The Utilisation of, 261, 279, 298

Shafts, Marine Engine, 382

Shears, Ball’s Sheep, 14

Shell Inside a Turret, 374

Ship, The Cigar, 135, 153, 171

Shipbuilding, Connecting Plates of Iron in, 402

Shipbuilding in France, 368

Shipbuilding in 1865

Shipbuilding in France, 52

Ships, Armour-Plated Wooden, 228

Ships, Broadside and Turret, 11

Ships and Crews, Number of British, 432

Ships, Depolarisation of Iron, 219

Ships, Healthiness of Ironclad, 403

Ships, Ironclad, 209

Ships, Measuring, 403

Ships, Security of Iron, 239

Ships, Unarmoured, 325

Ships, Walker’s, 65

Ships of War, Construction of, 259

Shipwreck by Rule, 236

Shipwrecks, 328

Shipwrecks, The Late, 134

Shot, Round Steel, 338

Signal, Lyne’s Railway, 120

Signal, Workshop Fog, 327

Signalling, Railway, 280, 471

Signalling by Sound, Railway, 272

Signals, Board of Trade Storm, 372

Signals, Railway, 7

Signals, Railway Train, 226

Signals, Universal Code of, 104

Simoom Troopship, The, 67

Singapore Gas Company, 312

Smoke, 381

Smoke Vomitorium, On a, 26, 125, 142, 178, 214, 233, 274, 304

Snatch-Block Sling, Bulstrade's, 410

Society of Engineers, 73:—

Arched Roofs, by C. R. Wessely, 193,174

Bass and Co. ’s Brewery, Boiler Explosion at, 264

Election, 341

Friction of Slide Valves, by Mr. Thos. Adams, 113, 138

Incrustation in Marine Boilers, by P. Jensen, 354, 372

Telegraphic Line, The Great Russian, 264

Utilisation of Sewage, by B. Latham, 261, 279, 298

South Wales Institution of Engineers :

Leinster Coalfield, by J. M. Meadows, 297

Rolls, Blooming, C. Whiles, 322

Relative Merits, North and South Systems of Mining, G. Brown, 322.

