The Engineer 1874 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1874 Jul-Dec: Index
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- Abel, Professor, Gun Cotton and Water Shells, 342, 351
- Accident on the Midland Railway, 357
- Accident, The Norwich, 225. 237, 250, 305
- Accidents, Railway, 76, 238
- Accidents in India, 82
- Air Pumps and Condensers, Messrs. Sulzer Brothers, 318
- Alexander, High-pressure Boilers of S.S., Messrs. Crighton, Abo, Finland, 374
- Alexander and Sons, Messrs., Semi-portable High- pressure Winding Engines for Yale, Gloucestershire, 172, 174
- Alexandra Palace, The, 15
- Allan, Funeral of Mr. W., 314
- Alloying of Iron with Manganese, 24
- American Bessemer Works, 94
- American Blast Furnace Statistics, 303
- American Blast Furnace Yields, 406
- American Paper Trade, Growth of the, 161
- American Process of Galvanising Iron, 254
- Americans as Agricultural Engineers, 220
- Aniline Colours, 345
- Arthur Woolf, Mr. S. Hocking, C.E., on the Life and Labours of, at the Miners' Assoc., Cornwall, 379
- Artillery, Russian, 410
- - Electric Telegraph, Sir David Salomons, 274
- - Equilibrium Cabins for Passenger Ships, and Equilibrium Turrets for Ironclads, Mr. Black, 37
- - Improvements in Engines and Boilers, Mr. T. Black, 357
- - Life Saving Apparatus, Mr. John Banting Rogers, 202
- - Three-cylinder Continuous Expansion Engine, Mr. J. Steward, 449
- - Visit to Blackwall Ironworks, 80
- - Address to Mr. Foulis, 56
- - Inspection of Household Boilers, Mr. Fletcher's Report, 316
- Aveling and Porter, Messrs., Steam Plough Travelling Van, 99, 100
- Bailey and Co., Messrs., Feed Valve, 3
- Balloon Experiments, Military, 81, 93
- Balloon, M. Menier's Hot Air, 217
- Balloons, 240
- Barnsley Sewerage Scheme, 339
- Barrow-in-Furness, 161, 384
- Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Works, 183, 211
- Battery, The Stevens, 170, 209
- Bearings, Dr. Kunzel's Combined Phosphor Bronze and Soft Metal, 1
- Belfast Gasworks, Improvements in, 354
- Belfast Strike, Close of the, 176
- Belgian Competition, 360, 370
- Belts or Straps as Communicators of Work, Professor Osborne Reynolds on the Efficiency of, 396
- Bement and Sons, Messrs. W. B., Radial Drilling ï Machine, 374
- Bennett, Mr. W., Standpipe, 354
- Berry and Sons, Messrs. F., Plate and Scrap Shearing Machine, 221
- Berry and Sons, Messrs. F., Wall Planing Machine, 391
- Bessemer Channel Steamer, The, 253, 269, 284
- Bessemer, Launch of the, 255
- Beverley Iron and Wagon Company, Boiler Fittings for Portable Engines, 105
- Blackburn Boiler Explosion, 30, 31, 98, 135, 160
- Black Drop, its Cause and Remedy in Transit Observations, 211, 222, 356, 393, 448
- Blackleading Iron, 152
- Blasting with Gunpowder Fired by Electricity, 410
- Blower, Root's Patent, 116
- Blowers, Rotary, 97
- Boat Lowering Apparatus, Folkard's, 410
- Boiler Experiment, Contemplated, 23
- Boiler Explosion near Abcrdare, 334
- Boiler Explosion, The Blackburn, 30, 31, 98, 135, 160
- Boiler Explosion at Leeds, 370
- Boiler Fittings for Poitable Engines, Beverley Iron and Wagon Company, 105
- Boiler Inspection in the United States, 226
- Boiler, Mr. Kesterton's High-pressure, 220
- Boiler, 20-H.P. Messenger, Messrs. Verey and Lange, 267
- Boiler, Robey's Patent, 98, 160
- Boiler Setting, 325
- Boilers, Household, 338, 428, 448
- Boilers, Inspection of Household, 316
- Boilers of the Ly-ee-Moon, 310--(See Working Drawing October 23rd)
- Boilers for Steam Tramway Purposes, Mr. L. J. Todd's Accumulator, 105
- Boilers, Strength of, 185
- Bolton Strike, The, 236
- Bolt and Stud End Cutter, Mr. Nelson, 267
- Boulogne Harbour, 422
- Bourne and Co., Messrs. John, Vertical Planing Machine, Chinese Government, 97
- Bowling Iron Company, 238
- Bremme, Mr. G., Elastic Wheel for Traction Engines, 24
- Bridge ever the Allier at Vichy, M. Radout Delafosse, 263, 266, 274, 290
- Bridge over the Mississippi, Railway, 254
- Bridge over the Reuss at Lucerne, MM. Cuenod and Gaudard, 336, 340, 344
- Bridges, American versus English, 55
- Britannic, of the White Star Line, The, 49
- - Address of President Dr. John Tyndall, F.R.S., D C.L., LL.D.. andc., 148
- - Address of Professor Thomson, President of Mechanical Section, Section G, 167
- - Coal Mining in Italy, Mr. P. Le Neve Foster, Jun., C.E., Section G, 169
- - Instruments for Measuring Speed of Ships, Mr. Fronde, 186
- - Isometrical Drawing, Mr. George Fawens, Section G, 192
- - Prevention of the Inundations of Navigable Rivets, Mr. James Lynam, C.E., 273
- - Report of the Committee on Siemens' Electrical Pyrometer, 256
- - Screw Lowering Apparatus, Mr. E. J. Harland, Section G, 169
- - Volcanic Phenomena of County Antrim and adjoining Districts, Professor Edward Hall, M.A., F.R.8., andc., President of Geological Section, 154
- - Water Power of the Upper Bann, Mr. John Smyth, A.M., M.I.C.E., Section G, 177
- Brock, Mr., Loading Safety Valves by direct Springs, 409
- Burleigh, Mr., Rotary Switch Lever, 6
- Burning of the Liverpool Landing Stage, 99, 111, 114, 115, 127, 132, 160, 211
- Bursting an Experimental Boiler by Hydraulic Pressure, 226
- California-built Marine Engine, 162
- Calender, Messrs. Urquhart, Lindsay, and Co.'s Hydraulic, 345
- Canal, The Interoceanic, 11
- Canal Workin Italy, by P. Le Neve Foster jun , C.E 319, 324, 358, 361, 405, 408, 42b, 434, 441, 446, 455, 463
- Capital and Labour, Mr. C. Stewart Drewry, On the Relation between, 396, 434
- Carmarthen Sewerage, 4
- Carriages, Lighting Railway, 12, 52
- Castalia, The, 196, 281, 304, 320
- Castings in Iron are Accurate Copies of the Mould, Mr. Robt. Mallet, C E., andc., On the Real Reasons Why, 197
- Cast Iron, The Break of, 269
- Cast Iron and the Phenomena of the Crane Ladle, Mr. R. Mallet, C.E.. andc., On the Dilatation of, 231
- Chronograph, Lieut. H. Watkin, R.A., 333
- Chronographs. 393 .
