Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

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The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Miscellaneous Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1876 Jan-Jun: Index

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Abbots’ Ripton Collision, The, 65, 69, 120, 13S, 140, 231

Academy, The Royal Irish, 418

Accidents in Cleveland Mines, 116

Accidents on the German Railways, 246

Admiralty Experiments on Welsh Coal, 155

Advice to Inventors, 146

Agamemnon, The New Ironclad, 103

Agricultural Shows, 103

Air Compressors, 252, 279

Aird, Mr., Audible Railway Signals, 69,117,140,159, 192, 234, 248

Ackerman, Mr. Richard, On the Relation between Tungsten and Iron, 206

Albert Bridge, Montreal, The Royal, 149, 168, 174

Albert Hall, Value of the, 102

Alloy, A New, 122

American Locomotive Performance, 52

American Railroads in 1875, 79

American Steam Dredging Machine, 467

Application of Water under Pressure to the Bearing of Vertical Shafts, 208

Arbitration, Ironworks, 436

Armour, Inclined, 275

Armour Plate, A Heavy, 156

Arms Co., The National. 233

Armstrong and Co., Sir W., 160-Ton Hydraulic Crane, 168, 170

Armstrong and Co., Sir W., 120-Ton Sheers, 186, 191

Artillery Reform, 63

Asphalte versus Wood, 315

Association, British Iron Trade, 154

Address of President, Mr. G. T. Clark, 134

Board of Arbitration and Conciliation for the North of England Manufactured Iron Trade, Mr. Samuelson, M.P., 134

Effect of Legislation of the past few years on Iron Manufacturing Interest, Mr. Smith, 154

Separate Lincs of Railways for Mineral and Passenger Traffic, 172

Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, The Glasgow, 401

Air and Circulating Pumps, Mr. Croom, 150

Beams and Strains on Simple Structures, Mr. P. F. Ruthven, 67

Computation of Stresses in Girders, Mr. James G. Fairweather, C.E., 103

Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, London, 13,131,171, 357

Improvements in Printing Machinery, Mr. A. Glegg, 95

Association of Gas Managers, British—

Address of the President, Mr. Robert Morton, C.E., 448

Piece-work or Day-work as Applied to the Reduction of the Labouring Force in Gasworks, Mr. J. Travers, 448

Association, The Manchester Steam Users’, 213,216 Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers

Warwick Water Supply, Mr. E. Pritchard, 315

Australasian Colonics and Clyde Shipbuilding, 428 Axle Bearings, 4, 31, 44, 63

Bagworth Colliery, Fire at, 479

Balance Weights, 44

Batavia Harbour, 147

Bath and West of England Society’s Show, 437

Beale’s Exhauster, Imperial Gasworks, Gwynne and Co., Messrs., 227, 234

Bede and Co., Messrs., Double Boring and Facing Machine, 5,13

Belgian Street Tramways, 77

Belting or Gearing, 248

Bessemer, The, 186

Bessemer Medal, The, 173

Bessemer Steel, 23

Bessemer Works in Germany, 222

Birmingham, Sanitation at, 436

Blackfriars Bridge, Past and Present, an Account of the Removal of the Old and Construction of the New Bridge, 1, 4, 8, 19, 23, 39, 43, 57, 61, 64, 77, 82, 100, 103, 111, 132, 139

Block System. 358

Board of Trade Marine Department, 489

Boiler Inspection, Want of, 253

Boiler, The Lancashire, 396

Boiler Plates, Temperature of, 195

Boiler, Saltaire Mills, Messis. Galloway and Son’s Double Furnace, 274, 277

Boiler Shell Testing Machine, Messrs. Tangye Bros., 115

Boilers, American, 159, 209, 248

Boilers and Boiler Coatings, 3, 31, 62, 63, 80, 98, 160, 193

Boilers, Mr. F. Chambers’ Circulating, 226

Boilers, Clothing for, 175

Boilers, Factory, 379

Boilers, Howard, 3, 31

Boilers, Marine, 414

Boilers, Steel, 193

Boilers, Water Tube, 93, 483

Boilers, Messrs. Wigzell and Ramsden’s Water Tube, 313, 316

Boulogne Harbour, 122

Brake Power, Insufficient, 80

Brakes, Continuous, 400

Bremerhaven Explosion, The, 439

Bridge over the Elbe near Tetschen, Austrian North-Western Railway, 104

Bridge, The Severn, 84

British Association, 326

Brownlee, Mr. James, Action of Water Flowing-through a Nozzle. 452

Bruce, M.I.C.E., Mr. G. R., Ore Shipping Pier at Huelva, 360, 363, 372, 374, 375

Brussels Exhibition, The, 150

^DrnF 209 Davidson, Messrs., Kainotoman Rock Buckton and Co., Messrs. J., Multiple Drilling Machine, Burrell and Co., Messrs., 6-H.P. Traction Engine, 79

Cable Telegraphing, 310

Canal, Another Maritime, between the White Sea and Baltic, 77

Canal du Midi, The, 435

Canal between the Rhone and the Rhine, 22

Canterbury Cathedral, Protection from Fire of, 491

Capital and Labour, 359, 483

Carmarthen Sewage Works, 13

Carmichael, Statue to Mr. James, 475

Cars, Steam Street, 448

Casson-Dormoy Puddling Furnace, Roundoak Ironworks, 340, 343

Chambers, Mr. F., Circulating Boilers, 226

Chameroy’s Weighing Machine, 401

Channel Communication, 116

Chelsea Glaciarium, Mr. Gamgee’s Refrigerating Apparatus at the, 378, 381

Chinese Money, 446

City of London Directory, 105

Classification of Elements, Discovery of a New Metal, 49, 63

Clay Grinding Mill, Messrs. II. Hind and Son, 242, 247

Cleveland Iron Mines, Output of, 401

Climbing a Standpipe, 486

Climbing Tall Chimneys, 23, 98, 117

Clyde Engineers and the Board of Trade, 155

Coal and Iron Districts, Short Hours and Trade in, 176

Coal Mines, Ventilation of, 176

Coke, Anthracite, 176

Collieries, Mechanical Ventilation of, 48

Collieries, Ventilation of, 454

Colliery Explosion, Another, 490

Colliery Ventilation, Mr. Alderman Taylor on, 58

Collisions and Continuous Brakes, 358

Comber, Mr. W. A., Rotary Engine, 42, 63

Compensation for Damage by Floods, 13

Competition, 472

Confection Pan and Engine, Brown’s Exhaust Steam, Messrs. Robertson, Osburne, and Co., 226

Contractors, Liability of, 138

Corrosion of Marine Boilers in the Navy, Commission on, 30

Cowls, Wind, 80, 98

Crane, Sir W’. Armstrong and Co.’s, 160-ton Hydraulic, 168, 170

Crinoline at Sea, 48

Crohn, Mr. F. W., Unison Expansion Gear, 394

Crystal Palace Engineering School, 294

Crystal Palace Exhibition of Railway Appliances, 428

Cupola Management, 80, 117, 140, 193, 210, 279, 319,395

Cyclads, Russian, 75, 93

Cylinder Condensation and the Economical Limit to

Expansion in Steam, 414, 468, 483

Darke, Mr., Detent for Indicators, 69

Davey, Paxman, and Co., Messrs., Double Cylinder Winding Engine, 140

Deflection of Beams, Experimental Researches on the, 248

Derbyshire Lead Mining, 380

Detent for Indicators, Mr. Darke, 69

Devine, Mr. W., Spike Extractor, 42

Dewrance and Company, Messrs. J., Stop'Cock, 226

Diamond Rock-Loring Company, The, 139

Digging Machine, Mr. J. H. Knight’s Steam, 394

Diminution of Friction between Tires and Rails, Mr.

