The Engineer 1875 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1875 Jul-Dec: Index
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- Agricultural Engineers' Association, 351
- Air Gas Machines, 320
- Alaska Silver Mine, 264
- Allan, Mr., Floating Cabin, 180, 188
- Allen's Elastic Wheels, 111
- Alley, Mr., Boiler, 282
- American Iron Trade, 323
- American Minerals and British Ironmasters, 13
- American Railways, 66
- Anchor, Messrs. Barford and Perkins' Self-Moving, Savage's Patent. 93
- Ancient Engineering, its Methods and Appliances, 333, 460
- Andrews, F.R.S., Matter in the Liquid and Gaseous States, 94
- Antipodes, Unionism at the, 30
- Aquarium and Winter Garden at Westminster, Designed by Mr. Bedborough, 231, 234, 238, 245, 250, 258 265 272
- Ashby, Jeffery, and Luke, Messrs., Haymaker, 180
- Associated Marine Engineers, 5
- Association, Agricultural Engineers', 351
- Association, The British Iron Trade, 429, 447
- - Opening Meeting, 271
- - Simple and Compound High Pressure Condensing Engines, Mr. Robert Thomson, 351
- - Dinner at the Great Northern Railway Station Hotel, 391
- - Art of Coining, Mr. Joseph Newton, A.I.C.E., 118
- - History and Modern Modes of Manufacturing Watches and Clocks, Sir John Bennett, 406
- - Deputation to the Home Secretary for Inquiry into Boiler Explosions, 5
- - Report of Mr. L. E. Fletcher, 27
- - Stone Breaking Machinery, Mr. Arthur Jacob, C.E., 280
- Astor Library, New York, 47
- Atchison Bridge, Kansas, U.S., Messrs. Coolidge and Hemberle, 58, 59, 74, 80, 100, 101
- Axle Bearings, A Study on, 380, 398
- Axle Breakages in Germany, 8
- Axles, Belgian, 168
- Axles, Testing Railway Steel, 29
- Bagshaw and Son, Messrs., Compound Beam Mill Engine, 316, 319
- Bailey, Mr. W. H., Bursting of Water Supply Pipes in Winter, 48
- Ball Cocks, Messrs. Bullen and Aske's High Pressure. 246
- Balloon Univers, 471
- Baltimore Waterworks, 406
- Bankers' Strong Room, Messrs. Hobbs, Hart, and Co., 198
- Banks-women, Business Aspect of the Employment of, 46
- Barford and Perkins, Messrs., Self-Moving Anchor, Savage's Patent, 93
- Barrans and Co., Messrs., 1.5 cwt. Single Standard Steam Hammer, 128
- Bastie Process of Glass Treating, 90, 182
- Batho, Mr. W. F.. and Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co., Compound Mill Engine for Howrah, 132, 135
- Belgian College for South Yorkshire, 30
- Belgian Iron in England, 30, 116, 262
- Belgian Iron Question Again, 116
- Belgian Iron Trade, 354, 391
- Belgian Tires in England, 422
- Bellegarde, Application of Water Power at, 73
- Bell-Signalling Apparatus, Messrs. Siemens Brothers' Magneto-Electric, 441
- Bermejo, The, 285
- Berthon's Collapsible Boats, 427
- Bessemer Steel in Sweden, 53
- Birkbeck Literary and Scientific Institution, 217
- Birmingham Products, Good Taste in, 288
- Blake, Mr. J.. Vertical Boiler, 465
- Blasting in Coal Mines, 267
- Boadicia, The, 200 ; Launch, 285
- Board of Trade Surveyorships, 427
- Boats, Submarine, 157
- Boiler, Mr. J. Blakeís Vertical, 465
- Boiler Engineering, Amateur, 64,134
- Boiler Engineering, American, 254, 285
- Boiler Explosion, Heathtown, 67
- Boiler Explosion, The Marcasite, 23
- Boiler Explosions and Coroners' Juries, 394
Boiler Explosions, Delayed Ebullition as a cause of, 377, 398
- Boiler Explosions, Steam, 5, 183
- Boiler Feed Pipes, 27
- Boiler fitted to the Red Rose, R.Y.S., Howard's Safety, Barrow Shipbuilding Company, 25, 32
- Boiler, The Howard, 463, 466
- Boiler Pipes, Bursting of Kitchen, 77
- Boilers, American, 320, 397, 408, 453
- Boilers, Corrosion of, 450
- Boilers, Corrosion of Marine, 357, 377
- Boilers, Naval, 63
- Boilers, Priming of Steam, 279, 285, 397
- Boilers, Rag, 288
- Boilers, Water Tube, 302
- Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co., Messrs., 323
- Bolt Forging Machinery, 42
- Bourne, C.E., Mr. J., Recollections of Improvements which have been made in the Steam Engine during the last Half Century, 306, 350, 422, 440, 462
- Bourseul, M., Causes of Destruction to Wooden Posts, 130
- Brainerd Bridge, Mississippi, Destruction of, 118
- Brake Blocks, Retarding Trains without the Application of, 61
- Brakes Continuous, 1, 320
- Bremner's Steam Steering Screw, 298, 309
- Bridge over the Danube Railway, 6, 8, 10
- Bridge over the Severn on the Severn and Wye Railway, Mr. G. W. Keeling, C.E., and Mr. G. Wells Owen, C.E., 115, 152
- Bridge at West Auckland, Old Railway, 214
- Bright Tin iu America, Manufacture of, 178
- Brindley Memorial, The, 183
- British Association at Belfast, 303
- - Address of Professor Balfour Stewart, M.A., LL.D. F. R.S., to the Mathematical and Physical Section 266
- - Address of Mr. Froude, Section G., 158
- - Address of Sir John Hawkshaw, 141, 146
- - Chrome Steel, Gen. H. B. Carrington, U.S. Army M.A., LL.D., andc., 178
- - Description of the Works at the Avonmouth Dock James Brunlees, C.E., F.G.S., 302
- - Machine for Obtaining Motive Power from Wav Motion, B. Tower, 256
- - Methods for Giving Distinctive Characters to Light houses, Sir W. Thomson and Mr. J. Hopkinson 177
- - Optical Properties of a Titano-Silicic Glass, Professor Stokes and J. Hopkinson, 252
- - Report of the Council, 141
- - Report on Trades Unions, 182
- - Severn Tunnel. Mr. C. Richardson, Section G., 216
- - Steering, Joseph Woolley. LL.D., Section G., 324
- - Steering of Ships, Dr. Woolley, 177
- - Steering of Screw Steamers, Professor Osborne Reynolds. 177
- - Tidal Scour in Rivers, Mr. C. Richardson, 205
- - Trials of Screw Steamers, Mr. W. Denny, Section G., 178
- - Vertical Motion of Vessels, Mr. Thorneycroft, 177
- British North American Boundary Commission, 349
- Bronze Field Pieces, The Return to, 235
- Bruiser, Trials with H.M.S., 73
- Brunlees, McKerrow, and Bell, Messrs., Proposed Alteration of London Bridge, 424
- Brussels International Exhibition, 291
- Bulkhead Doors, Coxhead's Hydraulic, 181
- Bulkheads. Water Tight, 251, 284
- Bullen and Aske, Messrs., High Pressure Ball Cocks, 246
- Burgoine, Messrs. C. and A., Royal Barge. 316
- Burrell and Valpy, Messrs., Safety Wheel Tire, 465
- Cabin, Allan's Floating, 180, 188
- Cabins. Floating, 200
- Cable Testing, Chain, 116
- Cannel Coal at Ax well Colliery, 285
- Carillon Machine, Shorediteh Parish Church, Messrs. Gillett and Bland, 113, 114
- Carillons, 181
- Castalia, The, 341
- Castleford and Whitwood Main Drainage Competition, 175
- Causes of Destruction to Wooden Posts, M. Boursenl on, 130
- Channel Tunnel, 5
- Chapelhall Ironworks and the Ferrie Furnace, 77
- Chimneys, Dwelling House, 220
- China, Navvies for, 270
- Chinese Armour-clad Vessel, Mr. J. Rennie, Architect, and Mr. J. M. Allan, Engineer, 318
- Christmas Diaries, 457
- Circular War Vessels, Cyclads, 459
- Closed Hearth System, M. Lurmann, 290
- Coal, More, 204
- Coal, Spontaneous Combustion of, 136
- Coal, Steam, 252
- Collieries, Draining, 204