- Church, Mr.. Metallic Piston Rod Packing, 318
- Clapp, Mr. W. J., Coal-cutting Machine. 22
- Clark M.I.C.E., Mr. Edwin, Harbour Works in Callao Bay, Peru, 96, 104, 106, 115, 118
- Cleveland Iron Trade in 1874, 467
- Cloth, Raising, Giacomini's Patent Gig for, 383
- Clyde Shipbuilding Trade, 49
- Coal-burning Locomotives in the South, 399
- Coal in Colorado, 232
- Coal-cutting, Mr. W. J. Clapp, 220
- Coal-cutting Machine Trials, 156
- Coaldust as Fuel, 202
- Coal Elevator, Hunt's, 153
- Coal in India, 185
- Cohesion and Crushing, 461
- Colosseum, The New York. 273
- Comber, Mr. W. A., Wrenches and Spanners, 170
- Comet, The New, 29
- Comet and the Weather, The, 99
- Condensers, Steam Pump, 327, 338, 356, 376
- Condensers without Air Pumps, 9
- Constant and Intermittent Water Supply, 297
- Coppee, M., Coke Ovens, 300
- Cornwall, Boiler Explosions in, 451
- Coriosion, Railway Bar, 326
- Costin, Capt., The New Wimbledon Rifle Target, 301
- Couches, Improvements in, 392
- Couplings, Friction, 393
- Crane at Glasgow Harbour, Messrs. J. Taylor and Co.'s 60-Ton, 321
- Cresson, Mr. G. W., Movable Pulleys, 352
- Crichton, Messrs., Compounded Engines of S.S. Alexander, 354, 355
- Crichton, Ab0 Finland, Messrs., High-pressure Boilers of S.S. Alexander, 374
- Crossing the Channel, 392
- Crown, Contracts of the, 396
- Crystal Palace Engineering School, 140
- Cuenod and Gaudard, MM., Bridge over the Reuss, at Lucerne, 336, 340, 344
- Cupola at the Polytechnic School, Angers, 186
- Curves for Sidings, 30
- Cylinders, Condensation in Steam, 231
- Cylinders, Corroded, 222, 250, 269, 284
- Czarevna, Launch of the, 185, 201
- Dale, Messrs. J. and T, Compound Surface Condensing Engines 20-H.P. S.S. Black Watch, 268, 270
- Dangerous Superheater, 449
- Darlington Ironworks, 208
- Darlington Rolling Mill Engine, 203, 206
- Darlington Notice Case, 431
- Delafosse, M. Radout, Bridge over the Allier at Vichy, 263, 266, 274, 290
- Dennis, Messrs., Stop Valve, 3
- Denton, C. E. J. Bailey, On Disposal of Sewage of Towns, Villages, andc., Social Science Congress, 321
- Determination of Longitude by Telegraph in Connection with the Transit of Venus, 245
- Diamond Drill. The, Mr, A. Bassett, Institute of Civil Engineers, 130,135
- Diggers, Steam, 356
- Disintegrator, Mr. Greenhill's, 470
- Donald and Atkey, Messrs., Machine Tool, 170
- Dovetailer, The Hamilton, 282
- Drawings and Tracings, On Mounting, 453
- Drewry, Mr. C. Stewart, On the Relation between Capital and Labour, 396, 434
- Drill for Messrs. Marshall and Sons, Messrs. Gregson, Brown, and Son's Radial, 47
- Drilling Machine, Messrs. W. B. Bement and Sons Radial, 374
- Drilling Machine, Messrs. Lowry and Co.'s Radial, 283
- Drum Guards, 135
- Dutch South-Eastern Company, 196
- Dynamite, New Application of, 321
- Dynamo Electric Machine, Siemens', 52
- Eastbourne, Siege Experiments at, 360, 369, 385, 441 461
- Economy of Fuel in Furnaces, 23
- Egyptian Railways, 161
- Elce and Arundel, Messrs., Roving Frames, 248
- Engine, California-built Marine, 162
- Engine at Clay Cross Colliery, 84in. Cornish, Butter- lev Iron Co., Mr. Howe, 224, 227, 234, 236, 281, 286
- Engine at Darlington Ironworks, Rolling Mill, 203, 206
- Engine Fittings, Portable, 160
- Engine, General Engine and Boiler Co.'s 8-H.P. Horizontal, 468, 472
- Engine, Messrs. Hathorn, Davis, Campbell, and Davey's Compound, 6, 10
- Engine, Messrs. Hurd and Simpson s Locomotive 153
- Engine Mr. E. D. Leavitt's Compound Rotative Pumping, Lynn, Mass., U.S., Messrs. J. P. Morris, Engineers, 450, 453, 454, 455
- Engine, Mr. Robertshaw's Hydraulic Press Pumping, 390
- Engine for Steep Gradients, Mr. H. Handyside's Locomotive, 210
- Engine, Messrs. Thwaites and Carbutt's Twin Crank Direct-acting, 50
- Engine for Working Tramways, Mr. Leonard J. Todd, 70, 71
- Engineering in Odessa, 51
- Engineering School at the Crystal Palace, 140
- Engineers in India, 417
- Engines of S.S. Alexander, Messrs. Crichton's Compound, 354, 355
- Engines in America, Pumping, 222
- Engines of S.S. Black Watch, Messrs. J. and T. Dales' Compound Surface Condensing, 20-H.P., 268, 270
- Engines, Mr. G. Bremme's Elastic Wheel for Traction, 24
- Engines, Carbonic Acid Gas, 175
- Engines, Compound, 283, 308, 326, 338, 356, 376, 393, 409, 428, 478
- Engines, Compound, versus Simple, 172
- Engines, Mr. J. A. Henderson, M. E., On the Theory of Aero Steam, 141, 288
- Engines for her Majesty's Government, 250
- Engines, Launch, 12
- Engines, Limit of Useful Expansion of Steam in, 110, 135
- Engines, Low-pressure, 137
- Engines of the Ly-ee-Moon, 239, 249, 252, 256
- Engines, Marine, 191, 207
- Engines, Rotary, 478
- Engines, Tottenham Pumping, 338, 356, 410
- Engines for Yale, Gloucestershire, Messrs. Alexander and Son's Semi-Portable High-pressure, Winding, 172, 174
- Ericsson Pneumatic Torpedo, 468
- Essendine Junction, Great Northern Railway, Gasworks and Pump-house, 190, 241
- Essendine Station Gasworks, 250
- Evans, C.E., Mr. C. A., On the Stability of Towers and Chimneys, 231
- Exhibition, Chilian International, 449
- Exhibition at Manchester of Appliances for the Economy of Labour, 449
- Explosives, Legislation on, 263, 298
- Extension Works of the East London Railway, 417
- Extinguishing Fires in Mines, 15
- Federal Polytechnic School, 391
- Ferrara Waterworks, 349
- Ferro-Manganese, 232
- Ferryhill Ironworks, 102
- Fire Engine Competition at Antwerp, 321
- Fireplaces, Domestic, 473
- Fletcher, Mr. E., Bogie Tank Locomotive, North-Eastern Railway, Messrs. Neilson and Co., Engineers, 282
- Flour Mills, Messrs. Tod and Co., Glasgow, 4
- Fog Gun, Major Maitland, R.A., 470
- Folkard's Boat-lowering Apparatus, 410
- Foot Bridge, New-street Station, Birmingham, Mr. S. Woodall, 321, 322
- Foster, jun., C.E.. Mr. P. le Neve, on Canal Works in Italy, 319, 324, 358, 361, 405, 408, 426, 434, 441, 446, 455, 463
- French Coal Commission, 425
- Fuel, Combustion of Powdered, 341
- Fuel, Locomotive, 138, 254
- Funeral of Mr. W. Allan, 314
- Furnace Statistics, American Blast, 303
- Furnace Yields, American Blast, 406
- Furnaces, Blast, 376
- Furnaces, Construction of, 8, 31