D. McDowell, at the Institution of Civil Engineers in Ireland, 44

Dock Extension at Hull, 327

Dock Gates, 433

Dock, The Nicolaieff Floating and Depositing, Messrs. Clark and Standfield, 294

Domestic Inventions, 50

Doubling Boring and Facing Machine, Messrs. Bede and Co., 5, 13

Draining the Zuyder Zee, 2

Drawing Office, Good News for the, 455

Dredging Machine, An American Steam, 467

Drilling Machine, Messrs. J. Buckton and Co.’s Multiple, 116

Drilling and Slotting Machine, Messrs. Lowry and Co., 122

Drops on Liquids, Action of, 98

Dudgeon, Mr. John, 20

Dudio The, 359

Duke’s Palace Works, Norwich, Destructive Fire at, 95

Dynamite, Manufacture of, 171

Economy, Ironworks, 196

Embankments, Reservoir, 251

Employers, A Hint to, 436

Employers, Liability of, 400

Engine, Messrs. Burrell and Co.’s 6-horse power

Traction, 79

Engine, Mr. W. A. Comber’s Rotary, 42, 63

Engine, Compound Pumping, at Crown Point, Risdon

Ironworks Company, 187, 194, 210

Engine Economy, Steam, 80, 117

Engine, Sir. A. Higginson’s Semi-rotary, 115

Engine, Midland Railway, Mr. S. Johnson’s Express

Passenger, 230, 234, 250, 254

Engine, Royal Hungarian State Railways, Mr. J.

Haswell’s Express Passenger, 337, 338,356, 363, 398 401

Enginemen, Certificated, 66, 98, 101, 117, 342

Engineer, Education of a Civil, 358

Engineering Troubles Abroad, 120

Engines, Compound, 117

Engines, Handy, 252

Engines, Rotary, 140

Engines of H.M.S. Rover, 324

Engines, Steam Fire, 319

English Colonies and the Bosphorus, 150

Erith Strike, The, 27, 65, 98, 101

Espinasse Puddling Furnace, The, 112

Evaporative Economical Efficiency of a Root Boiler, 351

Expanding Steam-No Gain, but a Loss, 62. 468

Expansion Gear, Mr. F. Crohn’s Unison, 394

Expenditure, Locomotive, 248

Experiment, a Curious, 490

Experiments, Mr. Froude’s, 319

Explosion on the Steam Tug Prince of Wales 277

Explosions, Boiler, 193, 248, 318

Explosions, Colliery, 80, 98

Failure of the Regulation Works Vienna, and

Inundation of the City, 150

Fall of the Railway Bridge over the Elbe at Riesa. 152

Faraday, The Telegraph Cable Ship, Messrs. Mitchell

and Co., 295

Fayol Respirator, The, 85

Fire-boxes, Locomotive, 48

Fires in Coal Mines and their Extinction, Mr. J.

Thompson, F.G.S., at the Manchester Geological

Society, 469

Fire Damp, 193, 248

Fire Pumps, Steam, 411 .

Fire in the Salt Mine at Brochnia, in Galicia, 20

Floods and Rivers, 341, 359

Fog Signals, 37, 46, 98, 235

Fog Signals, Maritime, 62

Forming Channels in River Bars, 193

“ Fumes,” Mr. Bramwell and, 176

Furnace Yields, Blast, 48

Gallatin Experiments, The, 130, 333

Galloway and Son’s, Messrs., Double Furnace Boiler, Saltaire Mills, 274, 277

Galvanised Iron, 272

Gas for Barbadoes, 150

Gas Burners, 248

Gas Companies and Fogs, 120.

Gas Lighting in New York City, 235

Gasworks, Leeds, 436

German Labour in the Building Trade, 365

German Lifeboat Society, 105

Germany, Trade in. 159

Germany Underselling Belgium, 418

Gilding on External Railings, 147

Glasgow Inventors and the Patents Bill, 186

Gold and Silver, 382

Goliath, The, 13

Goods Station, Farringdon-road, Great Northern Railway, 114. 116

Government and Steam Boilers, 150

Great Northern Railway Company’s Goods Station, Farringdon-road, Mr. R. Johnson, C.E., 95, 96, 97, 114, 116

Grinders, Universal, Messrs. Thompson and Sterne, 187

Gun, The 81-Ton, 28, 168, 342

Gun, The 100-Ton, 472

Gun at Shoeburyness, The 38-Ton, 493

Gun, Trial of the 38-Ton, 464

Gun, The Whitworth, 400

Gunboat, The New, 87

Guns, Heavy, 379

Guns, The Horse-power of Heavy, 471

Gwynne and Co., Messrs. Beale’s Exhauster, Imperial Gasworks, 227, 234

Haswell Bogie, 13—(See also Working Drawing, No. 92)

Haswell, Mr. J., Express Passenger Engine, Royal Hungarian State Railways, 337, 338, 356,363, 398, 401

Hathorn, Davis, and Co., Messrs., Pumping and Winding Engines, New Hartley Pit, 298, 300

Hayward Tyler and Co., Messrs., Direct-acting Steam Pump for Collieries, 152, 154

Heat, Physical Process by which it is Developed and Absorbed in the Expansion and Contraction of Matter, 4

Higginson, Mr. A., Semi-rotary Engine, 115

Hind and Son, Messrs. IL, Clay Grinding Mill, 242, 247

Hind and Son, Messrs. H., Pipe Boring and Turning Lathe, 60

Hirondelle, Compound Paddle-wheel Engines of SS., M. J. A. Normand, 317, 320

Historical Notes on Roller Skates, 85, 102, 121, 129, 159, 167, 185, 205, 223, 241, 263, 281

Hobson’s Hot Blast Pyrometer, South Kensington Loan Collection, 484

Hull Waterworks, 95

Hydra, Explosion on Board H.M.S., 436

India, Iron Making in, 276

India, Public Works in, 68,86; Transport of Materials 78

Indicators, Speed, 3

Inflexible, H.M.S., 277, 318, 321

Inside and Outside Frames, 358

Inspecting a Railway, Pennsylvania, 40

Institute. The Iron and Steel

Carbon and other Deposits from the Gases of Blast

Furnaces in Cleveland, Mr. J. Pattinson, 256, 279

Casson-Dormoy Puddling Furnace, Mr. E. Fisher Smith, 280

Ferroux Rock Drill and Air Compressor, Mr. H. W.

Pendred, C.E., 256

Fire-clay and other Refractory Materials, Mr. Snelus, 228, 235

Note on the Manufacture of Anthracite Coke in South Wales, Mr. W. Hackney, A.I.C.E., 45

Overcoming Steep Gradients on Railways, Mr.

Henry Handyside, 280

Siemens-Martin Process, Mr. Michael Scott, 281

Strength of Rail Joints, Mr. C. P. Sandberg, 228

Uses of Ferro-manganese, M. F. Gautier, 255, 279 Institution of Civil Engineers, 22, 49, 84, 120, 277,

310, 363, 452, 493

Address of Mr. George Robert Stephenson, President, 24

Annual Dinner, 224

Boring Machine of Schemnitz, Herr L. Markus, 198

Carlingford Lough and Greenore, Mr. James Barton, M.I.C.E., 116

Changes in the Tidal Portion of the Mersey and its Estuary, Mr. James N. Shoolbred, B.A., Assoc. Inst. C.E., 345

Conversazione, 401, 436

Dhu Heartache Lighthouse, Mr. David Alan Stevenson, B.S.C., 315

Estimating the Illuminating Power of Coal Gas, Mr. W. Sugg, Assoc. Inst., C.E.