- Colliers and Ironworkers, An Order of Merit for, 375
- Colliery Enginemen, The Wages of, 46
- Collision, The Kildwick, 186
- Collisions at Sea, 29
- Colls, Mr. F. W., Mercurial Safety Valve, 128
- Compass, Mr. Casella's New, 408
- Competition, American, 204
- Competition, French, 98
- Continuous Brakes, 1, 320
- Cooke and Sons, Messrs., New Electro-magnetic Clock at the London Post Office, 49
- Co-operation, 213
- Copyright of Designs, 66
- Corrosion of Iron in Railway Bridges, Mr. W. Kent, 118
- Corrosion of Metals, 200
- Corrosion in Steam Pumps, 220
- Cotswold Hills, 342
- Coxhead's Hydraulic Bulkhead Doors, 181
- Crichton and Craig, Messrs., Audible Signals for Railways, 76
- Crocodile, The, 328
- Crose, C.E., Mr. J R., Memoir of the Construction of a Masonry Dam, American Society of Civil Engineers, 170, 217, 245
- Crossley, Mr. W., Hot Blast Stove, Askam Ironworks, 422, 425
- Croydon Town Sewage, 14
- Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering, 365, 457
- Crystal Palace, Technical Education, 112
- Cudworth, Mr., Express Locomotive, South-Eastern Railway, 441, 448
- Cullen's Stone Gear, Newry Foundry Company, 58, 90, 147
- Cumbrae Lighthouse Removal, 362
- Danube, Railway Bridge over the, 6, 8, 10
- Darlington, Exhibition of Locomotives at, 227, 243
- Darlington Railway Jubilee, 212, 228, 232
- Dartmoor Field Artillery Experiments, 102, 116, 125, 152, 167, 168, 187
- Davey, Mr., Hydraulic Pumping Engine, Messrs. Hathorne, Davis, Campbell, and Davey, 214, 215
- Deakin, Parker, and Co., Messrs., Compound Engine for the Manchester Corporation, 304
- Deep Shafts and Mines, 386
- Deutschland, The, 61
- Development and Improvement of the Tees, 243
- Diagrams, Disc, 181
- Dick and Stevenson, Messrs., Apparatus for Working Steep Gradients by Locomotives, 246
- Dickinson, Mr., wheel Moulding Machine, 77
- Distilling Apparatus, Mr. Kirkaldy, 282
- Diving Apparatus, 147
- Dixon, Mr. A., Radial Arm Test or Gauge Cock, 371
- Dossor, Nelson and Weddall, Messrs., Lubricators, 421
- Drainage, Proposed United System of, 307
- Dredgers for St. Petersburg, 328
- Drills, Radial, 303
- Eames Petroleum Furnace, The, 230
- Earl Derby on Machines, 288
- Earle's Shipbuilding Co., 457
- Ebullition, Delayed, 453
- Education, Technical, 79, 213
- Elce and Co., Messrs. J., Self-acting Planing Machine, 465
- Elementary Lectures for Working Men at the Townhall, Shoreditch, 362
- Engine, Messrs. J. Bagshaw and Son's Compound Beam Mill, 316, 319
- Engine, Mr. Davey's Hydraulic Pumping, Messrs. Hathorn, Davis, Campbell, and Davey, 214, 215
- Engine Economy, Marine, 320
- Engine Economy, Steam, 303, 354, 408, 427
- Engine for Egypt, 40-H.P. Horizontal, Reading Ironworks, 285, 286
- Engine for Howrah, Mr. W. F. Batho and Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co.'s Compound Mill, 132, 135
- Engine for the Manchester Corporation, Messrs. Deakin, Parker, and Co.'s Compound, 304
- Engine Performance, Steam, 236, 254, 408
- Engine with Surface Condenser, Messrs. J. and H. Gwynne's 30-H.P. Marine, 148, 152
- Engine Tenters, Colliery, 358, 377
- Engine, Willan's Three-Cylinder, 230
- Engineering in the Argentine Republic, 389
- Engineering at the Crystal Palace, 457
- Engineering Improvements on the Tees, 168
- Engineering: its Methods and Appliances, Ancient, 333, 460
- Engineers and Metallurgists, 394
- Engineers, Naval. 288, 303, 307
- Engineers in the Prussian Navy,'285
- Engines, Great Northern, 274
- Engines, Long Stroke, 269
- Engines, Marine, 320
- Engines, Old, 254
- Engines, Quadruple, 274
- Engines, Quadruple Cylinder, 203, 213
- Engines, Rotary, 118
- Engines, Three-Cylinder, 353, 376
- Engines, Traction, 115
- English Coal in Belgium, 366
- English and Continental Field Guns, 459
- English Steel and the American Centennial, 306
- Erichsen and Maardt, Messrs.. Furnaces, 352
- Exhibition of Locomotives at Darlington, 227, 243
- Exhibition, The Manchester, 24, 60, 61
- Exhibition, The Philadelphia, 46, 427, 450
- Experimental Steam Boiler Explosions, 205
- Experiments with Patent Fuel at Round Oak Works, 388
- Explosion on the Brigadier, 351
- Explosions, The Late Colliery, 429
- Extinction of Ships on Fire, 183
- Factory Acts in Scotland, 183
- Fawcett and Firth, Messrs., Double, Single, and Self- Acting Steam Hammers, 145
- Feed Heating and Condensing Apparatus, Messrs. Johnson and Allan, 282
- Feed Water, 61
- Field Artillery Experiments, Dartmoor/102, 116, 125, 152, 167, 168, 187
- Fire Boxes, Steel, 470
- Fish Joints, 453
- Flanging Machine, Piedboeuf's Hydraulic, 351, 353
- Floating Battery for 36in. Mortar, Mr. R. Mallet, C.E,, F.R.S., 464
- Floods and Decreased River Discharge, 37, 82
- Fog Homs, Automatic, 65
- Foreign Boiler Legislation--Germany and Prussia, 60
- Foundations in India, 267
- Fox, Walker, and Co., Messrs., Locomotive for Steep Gradients, Handyside's Patent, 163, 164
- Fraserburgh Harbour, Extension of, 298
- French Canals, 106
- French Railway Reform, 401
- French Street Tramways, 451
- Frith's Coal Cutter, 316
- Fuel, Aitchison's Peat Smelting, 303
- Fuel, Gas as a, 252
- Fuel, Patent, 254
- Fuel, Peat, 354, 377
- Fuel, Smokeless, 200
- Fulton Ferry, New York, 322
- Furnace, Mr. J. Ireland's Continuous Peat Gas and Charcoal, 468, 472
- Furnaces, The Crampton, 82
- Furnaces, Messrs. Erichsen and Maardt, 352
- Furnaces, Supplying Air to Boiler, 98
- Gas Companies, Chartered and Imperial, 287
- Gas Machine, The Auto-Pneumatic, 353
- Gas Machine, M'Avoy's Auto-Pneumatic, 283
- Gas, Natural, 412
- Gas, Peat, 453
- Gas Shadow, A, 465
- Gases, Mechanical Properties of, 21, 55
- Ganges Railway Bridge, 119
- German Field Railway Department, 58
- Gillett and Bland, Messrs., Carillon Machine, Shoreditch Parish Church, 113, 114
- Girder Testing, 283
- Glass, Toughened, 149, 316
- Governor, Mr. Mein, 246
- Greenock Harbour, 285
- Gumpel Rudder, The, 326, 353
- Gun, The 81-Ton. 186, 211, 367, 420
- Gun Carriages, The Moncrieff, 385, 392, 408
- Gun Gear, H.M.8. Thunderer's Turret, 439
- Gun Plough, A, 326
- Guns, Breech-Loading, 64
- Guns, English and Continental Field, 459
- Guns, Naval, 11
- Gwynne, Messrs. J. and H., 30-H.P. Marine Engine with Surface Condenser, 148, 152
- Gwynne, Messrs. J. and H., Pumping Machinery, Holland Drainage Works, 388, 395, 396
- Gwynne and Co., Messrs., Pumping Machinery at the New Graving Dock, Dundee, 337, 340
- Haag's System of Warming Railway Carriages by Steam, 370, 377
- Hamburgh Observatory, 74
- Hamilton, C E , Mr. Schuyler, On the Fabrication of Beton Blocks by Manual Labour, American Society of Civil Engineers, 112
- Hammer, Messrs. Barrans and Co.'s 1.5 cwt. Single Standard Steam, 128
- Hammers, Messrs. Fawcett and Firth's Double, Single, and Self-acting Steam, 445
- Haseley Waterworks, 7
- Haswell. Mr. J., Narrow Gauge Locomotive, 412--(See also Working Drawing, Dec. 10th, 1875.)