- Furness and Co., Messrs., Trying-up and Four-Cutter Planing and Moulding Machine, 202
- Gas in America, Price of, 4
- Gas, Durability of Illuminating, 52
- Gases, Expansion of, 191
- Gas Profits, 225
- Gas Question in tho Metropolis, 119
- Gasworks and Pump-house, Great Northern Railway, Essendine Junction, 190
- Gauge, Messrs. I. Storey and Sons' Magnetic Water, 202
- General Engine and Boiler Company, 8-H.P. Horizontal Engine, 468, 472
- Geometry, Modern, 120
- German Artillery, 185, 281, 425
- Giacomini's Patent Gig for Raising Cloth, 383
- Girders, Economical Limits to the Use of Rolled, 287
- Glass, Siemens' Process in the Manufacture of, 244
- Governor, Marine, 250
- Grammar of Ornament. The, 264
- Gramme's Electric Machines, 476
- Grantham Sewage, 327
- Greenhill, Mr., Disintegrator, 470
- Gregson, Brown, and Son, Messrs., Radial Drill for Messrs. Marshall and Sons, 47
- Greig and Eyth, Messrs., Wire Rope Tug for Canal Navigation, Messrs. Fowler and Co., 136
- Gun Cotton and Water Shells, Professor Abel, 342, 351
- Gun Manufacturers in India, Native, 47
- Gunpowder, 271
- Gunpowder, Carriage of, 327
- Gunpowder, Dangerous Conveyance of, 273
- Hall, Mr. Robt., 20ft. Loom for Weaving Woollen Felt, 3
- Hamilton Dovetailer, The, 282
- Handyside and Co.. Messrs., 313
- Handy side, C.E., Mr. H., Locomotive Engines for Steep Gradients, 210
- Harbour Works in Callao Bay, Peru, Mr. Edwin Clark, M.I.C.E., 96, 101, 106, 115, 118
- Harbour for Madras, Proposed New, 415
- Hathorn, Davis, Campbell, and Davey, Messrs., Compound Engine, 6, 10
- Hawkshaw's Visit to Brazil, Sir John, 425
- Heat, Economy in the Production and Use of, 98, 116, 160, 240, 307
- Heaters, Feed-water, 79, 97
- Henderson, M.E., Mr. J. A., On the Theory of Aero Steam Engines, 141, 288
- Henderson Process, The, 320
- Herculaneum, Discovery of Silver Bust at, 422
- Hiring in the Iron Trade, Proposed New Rules of, 414
- Holborn Viaduct Station, Mr. W. Mills, C.E., 4, 7, 28, 29, 140
- Holiday Question at Ironworks, 337
- Hopper Dredger, St. Lawrence, Trial Trip of, 452
- Howe, Mr. W., 84in. Engine, Clay Cross, Details of Pumps, 281. 286
- Howe, Mr. W., 84in. Cornish Engine, at Clay Cross Colliery, Butterley Iron Co., 224, 227, 234, 236
- Hunt's Coal Elevator, 153
- Hurd and Simpson, Messrs., Engines, 153
- Hydraulic Engineering Company, Limited, 9
- Hydraulic Tests for Chain Cables, 110
- Hydro-Thermic Motor, Signor F. Tommasi, 221
- Increase of Third-class Fares, 273
- Independents, The, 138
- Independencia, The, Launch of, 230
- India, The Future Port of, 253
- Indian Civil Engineering College, 50
- Indian Railways, 72, 372
- Indicators, Revolution, 185
- Inspectors of Mines, Reports of, 69
- INSTITUTE, THE IRON AND STEEL, 69, 172, 176, 183
- - American Rolling Mills, Mr. Holley, 200
- - Crampton's Revolving Furnace and its Products, Mr. T. R. Crampton, 235
- - Geology of the West Coast Iron Ore Districts, Mr. P. Wurzburger, 184
- - Latest Improvements in Appliances for Manufacture of Bessemer Steel, Mr. Walker, 201, 218
- - New Foundry Wagon Drop for Blast Furnaces, Mr. T. Wrightson. 201
- - Rampside Boring, The, Mr, Alex. Brogden, 197
- - Setting Bessemer Converter Bottoms, Mr. Holley, 199
- - Valves suitable for Working Hydraulic Machinery, Mr. R. Luthy, 221
- - Bute Docks and Mechanical Arrangement for Shipping Coal, Mr. McConnochie, 112
- - Diamond Boring Machine, Mr. Alex. Garrett, 113
- - Pumping Machinery for Emptying the Dry Docks at Chatham and Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Rennie, 113
- - South Wales Coalfield, Mr. Forster Brown, 113
- - Colliery Locomotives, Mr. James T. Tatlow, 316
- - Coking Coals under Pressure, Mr. E. T. Cox, State Geologist, 246
- - Iron and Steel Rails, Mr. J. B. Pearce, 60
- - Midlothian Colliery, Virginia, Mr. Oswald J. Heinrich, M.E., 48
- - Smelting of Argentiferous Lead Ores in Nevada, Utah, and Montana, Messrs. O. F. Hahn, Aubon Eilers, and Dr. R. W. Raymond, 76
- Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 113
- - Excursion to Hyde Junction Engineering Works, 251
- - Visit to Barrow-in-Furness, 69
- - Diamond Drill, Mr. A. Bassett, 130
- - Extension of the South Jetty at Kustendjie, Turkey, Mr. G. Lenton Rolt, 479
- - List of Premiums and Prizes. 21, 188
- - Nagpur Waterworks, The, &c., Mr. Alexander R. Binnie, M.I,C.E., 379
- - Pennsylvania Railway, &c., Messrs. Charles D. and Francis Fox, M.I.C.E., 392
- - South Breakwater at Aberdeen, Mr. William Dyce Clay, M.I.C.E., 479
- - Future of Engineering, Mr. T. Wrightson, 357
- Institution of Naval Architects, 226
- - Coal Gas, Lectures by Professor Gardiner, 339
- International Exhibition, Kensington, Close of, 187
- International Exhibition, The London, 250, 281
- Ireland, Railway Extension in, 363
- Iron, American Pig, 201
- Iron, American Process of Galvanising, 254
- Ironclads for Sale, 256
- Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, andc , 19, 41, 63, 91, 109, 125, 145, 165, 181, 195, 215, 229, 243, 261, 277, 295, 313, 331, 319, 367, 383, 403, 421, 439, 459, 483
- Iron and Coal of New South Wales, 69
- Iron, Floating Cast, 52, 135
- Iron Industry in Turkey, 192, 417
- Iron Interests in the United States, 456
- Iron with Manganese, Alloying, 21
- Iron Mines, Extraordinary, 316
- Iron with Natural Gas, Making, 6
- Iron, New Zealand, 212
- Ironstone Mining in Cleveland, Mr, A. L. Stevenson, 219
- Iron Trade, Depression of, 448
- Iron Trade, United States, 166, 169
- Ironworks, The Ferryhill, 102
- Isherwood, Chief Engineer, U.S. Navy, Method of Ascertaining what Portion of the Feed-water Admitted to a Boiler is Entrained in the form of Spray by the Escaping Steam, 363
- Jack, Hydraulic, 477
- Jackson, Mr. F, W., Mortar Mill, 283
- Kahlenberg Rack Railway, 337
- Kesterton, Mr., High-pressure Boiler, 220
- Kunzel, Dr., Combined Phosphor Bronze and Soft Metal Bearings, 1
- Labour Laws, Royal Commission on, 374
- Lamocks Lighthouse, Formosa Strait, China, 392
- Lamps, Improved Railway, 59
- Lamplighter, MM. Baumeister, and Effer's Automatic, 352
- Land, Clearing, 80
- - American v, English Bridges, 55