Evaporation and Percolation, Mr. Charles Greaves, M.I.C.E., 186

Fascine Work at the Outfalls of the Fen Rivers and Reclamation of the Foreshore, Air. W. II. Wheeler, M. Inst. C.E , 365

Floods in England and Wales during 1875, and on Water Economy, Mr. George James Symons, 168

Holyhead New Harbour, Air Herrison Hayter, 105 Hydraulic Canal Lift at Anderton, Air. Sidengham

Duer, 215

Permanent Way of Railways, Air. R. Price Williams, 437

Probable Errors of Levelling, with Rules for the Treatment of Accumulated Errors, Air. Wilfrid Airy, B.A., 155

Railway Wagons, with Special Reference to Economy in Dead Weight, Air. W. R. Browne, Assoc. Inst. C.E., 372

Sewage Interception Systems or Dry Sewage Processes, Air. Gilbert R. Redgrave, Assoc. Inst.C.E., 254

Treatment of Sewage by Precipitation, Air. W. Shelford, Al. Inst. C.E., 254

Ventilation and Working of Railway Tunnels, Air.

Gabriel James Alorrison, Al. Inst. C.E , 40

Institution of Engineers, The Cleveland

Application of Alechanical Principles to the Phenomena of Sound, Air. T. Wrightson, 300

Economic Construction of Dwelling-houses for the Working Classes, Mr. VV. Henman, 63

Head’s Patent Prime Al over, Air. Jeremiah Head, M.I.C.E., 210, 212, 300

Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in


Action of Water Flowing through a Nozzle, Air.

James Brownlee, 432

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 338, 376

Lancashire Boiler : Its Construction, Equipment, and Setting. Air. Lavington E. Fletcher, 352

Ogi Paper Mill, Japan, Air. W. Anderson, 353

Yield of Wells Sunk in the Chalk in the Cential

Portion of the London Basin, Air. Easton, 354

Institution of Naval Architects, 173, 333, 358

Address of President, Lord Hampton, 242

Austrian Ironclads, Air. E. J. Reed, C.B., ALP., 243

Boats’ Davits, Air. R. A. Allardyce, 325

Cellular System of Building for Ships of War. Air.

Boold, 242, 246

Circular Ironclads, Lieut. Goulaeff, F.R.S.N. A., 242, 244

Comparative Resistances of Long Ships of Several Types, Mr. W. Froude, FR.S., 291

Compound Surface-condensing Engines of the Paddle Steamer Hirondelle, Alons. G. A.Normand, 325

Double and Triple Cylindrical Vessels, Air. 11. A.

Egerton, 264

Longitudinal Girder or Bulkhead System of Iron Ship Construction, Edwin W. de Rusett, 311

Nicolaieff Floating and Depositing Dock, Air. Latimer Clark, C. E., 293

Present System of Sea Cocks and their Connections in Steamers, Air. H. G. Spence, 266

Propulsion of Bodies Through the Water, Air. Robert Griffiths, 344

Pumping and Ventilating Arrangements, Air. Thomas Morley, 265

Ratio of Indicated to Effective Horse-power as Elucidated by Air. R. Denny’s AI.M. Trials at Varied Speeds, Air. W. Froude, F.R.S., 288

Recovering Sunken and Stranded Vessels, Air. Henry F. Knapp, C E., 290

Screw Propeller and Certain Proposed Schemes for Increasing its Efficiency, Air. Hamilton W. Pen-dred, C.E., 335

Ships of War, Air. Barnaby, V.P., 242, 243

Small Compound Steam Engine, Air. Thomas Aloy, 334

Some Trials of Simple and Compound Engines, All. Richard Sennett, F.R.S.N.A., and ALE., 334

Steel for Shipbuilding as Supplied to the Royal Navy, J. Riley, Esq., 269, 300

Steering Gear, Air. G. L. Watson, 344

Telegraph Cable Ships Faraday, C. W. Alcrrificld.

F.R S., 292

Tested Iron and Ships, Air. J. E. Scott, 264

Three-throw Crank Engines of the Compound System, Constructed by Ravenhill. Eastons, and Co., London, H.A1.S. Rover, Mr. John R. Ravenhill, 324

Unarmoured Vessels, Air. Brassey, 242, 256

Unequal Onward Alotion in the Upper and Lower Currents in a Ship’s Wake, and Effects on the Action of a Screw Propeller, Professor Osborne Reynolds, 268

Water Tube Boilers, Air. J. F. Flannery, 312

Yacht Aleasurement, Air. E. C. Sterling, 343

Institution, The Royal, 294

Ireland, Coal in the South of, 361

Ireland, Alineral Resources of, 3

Ironclads of European Powers, 409

Ironclads, Our, 193

Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 17, 34, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 164, 182, 202, 220, 238, 260, 2S4, 306, 330, 348, 368, 386, 406, 424, 442, 458, 478, 496

Iron, Gas Alade, 276

Iron, Making Direct, 276

Ironmaking Experiments in Central India, 84

Ironmaking, Alachinery in, 490

Iron and Steel, Belgian and German, 381

Iron and Steel in the United States in 1875, 486

Iron Trade, The American, 472

Iron Trade of Germany, 31

Iron Trade Prospects, 417

Ironworks, Sale at West Hartlepool, 187

Italian Tramways, 262

Italian Treaty, The, 426

“ I Waited for the Train at Coventry,” 49

Johnson, C.E., Air. R., Great Northern Railway Company’s Goods Station, Farringdon-road, 95, 96, 97