- Hawkshaw, Sir John, Address to the British Association, 141, 146
- Haymaker, Messrs. Ashby, Jeffery, and Luke's, 180
- Hayward Tyler and Co.'s, Messrs., Universal Pump, 220
- Hearths, Blast Furnace, 254
- Heathtown Boiler Explosion, 67
- Hedge's Boiler at Taunton, 61
- Hedley, Mr. R., Raising and Lowering Launches, 371
- Hercules Screw Propeller, The, 326
- Herzog, M., on Railways, 307
- Hobbs, Hart, and Co., Messrs., Bankers' Strong Room, 19S
- Hobson, Mr. A. H. G., Lock Nut, 441
- Holstein Maritime Canal, 427
- Hose Rivet, New Kind of, 285
- Hot Blast Pig for Refined Iron, 441
- Howard Boiler, The, 463, 466
- Howard's 8-H.P. "Farmer's" Engine, Taunton Show, 28, 32
- Howard's Safety Boiler Fitted to the Red Rose, R. Y.S., Barrow Shipbuilding Company, 25, 32
- How the Gulf Cyclones Travel. 433
- Hydraulic and Chain Loading Gear for Heavy Ordnance, 297
- Hydraulic Machinery, 147
- Imperfect Eyesight in Engine Drivers, 427
- Indian Engineering College, 53, 74, 81
- Indian Railways. Comparative Statement of Fuel, andc., for the Half-year ending 31st Dec., 1874, 117
- Indicator, Speed, 453
- Industrial Changes and Chances, 89
- Industrial Enterprise in Roumania, 465
- Industrial Progress in Ireland, Mr. J. F. Hodges' Address to the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, 405
- INSTITUTE, THE IRON AND STEEL, 126, 164, 195, 351
- - Designing of Ingot Moulds for Steel Rail Ingots, Mr. W. Hackney, A.I.C.E., 222
- - Fire Clay and other Refractory Materials, Mr. Geo. F. Snelus, F.C.S., 270
- - Further Improvements in Blast Furnace Hearths, Mr. Charles Wood, 232
- - High-pressure Steam and its Application to Quadruple Engines, Mr. Daniel Adamson, F.G.S., 189
- - Howard Boiler, Mr. D. Joy, 196
- - Price's Retort Furnace, Mr. I. Lowthian Bell, M.P., F.R.S., 189
- - Rail Joints, Mr. Sandberg, 390, 397
- - Use of Caustic Lime in the Blast Furnace, Mr. I. Lowthian Bell, M.P., F.R.S., 247
- - Visit to Manchester, 188, 195
- INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, 8, 27, 316, 320, 401
- - Brighton Intercepting and Outfall Sewers, Mr. J. G. Gamble, B.A., A.I.U.E., 442
- - Experiments on the Movement of Air in Pneumatic Tubes, Mr. Charles Bon temps, 373
- - Manora Breakwater, Kurrachee, Mr. W. H. Price, M.I.C.E., 343
- - Pneumatic Transmission of Telegrams, Mr. R. S. Culley, M.l.C.E.,and Mr. R. Sabine, M.I.C.E., 354
- - Annual Dinner. The, 436
- - Relations existing between Shipbuilders, Shipowners, and Ship Insurers, Mr. W. M. Penning, 78
- Ireland, Mineral Resources of, 411
- Ireland, Mr. J., Continuous Peat Gas and Charcoal Furnace, 468, 472
- Ironclads, Circular, 168, 305, 323
- Iron Coal, andc , Trades of Birmingham, andc., 19, 35, 53, 71, 87, 105, 123, 139.155. 175, 193, 209, 225, 241, 259, 277, 295, 313, 331, 347. 365, 383, 401, 417, 437, 457, 477
- Iron and Coal Trade with China, 351
- Iron, Corrugating, Mr. Johnson, 327
- Iron Duke, The, 375
- Iron, Machine-made Finished, 134
- Iron Making in the Central Presidency, 116
- Iron Making Experiments in India, 430
- Ironmasters' Difficulties, 46
- Ironmasters and their Men, 394
- Iron Mines, The Montreal, West Cumberland, 255
- Iron, Russian, 83
- Iron and Steel Centres, Improvements in, 306
- Iron, Swedish, 168, 200
- Iron Trade, The, 61, 82, 133, 150
- Iron Trade and the Floods. The, 412
- Iron Trade of Germany, 441
- Iron versus Steel, 47
- Ironworkers. Payment of, 204
- Ironworks, Day to Day Hiring, 323
- Ironworks, St. Pancras, 181
- Irrigation, Practical, 45
- Jamin Magnet, The, 119
- Japan, Blast Furnaces for, 13
- Japan, Trade with, 236
- Japanese Railways, 214
- Johnson and Allan, Messrs., Feed-heating and Condensing Apparatus, 282
- Johnson, Mr., Corrugating Iron, 327
- Keeling, C.E., Mr. G. W., and Mr. G. Wells Owen, C.E., Bridge over the Severn on the Severn and Wye Railway, 145, 152
- Kent, Mr. W., on Corrosion of Iron in Railway Bridges, 118
- Keokuk and Kansas City Railway, 307
- Kirkaldy, Mr., Distilling Apparatus, 282
- Kettle, Successor to Mr. Rupert, 13
- Kind-Chaudron System, The, 471
- King's College Scholarship, 285
- Kirtley, Mr. W., Tank Locomotives, London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, Messrs. Neilson, Engineers, 410, 413, 426
- Krupp Gun, The, 307
- Labour Bills, The, 11
- Labour and Coal, 380
- Labour-saving Machine, 252
- Lagging of Steam Pipes, 398
- Lamp, Mr. T. Silver. 144
- Lancashire Coal Field, Requirements of, 470
- Landing Stage, The Liverpool, 101
- - Air Pumps, 185
- - Amateur Boiler Engineering, 64, 134
- - American Competition, 204
- - Belgian Axles, 168
- - Belgian College for South Yorkshire, 30
- LEADING ARTICLES (continued)
- - Belgian Iron Question again, 116
- - Belgian Pit Sinking, 358
- - Blast Furnaces Tuyeres, 252
- - Blast Furnaces for Japan, 13
- - Blast in Puddling, 93, 186
- - Boilers of the Serapis, 269
- - Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co., Messrs., 324
- - Breech-loading Guns, 64
- - British Ironmasters and American Minerals, 13
- - British, Proposed Iron Trade Association, 429
- - Business Aspect of the Employment of Bankswomen. 46
- - Captain Webb's Achievement, 220
- - Castalia, The, 341
- - Centennial Exhibition, 450
- - Chain Cable Testing, 116
- - Chartered and Imperial Gas Companies, 287
- - Circular Ironclads, 168, 305, 323
- - Coal Pit Explosion in North Wales, 412
- - Colliery Engine tenters, 358. 377
- - Colliery Explosions, The Late, 429
- - Collisions at Sea. 29
- - Collision in the Solent. 149
- - Coroners' Juries' and Boiler Explosions, 394
- - Corrosion of Marine Boilers, 357
- - Cotswold Hills, 342
- - Coupled Locomotives, 133
- - Crampton Furnaces, 82
- - Crewe Locomotive Works, 116
- - Day-to-day Hiring at Ironworks, 324
- - Diversion of Sewage from the Thames, 167
- - Draining Collieries, 204
- - Drainage works in Staffordshire, 64
- - Earl Derby on Machinery, 288
- - Early Locomotives, 219
- - Eighty-one Ton Gun, The, 186
- - Elimination of Sulphur from Iron, 430
- - Engineers in the Navy, 287