- - Armament of Unarmoured Ships, 359
- - Belgian Competition, 360
- - Bessemer Channel Steamer, The, 253
- - Boiler Explosions in Cornwall. 451
- - Carbonic Acid Gas Engines, 175
- - Channel Tunnel, The, 137
- - Combustion of Powdered Fuel, 341
- - Condensation in Steam Cylinders, 237
- - Contracts of the Crown, 396
- - Cutting Steel Rails Cold. 378
- - Darlington Ironworks, The, 208
- - Darlington Notice Case, The, 431
- - Decrepitude of Temple Bar, 119
- - Disposal of Sewage, 287
- - Domestic Fireplaces, 473
- - Economical Limits to the Use of Rolled Girders, 287
- - Education of Agricultural Engineers, 34
- - Expansion of Gases, 191
- - Feed Water Heaters, 79
- - Future Port of India, The, 253
- - Gas Profits, 225
- - Gas Question in the Metropolis, 119
- - Gunpowder, 271
- - High-pressure Steam, 33
- - Independencia, The, 137
- - Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 341
- - Interoceanic Canal, The, 11
- - Iron Piers, 451
- - Iron and Steel Institute, 176
- - Lax Use of Terms in Science, 157
- - Legislation for the London Gas Supply, 431
- - Lighting Railway Carriages, 12
- - Long Railway Runs, 157
- - Loss of Pressure in Steam Pipes, 359
- - Low-pressure Engines, 137
- - Marine Engines, 185, 207
- - Mechanical Puddling, 305
- - Metropolitan Railway Rolling Stock, 11
- - Midland Railway, The, 395
- - Norwich Accident, The, 225, 237, 305
- - Oberon Experiments, 177, 271
- - Patent Law, 473
- - Prevention of Smoke at Sea, 377
- - Professor Tyndall's Address, 175
- - Proposed New Rules of Hiring in the Iron Trade, 414
- - Railway Girders for the Metre Gauge, 207
- - Razors, 288
- - Safety Valves, 413
- - Sanitary Progress, 101
- - Sewage Difficulties, 377
- - Sewage Farms, 33
- - Sewage Standard, The, 79
- - Spontaneous Combustion, 101
- - Stoke Hole Temperatures, 395
- - Street Tramways, 323
- - Suez Canal, The, 55
- - Temple Bar, 272, 414
- - Transit of Venus. 474
- - Warner Process, The, 323
- Leavitt, Mr. E. D., Compound Rotative Pumping Engine, Lynn, Massachusetts, U.S., Messrs. J. P. Morris, Engineers, 450, 453, 454, 455
- - Barlow v. the Public Works Construction Company, 37
- - Laidlaw v. the Hastings Pier Company. 411
- - Re Henry's Patent Prolongation, 343, 352
- - Re Lancaster's Patent, 172
- - Salvin v. the North Brancepeth Coal Company, 87
- Legislation on Explosions, 263, 298
- - Asbestos Packing, H. A. O. Mackenzie, 284
- - Asbestos Packing, Henry Smith, 269
- - Balloons, B. Brandao, 240
- - Barrow Steel Worke, Barrow Shipbuilding Company (Limited), 211
- - Bessemer, The, C., 269
- - Bessemer, The, James Lyall, 284
- - Bituminous Deposits of the Valley of the Pescara, R. Carter Moffatt, 428, 478
- - Blackburn Boiler Explosion, Henry Hiller, 31
- - Blackburn Explosion, H. MacColl, 98, 160
- - Blackburn Boiler Explosion, William Wolverton, 30, 135
- - Blast Furnaces, W. Robson, 376
- - Boiler Setting, Henry Hiller, 325
- - "Break" of Cast Iron, W. J. M., 269
- - Broadcast Manure Distributors, Your Correspondent, 185
- - Broadcast Manure Distributors, Thomas Chambers,- 116
- - Carriage of Gunpowder, F. N. C., 327
- - Castalia, The, J. B., 309
- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (continued) :--
- - Casting Steam Pipes. J. A., 410
- - Chilian International Exhibition, Juan E. Walker, 449
- - Chronographs, Peter Conti, 393
- - Clearing Land, Charles Louis Hett, 80
- - Compound Engines, Arques, 283, 326, 356
- - Compound Engines, C. J., 409
- - Compound Engines, E., 478
- - Compound Engines, Bey wood, 338
- - Compound Engines, H. O., 308, 338, 376
- - Compound Engines, J. B. J., 308
- - Compound Engines, J. E., 327
- - Compound Engines, J. T., 393
- - Compound Engines, Lancashire, 409
- - Compound Engines, Rufus, 309
- - Compound Engines, W. G., 428
- - Compound Engines, X., 283, 326, 376
- - Compound Engines, Y, 326
- - Construction of Furnaces, Arthur Barff, 31
- - Construction of Furnaces, John Watson, 31
- - Corroded Cylinders, Percy Gow, 284
- - Corroded Cylinders, A Ten Years' Reader, 222, 269
- - Corrosion in Steam Cylinders, Stephen Watkins, 250, 269
- - Curves for Sidings. James S. Tate, C.E.. 30
- - Depression in the Iron Trade, Arthur Warner, 448
- - Diamond Drill, Alex. Bassett. C.E.. 135
- - Diamond Rock-boring, R. Allison, 309
- - Diamond Rock-boring, Blumer Brothers, 250
- - Diamond Rock-boring, District Agent, 309
- - Diamond Rock-boring, Edmund Hann, 269
- - Diamond Rock Drill, Charles P. Hendy, 284
- - Diamond Rock Drills, Edwin J. Honeychurch, 393
- - Diamond Rock-boring, M. Geoffry Morgan, 250
- - Diamond Rock-boring, R. S. L., 241
- - Driving Trade out of the Country, E. Hamer Carbutt, 428
- - Drum Guards, Corbett and Peele, 135
- - Durability of Illuminating Gas, F. Churton, 52
- - Economy in Heat, Professor Hofmann's Account of the Atmopyre, D. O. Edwards, 240
- - Economy in the Production and Use of Heat, D. O. Edwards. M.D.. 98, 116, 160, 307
- - Elastic Engine Wheels, H. S. O. Mackenzie, Assoc. I.C.E., 52
- - Essendine Station, J. F. B. Porter, 240
- - Extracting Roots, G. J. G., 410
- - Extracting Roots, Arthur Tupman, 428
- - Eye in Transit Observations, C. Bruce Allen, 356, 448
- - Fastening Tires, J. R., 97
- - Feed-water Heater, Joseph Twibill, 97
- - Floating Cast Iron, L. H, 135
- - Floating Cast Iron, W. Worby B., 13, 52
- - Fixed Stars as seen through Minute Apertures--The Light Drop, C. B. A., 268
- - Friction Couplings, W. S. Hall, 393
- - Gasworks at Essendine Station, Geo. Bower, 250
- - Heaton's Steel, J. Heaton, 356
- - Household Boilers, Thos. Holt, 338, 448
- - Household Boilers, Isaac Storey and Sons, 428
- - Howe's Valve Gear, Ph. Roux, 99
- - Initial Pressure, C., 135, 478
- - Institute of Mechanical Engineers, M. I. M. E., 357
- - Launch Engines, Farmer, 12
- - Lifeboats, Edward Jackson, 99
- - Lighting Railway Carriages, J. Biggs, 52
- - Lighting Railway Carriages and Tram-cars with Gas, Geo. Bower, 211
- - Lighting Railway Carriages and Tram-cars, Hyat Duckham, 185
- - Lighting of Railway Carriages, John Waugh, 241
- - Limits of Useful Expansion in Engines, D. K. Clark, 116