Johnson, Mr. 8., Express Passenger Engine, Alidland Railway, 230, 234, 250, 254

Keyway Drilling Machine, Messrs. Sharp, Stewart, and Co’s, Portable, 187

Kiel Harbour, The New, 116

Knight, Mr. J. H., Steam Power Digging Machine, 394

Koch, Mr. R., and Mr. H. Muller, Universal Lathe, 19, 26

La Bastie Process, The, 363

Lacing Heavy Belts. 428

Lamps for Colliery Working, 418

Landore Siemens Steel Works, 461, 466, 484, 492

Landore Steel, 300

Lathe, Universal, Mr. R. Koch and Mr. H. Muller, 19, 26

Launches, The Abuse of Steam, 418

Lawrence and Porter, Messrs., Combined Centrifugal Pump and Engine, 208

Leading Articles: —

A bbots’ Ripton Collision, The, 65, 120, 138, 231

Abuse of Steam Launches, 418

Air Compressors, 252

Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 453

American Iron Trade, 472

Annual Article, 9

Anthracite Coke, 175

Aston’s Paddle Wheels, 299, 321

Automatic Signals, 300

Battle of the Stoves, 120

Belgian and German Iron and Steel, 381

Blast Furnace Yields, 48

Blasting Powder in Mines, 214

Boilers of the Propontis, 66

Bramwell and “ Fumes,” Mr. 176

Cables and Anchors for the Navj, 138

Canal du Midi, The, 435

Centennial Exhibition, The, 399

Certificated Enginemen, 66, 101, 342

Channel Tunnel, The, 28

Clothing for Boilers, 175

Coal Explorations in Lincolnshire, 400

Coal in the South of Ireland, 361

Colliery Explosion, Another, 490

Competition, 472

Continuous Brakes, 400

Conversazione of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 401, 437

Crinoline at Sea, 48

Curious Experiment, A, 490

Disclaimers to Patent Specifications, 453

Double-ended Ships of War, 435

Drainage of Staffordshire Mines, 362

Efficiency of Screw Propellers, 119

Eighty-one Ton Gun, The, 28, 342

Energetic Workmen, 84, 120

Engineering Trouble Abroad, 120

English and Belgian Workmen, 13

Erith Strike, The, 27, 65, 101

Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington, 341

Explosion on Board H.M.S. Hydra, 436

Factory Boilers, 379

Failure of a Tank at St. George’s Hospital, 436

Floods and Rivers. 341

Free Trade in the United States, 490

Gas Companies and Fogs, 120

Gas-made Iron, 276

Germany Underselling Belgium, 418

Goliath, The, 13

Gun, The Whitworth, 400

Handy Engines, 252

Heavy Armour Plate, A, 196

Heavy Guns, 379

Hints to Employers, 436

Horse Power of Heavy Guns, 471

Hundred Ton Gun, The, 472

Inclined Armour, 275

Independent or Dependent Water Supply, 342

Inflexible, The, 321

Ironmaking Experiments in Central India, 84, 276

Iron Trade Prospects, 417

Ironworks Arbitration, 436

Ironworks Economy, 196

“ I Waited for the Train at Coventry,” 49

Lamps for Colliery Working, 418

Lead Mining in Derbyshire, 380

Leeds Gasworks, 436

Liability of Contractors, 138

Liability of Employers. 400

Locomotive Drivers, 380

Locomotive Fire Boxes, 48

London Bridge and City Traffic, 66

Loss of the Vanguard, 158

Machinery and Foreign Competition, 400

Machinery in Ironmaking, 490

Making of Iron Direct, 276

Manchester Steam Users’ Association, 213

Marine Department of the Board of Trade, 489

Marine Propulsion, 83

Martini-Henry Rifle, 38

Mechanical Action of Light, 275

Mechanical Ventilation of Collieries, 48

National Arms Company. 233

New Patent Bill, The, 138

Oberon Experiments at Portsmouth, 455

Oblique Fire, 137

Official Patentees, 380

Our Navy, 157, 195

Patentees and the Crown, 158

Patent Office, The, 253, 322, 401, 418

Patents for Inventions Bill, 1876, 175

Piecework, 47, 251

Plimpton versus Malcolmson, 83

Point of Patent Law, A, 490

Prizes for Reports on Machinery at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 436

Prompt and Determined Action, 49

Proposed Paris Exhibition, 342

Proposed Tariff Changes in the United States, 138

Protection in Russia, 454

Pumps and Injectors, 417

Railway Rolling Stock, 232

Railway Traffic in Bad Weather, 300

Registration of Trade Marks, 342

Regulations as to Water Fittings, 322

Reservoir Embankments, 251

Royal Irish Academy, The, 418

Russian Steel Rails, 419

Sanitation of Birmingham, 436

Science and Thieves, 158

Screws in Casings, 84

Severn Bridge, The, 84

Sewage of the West Riding Towns, 362

Shannon Target, The, 119

Shipowners and Merchant Shipping Legislation, 137

Skate Trade, The, 176

Snares of Telegraphers, 196

Spanish Ore Trade, 233

Steam Road-rollers and Local Authority, 84

Steam Tram Cars, 232, 399

Strength of Forged Steel, 471

Strikes, 472

Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 84

Suggestion, 362

Surveying of Passenger Steamships, 300

Suspended Telegraph Wires, 214

Swaithe Main Colliery Explosion, 214

Temeraire, The, 361

Temperature of Boiler Plates, 195

Temple Bar, 342

Thames Steam Ferry, 158

Torpedo Accidents, 472

Trademarks and the Registration of Firms, 138

Trademarks Registry Office, The, 28, 102

Traders Beware I 196

Trades Union Amenities, 49

Tram Car Accidents, 400

Troubles of a Miners’ Association, 66

Value of the Albert Hall, 102

Ventilation of Coal Mines, 176

Ventilation of Collieries, 454

Vienna Waterworks, 489

Want of Boiler Inspection, 253

Water in the South Yorkshire Coalfield, 472

Water Supply, 213

Leading Articles :

Water Supply of Leeds, 252

Water Supply of New York, 299

Water Supply of Sheffield, 276

Water Supply of Small Towns, 158

Water Supply in South Yorkshire, 102

Wat er witch, The, 300

Woodcroft, Mr. Bennet, 176

Workmen and Machinery, 120

Lead Pipes, Strength of, 396

Leeds Water Supply, 252

Legal Intelligence :—

Plimpton versus Malcolmson, 83

Sugg versus Silber, 382

Letters to the Editor

Action of Drops on Liquids, T. E., 98

Air Compressors, Arthur J. Stevens, 279

Aird s Fog Signals, A Young Workman, 117, 159

American Boilers, A. Marshall and Co., 248

American Boilers, W. G., 159, 209

Artillery Reform, J. L. Haddan, M.I.C.E., 63

Aston’s Paddle-wheels, J. Aston, 373

Aston’s Paddle-wheels, Ross Forward, 433

Astronomical Time, 31

Audible Signals, David A. Aird, 140, 192

Audible Signals, Crichton and Craig, 192

Audible Signals, F. N., 192

Audible Signals, Footplate, 159

Audible Signals, A Pointsman. 192, 248

Audible Signals, Philip E. Statham, 159

Audible Signals, W. J. B , 192

Axle Bearings, The White Brass Company, 4, 44

Axle Boxes, John Davis, 31, 63

Balance Weights, J. Watt, 44

Belting or Gearing, Subscriber, 248

Block System, A. Pointsman, 358

Boiler Explosions, Boiler, 193, 248

Boiler Explosions, Robert Wilson, 318

Boilers and Boiler Coating, Boiler Coverer, 62, 193

Boilers and Boiler Coating, Constant Reader, 31

Boilers and Boiler Coating, F. Y., 62

Boilers and Boiler Coating, Le Lubez, 63

Boilers and Boiler Coating, W. H. Villiers Sankey, 3, 62, 78, 160

Centennial Exhibition, The, Thos. Egleston, 98

Centrifugal Pumps, O. F. S., 2.0

Certificates for Enginemen, Archibald D. Downay, Assoc. C.E., 117

Certificates for Enginemen, Michael Reynolds, 98

Classification of Elements, John A. R. Newlands, F.C.S., 63

Climbing Tall Chimneys, R. E. D., 117

Climbing Tall Chimneys, F. Yates, 98

Coast Fog Signals, Alex. Beazeley, M I.C.E., 235

Colliery Explosions, Coal Field, 80

Colliery Explosions, F. II. Shepherd, 98

Collisions and Continuous Brakes, A Solicitor, 358

Commission on the Corrosion of Steam Boilers in the Navy, W. C., 30

Compound Engines, G. Scott, 117

Condensation ?nd the Economical Limit to Expansion in Steam Cylinders, W. W. Beaumont, 414, 483

Condensation and the Economical Limit to Expansion in Steam Cylinders, Michael Longridge, 468

Corrosion of Boilers, Walter Gee, 235

Crown Point Pumping Engine, Henry Davey, 210

Cupola Management, Cupola, 279

Cupola Management, Another Ironfounder, 117, 193

Cupola Management, Ironfounder, 80, 140, 211, 319, 395

Cupola Management, Inquirer, 319

Dock Gates, Dicky Sam, 433

Double-action Pumps, Charles L. Hett, 248

Education of a Civil Engineer, C. A. S., 358

Engine Economy, W. Boby, 80

Engine Economy, Engine Driver, 117

Engines of the Rover, Fiat Experimentum, 358

Enth Strike, J. Doimand, 98

Expanding Steam—No Gain but a Loss, B. B., 62, 468

Experimental Researches upon the Deflection of Beams, A. C. Ponton, 248

Failure of a Tank at St. George’s Hospital, J. R. M , 455

Fog Signals, Oliver Cultis, 98, 234

Fog Signals, J. C. D., 117, 159

Froude’s Experiments, C., 319

Gas Burners, Gas Engineer, 248

Good News for the Drawing Office, H. Walker, 455 Grantham’s Steam Tram Car, Edward Woods, 396 Great Seal, The, D. D., 296