- - English Experience of Belgian Iron, 30
- - English Steel and the American Centennial, 306
- - Flood Warnings, 82
- - Floods and the Iron Trade, 412
- - Fog Signals, 45
- - French Competition, 98
- - Gas as a Fuel, 252
- - Good Taste in Birmingham Products, 288
- - Goods Wagons, 470
- - Government and the Merchant Shipping Bills, 81
- - Improvements in Iron and Steel Centres, 306
- - Indian Engineering College, 81
- - Iron Duke, The, 376
- - Iron-making in the Central Presidency, 116
- - Iron-making Experiments in India, 430
- - Iron-making Machinery, 150
- - Ironmasters' Difficulties, 46
- - Ironmasters' Profit, 13
- - Ironmasters and their Men, 394
- - Iron Pyrites, 220
- - Iron Trade, The, 133
- - Iron Trade Prospects, 82
- - Iron Trade of the United States, 323
- - Kettle's Successor, Mr., 13
- - Kildwick Collision, 186
- - Labour Bills, The, 11
- - Labour Saving Machine, 252
- - Life Rafts, 469
- - Locomotives, Early, 219
- - Locomotives, Old and New, 376
- - Locomotives of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, 1825 and 1875, 218
- - London Bridge, 469
- - London Street Macadamising, 375, 450
- - London Water Companies, 167
- - Long Stroke Engines, 269
- - Loose Screw Propellers, 430
- - Machine Made Finished Iron, 134
- - Makaroff's Mats, 288
- - Manchester Sewage, 342
- - Marine Engines for Ships of War, 357, 375
- - Mechanical Aids to Puddling, 116
- - Merchant Shipping Legislation, 358
- - Metallurgists and Engineers, 394
- - Mineral Resources of Ireland, 411
- - Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom, 430, 449
- - More Coal, 204
- - Natural Gas, 412
- - Naval Boilers, 63
- - Naval Guns, 11
- - Navvies for China, 270
- - Oil versus Gas, 450
- - Old and New Locomotives, 376
- - Order of Merit for Colliers and Ironworkers, 376
- - Our Navy, 203
- - Our Railways, 305
- - Paper War Ships, 219
- - Parliament and the London Gas Companies, 12
- - Payment of Ironworkers, 204
- - Philadelphia Exhibition, 46
- - Plimsoll, Mr., and the House of Commons, 82
- - Practical Irrigation, 45
- - Prices, 64
- - Promotion of Business by Trades Unions, 430
- - Quadruple Cylinder Engines, 203
- - Rag Boilers, 288
- - Railway Companies as Manufacturers, 449
- - Rail Slabs for Russia, 306
- - Railway Wagon Companies, 150
- - Ramming in Naval Warfare, 185
- - Registration of Trade Marks, 393
- - Requirements of the Lancashire Coal Field, 470
- - Return to Bronze Field Pieces, 235
- - Royal Agricultural Society, 97
- - Russian Steel Rails, 341
- - Sanitary Condition of the Seine, 251
- - Scarcity, 236
- - Science at Oxford, 30
- - Singular Announcement, Messrs. Firth and North, and Letters Patent, 394
- - Steam Coal, 252
- - Steam Engine Performance, 236
- - Steel Fire Boxes, 470
- - Strange Appeal, A, 270
- - Sub-Wealden Exploration, 30
- - Supplying Air to Boiler Furnaces, 98
- - Swedish Iron, 168
- - Taste, 236
- - Technical Education in Russia, 115
- - Testing Railway Steel Axles, 29
- - Thames Valley Drainage, 411
- - Toughened Glass, 149
- - Traction Engines, 115
- - Trade Marks, 450
- - Trade with Japan, 236
- - Unarmoured Ships, 63
- - Unionism at the Antipodes, 30
- - Unseaworthy Ships, 89, 97
- - Vanguard, Loss of H.M.S., 168, 236, 324
- - Wages of Colliery Enginemen, 46
- - Wages and Unionism, 450
- - Watertight Bulkheads, 251
- - What Next and Next, 470
- Leeds, Proposed New Bridge in, 267
- - Perkins v. The Yorkshire Engine Company, 135
- - Potter v. Berry, 118
- Legislation, Merchant Shipping, 358
- Lehigh Valley Railway, Passenger Locomotive, 24
- Lespinasse Puddling Furnace, 398
- - Air Gas Engines, Charles W. Hastings, 320
- - Aitchison's Peat Smelting Fuel, Robert Ker Aitchison, 302
- - American Boiler Engineering, W. G., 254
- - American Boilers, K. W. Hedges, 408, 453
- - American Boilers, A. Marshall and Co., 285
- - American Boilers, W. G., 320, 397
- - Auto-Pneumatic Gas Machine, J. F. G. Kromschroder, 353
- - Axle Bearings, Phosphor Bronze Company, 398
- - Bastie, M. De la, Process of Treating Glass, David Kirdaldy, 182
- - Belgian Tires, H. Seeger, 147
- - Blast Furnace Hearths, C. Holste, 254
- - Blast Furnace Tuyeres, James Brownlee, 303
- - Blast Furnace Tuyeres, W. H. Heeley, 320
- - Blast Furnace Tuyeres, Edward Jones, 320
- - Blast Furnace Tuyeres, Nimrod, 303
- - Blast Furnace Tuyeres, R. H., 320
- - Blast Furnace Tuyeres, R. S., 303
- - Boiler Coatings, W. H. H. Villiers Sankey, 285
- - Bolt Forging Machinery. Charles Fairbairn, 42
- - British Association at Belfast, W. A. Traill, M.A.I., 303
- - Bursting of Kitchen Boiler Pipes, Win. Scarratt, 77
- - Carillons, P. W. d'A., 181
- - Circulating Tubes, William Pidgeon, 353
- - Continuous Brakes, T. Maude, 320
- - Copper Hose Rivets, Merryweather and Sons, 303
- - Copper Hose Rivets, J. Stone and Co., 320
- - Corrosion of Marine Boilers, 377
- - Cullen's Mill Gear, Whitmore and Binyon, 90
- - Cullen's Stone Gear, William Rennie, jun., 147
- - Delayed Ebullition, R. E. D., 453
- - Delayed Ebullition as a Cause of Boiler Explosions, F. Y.. 377
- - Delayed Ebullition as a Cause of Boiler Explosions, H. A. C. Mackenzie, 398
- - Disc Diagrams. H. Harrison, 181
- - Diving Apparatus, Siebe and Gorman, 147
- - Engine Performance, Robert Armstrong, 254
- - Engine Performance, Mylor Bridge, R.N., 408
- - Feed-water, John Watt, 61
- - Fireless Locomotives, T. C J., 397
- - Fish joints, W. Thomson, 453
- - Floating Cabins, P. France, 200
- - Fog Signals, H. Temple Humphreys, M.I.C.E., 61
- - Great Northern Engines, Thomas Maude, 273
- - Gumpel's Rudder, Joseph Bernays, 353
- - Hedge's Boiler at Taunton, K. W. Hedges, 61
- - Horse Rakes, Haughton and Thompson, 303
- - Hydraulic Rams, Aries Minor, 427
- - Hydraulic Rams, Alfred Atkinson, 303, 354
- - Hydraulic Rams, Charles Louis Hett, 408
- - Hydraulic Rams, B Massey, 427
- - Hydraulic Rams, A Mathematical Vicar, 427
- - Hydraulic Rams, R. E. D., 377, 427
- - Hydraulic Rams, W. F. Roe, 320, 453
- - Irish Rainfall, Coorse Weather, 427
- - Iron Trade Prospects, Nimrod, 61