- - Limit of Useful Expansion in Engines, Crank, 135
- - Liverpool Landing Stage, Fred. Campion, 160
- - Liverpool Landing Stage, Joseph Simpson, Engineer, 211
- - Locomotive Telegraphs, Philip Braham, 250
- - Loss of Pressure in Steam Pipes, C., 428
- - Loss of Pressure in Steam Pipes, B. T. McKay, 393
- - Marine Governor, H. Harrison, 250
- - Marksmen in the Navy, Arma Virumque Cano, 284
- - Mechanical Puddling, W. Corbett, 338, 448
- - Mechanical Puddling, Perry F. Nursey, 327
- - Mechanical Puddling, Adam Spencer, 308, 327, 357
- - Mending Broken Screw Shafts, W. G., 338
- - Midland Railway, The, A., 410
- - New Mint, A, M. E., 31
- - New Zealand Iron, Jas. Major, 212
- - Norwich Accident, Charles Fairholme, 250
- - Notes on the Black Drop, its Cause and Remedy in Transit Observations, C. Bruce Allen, 211
- - Notes on the Black Drop, its Cause and Remedy in Transit Observations, Geo. M. Seabrook, 222, 396
- - Outflow of Steam, Thomas Baldwin, 448
- - Outflow of Steam, Robert Napier, 478
- - Pease's New Mill at Darlington, Y., 427
- - Polysphenic Ship, The, Thomas B. Daft, 80
- - Polysphenic Ship, Charles Meade Ramus, 116
- - Portable Engine Fittings, Draughtsman, 160
- - Prevention of Smoke, C. D., 410
- - Priming, Robert Johnson, 478
- - Priming, Alexander Smith, 478
- - Priming, W .C. P., 376
- - Priming, Y., 410
- - Pumping Engines in America, James H. Harlow, 222
- - Pumps, Aquarius, 30, 52
- - Railway Bar Corrosion, Robert Mallet, 327
- - Railway Signals, J. Whiteman, 308
- - Revolution Indicators, Fair Play, 185
- - Revolution Indicators, Juvenis ab Urbe, 393
- - Robey's Patent Boiler, J. Richardson, 160
- - Robey's Patent Boiler, Thos. Wilkins, 98
- - Root's Patent Blower, Thwaites and Carbutt, 116
- - Rotary Blowers, Ironfounder, 97
- - Rotary Engines, Reciprocator, 478
- - Rotary Puddling, Dogbery, 393
- - Roving Frames. A. Z., 269
- - Roving Frames, W. M.. 325
- - Safety Valves, Robert Martin, 478
- - Safety Valves, John W. Melling, 448
- - Sewage of Grantham, J. Hille, 327
- - Shannon Improvement Scheme, Shannonside, 80, 98, 211
- - Siemens' Dynamo-electric Machine. G. R., 52
- - Steam Diggers ,Hetherington and Parker, 356
- - Steam Pump Condensers, John C. Fell, 327, 356 376
- - Steam Pump Condensers, Q., 356
- - Steam Pump Condensers, M. Silvester, 338
- - Steam Pump Condensers, Tangye Bros, and Holman, 338
- - Steam Pump Condensers, J. Thompson, 338
- - Steam Pump Condensers, G., 856
- - Tottenham Pumping Engines, J. W. Couchman, 338
- - Tottenham Pumping Engines, C. E. Horner, 356
- - Tottenham Pumping Engine, Alfred Phillips, 410
- - Tottenham Pumping Engines, Whieldon and Cooke, 356
- - Tramways, Geo. T. Yuli, 428
- - Trial of Patent Cases, William Spence, Assoc. Inst. C,E., 12, 80, 222
- - Warner Process, The, J. Knox Clifford, 339
- - Warner Process, Arthur Warner, 339, 357
- - Water Supply, A Liverpool Houseowner, 338
- Liffey, Purification of the, 155
- Lifeboats, 99
- Lifeboats, Mr. C. Beloe on, 13
- Life-raft, Mr. Roper, 141
- Light-draught Steamers, 273
- "Light Drop" Fixed Stars as Seen through Minute Apertures, 268
- Lincolnshire Agricultural Show, Grantham, 93
- - Clocks, Watches, and Bells, Sir Edmund Beckett, late E. B. Denison, LL.D., L.C., F.R.A.S., andc., 147
- - Complete Measurer, The, Richard Horton, 147
- - Elements of Metallurgy, J. Arthur Phillips, M. Inst. C.E., 452
- - History of the American Ambulance Established in Paris in the Siege of 1870-71, T, W. Evans, M.D.' Ph.D., 43
- - Horizontal Wells, J. Lucas, 167
- - Instructions on Modern Bridge Building, G. B. N. Tower, 167
- - Iron and Timber Railway Superstructures and General Works, J. W. Grover, M. Inst. C.E , 272
- - Journal of the Chemical Society, J. Van Voorst, 1873
- - Manual of Metallurgy, W. H. Greenwood, F.C.S., 147
- - Metallurgy of Iron, andc., H. Bauerman, F.G.S., 147
- - Military Carriages and other Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department, Captain W. Kemmis, 306
- - Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom for 1873, Robert Hunt, F.R.S., 432
- - Moon Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite, The, J. Nasmyth, C.E., and J. Carpenter, F.R.A.S., 217
- - Report on the Inspection of Metalliferous Mines in Cornwall, Devonshire, and Part of Somersetshire, for 1873, Clement Le Neve Foster, B.A., 432
- - Report on a Naval Mission to Europe, especially Devoted to the Material and Construction of Artillery,Washington Government Printing-office, 21, 65
- - Short Logarithmic and other Tables, E. and F. N. Spon, 272
- - Theory of Arches, W. Allan, 272
- - Transactions of the Society of Engineers for 1872, E. and F. N. Spon, 351
- Liverpool Landing Stage, Burning of, 99, 111, 114, 115, 127, 132, 160, 211
- Loading Safety Valves by Direct Springs, Mr. Brock, 409
- Locomotive Engine Building in the United States, 49
- Locomotive Fuel, 138, 254
- Locomotive, North-Eastern Railway, Mr. E. Fletcher's Bogie Tank, Messrs. Neilson and Co., Engineers, 282
- Locomotives, Mountain, 203
- London Gas Supply, Legislation for the, 431
- Loom, Lyall Positive Motion Wire Cloth, 469
- Loom for- Weaving Woollen Felt, Mr. Robert Hall, 3
- Lowry and Co., Messrs , Radial Drilling Machine, 283
- Lyall, Mr., Positive Motion Wire-cloth Loom, 469
- Ly-Eg-Moon, Boilers of the, 310--(See Working Drawing, Oct. 23rd)
- Ly-ee-Moon, Trial Trip of, 192. Engines of, 239. 249, 252, 256
- Lynde, Mr. J. H., Tramway, 83
- Machinery Exhibitions at Manchester, 378
- Maidenhead Waterworks, 449
- Mallet, C.E., F.R.S., Mr. R., Dilatation of Cast Iron and the Phenomena of the Crane Ladle, 231
- Mallet, C.E., F.R.S., Mr. R., on Real Reasons why Castings in Iron are Accurate Copies of the Mould, 197
- Manganese Pig Iron, 392
- Manure Distributors, Broadcast, 116, 185
- Manure Wharf, The Salford, 273
- Markets, Metals, Oils, Timber, andc--(See last page of each number)
- Markfield and Bardon Granite Quarries, 371, 375
- Marine Engineers' Agency, 417
- Martyr to Science, 281
- Marsden's Combined Stonebreaker and Engine, 152
- Menier, M., Hot-air Balloon, 217
- Metre Gauge, Railway Girders for the, 207
- Metric System in our Workshops, 25