Underground Haulage, by G, Fowler, 298

Sovereign Experiment, The Royal, 457

Space, Material Medium in, 23S

Spain, Railways in, 31

Specifications, Construction of, 182, 199, 233

Specifications, Monster. 62

Spectrum, Analysis in the Bessemer Process, 206

Staffordshire Exhibition, Machinery at the, 388

Staffordshire, Iron-making Machinery in, 2

Stations, Designing Railway, 136

Steam, Finding Mean Pressure of Expanding, 304

Steam, Simple Rules for Practical Calculations of the

Efficiency of, 1

Steamer, Trial of a Cattle, 310

Steamers, The Cunard, 430

Steamers, Registered Tonnage of, 254

Steamers, The Registered Tonnage of, 362

Steamers, West India Mail, 480

Steel is made in Jersey City, The Way, 82

Steel, The Strength of Bessemer Cast, 300

Steeple Jack at Westminster, 104

Steering Gear, Elder’s Steam, 395

Stockholm Exhibition, The, 20

Storms, Periodicity of, 120

Strike at the Gorton Foundry, 317

Sugar in Breweries, 335

Sugar, Use of Hydro-fluoric Acid in the Manufacture of, 215

Suicide of a Japanese Engineer, 310

Sunderland Docks, 330

Sunlight, 453

Sunlight, Tracing by, 130

Sun, Physical Constitution of the, 62

Surat, Launch of the Steamship, 213

Susquehanna Railway Bridge, 233

Sutton Bridge, The, 340

Sutton, Fall of a Bridge at, 317

Sweden, Railways in, 7

Table of Reciprocals, 427

Taptee Viaduct, The, 104

Taxation of Industrial Machinery, 104

Telegraph, The Atlantic, 174, 181,182

Telegraph in the East Indies, 322

Telegraph to India, 308

Telegraph in New South Wales, The, 112

Telegraph, The North Atlantic, 56

Telegraph in Norway, 56

Telegraph Office, 356

Telegraph Route, The Great North Atlantic, 146

Telegraph, Russo-American, 6

Telegraph Scheme, The New Atlantic, 100

Telegraph, The French, 446

Telegraphy, Automatic, 81

Telegraphy a Hundred Years Ago, 416

Telegraphy, The Rise and Progress of, 119

Telescopes, Magnifying Power of, 453

Termini, Grand Railway, 13

Testimonial, The Maury, 412, 428

Testing Guns at Woolwich, 419

Thames Embankment, The, 285, 290

Theory and Practice, 427,453

Timber for Shipbuilding, 32

Timber in Western India, Strength of, 160, 371

Time and the Factories, Greenwich, 276

Time Movement in the North, Short, 203

Time Movement, The Short, 226

Time, Universal Working, 318

Tires, Bessemer Steel, 91

Tires, Holiday’s Blocking, 88

Tires, Webb’s Cast Steel, 212

Todd’s Planing Machine, 414

Torbay, Proposed Breakwater for, 88

Torpedo Boat, History of a, 335

Torpedoes for War, 368

Tracing by Sunlight, 130

Trade, The Belgian Coal, 7s

Trade, The Belgian Iron, 64, 243, 254, 363

Trade in France, 56

Trade in France, Iron, 102

Trade, The French, 466

Trade Marks, Piracy of, 429

Trade or the North-Eastern Counties, The Iron, 58

..Trade of North Staffordshire, Iron, 62

Trade of South Wales Ports, 58

Trades of the United States, Iron and Steel, 370

Trades’ Union Delegate, Unsuccessful, 338

Trades’ Union, Operative Engineers’, 341

Traffic, Goods, 287

Traffic, London, 327

Train Stopped by the Wind, 138

Trains, Intercommunication in Railway, 237

Tramways, 31

Transmitting Apparatus of the Atlantic Cable, 433

Traveller, Steam, 154

Travellers at Blackfriars, Steam, 435

Trial Trips, 232

Trick, New Yankee, 305

Trotman’s Anchor, Patent, 236, 310

Tube Company, Green’s, 267

Tubes, Cold Drawn Steel, 197, 215

Tugs on the Mersey, 106

Times, Old, 250

Tunnel, Long, 424

Tunnel under the Channel, 383

Tunnelling, New Process of, 220

Turkey, Mineral Resources of, 104

Turkey, Road-making in, 352

Turpentine as a Fuel, 272

Turret Ships, 312

! Turret Ships, American System of, 228

' Twin Screw System. 227

Tyndall on Radiation and Absorption, Professor, 2ol

Riverstone Hematite Mines, The, 476

Valve, Ching’s Fluid, 104

Valves, Friction of Slide, 113

I Valves, The Friction of Slide, 161

Vapours, On Saturated, 198

Variable State in the Distribution of the Static Charge, 463

Venezuela Railway, The, 288

Ventilating Millstones, 434

Ventilating Millstones at Berlin, 213

Ventilating Steamships, 228

Ventilation of the Houses of Parliament, 282

Ventilation of the London Law Court, 220

Ventilation of Millstones, 164

Viaduct The Craigellachie, 99

Viaduct, East Lancashire Railway, 421

Viaduct, Holborn Valley, 341

Viaduct, Mauritius Railway Grand River, 99

Viaduct, The Mytholme, 69

Viaduct, The Taptee, 104

Vomitorium, On a Smoke, 26, 125, 142, 178, 214, 233, 274, 304

Wages, Continental Rates of Workmen’s, 287

Wages in Pittsburg, Workmen’s, 414

Wagon to Tip Both Sides, 196

Wales and Adjoining Counties, 19, 37, 57, 77, 97, 117, 133, 151, 169, 189, 207, 225, 259, 277, 295, 313, 331, 349, 369, 387, 407, 425,443. 461, 481

Walker’s Ships, 65

Warehouses, Fire-proof, 142

Water-pressure Engines, 323

Water-pressure Machinery, 284

Water-pressure Machinery, Sir W. G. Armstrong’s, 233

249, 379

Water and Sewerage, 143

Water Supply of Paris, 353

Water Supply, Philadelphia, 291

Waterworks Bill, Government, 307

Watt, Statue to, 310

Webb’s Cast Steel Tires, 212

Weighting Machinery, Counter, 128

Well, A New Artesian, 47

Wellington Memorial, The, SO

Wells of Chicago, Artesian, 206

Westminster, steeple Jack at, 104

Weston’s Pulleys, 26

What does it Mean? 174

Whitton’s Hydraulic Presses, 53

Williams, Death of Mr. C. Wye, 252

Winans, The Walter S.» 255

Windlass, Tasker’s, 410

Wood, The Late Mr. Nicholas, 37

Woodbury’s Photo-relief Printing, 88

Wood’s Revolvers, 14

Woolwich Guns, The, 471

Woolwich, How Guns are Tested at, 419

Woolwich, New System of Manufacturing Guns at, 445

Workshop, Discipline of the, 6

Worssam’s Sawing Wood, 84

Young, Carrington, and Co., 480

See Also


Sources of Information