- - Jarrah Timber, William Eldridge, 118
- - Liquid Shells, C. A. M., 200, 253
- - Liquid Shells, John Mackintosh, 213, 253, 302
- - Locomotives, Fireless, 397
- - London Bridge, J. F. Boetius, 354
- - London Street Macadamising, H. C. Coulthard, 427
- - Manchester Exhibition, Beesley and Sons, 61
- - Marine Engine Economy, H. O., 320
- - Marine Engines, M. E., 320
- - Material for Construction of Piers, andc., George Simpson, 273
- - Middlesbrough Iron Trade, John Jones, 118
- - Moncrieff Guns, A. Moncrieff, 408
- - Narrow Gauge Railways, W. Lauford, M.I.C.E., 398
- - Naval Engineers, Engineer, R.N., 303
- - New Kind of Hose Rivet, J. Stone and Co., 285
- - Old Engines, B. D. K., 254
- - Peat Fuel, Anti-Phosphorus, 377
- - Peat Fuel, Peat, 354
- - Peat Gas, J. Ireland, 453
- - Priming of Steam Boilers, E. A. Bourry, 397
- - Puddling at Woolwich, Vulcan, 213
- - Quadruple Cylinder Engines, Nevern, 213
- - Quadruple Engines, William Inglis, 273
- - Radial Drills, D. Lavater, 303
- - Railway Rolling Stock, R. Price Williams, 253
- - Retarding Trains without the Application of Brake Blocks. J. M., 61
- - Root Boilers at Sea, Brevity, 90
- - Root Boilers at Sea, Facts and Figures, 42
- - Rotary Engines, Charles E. Moss, 118
- - St. Pancras Ironworks, Pye, Smith, White, and Elliot, A. S. Cameron, 181
- - Screw Propellers N. D. Spartali, 273
- - Screw Propellers, Henrietta Vansittart, 285, 408
- - Setting out Valve Gear, Robert Duncan. 42
- - Smokeless Fuel, Hardy Wells, C.E., 200
- - Speed Indicator, Charles E. Moss, 453
- - Steam Engine Economy, B. Donkin, 408
- - Steam Engine Economy, A Mechanical Engineer, 354
- - Steam Engine Economy, Sea-going Engineer, 408
- - Steam Engine Economy, T. Simpson, 303, 427
- - Steam Pumps in the American Navy, A. S. Cameron, 147
- - Steam Reversing Gear, Henry P. Holt, 285
- - Stokers in the Navy, Half Pay, 427
- - Stone Breakers, H. R, Marsden, 320
- - Sun Power, N. F. Gerard, 377
- - Swedish Iron, Lander and Larsson, 200
- - Technical Education, J. P. W., 213
- - Syphons, A. R. S., 453
- - Testing Steam Pumps, Joseph W. Banks, 200
- - Testing Steam Pumps, Theron Skeel, 90
- - Three-cylinder Engines, M. Arie, 353
- - Three-cylinder Engines, John Penn and Sons, 377
- - Water in Aid of Steam, J. C. Bloomfield, 303
- - Water in Aid of Steam, John Kennedy, 303
- - Water Shells, F. A. Abel, 213
- - Watertight Bulkheads, James N. Dunstan, 284
- - Water Tube Boilers, John Watt, 302
- - Water Waste Preventer, Wallace and Connell, 182
- Lewin, Mr. S., Narrow Gauge Tank Locomotive, 327
- Liability of Marine Engineers, 118
- Light Rafts, 469
- Lightcliffe Church, Clock and Chimes at, 245
- Lightning Conductors, 427
- - Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., 367, 431
- - Brinkley's Astronomy, J. W. Stubbs, D.D., and Francis Brunow, Ph.D., 1
- - Bristol and its Environs, Published under the Sanction of the Local Executive Committee of the British Association, 270
- - Elemente der Petrographie, Dr. A. Von Lasaulx, A.D., 99
- - Elements of Practical Construction, S. Downing, LL.D., 83
- - Engineering Papers, C. Graham Smith, 195
- - Examples in Heat, R. E. Day, M.A., 270
- - Jubilee Memorial of the Railway System, J. S. Jeans, 343
- - Mechanic's Friend, W. T. Axon, M.R.S.L., F.S.S., 195
- - Military Travelling Carriages, Lieut. Col. F. Close, 83
- - Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, with other Papers, James Forrest, Assoc. Inst. C.E., 471
- - Plattner's Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis with the Blow Pipe, Professor Richter, Translated by H. B. Cornwall, A.M., and J. H. Caswell, 65
- - Plattner's Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis with Blow Pipe, Professor Richter, Edited by T. Hugo Cookesley, 65
- - Present Practice of Sinking and Boring Wells, with Geological Considerations and Examples of Wells Executed, Ernest Spon, 324
- - Principles of Mechanics, T. M. Goodeve, M.A., 195
- - Relative Merits of Simple and Compound Engines as applied to Ships of War, Prize Essay, Niel McDougall, A.I.C.E., 342
- - Report of the Deputy-Master of the Mint, 1874, The Fifth, 31
- - Six Lectures on Light, John Tyndall, D.C.L., LL D., F.R.S., 270
- - Sound, John Tyndall, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., 270
- - Transactions, of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, 83
- - Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, R. Hunt, F.R.S., and F. W. Rudler, F.G.S., 47
- Liverpool Landing Stage, 101
- Liverpool Water Supply, 472
- Lloyd, W., Tuyere, 334
- Loan Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 1870, 362
- Lock Nut, Mr, A. H. G. Hobson's, 441
- Locomotive, Express, South-Eastern Railway, Mr. Cudworth, 441, 448
- Locomotive, The Hydraulic, 472
- Locomotive, Mr. S. Lewin's Narrow Gauge Tank, 327
- Locomotive, Passenger, Lehigh Valley Railway, 24
- Locomotive, London and Brighton Railway, Mr. W, Stroudley's Express Passenger, 190, 202, 205
- Locomotive for Steep Gradients, Handyside's Patent, Messrs. Fox, Walker, and Co., 163, 161
- Locomotive, Tank, London, Chatham and Dover Railway, Mr. W. Kirtley, Messrs. Neilson, Engineers, 410, 413, 426
- Locomotive Works, The Crewe, 116
- Locomotives, American Light, Messrs. Porter, Bell, and Co., 351, 356, 379
- Locomotives, Coupled, 133
- London Bridge, 315, 354, 424, 432
- Lurmann, M., Closed-hearth System, 290
- Macadamising London Streets, 375, 427, 450
- M'Avoy Auto-Pneumatic Gas Machine, 283
- Magnet, The Jamin, 119
- Mallet, C.E., F.R.S., Mr. R. Floating Battery for 36in. Mortar, 464
- - Furness and Co., Messrs., Vertical Boring Machine, 111
- - Judges' Awards, 126
- - Korting. M. E., Steam Jet Gas Exhauster, 92
- - Lynde, Mr. J. H., Valveless Waste Water Preventer, 93
- - Vincent's Bolt, Rivet, and Spike-making Machine, 92
- - Wilkinson and Crowther, Messrs., Safety Points, 24
- - Zimmermann's Package Filling Machine, 264
- Mann's Boudoir Cars on the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, 2