- Metropolitan Buildings and Management, 80
- Metropolitan Railway, Smoking Carriages on the, 185
- Metropolitan Railway, Ventilation of the, 94
- Metropolitan Water Companies and Constant Supply, 155
- Midlothian Colliery, Virginia, 48
- Military Balloon Experiments, 81, 93
- Miller, Mr. B., Self-acting Punching, Shearing, Platecutting, and Planing Machine, 304, 309
- Mills, C.E., Mr. W., Holborn Viaduct Station, 4, 7, 28, 29, 140
- Miners' Strike in Scotland, 269
- Mines and Mining Accidents, 433
- Mining, Deep, 468
- Mining in Russia, 443
- Mint, A New, 31
- Miscellanea, 5, 27, 53, 73, 95, 117, 131, 159, 173, 189, 223, 233, 247, 265, 285, 299, 317, 335, 353, 373, 389, 407, 429, 445, 471
- Mormon Engineering, 246
- Mortar Mill, Mr. F. W. Jackson's, 283
- Mountain Locomotives, 203
- Mounting Drawings and Tracings, 453
- Narbonne, Projected Port at, 268, 298
- Native Railway Engineers for India, 251
- Navies of Europe, 238
- Navy, Marksmen in the, 284
- Nelson, Mr., Bolt and Stud End Cutter, 267
- Newcastle Chemical Society--Address of President Mr. Pattison, 388
- New Factory Act, 417
- New Law for the Registration of Trade Marks in Germany, 449
- New Rifle for France, 4
- New York Harbours, 172
- New York Plumbers, 232
- Nominal Horse Power, Messrs. Vaughan, Richardson, and Co.'s Scale of, 26
- Non-conducting Coatings for Steam Boilers, 262
- North of England, 19, 42, 63, 91, 109, 126, 146, 166, 182, 196, 216, 230, 244, 262, 278, 296, 314, 331, 349, 368, 383, 404, 421, 440, 459, 484
- Notes from Lancashire, 20, 41, 63, 91, 109, 125, 145, 165, 181, 195, 216, 230, 262, 278, 313, 331, 349, 367, 383, 403, 421, 439, 459
- Notes and Memoranda, 5, 27, 53, 73, 95, 117, 131, 159, 173, 189, 205, 223, 233, 247, 265; 285, 299, 317, 335, 353, 373, 389, 407, 429, 445, 471
- Notes from Paris, 406
- Notes from Scotland, 20, 41, 64, 91, 110, 126, 146, 182, 196, 230, 244, 262, 278, 295, 314, 332, 350, 367, 384, 404, 421, 439, 460, 483
- Notes from the West Coast of South America, 2
- Notices to Correspondents, 11, 33, 55, 79, 101, 119, 137, 157, 175, 191, 207, 225, 237, 253, 271, 287, 305, 323, 341, 359, 377, 395, 413, 431, 451, 473
- Oberon Torpedo Attack, Stokes Bay, 133, 152, 176, 185, 232, 271
- - Anderson, F.R.S.E., Dr. Thomas, 368
- - Benson, Sir John, 313
- - Boyer, M. Pierre, 428
- - Brown, Mr. George, 250
- - Fairbairn, Sir W., 154, 172
- - Grantham, M.I.C.E., Mr. J., 80
- - Laird, Mr. John, 343
- - Logan, C.E., Mr., 52
- - Rennie, C.E., F.R.S., Sir John, 209
- - Smiles, Mrs., 9
- - Smith, Mr. John, 74
- Oven, M. Coppee's Coke, 300
- Oxford Main Drainage, 185
- Pacific Coast Mines, Returns of, 31
- Packing Asbestos, 269, 284
- Packing, Mr. Church's Metallic Piston-rod, 318
- Paris Mud, 433
- Paris Waterworks, The New, 476
- Patent Cases, Trial of, 12, 80, 222
- Patent Laws, The, 391, 433, 473
- Patent-office, Publications of the, 31
- Pease, Messrs., New Mill at Darlington, 388, 427
- Peat in Germany, 51
- Pebble Powder and Barbette Firing, 9
- Penn, John, 289
- Pescara, South Italy, Bituminous Deposits of the Valley of, 428, 478
- Petersburg, Drainage of, St., 316
- Petroleum in Russia, 320
- Phosphor Bronze, 392
- Piers, Iron, 451
- Pipes, Casting Steam, 410
- Pipes, Loss of Pressure in Steam, 359, 393, 428
- Planing Machine, Chinese Government Vertical, Messrs., John Bourne and Co., 97
- Planing Machine, The First, 281
- Planing and Moulding Machine, Messrs. Furness and Co.'s Trying up and Four Cutter, 202
- Plate and Scrap Shearing Machine, Messrs. F. Berry and Sons, 221
- Polychrome Process, The, 313
- Polytechnic School, Angers, Cupola at the, 186
- Polysphenic Ship, The, Mr. Charles Meade Ramus, 56, 80, 116
- Postal Statistics of Austria, 399
- Pressure, Initial, 135, 478
- Priming, 375, 410, 449, 478
- Prizes for Hand-turning, 113
- Projection of Electric Light, 397
- Propeller, The Screw, 344
- Propontis, The, 12, 130
- Puddling, Mechanical, 305, 309, 326, 338, 357, 448
- Puddling with Natural Gas, 343
- Puddling. Rotary, 393
- Pulleys, Mr. G. W. Cresson's Movable, 352
- Pumps, 30
- Pumps, Steam, 226
- Punching. Shearing, Plate-cutting, and Planing Machine, Mr. B. Miller's, 304, 309
- Punkah Pulling, 313
- Quebec Harbour Improvements, 232
- Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, 475
- Rails, Cold, Cutting Steel, 378
- Rails, Form, Endurance, and Manufacture of, 102, 155, 177, 187, 204
- Rails at Sheffield, Cyclops Works, Manufacture of, 314
- Railway Accidents, 76
- Railway Accidents in India, 82
- Railway Carriages and Tram-cars, Lighting, 185, 211, 241
- Railway Matters, 5, 27, 53, 73, 95, 117, 131, 159, 173, 189, 205, 223, 233, 247, 265, 285, 299, 317, 335, 353, 373, 389, 407, 429, 445, 471
- Railway, The Midland, 395, 410
- Railway Rolling Stock, 12
- Railway Runs, Long, 157
- Railway Works and Projects, The North-Eastern, 369
- Railways, Indian, 72, 372
- Railways by Steam Power, Mr. Leonard J. Todd, On Working Street, 65, 70, 71
- Railways, The World's, 371
- Ramus, Mr. Charles Meade, The Polysphcric Ship, 56, 80, 116
- Razors, 288
- Reaping Machine Trials, 99
- Regent's Canal Explosion, 385, 390, 394
- Report of the Committee of the British Association on Siemens' Electrical Pyrometer, 256
- Report to the Town Council of Barnsley by the Committee appointed to visit Localities where Sewage Works are in Operation, 302
- Researches on Explosives, Fired Gunpowder, 255
- Revolution Indicators, 393
- Reynolds, Professor Osborne, On the Efficiency of Belts or Straps as Communicators of Work, 395
- Rifled Ordnance in the United States, 440
- Robertshaw, Mr., Hydraulic Press Pumping Engine, 390
- Rock-boring, Diamond, 241, 250, 269, 284, 309, 393
- Rolling Mill Gearing at Messrs. Grillo, Funke, and Co.'s Works, 378--(See also Supplement, Nov. 20th)
- Rolling Stock, Metropolitan Railway, 11
- Rolling Stock, Railway, 12
- Rolling Stock for the South-Eastern Railway Company, 33, 36
- Roots, Extracting, 410, 428
- Roper's Life Raft, 141
- Ropes, Testing Strength of, 80
- Route through Germany to the East, 255
- Rover, Launch of the, 135
- Roving Frames, 269, 325