Head’s Prime Mover, C. G., 296

Head’s Prime Mover, Jeremiah Head, 319, 358

History of the Steam Engine, R. S., 455

Horizontal Propeller, R. Whitehead, 359

Howard Boiler, J. Aldis, 3

Howard Boilers, John II. Hack worth, 31

Hydraulic Rams, Aries Minor, 193

Hydraulic Rams, A Dorsetshire Member of the Ama1 eur M echanical Society,

Hydraulic Rams, W. W. Fyfe, 62, \59

Hydraulic Rams, G. H. M., 80

Hydraulic Rams, Charles L. Hett, 3, 30, 80, 160, 193, 211

Hydraulic Rams, B. Massey, 117

Hydraulic Rams, P. R. P., 98

Hydraulic Rams, Ram, 141

Hydraulic Rams, R. C. D., 3

Hydraulic Rams, Wm. F. Roe, 80

Hydraulic Rams, T. F., 3

Increasing Improvidence of our Workmen, One who Pays on Wednesdays, 44

Inflexible Ironclad, The, Michael Scott, 318

Inside and Outside Frames, Michael Reynolds, 358

Institution of Naval Architects, Associate, 358 Insufficient Brake Power, Henry Handyside, 80 Iron and Tested Ships, John MacWilliam, 296 Lancashire Boilers/ The, Lavington E. Fletcher, 396

Locomotive Expenditure, Loco, 248

Marine Boilers, Mylor Bridge, 414

Maritime Fog Signals, H. Temple Humphreys, 62

Mechanical Power of Light, Alfred Cliff, 373

Mechanical Power of Light, X., 373

Mild Steel, James Macintires, 296

Mineral Resources of Ireland, Alpha, 3

Our Ironclads, H. Walker, 193

Passenger Locomotives, Science and Safety, 319

Patent Bill, W. Tighe Hamilton, 234

Patent Bill, The New, J. B., 209, 248

Patent Bill, The, M. Prior, 210

Patent Bill, The, A Scotch Manufacturer, 192

Patent Law, W. P. Thompson, 234

Patent-office Publications, C. O. Paget, 433

Patent Specification Drawings, A Writer to the Signet, 359

Pay Day, An Employer of Men for Forty Years, 62

Pernot System, The, T. C. J., 30

Petroleum Oil and Natural Gas, An Old Oil Operator, 30

Philadelphia Exhibition, W. G., 319

Physical Process by which Heat is Developed and Absorbed in the Expansion and Contraction of Matter, S. Yolver Preston, 4

Poggendorf’s Method of Comparing Electromotive Forces and Mance’s Method of Measuring the Internal Resistance of Batteries, E. G. Allardyce, 141

Power of a Storm of Wind, J. R. Mann, 318

Railway Accidents and Signals, H. H. Murdoch, 140

Railway Capital Expenditure. Hyde Clarke, 358

Reading and Discussion of Papers before Technical Societies, A Reader of Papers, 279

Reading and Discussion of Papers before Technical Societies, N. A., 296

Rivers and Floods, Shannonside, 359

Roller Skates, R., 159

Rotary Engines, W. A. Comber, 140

Rotary Engines, A Greenock Engineer, 63

Safety Valves, Robt. Mellor, 358

Safety Valves, John Swift, 358

Schwimmthor in the Danube, J. L., 235

Schwimmthor in the Danube, Wm. E. T., 296

Letters to the Editor:

Siemens v Bessemer Steel, Thos. Hampton, 296

Smelting Magnetic Ore, F. Y., 44

Speed Indicators, A. B K., 3

Steam Fire Engines, Merry weather and Sons, 319

steam Pumps, Hayward Tyler and Co., 235

Steam Pumps, AV. AV. Tonkin, 193

Steam Tram Cars, Merryweather and Sons, 373

Steam Tram Cars, AV. K., 141

Ste^ni Tramways, J. Henry Johnson, 296

Steel Boilers, E. A. Bourry, C.E., 193

Stone’s Boiler Coating, James Stone, 80

Strength of Lead Pipes, Chire, 396

Strength of Materials, Transverse Strains, A. C. P., 141

Surface Plates, E. F. G-., 468

Survey of Vessels, P. L. I., 319

Trade in Germany, R., 159

Trade Maiks Registration, E. Morton Daniel, 396

Trade Mark. Registration, Pyne Yeatman, 373

Tram Cars, G. P. Harding, 159

Tram Cars, AV. D. Scott Moncrieff, 30

Tweddell’s Hydraulic Shears, Ralph H. Tweddell, 248

Ventilation, Basil, 395

Ventilation, James Vogan, 483

AVater Tube Boilers, H. R., 483

AVind Cowls, George Bohn, 98

AVind Cowls, Charles Fairbairn, 80

Lifeboat, Mr. Stockwell’s Tubular, 395

Lifeboats for Troop Ships, 13

Light, Mechanical Action of, 275, 373

Lightning Conductors, 188

Lightning Conductors in Paris, Inspection of, 472

Lincolnshire Coal Explorations, 400

Literature :—

Catechism of the Locomotive, M. N. Forney, 139

Climate and Time in their Geological Relations : a Theory of the Secular Changes of the Earth’s Climate, James Croll, 38

Coming War, The ; England AVithout a Navy, Longmans, Green and Co., 427

Electricity : Its Theory, Sources, and Applications, John T. Sprague, M.S.I.E., 57

Encyclopaedia of Architecture, Historical, Theoretical, and Practical, Joseph Gwilt, F.S.A., F.R.A S., Revised by Wyatt Papworth, 445

Handy Book on the Law of the Registration of Trade Marks, John Pym Yeatman, 310

Hydraulic Manual, Lowis D’A. Jackson, 57

Law of Trade Marks, Including the Merchandise Marks Act, 1862, and the Trades Marks Registration Act. 1875, J. Bigland Wood, LL.B., 310

Midland Railway : Its Rise and Progress, F. S. AVilliams, 461

Physical Geography; or the Terraqueous Globe and its Phenomena, William Desborough Cooley, 288

Practical Treatise on Roads, Streets, and Pavements, Q. A. Gilmore, A.M., 419

Storms: Their Nature, Classification, and Laws, with the Means of Predicting them by their Embooiments the Clouds, AVilliam Blasius, 491

Theory and Practice in the Design and Construction of Dockyards, J. Romilly Allen, Assoc. Inst. C.E., 401

Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign, Thomas Laslitt, 278

Fires in Theatres, Eyre M. Shaw, 111

Trade Marks Registration Act, 1875, and the Rules thereunder, Edward Morton Daniel, 310

Training Schools and Training Ships, Edmond Edwaid Antrobus, 176

Treatise on the Origin, Progress, Prevention, and Cure of Dry Rot in Timber, Thos. A. Britton, 1 Loan Collection of Scientific Instruments, History of the Steam Engine, 371, 376, 389, 445, 455, 481

Locomotive Drivers, 380

Locomotives, Passenger, 319

Locomotives of Russia, 20

London Bridge and City Traffic, 66

Lowry and Co., Messrs., Drilling and Slotting Machine, 122

Lord Chancellor’s Patent Bill, The, 234

Machinery and Foreign Competition, 4C0 lilacintire’s Mechanical Puddling, 271, 272

Markets, Metal, Oil, Timber, &c.—(See last page of each number)

Mekarski's, M., Tram-car, 149,153

Merchant shipping Legislation and Ship Owners, 137

Metal in Structural Decoration, 58

Metaline, 373

Meteoric Stone, Fall near AVolverhampton, 315

Meter, Mr. AV. Richards’ AVater, 50

Miners’ Association, Troubles of, 66

Mines, Blasting Powder in, 214

Miscellanea, 7, 21, 41, 59, 81, 99, 113, 135, 151, 169, 189, 207, 225, 249, 273, 297, 323, 339, 355, 377, 397, 415, 429, 449, 465, 437

Mitchell and Co., Messrs., The Telegraph Cable Ship

Faraday, 295

Molesworth’s Pocket Book, 224

Moonlight, 322

Muntz and Tannin, Testing Apparatus, 171

National Federation of Employers, 131

National Federation of Enginemen, 331

Navy, Cables and Anchors for the. 138

Navy, Our, 157, 195

Needles, 469

New Market for England in Siberia, 20

New York Water Supply, 299

Mcolaieff Floating aim Depositing Dock, Messrs.