- Marcasite Boiler Explosion, 23
- Marsden's Stone-breaking Machinery, 7
- Matter in the Liquid and Gaseous States, Dr. Andrews, F.R.S., 94
- Mats, Makaroff's, 288
- Mein, Mr., Governor, 246
- Merchant Shipping Bill and the Government, 81
- Metaline, Chemical Composition of, 56
- Milling, Brewing, and Distilling Machinery at Vienna Exhibition, 300
- Millwall Ironworks, 388
- Mineral Oils, Experiments with, 472
- Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom, 430, 449
- Mining in Algiers, 78
- Miscellanea, 9, 26, 43, 57, 75, 91, 109, 127, 151,165, 179, 201, 221, 237, 249, 263, 281, 299, 317, 335, 355, 369, 387, 409, 423, 443, 467
- Moncrieff Gun Carriages, 385, 392, 408
- Montreal Iron Mines, West Cumberland, 255
- Mountain Slip on tho Salzburg-Tiroler Railway, 13
- Mowing Machines, Messrs., Samuelson and Son's, 2-H.P, 62, 65
- Nara Exhibition. The, 147
- Naval Warfare, Ramming, 185
- Navy, Engineers in the, 287, 288
- Navy, Our, 203
- Neilson, Messrs., Tank Locomotive, London.Chatham, and Dover Railway, designed by Mr. W. Kirtley, 389
- New and Co., Messrs., Shaping Machine, 286
- New and Co., Messrs., Slotting Machine, 66
- New York and Canada Railway, 67
- North of England, 19, 35, 53, 72, 88,105, 124, 140. 155. 176, 209, 242, 260, 278, 296, 313, 332, 348, 366, 384, 402, 418, 437, 458, 477
- Notes from Lancashire, 19, 35, 53, 71, 87, 105 12? 139, 155, 175, 193, 209, 225, 241, 259, 277, 295, 313, 331, 347, 365, 383, 401, 417, 437, 457, 477
- Notes and Memoranda, 9, 26, 43, 57, 75, 91 109 127 151, 165, 179, 201, 221, 237, 249, 263, 281, 299, 317, 335, 355, 369, 387, 409, 423, 443, 467
- Notes from Scotland, 20, 35, 54, 72, 87, 106, 124, 140, 156, 176, 194, 210, 225, 242, 260, 278, 296, 314, 332, 348, 366, 384, 402, 418, 438, 458, 478
- Notices to Correspondents, 11, 29, 45, 63, 81, 97 115 133, 149, 167, 185, 203, 219, 235, 251. 269, 287, 305. 323í. 341, 357, 374, 393, 411, 429, 449, 468
- - Morandiere, M., 8
- - Schneider, M.E., 394
- - Vignoles, Mr. Charles Blacker, 359, 373
- - Wheatstone, F.R.S., Sir Charles, 285, 306
- Oil versus Gas, 450
- Owens College, 14
- Owens and Co., Messrs., Accumulator Pump. Blake's Patent, 445
- Oxford, Science at, 30
- Oxidised Money, 422
- Packing of Raw Cotton, Improvements in, 386
- Paper-making Grass of Algeria, 61
- Paper, Manufacture of, M. Aime Girard, 119
- Parliament and the London Gas Companies, 12
- Parliamentary Standing Orders, 412
- Paris Clocks, 74
- Paris Metropolitan Railways, 414
- Parqueterie, Swiss, 67
- Partridge and Cooper's Diaries, Messrs., 386
- Patent Laws, 3, 24
- Patent Litigation, A New Form of, 5
- Patent Office, 200
- Patents, Specification of French, 321
- Peacock and Sworder, Messrs., Stamp Perforating Machines, 131, 132, 147
- Peat Fuel, Synoptical Table of different Mechanical Systems of Condensing Peat actually Worked, 68
- Peat at the London Lead Company's Peat Works, Utilisation of, 73
- Pendred, Mr. H., on Screw Propellers, at the Society of Engineers, 336, 338, 344
- Peter the Great's Household Furniture, 5
- Petroleum Furnace, The Eames, 230
- Piece Work and Strikes, 454
- Piedboeuf's Hydraulic Flanging Machine, 351, 353
- Pieri Rifle, The, 114, 144, 145
- Piers, and Materials for Construction of, 274
- Pig Iron Manufacture, Progress of, 79
- Pit Sinking, Belgian, 358
- Planing Machine, Self-acting, Messrs. J. Elce and Co., 465
- Plimsoll, Mr., and the House of Commons, 82
- Plumbago Mining in England, Revival of, 290
- Pollution of Rivers, Mr. E. C. Potter on the, 27
- - Alley, Mr., Boiler, 282
- - Field and Cotton, Messrs., Steam Pump, 129
- - Napier, Mr.. Friction Meter, 129
- - Prize Awards, 200
- - Siddeley and Mackay, Messrs., Ice Making Machine, 129
- Porcelain, American, 472
- Porter, Bell, and Co , Messrs., American Light Locomotives, 351, 356, 379
- Porter, Mr. R., Duplex Valve, 77
- Potter, Mr. E. C., on the Pollution of Rivers, 27
- Prices, 64
- Prices Current of Metals,-Oils, Timber, andc. (See last page of every number)
- Priestman and Co., Messrs., Double Winch, 128
- Priming of Steam Boilers, 279, 285
- Private Bills of the Coming Session, 395
- Private Bills in Parliament, 13, 30, 46, 65, 83, 90, 457
- Profit of Ironmasters, 13
- Propellers, Loose Screw, 430
- Propellers, Screw, 273, 285, 408
- Propellers, Screw, Mr. H. Pendred at the Society of Engineers, 336, 338, 344
- Puddling, Blast in, 98, 186
- Puddling, Mechanical Aids to, 116
- Pump, Blake's Accumulator, Messrs. Owens and Co., 445
- Pumping Machinery, Holland Drainage Works, Messrs. Gwynne, 388, 395, 396
- Pumping Machinery at the New .Graving Dock, Dundee, Messrs. Gwynne and Co., 337, 340
- Pumps, Air, 185
- Pumps in the American Navy, Steam, 147
- Pumps, Testing Steam, 90, 95, 200
- Purification of Sewage Water, 183
- Pyrites, Iron, 220
- Quebec Harbour, 67
- Radial Arm Test or Gauge Cock, Mr. A. Dixon, 17
- Rail Slabs for Russia, 306
- Railway Companies as Manufacturers, 449
- Railway, The First, 262
- Railway Matters, 9, 26, 43, 57, 75, 91, 109, 127, 151, 165, 179, 201, 221, 237, 249, 263, 281, 299, 317, 335, 355, 369, 387, 409, 423, 443, 467
- Railway Rolling Stock, 125
- Railway Wagon Companies, 150
- Railway Working Expenses, 362
- Railway Works, New, 298
- Railways in Italy, 401
- Railways, Narrow Gauge, 398
- Railways, Our, 305
- Rainfall, Irish, 427
- Raising and Lowering Launches, Mr. R. Hedley, 371
- Rakes, Horse, 303
- Rams, Hydraulic, 303, 320, 354, 377, 408, 427, 453
- Reading Ironworks, 40-H.P. Horizontal Engine for Egypt, 285, 286
- Recollections of Improvements in the Steam Engine during the last Half Century, Mr. J. Bourne, C.E., 306, 350, 422, 440, 462
- Registration of Trade Marks, 23, 89, 390, 393
- Regulation Works on the Danube, near Vienna, 360
- Relations existing between Ship Builders, Ship Owners, and Ship Insurers, Mr. W. M. Penning on the, 78
- Retort Charging and Drawing Apparatus, 444, 446
- Reversing Gear, Steam, 285
- Rifle, The Pieri, 114, 144, 145
- Rivers Pollution Commission, 358, 367, 386, 419, 450, 471