- Roving Frames, Messrs. Elce and Arundel, 248
- Russia, Mining in, 443
- Russian Artillery, 410
- St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 245, 256, 257, 363
- Sale of American Monitors, 273
- Salford Manure Wharf, The, 273
- Sanitary and Educational Exhibition, Glasgow, 202
- Sanitary Progress, 101
- San Pier d'Arena, 449
- Science and Art Department, 23
- Scotch Cotton Factory, The First, 425
- Screw Shafts, Mending Broken, 338
- Semmering and Brenner Railways, The, 57, 85
- Sewage of Carmarthen, 4
- Sewage Difficulties, 377
- Sewage, Disposal of, 287
- Sewage Farms, 33
- Sewage in Paris, 399
- Sewage "Standard," 79
- Sewage of Towns, andc., Mr. J. Bailey Denton, C.E., on the Disposal of, Social Science Congress, 321
- Sezaroch, The, New Russian Projectile, 155
- Shaft Couplings, Mr. C. F. Varley, F R.S., 172
- Shannon Improvement Scheme, 80, 98, 211, 238
- Sheet Iron Gas Pipes and their Powers of Resistance, 248
- Sheffield District, 19, 42, 64, 92, 110, 126, 145, 165, 182, 196, 216, 330, 243, 261, 278, 296, 313, 332, 350, 368, 384 403, 422, 440, 460, 484
- Sheffield Statistics. 69
- Ships, Armament of Unarmoured, 359
- Ships, Sheathing, Messrs. Westwood and Baillie, 390
- Ships, Strength and Strains of Iron, 9
- Show at Grantham, Lincolnshire, Agricultural, 93
- Siege Experiments at Eastbourne, 36o, 369, 385, 441, 461
- Siemens' Process in the Manufacture of Glass, 241
- Signals, Railway, 308
- Silica from Iron, Removal of, 87
- Slough Sewage, 479
- Smelting of Argentiferous Lead Oros in Nevada, Utah and Montana, 121, 134
- - Alexander and Sons, Messrs., 10-H.P. Portable Engine, 425, 435
- - Ashby Jeffery, and Luke, Messrs., Engines and Boilers, 425
- - Ayshford, Mr. T. B. Adjustable Dog-cart, 425
- - Barford, Messrs., Stack Elevators and Ploughing Gear, 425
- - Brown and May, Messrs., Portable Engines, 424
- - Burrell, Messrs., 10-H.P. Portable Engine, 424
- - Cambridge and Parham, Messrs., Horse Gears, 425
- - Clayton and Shuttleworth, Messrs., Engines and Thrashing Machines, 424
- - Davey, Mr. T., Turn Wrest Plough, 425
- - Davey, Paxman, and Davey, Messrs., Engine and Boiler, 424
- - Fowler, Messrs., Ploughing Engine, 424
- - Garratt and Sons, Engines and Thrashing Machines, Holmes and Reid, Messrs., Drills, 425
- - Hornsby, Messrs., 10-H.P. Portable Engine, 424
- - Howard, Messrs., Boiler, 424
- - Lewin, Mr., Engine and Thrashing Machine, 424
- - Marshall, Messrs., Portable Engines and Thrashing Machine, 423
- - Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Messrs., Ploughs, 424
- - Reading Ironworks Company, 16-Horse Condensing Engine, 423
- - Robey and Co., Messrs., Fixed Engine and Boiler, 424, 427
- - Ruston, Proctor, and Co., Messrs., Expansion Gear, and 12-Horse Double, and an 8-Horse Single Portable Engine, 423
- - Suckling, Mr., Chaff Cutter, 425
- - Tangye and Holman, Messrs., Engines and Pumps, 424
- - Tasker and Sons, Messrs., Portable Engines, 424
- - Wallis and Steevens, Messrs., 3-Horse Portable Engine, 424, 430
- - Willsher and Co., Messrs., Thrashing Machine, 425
- - Wood, Mr. W., Reaping Machine, 425
- Smoke, Prevention of, 410
- Smoke at Sea, Prevention of, 377
- "Snapper" Telegraph Sounder, 460
- Social Science Congress, 250
- - Expediency of Protection for Inventions, Mr. F. J. Bramwell, F.R.S., 433
- Stove Competition, 449
- - Action of Baryta on Oil of Cloves, Professor A. H. Church, 363
- - Action of Bromine in the Presence of Water on Bromopyrogallol and Bromopyrocatechu, Dr. J. Stenhouse, 363
- - Action of Bromine on Protocatechuic Acid, Gallic Acid and Tannin, by J. Stenhousc, F.R.S., 899
- - Action of Organic Acids and their Anhydrides on the Natural Alkaloids, Dr. Wright and G. H. Beckett, 363, 399
- - Bilirubin and its Compounds, Dr. J. L. W. Thudicum, 363
- - Colour of Cupric Chloride, Mr. W. N. Harkley, 436
- - Composition of Antonite, Professor A. H. Church, 399
- - Formulas of the Alums, Mr. S. Lupton, 436
- - General Equations of Chemical Reactions, Professor W. K. Clifford, 399
- - Groves' Method of Preparing Chlorides, C. Schorlemmer, 479
- - Methyl Hexyl Carbinol, C. Schorlcmmer, F.R.S., 363
- - Note on Aricine, Mr. D. Howard, 479
- - Note on the Boiling Point of Methyl Hexyl Carbinol, C. Schorlemmer, F.R.S., 436
- - Oxidation of the Essential Oils, Part II., Mr. C. T. Kingzett, 436
- - Precipitation of Metals by Zinc, Mr. T. L. Davies, 479
- - Propionic Coumarin and its Derivatives, W. H. Perkin, F.R.S., 399
- - Purification and Boiling Point of Methyl Hexil Carbinol, G. Neison, 436
- - Researches on the Paraffines Existing in Pennsylvanian Petroleum, T. M. Morgan, 479
- - Use of Permanganate of Potash in Volumetric Analysis, E. A. Parnell, 363
- - European Railways as they appear to an American Engineer, Mr. W. Howard White, C.E , 84
- - Method Pursued in Replacing a Stone Pier on a Pile Foundation, J. Albert Monroe, C.E., 59
- - Furnaces and their Construction and Management, Mr. Charles Fairbairn, 8
- - Mortar, Mr. Graham Smith, 34
- - Study of Engineering Science, Mr. James H. Cunningham, 362
- - Working Street Railways by Steam Power, Mr. Leonard J. Todd, 65
- - Centrifugal Pumps, Mr. E. W. Anderson, 425
- - Harbours and Breakwaters, Mr. F. Marsh, 415
- - Action of Marine Worms and the Remedies Applied in San Francisco Harbour, California, Mr. John Blackburn, C.E., 306
- - Channels for the Conveyance of Sewers, Mr. John Phillips, C.E., 465
- - Mechanical Puddling, Mr. Perry F. Nursey, 267, 279
- - Tramway Rolling Stock and Steam in Connection therewith, Mr. Charles C. Cramp, 398, 416
- - Visit to the Imperial Gasworks, Blackwall, 130
- - Lifeboats, Mr. Charles H. Beloe, M.I.C.E., 13
- - Effect of Acid on the Interior of Iron Wire, Professor Osborne Reynolds, M.A., 392
- - Use of Timber in Connection with Mechanical Work, Mr. J. G. Lynde, C.E., 35
- - Heat and Damp which accompany Cyclones, Hon. Ralph Abercrombie, F.M.S., 392
- - Report Concerning the Meeting of the Conference on Maritime Meteorology in London, August 31, 1874, President, Dr. R. J. Mann, 399
- - Table for Facilitating Determination of the Dew Point from Observations of the Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer, William Marriott, 392