Clark and Standfield, 244, 475

Normand, M. J . A., Compound Paddle-wheel Engines of SS. Hirondelle, 3i7, 320

Normansell Family Fund, The, 49

North-Eastern Railway and Second-class Traffic, 148 North of England, 18, 35, 55, 73, 91, 109, 127, 145, 164, 183, 203, 2zl, 239, 261, 285, 307, 331, 349, 369, 387, 407 425, 443, 459, 479, 497

Notes from Lancashire, 17, 36, 55, 73, 90, 108, 126, 144,

164, Ib2, 202, 220, 239, 260, 285, 3v6, 330, 348, 368, 38 , 406, 424, 442, 458, 478, 496

Notes snd Memoranda, 7, 21, 41, 59, 81, 99, 113, 135, 151, 169, 189, 207, 225, 249, 273,297,323, 339, 355, 377, 397, 415, 429, 449, 465, 487

Notes from Scotland, 18, 36, 56, 73, 91, 109, 127, 145,

165, 183, 203, 221, 239, 261, 285, 307, 331, 349,369, 387, 407, 425, 443, 459, 479, 497

Notices to Correspondents, 9, 27, 47, 65, 83, 101, 119, 137, 157, 175, 195, 213, 23 <, 251,275, 299,321, 341, 361, 379, 399, 417, 435, 453, 471, 489

Noxious Fumes from Manufactories, 155

Oberon Experiments at Portsmouth, 454

Obituary ;—

Beyer, Mr. Charles Frederick, 439

Bouch, Mr. AV., 63

Chesney, R.A., Lieutenant-Colonel, 206

Davenport, Mr. S. T., 25

Marsden, Mr. Aiderman, 49

Martin, Mr., 216

Mitchell, Mr. Joseph, 49

Napier, Mr. Robert, 491

Ruasell, Mr. Edward, 13

btimers, Mr., 467

Stirling. Mr. James, 42

Oblique Fire, 137

Oldham Borough Survey, 472

Ore, Smelting Magnetic, 44

Ore Trade, Tire Spanish, 232

Output of Lead Mines, 327

Paddle-wheels, Aston’s, 299, 321, 373, 433

Painting Machinery, 226

Papers before Technical Societies, Reading and Discussing, 279, 296

Paris Exhibition, The Proposed, 842

Paris Steamboats, 277

Paris Tramways, 446

Patent Law, A Point of, 490

Patents for Inventions Bill, 1876, 138, 173, 175,178, 192, 209, 234, 248, 396

Patent Office, The, 253, 322, 401 418

Patent Office Publications, 433

Patent Office Rules, New, 411

Patent Specifications, 345, 359, 453

Patentees and the Crown, 158

Patentees, Official, 380

Pcrnot’s Puddling Furnace, 20, 30

Petroleum, Oil and Natural Gas, 30

Phenomena of Induction, Professor Ed win J. Houston. 188

Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 48, 319, 357 3(53, 399, 446, 462, 482

Allison, Messrs. W. C., Tube Coupling, 411

Beach’s Scroll Saw, 428

Bentel, Margedant, and Co., Messrs., Band Saw, 409

Bentel, Margedant, and Co., Messrs , Edge Moulding Machine, 412

Bentel, Margedant, and Co., Messrs., Universal Boring Machine. 412

Bentcl, Margedant, and Co., Messrs., Universal Wood Worker, 409

Brayton Hydrocarbon Engine, 485

Cask-making Machinery, 427, 431

Corliss and Co., Messrs. George H., 1400-H.P. Beam

Engine, 413

Daughaday, Mr., Model Press, 412

Ferns and Miles, Messrs., Steam Hammer, 485

Gimson and Coltman, Messrs., Cardigan Jacket Weaving Machine, 391

Hoskin, Mr., Sheet Metal Gauge, 411

Map of the Building site and Grounds, 392

Merriman’s Power Punching. 485

Pennsylvania Diamond Drill Co.’s Boring Machine, 447

Plan of Machinery Hall, 410; Section of Hall, 412

Prizes for Reports on Machinery, 436

Sanson, Mr., Cloth Cutting Machine, 393

Sawing Machinery. 447

Sutcliffe, Messrs., Middlings Purifier, 391

Thorne, De Haven, and Co., Messrs., Portable Drilling Machines, 485

Wood Working Machinery, 427, 428, 430, 450, 463

Phosphor Bronze Company, The, 139

Phosphoric Acid, 22

Photographing Old Buildings and Streets, 362

Piece-work, 47; 251, Is it Desirable under any Conditions, 87

Pier at Huelva, Spain, Ore Shipping, Mr. G. R. Bruce, M.I.C.E., 360, 363, 372, 374. 375

Pipe Boring and Turning Lathe, Messrs. Hind and Son, 60

Pit Guides of Bar Iron, 208

Plimpton versus Malcoimson, 83

Pneumatic Steering Apparatus, Mr. Baird, 13

Poggendorf’s Method of Comparing Electro-motive Forces, 141

Powder for very Heavy Guns, 185

Precautions to be taken against Fire on Board Ships,

Prime Mover, Mr. Head’s, 296, 319, 858

Private Bills in Parliament, 49, 67, 85, 103, 138, 158, 177, 196, 214, 233, 253, 276. 322, 342, 362, 381

Prompt and Determined Action, 49

Propeller, The Patent Horizontal, 359

Propellers, Efficiency of Screw, 119

Propontis, Boilers of the, 66, 77, 149

Propulsion, Marine, 88

Prussian Mines, 382

Pubiic Works in India, 68, 86 ; Transport of Materials,

Puddler’s Wages in the States, 186

Puddling Furnace, Roundoak Ironworks, Casson-

Dormoy, 340, 343

Puddling, Macintire’s Mechanical, 271, 272

Puffing Billy, The, 451, 454

Pulverised Coal in Cupolas, 198

Pump for Collieries, Messrs. Hayward Tyler and

Co. s, Direct-Acting Steam, 152,154

Pump and Engine, Combined Centrifugal, Messrs.

Lawrence and Porter, 208

Pump, Messrs. Tangye Bros., “Special” Steam, 467

Pumping Engine for the Hull Waterworks, Messrs.