- Rivets, Copper Hose, 303, 320
- Rolling Forty-eight feet Rails, 49
- Rolling Stock, Railway, 125, 253 ´
- Root Boilers at Sea, 42, 90
- - Ashby, Jeffery, and Luke, Messrs., Haymaker, 180
- - Aveling and Porter, Messrs., Steam Ploughing Engine, 93, 96
- - Davey, Paxman, and Co., Messrs., Vertical Engine and Boiler, 66
- - Hayward Tyler and Co., Messrs., Universal Steam Pump with External Slide Valve, 42
- - Hedges and Co., Messrs., Boiler, 38
- - Hindley, Mr. E. S., Vertical Engine, 58
- - Howard, Messrs. J. and F., 8-H.P. "Farmer's" Engine, 28, 32
- - Marsden, Mr. H. R., Ballasting Machine, London and North-Western Railway, 76
- - Nalder, Messrs., Self Feeder and Guard, 22
- - Plan of the Show Ground at Taunton, 14
- - Prize Horse Rakes, 162
- - Results of Preliminary Dynamometer Tests of 1-H.P. Mowing Machines, 39
- - Thrashing Machine Guards and Feeders, 40, 41, 42, 44
- Royle's Steam Trap, 144
- Rudder, The Gumpel, 326, 353
- Russia, Technical Education in, 115
- Russian Manufactories, 135, 136
- Sale of Machine Tools at Manchester, 413
- Salzburg-Tiroler Railway, Mountain Slip on the, 13
- Samuelson and Son, Messrs., 2-H.P. Mowing Machine, 62, 65
- Saving Life at Sea, 7
- Scarcity, 236
- Scientific Education, 213
- Screw Propeller, The Hercules, 326
- Seine, Sanitary Condition of the, 251
- Serapis, Boilers of the, 269
- Settle and Carlisle Railway, 56
- Settons Reservoir, France, 107, 110
- Sewage, Manchester, 342
- Sewage from the Thames, Diversion of, 167
- Shah, H.M.S., 457
- Shaping Machine, Messrs. New and Co., 286
- Shearing 3in., Cables, Messrs. Tangye Brothers, Hydraulic Shears for, 379
- Sheffield District, 20, 35, 54, 71, 88, 105, 128, 139, 156, 176, 194, 210, 226, 241, 259, 277, 295, 314, 331, 347, 365, 383, 401, 417, 437, 457, 477
- Shells, Liquid, 200, 213, 253, 302
- Shipments of Goods to the Centennial Exhibition, 267
- Ships, Paper War, 219
- Ships' Pumps and Fire Engines, 451
- Ships' Pumps, Messrs. Stone and Co., 452
- Ships, Steel, 90
- Ships, Unarmoured, 63
- Ships, Unseaworthy, 97, 98
- Ships of War, Marine Engines for, 357, 375
- Shirt, The Patent One-tailed, 217
- Siemens' Brothers, Messrs., Magneto-Electric. Bell-Signalling Apparatus, 441
- Signals, Fog, 45, 61
- Signals for Railways, Messrs. Crichton and Craig's, Audible, 76
- Silver Bath from Ditch Water, 378
- Silver, Mr. T., Lamps, 144
- Slag Bricks to Crushing Strains, Resistance of, 441
- Slotting Machine, Messrs. New and Co., 66
- - Baker's Patent Feeder, 403
- - Carter's Disintegrator, 421
- - Davenport's Latch, 403
- - Dietz's Boiler, 403
- - Ellis and Co.'s Drill, 421
- - Hornsby and Sons' Paragon Mower, 407
- - Nalder's Thrashing Machine, 403
- - Pearn's Donkey Pump, 403
- - Powis and Co.'s Combined Sawing Machine, 403
- - Robey and Co.'s 6-H.P. Traction Engine, 428, 432, 433
- - Sinkwell and Tooley's Elevating, Shooting, and Unloading Machine, 421
- - Small's Horse Groomer, 421
- - Wallis and Steeven's Thrashing and Finishing Machine, 406
- - Wurr and Lewis' Combined Sawing Machine, 403
- - Achrematite, Prof. J. W. Mallet, 50
- - Action of Chlorine on Acetanide, Dr. E. W. Prevost, 50
- - Action of Nitric Acid on Copper, Mercury, andc., Air. J. J. Ackworth, 50
- - Action of Potassie Sulphite on the Haloid Derivatives of Phenol, Dr. H. E. Armstrong and Mr. G. Harrow, 447
- - Alkaloids contained in the Aconites, Part I., Dr. C. R. A. Wright and Mr. G. H. Beckett, 361
- - Bismuthiferous Tesseral Pyrites, Dr. W. Ramsey, 433
- - Certain Bismuth Compounds, Mr. M. M. P. Muir, 433
- - Certain Sources of Error in the Ultimate Analysis of Organic Substances containing Nitrogen, Mr. G. S. Johnson, 433
- - Compounds of Ether with Anhydrous Metallic Chlorides, Mr. P. P. Bedson, 447
- - Decomposition of Alcohol and its Homologues, by the Joint Action of Aluminium and its Halogen Compounds, Dr. J. H. Gladstone and Mr. A. Tribe, 50
- - Decomposition of Stearic Acid by Distillation under Pressure, Mr. G. Johnston, 361
- - Decomposition of Water by the Joint Action of Aluminium and Aluminium Iodide, Bromide, Chloride including Instances of Reverse Action, Dr. J. H. Gladstone and Mr. A. Tribe, 50
- - Ethyl-phenyl-acetylene. Mr. T. M. Morgan, 398
- - Fluorides of Arsenic, Phosphorus and Iodine, Mr. R. W. E. Mclvor, 361
- - Formation of Coumarine, Cinnamic, and other similar Acids, Mr. W. H, Perkin, 398
- - Incense Resin, Mr. C. E. Groves and. Dr. J. Stenhouse, 433
- - Iodides of Antimony, Mr. R. W. E. Mclvor, 361
- - Isomeric Terpenes and their Derivatives, Part V., Dr. C. R. A. Wright and Mr. G. H. Beckett, 361
- - Liquid Carbon Dioxide in Mineral Cavities, Mr. W. Noel Hartley, 398
- - Narcotine, Cotarnine, and Hydrocotarnine, Dr. C. R. A. Wright and Mr. G. H. Beckett, 398, 447
- - Nitrosyl Bromide, and on Sulphur Bromide, Mr. M. M. P. Muir, 50
- - Note on the Action of Nitric Acid on Tribromophenol, Dr. H. E. Armstrong and Mr. G. Harrow, 447
- - Notes on the Chemistry of Tartaric and Citric Acid, Mr. R. Warrington, 50
- - Observations on Variations in the Composition of River Waters, Mr. J. Andrews, 447
- - Occurrence of Native Calcium Chloride at Guy's Cliffe, Mr. ,T. Spiller, 433
- - Reaction of Tungsten, Professor Mallet, 50
- - Sebates of the Alcoholic Series, Mr. E. Neison, 447
- - Simple Form of Gas Regulator for Maintaining Constant Temperature, Mr. F. J. M. Page, 361
- - Spongy Iron, Mr. Gibbs, 244
- - Tolylphenyl, a New Hydrocarbon, Mr. T. Carnelly, 361
- - Fabrication of Bcton Blocks by Manual Labour, Mr. Schuyler Hamilton, C.E., 112
- - Form, Weight, Manufacture, and Life of Rails, Mr. Ashbel Welsh, C. E., 99
- - Memoir of the Construction of a Masonry Dam, Mr. James R. Crose, C.E., 170, 217, 245
- - Education of a Civil Engineer, Mr. Graham Smith, 342
- - Charging and Drawing Gas Retorts, Mr. F. W. Hartley, 446
- - Government Brake Trials, Mr. Thomas Maude, 289, 308
- - Screw Propellers, their Shafts and Fittings, Mr. Hamilton W. Pendred, 321
- - Cement and Concrete, Mr. W. Led with, 343