- - Weather of Thirteen Springs, R. Strachan, F.M.S., 392
- Society, Newcastle Chemical, Address of President, Mr. Pattison, 388
- Society for the Promotion of Scientific Industry, 172
- - Alleged Expansion in Volume of Various Substances in Passing by Refrigeration from State of Liquid Fusion to Solidification, Mr. Robert Mallet, F.R.S., 2
- Society, The Royal Agricultural, 370
- - Abstract of Particulars of Wagon Trials, 23
- - Aveling and Porter, Messrs., Steam Plough and Travelling Van, 99, 100
- - Challis, Mr., Turnip-thinner, exhibited by Messrs. Ransome Sims, and Head, 140
- - Fowler and Co., Messrs. J., Steam Ploughing Windlass for the Roundabout System, 111, 115
- - Fowler and Co., Messrs , Sutherland Plough, 82
- - Fowler and Co., Messrs. J.,Traction Engine (8-H.P.), 74, 78
- - Garrett, Messrs., Drum Guard for Thrashing Machine, 226
- - Greig and Eyth, Messrs., Plough, 74, 82
- - Hayward Tyler and Co., Messrs., "Universal" Pump, 45, 51
- - Head, Messrs., Self-feeder for Thrashing Machine, 36
- - Hill and Massey, Messrs., 3-Horse Engine and Boiler, 83
- - Howard, Messrs., Double Gear Ploughing Windlass, 54
- - Howard, Messrs., Self-moving Anchor, 46
- - Howard, Messrs., Traction Engine with Ploughing Windlass, 50
- - Howard, Messrs., Water Tube Boiler, 74, 75
- - Prize List, 46
- - Robey and Co., Messrs., Vertical Boiler, 25
- - Ruston and Proctor, Messrs., Feeding Gear for Thrashing Machine, 45, 51
- - Show Yard, Map of, 1
- - Traction Experiments, 81
- - Conversazione at King's College, 436
- Solvency of Trades' Unions, 281
- South-Eastern Railway Company, Rolling Stock, 32, 36
- South Kensington Museum, 20, 34, 56, 87, 99, 126, 135, 155, 182, 204, 230, 254, 264, 281, 313, 332,343, 352, 383, 392, 411, 425, 460, 474
- Spontaneous Combustion, 101
- Stability of Towers and Chimneys, Mr. C. A. Evans, C.E., on, 231
- Stand Pipe, Mr. W. Bennett, 354
- Steam Cultivation, 83
- Steam Culture in Wiltshire, 129
- Steam, High Pressure, 33
- Steam, Outflow of, 415, 448, 478
- Steavenson, Mr. A. L., Ironstone Mining in Cleveland, 219
- Steel, Heaton's, 356
- Stevens Battery, The, 378
- Stevens Battery, 170, Engines, 171, 209, 232
- Stobart and Allan, Messrs., Weighing Machine, 100
- Stonebreaker and Engine Combined, Marsden's, 152
- Storey and Sons, Messrs. J., Magnetic Water Gauge, 202
- Strength of American Car Wheels, 334
- Sulzer, Brothers, Messrs., Air Pumps and Condensers, 318
- Suez Canal, The, 55
- Suez, Isthmus of, 115
- Switch Lever, Mr. Burleigh's Rotary, 6
- Switches, Improved System of Railway, 477
- Talargoch Lead Mining Company, The Old, 190
- Taps, 357
- Target, The New Wimbledon Rifle, Captain Costin, 301
- Tay Bridge, 120
- Taylor and Co., Messrs., 60-ton Crane at Glasgow Harbour, 321
- Technical Education, 393
- Telegraphs, Locomotive, 250
- Telegraphy in the States, 102
- Temperatures, Stoke Hole, 395
- Temple Bar, 272, 412, 414
- Temple Bar, Decrepitude of, 119
- Terms in Science, Lax Use of, 157
- Testing Strength of Ropes, 80
- Thorpe Collision, 383
- Thunderer, Guns of H.M S., 279
- Thwaites and Carbutt, Messrs., Twin Crank Direct-acting Engine, 50
- Timbers of Natal, 411
- Timber in Connection with Mechanical Work, Use of, 35
- Tires, Fastening, 97
- Tod and Co., Messrs., Flour Mills, Glasgow, 4
- Todd, Mr. L. J., Accumulator Boilers for Steam Tramway Purposes, 105
- Todd, Mr. L. J., Engine for Working Tramways, 70, 71
- Tommasi, Signor F., Hydo-Thermic Motor, 221
- Tool, Messrs. Donald and Atkeyís Universal Machine, 170
- Torpedo Attack on the Oberon, Stokes Bay, 133, 152, 176, 185, 232, 271
- Torpedo, The Ericsson Pneumatic, 468
- Trade out of the Country, Driving, 428
- Trade Societies and Public Opinions, 204
- Trades Unions in America, 24
- Trains, Communication in, 236
- Tramway, Mr. J. H. Lynde, 83
- Tramways, 428
- Tramways, Street, 321
- Tramways, Vienna, 142
- Transit of Venus, Determination of Longitude by Telegraph in Connection with the, 245
- Transit of Venus Expedition, 238
- Tunnel, The Channel, 137
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 245, 256, 257, 363
- Turret System in 1831, The, 315
- Uninflammable Wood for the Navy, 23
- Urquhart, Lindsay, and Co., Messrs. Hydraulic Calender, 345
- Value of Cultivated Land in France, 410
- Valve, Messrs. Bailey and Co.'s Feed, 3
- Valve, Messrs. Dennis' Stop, 3
- Valve Gear, Howe's, 99
- Valves, Pump, 52
- Valves, Safety, 413, 448, 478
- Varley, F.R.S., Mr. C. F., Shaft Couplings, 172
- Ventilation of the Metropolitan Railway, 94
- Venus, Transit of, 474
- Verey and Lange, Messrs., 20-H.P. Messenger Boiler, 267
- Vienna Exhibition, 202
- Vienna Tramways, 142
- Volcano in the South Pacific, 185
- Wages at the Iron Mills, East and West, 391
- Wales and the Adjoining Counties, 20, 42, 64, 92, 110, 126, 146, 166, 182,196, 230, 244, 262, 278, 296, 314, 332, 350, 368, 384, 404, 422, 440, 460, 484
- Wall Planing Machine, Messrs. F. Berry and Sons, 391
- Warner Process, The, 320, 323, 339, 357
- Water Supply, 338
- Water Supply, Constant and Intermittent, 297
- Water Supply of San Francisco, 320
- Watkin, R.A., Lieut. H., Chronograph, 333
- Weighing Machine, Messrs. Stobart and Allan, 100
- Werderman's Process for Resharpening Files, 339
- Westwood and Baillie, Messrs., Sheathing Ships, 390
- Wheels, Elastic Engine, 52
- Wheels, Strength of American Car, 334
- Whieldon and Cook, Messrs., Pumping Engines at Tottenham--(See Supplement, Sept. 18th)
- Whitworth Scholarships, 100
- Willcock, Mr. J., Rolling Mill Engines--(See Supplement, July 17)
- Wiltshire, Steam Culture in, 129
- Wimbledon Drainage, 264, 303
- Wire Rope Towing on Canals, 128
- Wire Rope Tug for Canal Navigation, Messrs. Greig and Eyth, Messrs. Fowler and Co., 136
- Woodall, Mr. S , Foot Bridge, New-street Station, Birmingham, 321, 322
- Woolwich Arsenal, 35-Ton Hammer, 152, 158, Coal Furnace, 156, 158
- Wrenches and Spanners, Mr. W. A. Comber, 170
- Yorkshire Agricultural Society's Show at Sheffield, 113
- Yorkshire College of Science, 309
See Also
Sources of Information