Smith, Pender, and Co., 131, 133, 136, 156

Pumping Engine at the Lehigh Zinc Works, U.S.A., Mr. John West, Messrs. Meyrick, Engineers, 446, 470, 472, 488, 491 (See Supplement of June 16, 1876)

Pumping and Winding Engines, Messrs. Hathorn, Davies, and Co., 298, 300

Pumps, Centrifugal, 210

Pumps, Double-action, 248

Pumps and Injectors, 417

Pumps, Steam, 193, 235

Pyrometer, Hobson’s Hot Blast, South Kensington Loan Collection, 484

Radiometric Experiments in Germany, Some Recent, 454

Radiometer, Theories of the, 104

Railway Capital Expenditure during the Year Ending Dec. 1875, 315, 358

Railway Matters, 7, 21, 41,59, 81, 99, 113, 135, 151, 169, 189, 207, 225, 249, 273, 297, 323, 338, 355, 377, 397. 415, 429, 449, 465, 487

Railway Traffic in Bad Weather, 300

Rails, Russian Steel, 419

Rams, Hydraulic, 3, 30, 62, 80, 98, 117, 141, 159, 160, 193, 210 '

Rankin, Mr. R., Tobacco Pipe-making Machines, Messrs. Steven and Struthers, Manufacturers, 438

Reaping and Binding Machine, Mr. Wood, 22

Refrigerating Apparatus at the Chelsea Glaciarium,

Mr. Gamgee’s, 378, 381

Richards, Mr. W., Water Meter, 50

Rifle, The Martini-Henry, 138

Risdon Ironworks, Compound Pumping Engine,

Crown Point, Nevada, 187, 194, 210

Riveting the Hulls of Iron Ships by Machinery, 472

Road Rollers and Local Authorities, Steam, 84

Robertson, Osburne, and Co., Messrs., Brown’s

Exhaust Confection Pan and Engine, 226

Rock Drill, The Kainotoman, Messrs. Brydon and Davidson, 209

Rolling Stock, Railway, 232

Root Boiler, Evaporative Economical Efficiency of a, 351

Roumanian Railway System, 187

Rover, Engines of H.M S., 324, 358

Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 492

Russia, Protection in, 454

Russian Cyclads, 75, 93

Russian Railways, 116

St. George’s Hospital, Failure of a Tank at, 436, 455 Saw Making in the States, 13 ’

Saxby and Farmer, Messrs., Signal Locking Apparatus at Waterloo, 87

Schwimmthor on the Donau Canal, Vienna, 187, 190, 235, 296

Scientific Apparatus Exhibition, 486

Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington, 341, 352 371, 376, 389, 425, 481, 481

Screws in Casings, 84

Seal, The Great, 296

Secretary of State for War’s Trial of the 38-Ton Gun,

Secretary Taft, 322

Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Messrs., Portable Key way Drilling Machine, 187

Shears for Toulon Dockyard, Mr. R. H. Tweddellte Hydraulic, 208, 248

Shears, 120-Ton. Sir W. Armstrong and Co., 186, 193 Sheffield District, 17, 35, 55, 73, 99, 108, 126, 144, 165, 183, 202, 221, 238, 260,285, 306,330, 348, 369,386. 406 425, 442, 459 478, 496 ’

Sheffield WaterSupply, 276

Ships, Iron and Tested, 296

Ships of War, Double-Ended, 435

Signal Locking Apparatus at Waterloo Terminw.% Messrs. Saxby and Farmer, 87

Signals, Mr. Aird’s Audible Railway, 69, 117, 140 159 192, 234, 248 * ’

Signals, Automatic, 300

Signals, Fog, 37, 46, 98, 235

Silicate Cotton as a Clothing for Boilers, 52

Skate Trade, The, 176

Skates, Historical Notes on Roller, 85, 102, 121, 129, 159, 167, 185, 205, 223, 241, 263, 287

Slate Trade of North Wales, 116

Smith, Pender, and Co., Messrs., Pumping Engines for the Hull Waterworks, 131, 133, 136, 156

Society of Arts, 262, 354

Society, The Chemical

Action of Chlorine on Acetamide, Dr. E. W. Prevost, .493

Action of the Copper Zinc Couple on Potassium Chlorate and Perchlorate, Mr. H. Eccles, 302

Action of Malt Extract on Starch, Mr. C. O’Sullivan, 419

Action of Sulphuric Acid on Naphthaline, Dr. Sten-house and Mr. C. E. Groves, 302 .

Action of Water and of Various Saline Solutions on Copper, Mr. T. Carnellay, 394

Alkaloid obtained from Jaborandi, its Platinic Compound and their Formula), Mr. C. T. Kingzett. 493

Aluminium Nitride and the Action of Aluminium on Sodium Carbonate at a High Temperature, Prof. J. W. Mallet, 464

Benzene in Rosin Light Oils, Mr. Watson Smith, 394

Bismuth Compounds, Part II., Mr. M. M. P. Muir, 393

Chemical Studies, Prof. Dewar, 493

Chromic and Perchromic Acids, Mr. T. Fairley, 464', Compounds of Antimony Pentachloride with Alcohols and with Ether, Mr. W. Carleton Williams, 493

Crystallising Glycerine, Dr. P. F. von Hamel Roos, 301

Determining Mineral Strength of Soils by Means of Water Culture, Mr. G. A. Hight. 394

Estimation of Hydrogen Occluded by Copper with Special reference to Organic Analysis, Dr. J. L. Thudicum and Dr. H. W. Hake, 419

Estimation of Mercury, Prof. Tuson and Mr. E. Neison, 464

Estimation of Nitrogen, Mr. Fairley, 464

Formation of Anthrapurpurin, Mr. W. H. Perkin, F.R.S., 123

Gases Enclosed in Cannel Coals and in Jet, Mr. J. W. Thomas, 419

Glycoro-phosphoric Acid and its Salts as obtained from the Phosphorine Constituents of the Brain, Dr. J. L. W. Thudicum and Mr. C.. T. Kingzett, 393

Hemine, Hematine, and a Phosphorised Substance contained in Blood Corpuscles, Dr. J. L. W. Thudicum and Mr. C. T. Kingzett, 464

High Melting Points, Mr. C. Carnelley. 123

Isometric Relations of Thallium, Prof. Thorpe, 302

Metachromisro, Mr. W. Ackroyd, 123

Metaxenol, Dr. II. E. Armstrong and Mr. Gaskell, 419

Method for Estimating Bismuth Volumetrically, Mr. M. M. P. Muir, 67

Narco tine, Cotarnine and Hydrocotarnine, Part IV. On Oxy narcotine, a new Opium Educt, and its Relationship to Narcotine and Narceine, Dr. Wright and Mr. G. H. Beckett, 67

Natural Carbon Dioxide from various sources, Prof.

W. N. Hartley, 464

New and Convenient form of Ureometer, Dr. J. G. Blackley, 493

Nomenclature of the Carbon Compounds, Dr. H.E.

Armstrong, 302

Note on the Perbromates, Mr. M. M. P. Muir, 493

Note on Sebate of Cobalt, Mr. E. Nelson, 67

Note on some Trials of Frankland and Armstrong’s Combustion Process in Vacuo, Dr. Thudicum anc Mr. Kingzett, 464

On some Points in the Analysis of Potable Waters Prof. Frankland, 148, 301

Peroxides, Mr. T. Fairley, 464

Phenomen aaecompanying the Electrolysis of Watei with Oxidisable Electrodes, Dr. J. H. Gladstone and Mr. A. Tribe, 419

Physico-Chemical Research, Prof. Andrews, F.R.S.. 382

Preparation of the Hydro-Carbons, Diphenyl and Isodinaphthyl, and on the Action at a High Temperature of Metallic Chlorides on certain Hydro-Carbons, Mr. Watson Smith. 393

Reactions of Biliverdin, Dr. Thudicum, 393

Relation between Chemical Constitution and Colouring Power in Aromatic Substances, Dr. 0. Witt, 393

Researches on the Reduction of Nitric Acid and on the Oxides of Nitrogen, Part I. On the Gas Evolved by the Action of Metals on Nitric Acid, Dr. Armstrong and Mr. Allworth, 493

Simultaneous Action of Iodine and Aluminium on Ether and Compound Ether, Prof. Gladstone and Mr. Tribe, 493

Stibine, Mr. F. Jones, 302

Sulphuric Anhydride, Dr. R. Messel and Dr. W.