- - Coffering and Tubbing Pit Shafts, Air. T. H. Bailey, 406
- - Light-houses and Light-ships, Mr. H. D. Fabricius, 433
- - Liverpool Landing Stage, Mr. R. L. Tapscott, 307
- - Locomotive, Mr. A. H. Leaf, 401
- - Marine Engineering, Mr. W. Bouchier, 359
- - Railway Time Tables, Mr. Crompton, 291
- - Severn Tunnel, Mr. Mackworth, 326
- - Tunnelling, Mr. J. B. Little, 373
- - Combustion of Oils for the Generation of Steam, Mr. W. Gadd, 50
- - Sea Telegraphy in Special Relation to the Loss of the Vanguard, Mr. W. H. Bailey, 473
- - Continuous Self-registering Thermometer, W. Harrison Cripps, 368
- - Moon's Influence in Connection with our Extremes of Temperature, Mr. George D. Brumham, F.D.S., 471
- - Rainfall at Calcutta, Mr. R. Strachan, F.M.S., 471
- - Reduction of Barometric Readings, with a Form of Table for Combining the Corrections of Index Error, Temperature, and Altitude, W. Marriott, F.M.S., 368
- - Registration of Sunshine, Mr. R. H. Scott, 471
- - Self-regulating Atmometer, S.H.Miller, F.R.A.S., 368
- - Use of the Rotary Thermometer, Mr. R. H. Scott, F.R.S., 471
- - Bursting of Water Supply Pipes in Winter, Mr. W. H. Bailey, 48
- - Soiree, 451
- Solent, Collision in the, 149
- South Kensington Museum, 7, 23, 76, 91, 106, 124, 136, 147, 176, 194, 205, 226, 242, 254, 278, 289, 307, 321, 339, 365, 377, 401, 417, 420, 457
- South Wales Colliery Explosions, 412
- South Wales Coal Question, 79
- Specifications of French Patents, 230
- Spontaneous Combustion of Coal, 136
- Staffordshire Drainage Works, 64
- Stamp Perforating Machines, Messrs. Peacock and Sworder, 131, 132, 147
- Steam Machinery of the Navy, 372
- Steam, Superheated, 419, 439
- Steel Fire Boxes, 254
- Steel, Hard, versus Soft, 321
- Steel Rails, Russian, 341
- Steering Screw, Bremner's Steam, ,293, 309
- Stockton and Darlington Railway Locomotives in 1825 and 1875, 218
- Stokers in the Navy, 427
- Stone Breakers, 320
- Stone-breaking Machinery, Mr. Marsden, 7
- Stone Gear, Cullen's, Newry Foundry Co., 58, 90, 147
- Stone and Co., Messrs., Ships' Pumps, 452
- Stove, Mr. W. Crossley's Hot Blast, Askam Ironworks, 422, 425
- Strike in South Wales, 164
- Strike in Warwickshire, 187
- Strikes in the States, 362
- Stroudley, Mr. W., Express Passenger Locomotive, London and Brighton Railway, 199, 202, 205
- Stroudley, Mr. W., Tender for Express Engine, Loudon, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 247, 268, 270
- Sub-Wealden Explorations, 30, 264
- Sulphur from Iron, Elimination of, 430
- Sun Power, 377
- Superheated Steam, 419, 439
- Swedish Boiler Plates, 230
- Syphons, 453
- Tangye Brothers, Messrs, Hydraulic Shears for Shearing Sin. Cables, 379
- Tank Locomotive, London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, Mr. W, Hartley, Messrs. Neilson, Engineers, 389
- Tasmanian Tin, 213
- Taste, 236
- Tees, Development and Improvement of the, 243
- Telegraph Poles in Persia, 373
- Telegraph System, A New, 213
- Tender for Express Engine, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, Mr. W. Stroudley, 247, 268, 270
- Testing Alloys, 79
- Thames Tunnel, The Proposed, 436
- Thames Valley Drainage, 264, 328, 411
- Thorneycroft, Messrs. J., Torpedo Boat for tho Austrian Government, 204
- Thunderer, The, 132
- Thunderer's Turret Gun Gear, H.M.S., 439
- Timber, Jarrah, 118
- Tires, Belgian, 147, 32S
- Torpedo Boat for the Austrian Government, Messrs. J. Thorneycroft, 204
- Torpedoes, 157
- Toughened Glass, 149, 316
- Tower Subway, 156
- Trade Marks, 450
- Trade Marks, Registration of, 23, 89, 390, 393
- Trades Unions, Promotion of Business by, 430
- Tramway Rail Cleaner, 217
- Trap, Royle's Steam, 144
- Trials with H.M.S. Bruiser, 73
- Trial of the Pyx, 169
- Tubes, Circulating, 353
- Tuileries, Restoration of, 236
- Turkish Navy, The, 373
- Turning Chilled Wheels, Mr. W. W. Lobdell at the Car-builders' Association, 433
- Tuyere, Mr. Lloyd, 304
- Tuyeres Blast Furnace, 252, 279, 303, 320
- United States' Government Boiler Testing Experiments, 147
- Valve, Mr. F. W. Colls' Mercurial Safety, 128
- Valve Gear, Setting out, 42
- Valve, Mr. R. Porter's Duplex, 77
- Vanguard, Loss of the, 168, 184, 186, 236, 256, 285
- Ventilation of Cleveland Iron Mines, 401
- Vesuvius, 471
- Victoria, The Labour Market in, 316
- Vienna Exhibition of Milling, Brewing, and Distilling Machinery, 300
- Virginia City, 438
- Wages and Unionism, 450
- Wagons, Goods, 470
- Wagtail, Steam Canal Tug, Messrs. Wilson and Co., Engineers, Mr. St. Claire J. Byrne, Naval Architect, 374, 379
- Wales and the Adjoining Counties, 20, 35, 54, 72, 88, 106, 124, 140, 156.194, 210, 226, 242, 260, 278, 296, 314 332, 348, 366. 384, 402, 418, 438, 458, 478
- Wallace, Mr. J , On certain New Forms of Bunsen Burner, Newcastle-on-Tyne Chemical Society, 87 144
- Warming Railway Carriages by Steam, Haag's System, 370, 377
- Waste of Coal in Cornish Mines, 213
- Waste Water Preventers, 182
- Water in Aid of Steam Power, 261, 303
- Water Power at Bellegarde, Application of, 3
- Waterworks Improvements, 131
- Webb's Achievement, Capt., 220
- Welsh, C.E., Mr. Ashbel, On the Form, Weight, Manufacture, and Life of Rails, American Society of Civil Engineers, 99
- Westminster Royal Aquarium and Winter Garden, Designed by Mr. A. Bedborough, 231, 234, 238, 245, 250, 253, 265, 272
- West's Retort Charging and Drawing Apparatus, 414, 446
- West wood and Bailey, Messrs., Iron Bridge for Ceylon, 175
- Wheel Moulding Machine, Mr. Dickinson, 77
- Wheel Tire, Messrs., Burrell and Valpy's Safety, 465
- Wheels, Allens Elastic, 111
- White Brass, 76
- Wigan Boiler Explosion, 90
- Willan's 3-Cylinder Engine. 230
- Wilson and Co., Messrs., Steam Canal Tug Wagtail, Mr. St. Claire J. Byrne, Naval Architect, 374, 379
- Winch, Messrs., Priestman and Co.'s Double, 128
- Woolwich Explosion, 5
- Woolwich, Puddling at, 213
- Working Steep Gradients by Locomotives, Messrs. Dick and Stevenson's Apparatus for, 216
- Wrecks, 1873-4, 175
- Yorkshire College of Science, 248
See Also
Sources of Information