Squire, 327

Thallium Chlorate, Mr. J. Muir, 302

Use of Platinum in the ultimate Analysis of Carbon Compounds, Mr. Thopfee, 302

Visit to the Royal Arsenal, 186

Volatility of Barium, Strontium, and Calcium, Prof. J. W. Mallet, 493

Society of Civil and Mechanical Engineers, 467 Permanent Way, Mr. W. C. Street, Assoc. Inst C.E., 120

Society of Engineers, 98, 376. 448, 453, 472

Air Compression, Mr. James Steel, C. E., 473 Channel Tunnel, The, Mr. P. F. Nursey, 172,197 Flues and Ventilation, Mr. A. II. C. Trewman, 364 Ventilation of Buildings, Mr. J. W. Pearse, 364 Visit to the Chelsea Glaciarium, 401

Visits to the London Small Arms Company, and the Wick-lane Paper Staining Works, Bow, 483

Society, King’s College Engineering:—

Beam Engine, Mr. Hawkins, 186

Blowing Engines, Mr. L. Glasson, 439

Description of Apparatus used in Raising Water, Mr. Anderson, 224

Heating and Ventilating, Mr. Guinness, 150

Heavy Ordnance, Mr. Disney, 103

Speed Indicators, Mr. Kirkman, 172

Steam and Continuous Brakes, Mr. Fleming, 224 'ociety, The Meteorological, 206, 331, 401

Aneroid Barometers, Hon. R. Abercromby, F.M.S., 139

Climate of Scarborough, F. Shaw, F.M.S., 486

Meteorology in India in Relation to Cholera, Col.

J. Puckles, 139

Notice of Upward Currents during the Formation and Passage of Cumulus and Cumulo-Stratus Clouds, Rev. J. Crompton, M. A., F. M.S., 486

Sixteen Months’ Rain at Bristol, Mr. W. F. Denning, F.M.S., 139

Suggestions on certain Variations, Annual and Diurnal, in Relation to the Barometric Gradient to the Force of the Wind, Rev. W. Clement Ley, M.A., F.M.S., 486

Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Chemical :

Gas Burners, Mr. J. Pattinson, 216, 326

Notes on a Visit to Chemical Works in Prance in 1875, Mr. R. C. Clapham, 112

Society for the Promotion of Scientific Industry : —

Colliery Ventilation, Mr. Aiderman Taylor, 58 Society, The Royal, 248

| Society, The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic, 469

i Solar Heat Applied as Motive Power, 103

I South Kensington Museum, 45, 67, 86, 103, 120, 146, 151, 184, 222, 240, 286, 319, 338, 352, 388, 407, 428, 459, 493

' South Yorkshire Coalfield, Water in the, 472

Spike Extractor, Mr, W. Devine. 42

Staffordshire Mines, Drainage of, 362

Stand-Pipe for Bloomington, Ill., H. M. P. Birkinbine, 51

Steam Sapper in France, The, 67

Steamships, Surveying of Passenger. 300

Steam in the United States Navy, 25

Steel, Mild, 296

Steel in Russia, 25

Steel, Siemens versus Bessemer, 296

Steel, The Strength of Forged, 471

Stepney Railway Bridge, Removal by Messrs. Handyside, 390

Stockwell, Mr., Tubular Life Boat, 395

Stop-cock, Messrs. J. Dewrance and Co , 226

Stoppage of the Devonport Dockyard Ropery, 13

Stone’s Boiler Coating, 80

Stoves, The Battle of the, 120

Strength of Materials, Transverse Strains, 141

Strikes, 472

Sulphate of Alumina for Precipitation of Sewage, 469

Surface Plates, 468

Swaithe Main Colliery Explosion, 214

Swing Bridge at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 469

Swiss Factory Acts, 472

Tangye Bros., Messrs., Boiler Shell Testing Machine, 115

Tangye, Bros., Messrs , Special Steam Pump, 467

Tannin Testing Apparatus, M. Muntz, 171

Tanning Plant, A New, 211

Target, Tne Shannon, 119

Technical College for Glasgow, Proposed, 86

Telegraph Wires, Suspended, 214

Telegraphers, The Snares of, 195

Temcraire, The, 360

Temple Bar, 342

Thames Floods Prevention Act, 42

Thames Steam Ferry Boat, 158, 326

Thieves and Science, 158

Thompson Infernal Machine, The, 23

Thompson and Sterne, Messrs., Universal Grinders, 187

Time, Astronomical, 31

Torpedo Accidents, 472

Torpedo Explosion at Portsmouth, 481

Tourville, Launch of the, 248

Trade Marks, Instructions to Persons applying for ' Registration, 5

Trade Marks, Registration of, 67, 102, 342, 373, 395

Trade Marks Registry Office, 28, 138

Trade Marks Rules, The, 29, 31, 342

Traders, Beware, 196

Trades Union Amenities, 49

Tram Car Accidents, 400

Tram Car, Grantham’s Steam, 396

Tram Car, M. Mekarski, 149, 153

Tram Car for Vienna, Steam, Mr. E. Wood s M.I.C E. 357

Tram Cars, 30 '

Tram Cars, Steam, 141. 159, 232, 3i3, 399

Tramways in Spain, 103

Tramways, Steam, 296

Transport of Materials in India, 78

Trials with the Mekarski Automotor for Tramways, 20

Tungsten and Iron. Mr. R. Akerman, On the Relation between, 206

Tunnel, The Channel, 23. 472

Tweddell, Mr. R. H., Hydraulic Shears for Toulon Dockyard, 20S, 248

Uchatius Projectiles, 117

United States’ Corps of Engineers, 51

United States, Free Trade in the, 490

United Stites Naval Engineer Corps, 272

United States, The Proposed Tariff Changes in the, 133

Valves, Safety, 358

Vanguard. Loss of the, 158

Vanguard, Raising the, 20, 272

Ventilation, 395, 483

Vessels, Survey of, 319

Vicars’ Self-stoking Furnace, 112

Wages and Railways, 215

Wages in the United States, 44

Walesand Adjoining Counties, 18, 36, 56, 74, 91, 109, 127, 145, 165, 183, 203, 221. 239. 261, 285, 307, 331, 349, 369, 387, 407, 425, 413, 459, 479, 497

War Maps, 472

Waterage Money, 45

Water Fittings, Regulations as to, 322

Water Flowing through a Nozzle, Mr. James Brownlee, On the Action of, 452

Water Supply, 213

Water Supply, Independent or Dependent, 342

Water Supply of Loudon, 309

Water Supply of Small Towns, 158

Waterloo Supply in South Yorkshire, 102

Water from Surface Condensers, 25

Water Tube Boilers, 93

Waterwitch, The, 300

Waterworks, The Vienna, 489

Weights and Measures, 68

West Riding Towns, Sewage of the, 362

What is a Sirike, 452

Wigzell and Ramsden, Messis., Water Tube Boilers, 313, 316

Williams, The J. B.; Towing Boat, Mr. A. Hartupee, Engineer, 416, 419. 420, 434, 438

Wind Power of a Storm, 318

Winding Engine, Double Cylinder, Messrs. Davey

Paxman, and Co., 140

Woodcroft, -Mr. Bennet, 176

Wood, Mr., Reaping and Binding Machine, 22

Woods, M.I.C.E., Mr. E , Steam Tram Car for Vienna, 357

Workmen, Energetic, 84, 120

Workmen, English and Belgian, 13

Workmen, Increasing Improvidence of our, 44, 62

Workmen and Machinery, 120

Workmens’ Dwellings Improvement Company, 103

Yarrow and Co., Messrs., Steam Yachts, 382

Zuyder Zee, Draining the, 2

See Also


Sources of Information